10 Things That Require Little Explanation
It is no mystery that people like to overcomplicate things. There always has to be a new answer around every corner, and what we have is never good enough. The more we all think that there is more, the more the thought loops will continue to give us different answers. Even though they are slight, it is what drives us to keep looking for more obtuse and silly questions. We are all easily satisfied with our delusions, but we are simply satisfying our ability to ignore concrete truth. While this is a problem that everyone seems to deal with, many of us at least attempt a reasonable discussion. There are more than 10 things that require little explanation, but this is a start. If my obsessive writing tendencies do not get in the way, most of it should make sense.
Unfortunately, we live our lives by things beyond our control, but many of us can see through it. Just because we are here does not mean that new things always have to be true. We all are simply living out an existence turning everything into something while doing the same rudimentary things. If we take a step too far into obscurity, we will find problems with just about anything. A few of us may even have a problem with the word new and think that it word is confusing. I will not be able to list everything I wish to say, but keeping it simple is the point. The only thing you should take from this is that things are made too complicated in any number of ways. Reality is reality no matter how much or little you describe it. These are the 10 things that should require little explanation.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
1. Life
While life seems like a hard nail to hammer, the basic facts of life are fairly simple. It may elude people, but this is because people are trying to put too much meaning into it. There are ways we can manipulate things, which is the part of practical science that can make things so difficult to understand. Although, is it really that complicated, especially when the point is to keep it as simple as possible. Even if it seems like something subjective or hard to explain, it is not an exaggeration to say that people are lacking reasonable thinking skills. Nothing here is new, as people have discussed this far too much in the past. Sometimes the answer is in it’s ambiguity, but not in this case. This is why people should avoid making facts too much or little based on what other’s say.
Most people want to think that life entails so much, and if they faulter, life has no meaning. They fall for the same thing again and again for the same reasons only to say that life is what you make of it. While these tidbits of motivational speaking seem tripe, they generally are. The people saying them truly lack the hard understanding it requires to be able to see through the bullshit. In some circumstances, it can be understandable to go deep, but it takes little away from this argument.
I should also mention that time is just distance and god is not real in at least the traditional sense. In lives as an ever-living concept in many people’s minds, as it is hard to let go of. There are two kinds of life — cellular life and sentient life made of cellular life. There is only one kind of neuron, and this is why it is hard to believe that life just happens everywhere. At this point, the meaning of these words gets thrown out the window anyway.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
2. Facts
Some people think that facts are things that describe words instead of facts being described by words. This may be hard to understand for some people, but this is where they are missing the point. If you are being controlled by your desire, you can then go and say that life is grand and facts are not real. This is a common nihilistic philosophy, and it affects more people than you think. It is also important to try your best to understand that what I say should not be taken too far. There are facts, and this should be understood without someone’s brain creating an escape route. If it didn’t happen, then nothing you can do with words will change it. Is it that hard to understand? A fact is a fact, but it takes more than saying a fact to prove a fact.
There are too many ivory towers that people try to hide behind to shelter their meek existence in the real world. If we become too lost in language, we begin to have problems like the ones we have now. Instead of using your intelligence to find useless faults in language as facts, we should try better to keep it simple. We can be verbose, but this is only an obsession or vice we should partake in for fun. Whatever floats your boat is great and all, but this barely comes to terms with the problem. It is also an unfortunate fact that people can try to act like they care when they actually do not. Someone will accept and claim reasonable fact one second, then take the same passion to push a ludicrous idea the next.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
3. Words
Words to most people seem like things that need to be explained extensively, but they are not. If a word is a concept, then keeping it simple and easy should be the goal. Unfortunately, many people lack the actual critical thinking to be able to solve things properly. This kind of collective delusion is the thing that can make the most sensible person go crazy. This is all fine and dandy, but people have a tendency to get lost in words and their meanings. Actions speak louder than words, but words and concepts should not confuse people so much. After this, people will do and believe things that are not true. It should also be noted that our explanations are facts in the fact that they happen.
