10 Best Ways to End All Life
We all know that it would happen at some point, and we should all get on it. Since the end of the world is something of an inevitability, there is no need in hiding it. The end is nigh, but this does not mean that the end is going to spell doom. There are plenty of ways we can go out in fashion, but the pain is the one thing we cannot ignore. Some ways are better than others, but no matter what, there are numerous ways to accomplish extinction. There is nothing wrong with entertaining the thought, and people in the antinatalist and efilist communities would agree. These are the 10 best ways to end all life on the planet.
Most of the time, life will try to find a way out of it’s doom and gloom. We could take a more rational approach by setting up childrearing policies, but people do not like this. Humanity is already going extinct anyway, as people are having less children. Just like cockroaches though, we will attempt to fight our fate, but the roach ultimately has the upper hand. The end is never fun, and it typically necessitates hard work. It usually requires a big red button, but the big red button is often the solution we have. There is no need for a literal big red button unless we deemed it so out of necessity. If anything, a blue button would do the job just as well, but if we wanted a big red button, we could push one when the time comes.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
1. Nuclear Bombs
The best way to end all life on the planet is through the use of nuclear weapons. We have more than enough bombs, and all we would have to do is strategically place them. There is the problem of properly placing them and getting everyone to tag along with their bombs; however, this should not be a problem. Everyone thinks that this would be a disaster, but at the same time, it is the most obvious choice we have. Not everyone has thought it through entirely, but it still remains our best option. Most people are simply too scared to accept the finality of the human species; we have left our temporary mark. This is simply too bad, but it goes to show the absence of dignity involved in every decision we make.
There is truly nothing else to accomplish except for the endless selfishness we decide to dissolve in when our end is nigh. It’s the only failsafe possibility we have, but the problem is that most people in charge would do little to condone this. Unfortunately, it is only a matter of time before we destroy ourselves anyway, so our time will come. There is no reason to try and avoid it though, as it is an inevitability that we can take care by ourselves now. The point of humanity is to progress far enough with technology to gain the means of self-destruction. If we do not do this, then we have not done the only reasonable thing we are obligated to do here.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
2. Meteor or Comet
If nuking everything withy atom bombs seems like too much of a stretch, then there are alternatives. The choice would seldom be ours, but the inadvertent use of a comet could come in handy. Even though we have little control over a comet or meteor, we could always be a little reckless. The more we ignore space debris, the more we can allow it to build up and hit us. If push comes to literal shove, then we can steer a comet towards Earth if the opportunity were to call. The only problem with this is that it would probably end up giving a lot of people time to think. We obviously do not want this, as it gives us more room to fail in our ultimate objective.
There is nothing like a surprise attack that no one can run away from. People would die before they have a chance to suffer, and it would all be happily ever after; staying here means that we all suffer more for no good reason. The only way to make this work properly is if the powers that be decided to keep it secret somehow. We already know that the comet would have to be big enough, but mother Earth said that any size will do. A massive tent that looked like the sky sounds like a great idea. If this does not work, then just convince them through the news that the comet is harmless. Enough people believe what they hear on the news that it would help keep this apocalypse a secret.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
3. Super Volcano
The old days during the great Roman city of Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius were fantastic. Everyone was turned to ash, and the smell of burnt flesh filled all of Italy. It was one of those cataclysmic events that made you question human voracity and survival. There is nothing like a super volcano erupting and destroying all of the life on the planet. Although, as the past would dictate, it is not so easy to destroy all of mankind. Many of these extinction-type events occurred during prehistoric times, and they still could not do all that much. If we found a way to make them all blow at once though, then we would have our money shot.
Most of these super volcanos exist underwater or on a coast, along with many of the major fault lines. It makes sense why humanity could not be destroyed, but there were also too few of us spread out. They could destroy the earth through us tampering with the tectonic plates, but that’s about it. If only there were more of these nipples of death and destruction to get the job done right. Thankfully, there are, but it will take more than sucking on momma’s patootie to get them going again. If we could only get every single super volcano to erupt at the exact same time. If this were the case, we would have a strong case for extinction that would provide zero means of escape.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
4. Massive Fire
We have all heard about those massive fires spreading all around California, but what if they were everywhere else. What if there were one massive fire that spanned the entire globe enough to start an extinction event. It could start with a volcano, or it could hypothetically begin because of lighter fluid and a match. There are plenty of opportunities for wildfire, but we constantly try to put them out. If we are not there to fight the flames, then the fire was not even big enough for the wind to extinguish. Instead of drinking that water, we are wasting it by spraying it all over a fire when trying to save ourselves.
If only we thought it were a good idea to let the fire keep going for once; we could see it’s potential damage. We could then set up trees everywhere and burn everyone else down with them. If this plan goes kaput, then there is the notion that we just light every individual person on fire. The best idea would probably involve using flamethrowers and gasoline on forests. After this, we would forcibly march people to their deaths by making them walk into the forest fires. To start, we would have to light our pets on fire, as killing anyone you can before you know the plan works is best.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
5. Massive Earthquake
If the other ideas were a little too straightforward, we could always go out with a song and dance. We could disrupt the tectonic plates underneath the earth’s surface and cause a massive earthquake. It would take a lot of work, but the effort would eventually pay off. There would be a ton of little earthquakes as well, but eventually, everyone would get cracked. While the idea is to gradually cause a massive earthquake, it may never happen. This means that a bunch of small shifts would have to get the job done right.
