The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
When we take a look at life and how it treats us, we should all decide to react with disgust. There is inequality everywhere, and there is often no one there to help alleviate it. While it may seem like a stretch, there are some of us that have it worse than others. It can boil down to our sex or gender, but it can also entirely depend on something more personal. Regardless, everyone has a problem, and the results never end in terms of fairness. This can ultimately lead to large groups of people being discriminated against in forms of brutal exacerbation. Although there is no true fairness, at least without issue, we can try our best to make it happen. Unfortunately, deserve has nothing to do with it, and we are entirely screwed. These are the 10 amazing arguments in favor of feminism.
Just understand that these are the true arguments made by a true feminist. There are plenty of rational arguments, but the list would be too long, and the title would be too difficult. We should all come to an agreement without disagreeing so much. In fact, the subtlety is too much to bear, so you will need to leave before it is too late. Every person has their reasons for doing things, but some things that we do are unacceptable anyway. Unfortunately, people are going to be “people,” and we will all have to deal with the consequences, regardless. Before the time of modern culture, they were feeding grapes to men while being covered in drapes. This is the way to keep the motion in ocean, but we have move on from those ancient Greek methods. In the end, it’s just an exercise.
Why is This in Quotes? How is this capitalized? I’m confused.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
1. The Arguments Against It
If you want to dive headfirst into lunacy once again, then jump aboard the looney train to begin with. When you try to discuss topics with an ardent misogynist, you will be met with an antithetical debate. The arguments often lead nowhere, and you will become relegated to a life of debauchery. If you find that a conversating about pretentious folly is worth your time, then you are sorely mistaken. Although some of the arguments that these mostly men but sometimes women bring up are fine, they often lead nowhere good or reasonable. Our reasons do matter, and if we hide behind a plethora of excuses, the goal becomes lost in hindsight. In fact, the more you make poorly thought-out choices, the more you will be discussing race before you know it.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
2. The Reasons For The Discussion
There’s no doubting that people often make their arguments for the wrong reasons. When it comes to feminism, it’s no different than anything else. If we want to keep things intact, then we will have to be willing to put up a fight. Although they may be lost to ambiguity, the arguments that reinforce feminism are numerous. Some people can become extreme, but an understanding of the history and overall context make an everlasting impact. It’s not to say that everyone is a clown or a batshit looney coming straight from the bin, but it’s certainly close. Everyone has their problems, but most people tend to ignore them. It does not matter which side it is on, but the rationality is wailing. Women have been subjugated for far too long, and it’s about time we turn the problem around.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
3. The Opposition is Vocal, Benign, and Stupid
Oftentimes, when you go on social media websites like Facebook, you will see pseudo philosophers mulling about. They hide behind pretentious wordage, grammar, and foresight, but all they are actually doing is keeping themselves intact. When push comes to shove, all of their meanderings turn to dust with one simple claim that truly explains them. We can all change, but some people never will, even if others who never had a problem do so. This is the problem with most people, and the point to take away is that not everyone is in the wrong. If we choose to have a battle over silly notions or complex ideas, we can have battles over the silly narratives. The conclusion can lead to more militant ends, but neither extreme is necessarily bad even if one of them is better.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
4. Understanding The History is Important
Many of the items on this list seem somewhat vague so far, but the vapidity will soon dissipate. There are reasons to ignore the subject, even when you are writing a personal dialogue. When the mention of women fills the room, it often breeds hate or a steadfast desire for confrontation. If they are not here for us to have sex with, then what good are they anyway. These are the typical questions that many men and even women ask themselves, and it leads to questionable ends. We can all be the martyrs of our own destiny, but the history of women’s suffrage and victimization are clear. The rules of cause and effect are still in play, and the end result is ultimately going to happen anyway. If we choose to fight it, we are reading our own script of abuse anyway.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
5. The Logical Difference Between Sexes
There are an endless amount of people out there who look for reasons to tuck their tails. Although this metaphor describes a specific subset of human being, it goes beyond that. A concept of prosecution enters the average layman’s head and leads to foul judgement of gender. You cannot make everyone happy, but everyone is essentially the same in function to some degree. When we struggle with our personal lives, e.g., beliefs, struggles, and even appearance, is where the major difference occurs. Women often deal with domestic abuse and have to worry about rape far more often than men. They are also weaker and have to fend for themselves in more undermining ways. The advocation seems misplaced, and some will be able to take what they can get from others.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