Yes, language has it’s faults, but a lot of people overlook this and other problems introduced with it. This is not a vague abstraction, but it is not denying that people tend to play word games to avoid smite. The point of most words is to describe something, not to make it more complicated by claiming we do not know. Even if they claim foul on this, they are still the ones playing the game too naively to know any better. While it may all be a joke to someone, there is importance in trying to at least understand a little. There are more people than you think who do this, and to them, it is not a joking matter. No matter what, facts are facts, no matter how you slice and dice them. We simply explain through the facts.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
4. Reality
Reality unfortunately eludes way too many people to the point of thinking that we like in a matrix. We even have people who believe that a cat in a box may still be alive in some other timeline. If they do not believe it, they are certainly open to it. Superposition is their philosophy, and reading the stars is the guide for their judgement of others. While we all have an effect on each other, but many of us cannot even reach this point. Subjectivity is the name of the game, and people love to live their lives by it. Those who argue their way with others while standing on the easy side proves little to make their point.
There is explaining too much, but there is also explaining too little that contributes to the same problem. While a cartoon is created in reality, it really is not something that is real. People claim that there is a delusionary matrix, but the description of this story happens to not be true. We can all find problems with just about any word or concept in existence. If the idea is impossible, you will also find it hard to think of it. Unless you figure out the problem, which is your thought not being possible, you will struggle. There is also an important distinction between your brain space and what actually exists in reality. The problem with most people is that this degree of discrepancy does not even consciously reach this far.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
5. Art
Remember, we made the needless word art, but people like to abuse it left and right. Some people like to turn everything into art, and others like to have a specific definition. Everyone has their reasons for thinking one thing or the next. Even if it seems like am offering the same vagueness, I really am not. It is hard to describe the stupidity of some people out there, but it is actually very easy. Is this what everyone else is doing, because I tend to think that it is not. While it may seem like a simple nail in the coffin, it is easy to critique both sides of this argument. The word itself had a meaning, then we decided to ruin it with our desired intellectual pursuits. I mean, art is worth a thousand words, right? Maybe a thousand words is not so bad.
There is a creative need in some people to keep things interesting and vague. No word is perfect and people will disagree, but to act as if art is hard to understand regardless of definition is silly. To understand all aspects of this word is caused by a vapid understanding of concepts and language. It is not based on the definitions people are willing to believe, as it is a concept that represents something.
I would argue that art is using materials to create an image. If you want to think of art as something more abstract, then fine, but the general concept is still here. It just happens to be a matter of fact that this is not enough or “too much” for many people. If you are going to be clever, at least try a little harder. The degree to which these are all overcomplicated varies quite a bit.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
6. Love
Everyone loves to intellectualize just about everything, but it really serves no purpose other than self-gratification. We can sit and talk about these silly things all we want, but it will not change the facts. Love is another one of those words that people seem to not be able to let go off when trying to understand it. There is not much to understand, but it is not as simple as others think. People make numerous assumptions when using this word, describing a simple concept of affection. Is this such a hard word to understand, and is it also this simple. Love is a word that needs little to be explained about it and it’s origin. Am I reaching more when explaining this, or are other people reaching more doing everything else with it.
When people try to overcomplicate things, this is where it becomes useless. Not everyone does it, but many of you are probably doing many of these things right now when reading this. Undermining explanations too much is not okay except for in the right context of understanding it. The more we like to argue that we do not have facts, the more we are part of the problem. If there are no facts, then why even have the discussion to begin with. A debate would be needless and impossible, but it depends on the meaning and lack of clarity in discussion. Unfortunately, a lack of clarity is intentional at times, as intention is always a part of it. When you care for someone, you really do not need to describe it, do you.
Assuming that other people are real, which they are, we are all in the same world. We are all stuck in a reality in spite of our preconceived notions of what existence entails. These notions are simply another way for us to show ourselves in the existence that is actually real. Unless we are living in a world with fact gaps, you cannot get away with avoiding the truth if you come across it. There is denial, but there is no not living the truth. It just means that you like to think that something else is true. Are we living in your contradictory world of rules where this is possible, or is someone delusional. Try to hash it out by having a decent conversation.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
7. Morality
Ethics, or morality, as the religious like to say, is a guide for our judgement of others. We all like to have debates about what is right and wrong, but little is ever done about it. Many of us can wisp ourselves away in talking past each other and looking at stupid things as important. There is a right and wrong, but we all commit it every day. Others of us are just born or raised to think differently. We are also all prone to misguidance through what happens to us, especially in our youth. If we cannot connect these dots properly, things like harm prevention become difficult to understand.
Nihilists love to believe that ethics is not real, and religious people like to embody good and evil through characters. It may be hard to understand, but the ethics most people use harkens back to an archaic age. There should also be mention that people lend credibility to fake notions or existence far too often. While it may be said that religion makes a better person, I would argue that it does not. Actively avoiding the truth and going in to prove your bias is the first breaking rule of the scientific method. Even if you cannot follow, I am still making a salient point in excess to drive home a more complicated idea for others. I may not be describing it the best, but at least I am trying to make a concrete point.