While the timeframe would still be short-term, the means of execution would struggle longer. Unfortunately, this would cause great difficulty and long-term hardship for much of the human race. We would end up seeing our dogs fly into mother nature’s crack and perish before we had our chance. This is the unfortunate fact of reality we have to live with if we are to choose this path. In the end, it would create massive difficulty, but it would be worth it. Humans have only proved themselves to deserve hardship, but they can also put up with it. There is no easy answer, and there is always a risk.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
6. Chemical Weapons
If we want to be a little bit messy, then we can ultimately use chemical weapons to murder everyone. It would not be nice or reasonable, but it would certainly get the job done. There would be a massive mess left over, but the side-effects of chemical induced attack would guarantee our demise. Other options include poisoning the water supply and other acts of chemical warfare and terrorism. It does not matter if it’s domestic or not, as long as the entire human race goes to sleep peacefully enough. The work would take a while to finish, but this should barely prove to be an issue. If there were enough people willing to get the job done, then we would be fine.
Our actions would ultimately seem dictatorial and borderline fascist, but the end goal is what matters most. There is no racism or discrimination involved, except for self-hating human and life racism. We would also eliminate our problems faster than they cropped up. This is why it is important to ignore dissenters, because they often get everything wrong. We could hide the intentions behind the misinformation of the news or simply accomplish everything by flushing it out. In the name of their emotions, they will choose to defy reasoning for the sake of themselves. This is the danger we have to look out for when trying to do the right thing.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
7. Put Everyone to Sleep
This is easily one of the better ways to put everyone to sleep, and it is arguably the most expensive. It may not be easy, especially if it’s against everyone’s will, but it is totally worth it. There is also nothing stopping the average person from going along to get along. Considering it is the end of the world, the price of said procedure would matter very little. We would pay mounds of moolah for the next Kevorkian and clone him to get the job done on our death beds. Everyone would likely be on board, lining themselves up for the slaughter at the hospital.
It is no different than people being enslaved by machines, but the machines are humans killing other humans. The death would be painless, and at the end, the last humans would off themselves. While this sounds very crude and brutal, there really is no good way to end all life on the planet. There are always going to be cold-blooded risks involved, but this is what we endorse every single day. There is nothing different about putting people to sleep, but ending the problem is the ultimate solution.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
8. Massive Suicide
Kind of like the mass suicide at Jonestown, we could do the same to the human race. We could taint the Kool-Aid and depict the beauty of collective death that everyone seems to appreciate. It would take a lot of Kool-Aid and a lot of stupidity, but we could get it done. A cult would have to be involved, because it is not suicide unless it is intentional. We would have to line people up and ask them to kill themselves, but this may provide a challenge. The average human only likes to partake in suicide when they feel that it benefits them in some way. It is often too little too late, but at least they can try to make up for their waste of time in the process.
The only thing stopping this one from working is the indominable will of human beings. We never want to give up, no matter how narrow the odds are in our favor. The average human seems to want survival over everything else, even if it means that more harm will befall them. There is nothing logical about the human will to survive or the feelings that follow, but we also like to evade responsibility. We have to give humans a reason to escape some massive obligation. If it then required some kind of war of the wills, then we could battle it out with the dissenters and make it a metaphorical suicide.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
9. Destroy the Core
If nothing else works, then we can destroy the world through means of an internal explosion. There was even a movie that depicted said event, but heroes just had to come and save the day. It’s not to say that the movie could not have ended differently, but the threat was there only to be fixed. This is not what a movie should be about, and if anything, the movie can teach us to accept our fate. We can burrow down to the middle of the earth and expose the core to China. We could even veer the planet towards the Sun if we learned how to steer the earth.
As long as a core is involved, that’s all that really matters. If the sun’s core is what we have to induce in conversation, then that’s all it actually takes. All it would require is a little bit of off-axis thrusting before the earth decided to embrace the sun in orbit. We would then float into the sun and fry ourselves into nonexistence. There are other options, but burrowing a hole into the center of the earth is all it requires for some kind of supernova. We all can then pray and accept ourselves into the whims of the sun god. If this scares anyone, then you only have the people who said it to blame.
10 Best Ways to End All Life
10. Starve Ourselves
While a hurricane or super-tornado sound like silly ideas, one that is not so silly is mass starvation. It ultimately amounts to suicide, but it would be a slow and painful death. The Holodomor is a good example of mass starvation, and it has been a thing of tendency during history. Even the Nazis thought that starving their concentration camp prisoners was a great idea. This happenstance seems cruel, but most people cannot seem to come to an agreement about cruelty. Most people are lazy when it comes to anything intellectually challenging, so little should be taken from this.
The harm in starvation would only come if we did not get consent to take their right to food away. All it would require is destroying the crops and mass production of animal meat products. This would ultimately have to be done, but since the end is nigh, this is alright. It would not be the first option any of us would make, but the dissenters would make it the only option. If anything, they are to blame for this being the only option we have left. They are the ones who pushed us to this kind of extinction, so why get mad at the people trying to help. There is nothing wrong with trying to do things the right way. Also, would anyone blame others when they say that all we have to blame is ourselves.
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