6. The Abuse That Women Deal With
The arguments some misanthropic men use against women are raunchy enough for you to wipe your ass with. Unfortunately, some people fight back in wholly negative ways, although the gesture is often warranted. The so-called stronger women will call a man a “simp,” which is a woman-pleasing man who is simply looking for attention. For those under a rock, this is patronizing new age lingo; this often does little to help. While it is reasonable to point people out for their misgivings, the result may leave much to be desired. It almost seems like a derogatory statement, but it’s the justification that seems well justified. People often give themselves away, but not everyone is a dimwit with negative intentions. However, it may be worth it, and it is in fact well rationalized, regardless.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
7. The Simplicity of It
Most people who think to scoff at feminism are ignorant, and it can inevitably lead to violence. The average human will decide to become wrapped up in their emotions; however, some rudeness is accepted. We all make mistakes when dealing with others, and this battle of utility can often create caricatures. Thankfully, you can still hate certain women in your life for good reason and still be a feminist. Even if the opposite sex infuriates you to some degree, understanding the rights of women is not such a challenge. Some feminists need to understand this, but the world is often shortsighted and nonnegotiable. If we have to, we can always give others a chance by educating them. You see, the more you know about feminism, the smarter you actually are.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
8. Everyone Can Get Along
It almost seems like an unwritten rule, but women tend to adore assholes. Even if the man mistreats them, they will continue to get a pass in spite of their mischievous behavior. When it is time to tell people to stop, it is often too late, and a lesson ends poorly in tragedy. Someone can cheat, or the other one can end up with a bad case of the “pink eye.” If we want to avoid this, we have to teach people to understand each other. Not only does it make people smarter, but it also makes people respect each other more. The more respect we have for each other, the more likely we are going to appreciate them. As cliched as it sounds, it’s no worse than an idiot attempting to perfect grammar while talking about Nietzsche. In fact, it may just accomplish something in the end.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
9. It Teaches People A Lesson
Condescension and belittlement aside, there are no better ways to coerce someone than to threaten them. The threat can be veiled, but the opposition has to listen. When they don’t, then women are ready to turn their liking towards other women. They may even decide to shave their hair and become a contradictory dyke named Butch. This entirely makes sense, and it can serve as a lesson taught to men. If things get really ugly, they many even look for a nice guy; no one wants that. You see, you have to adhere to certain standards, and keeping your women in line the nice way is best. The guy who is too wimpy to do the wrong thing to begin with is not who girls should be looking at. We need to avoid this at all costs, and with a little bit of feminism, we can do the right thing.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
10. It Makes Life Easier
Nowadays, women have it mostly easy, but there are always new and interesting things to consider. They even have to make sure to scream at you because of your lack of concern for their problems. Also, remember that women have to do the dishes and clean the floor with a vacuum; these tasks are highly difficult. At this point, they want jobs and equal pay, and now it is time for men to become the women. They have to deal with menopause, hormonal shifts, and squeezing babies out of their vaginas. Everything here requires skill and is means that whoever is doing them is highly talented. Their rights have been stomped on in the past, and they were treated more as maids than butlers. If we simply listen to them, we can all get along, at least boorishly.
The 10 Arguments in Favor of Feminism
We can all see it, and it’s up to us to make a change. There needs to be a fight for women and their rights, and we can be the ones responsible. Although men have to be enlisted when a war breaks out, women are at home taking care of illegitimate children. When dealing with their periods is not enough, we have to exacerbate their lives by making them fat. They have to struggle with dealing with rapists and pillagers, and their abortion rights have been stifled. If we were all doing the right thing, females would have nothing to worry about. In fact, females would have no leg to stand on if we didn’t do all of these hideous things to them. Unfortunately, that would take all of the fun away for the average man. The present should not be a vice, but the world still needs a change.
The supreme court sucks, right? I have to be sure so that I can hit on that hipster chick at the mall later. Yes, I will unfortunately have to go to that woke feminist protest later on in the day. Someone even told me that she is good in bed and wears a jockstrap. That’s hot, but I will have to mention the armpit hair and unshaven mustache. In fact, these are unacceptable — it needs to stop now! I mean, you’re a feminist if you’re for women’s rights, right? If not, then you may have to take it further. This seems strange, but isn’t this overblown? I don’t know, but it does not mean that it is alright to just sit around, right? In the end, we will just have to sit back and take a look. The more we sit here and do nothing, the worse it becomes. Did that sound good enough? Good, just don’t take it personally!
The Guy Who Wants to Get in Your Pants
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