Unfortunately, some people may struggle with the words better and worse as well. At this point, we should just have a discussion about how other words describe this better. I should also state that you are probably not the person this is meant for. Words are for everyone though, and they should be used by everyone properly. Trying to understand each other is a problem, but the understanding of concepts is the main issue. If you are not willing to take things to their logical conclusion, then you are screwed. Even smart people can have this struggle, but at least they can understand the basics. Harm is bad, but we are all susceptible to this pain and pleasure. We can all do bad things for different reasons, and some of us do them worse maliciously.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
8. Evil
Evil is another word and concept people like to drive into an intellectual rabbit hole. People like to aqueous to silly notions in their head more than staying on the same page. Just because you cannot think of it, does not make a fact any less true. The concept itself is fairly dumb, but there is a meaning behind it. People who use the word meaning generally come from a religious background. A purification of true evil is described as something that can break free and cause harm and deceive. It is used as a ying to the yang in a context of control and going against the leaders. It is a concept with little context in general use, but is often ham-fisted with meaning all of the time. If you are not willing to do a little bit of research and mind cleansing, then you will remain lost.
There is meaning you can give a word and then there is a concept’s actual meaning. We can apply it to our every day lives and associate it with people with sociopathy or Hitler. My problem with this word is just how often people beg the stupid question. This means that if you have problems with words, you will never get to the bottom of anything. Just understand that the word is dumb, but we can use it reasonably. Even if others may not like it does not mean that a description of you as evil cannot be used. It may never work for some people, but even words like never have simple meanings. All you have to do is try and know what I mean.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
9. Intelligence
When comparing our brains, things can get tricky. We can get lost, or we can understand that someone is actually smarter than someone else. There is an overwhelming desire to overcomplicate this word, and there are even multiple definitions. It is still a matter of fact that if smarter exists, you will certainly detect it. Even if you could not, someone is certainly more intelligent than the other. Some people are obviously more intelligent than others, while for other comparisons, it is hard to tell. There are others who think that stupid is a hard concept to nail as well. Intelligence is having intelligence, and you either have more or less of it. We all have it, it is just a matter of how much we have it relative to others.
It is not just me making this a problem and breathing irony into the air, as many people do it poorly. Measuring these things can be difficult, but it has bled into the meaning of the word for many. The problem here is that too many people care about intelligence for all of the wrong reasons. If we cannot even detect a difference when it is obvious, this is a problem. Being smart is about making it simple, but it really is not that simple. Having to overcome simplicity to reach an answer is not an ironic thing to say either. There is such a thing as intelligence, but people overstate it way too much. This is why most people have feelings, but feelings are not enough or the full answer. They cannot describe themselves and fall for the bluster of inadequate description.
10 Things That Require Little Explanation
10. Cause and Effect
Cause and effect is one of those concepts that most people have a hard time with. While we cannot change what will happen, we can still be the difference as it plays out. People seem to like to talk about freewill and determinism as they sip their coffee and smoke their cigarette. Even though it is often the wrong side driving this discussion, the people arguing for truth are culpable as well. There is nothing complicated about the concept as they confuse it in discussions about determinism. When the idea clicks, it is the only thing that truly makes sense about where we are. At this point, we should discuss the word mistake, too.
If having a protracted conversation about it is your thing, then have fun with it. You will do things, but there is very little you can do about the situation you are stuck in. You can have your discussion, but to turn it into anything else is a waste of time. The cause and effect universe that encapsulates us gives us no true freedom. You are free in the sense that you are no longer in a serial killer’s basement, but that is it. There is statement in this word, and this is most of the meaning that it has. Once the first dice falls, everything else with fall into place. While it seems simple enough, it is not for too many people. If anything, I may just be describing the obvious for myself.
Any freedom you sense is contrived, but this takes little away from the power or meaning behind it. There are even people out there who believe in silly ideas like time travel and teleportation. Even if an idea is “internally consistent” and executed well, it still has it’s faults in it’s simplicity. We are still here and allowed to say what we want to say, at least to some degree. While there is always more to say and much I have missed, I did try to keep it simple. Maybe you can try to fill in some of those gaps yourself with more of what I intended to say. It just sucks that a lot of this happens to be open for discussion.
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