10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
As long as there are certain people in charge, dishonesty will be a common courtesy that is brought to the table. Hey, they’re simply trying to help you out, or they are lying through their teeth to save their own back. Although, the subject does not really matter, because regardless of the reason, people will mislead you and others. You see, it doesn’t have to include everyone, but just about everyone in the current system we have set up is responsible to some degree. There are just some subjects that are more glaring, be it important subjects like science or silly claims that defend corporations. When this isn’t enough though, people even jump to the defense of religion and pseudoscience. In the end, these are the 10 controversies that professionals lie about, and people often fall for the crap.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
1. Google (and Other Corporations) is (are) Good
Google is a piece of crap corporation that deserves none of the good that has happened to it. They lie to their customers, and they screw over their workers in the worst ways possible. If you want to find what you are actually looking for, then you will have to look elsewhere. There may be no where to look though, as they have essentially found a way to buy everyone else out through “civil” means. However, you would never get this impression from all of the people who are willing to suck them dry. It’s not only Google being complicit though, because just about everyone is responsible to some degree. We help keep them bent on world domination, and we will not see it until it is far too late. If this is the world you want to live in, then keep supporting this “search engine” marketing company.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
2. Everyone is Mentally Ill
As we all know, mental disorders are diagnosed all of the time, and it doesn’t take much beyond a set of symptoms. We should all understand this, but this does little to stop people from becoming confused and reinforcing the system. In fact, another misdiagnosis is a grandiose coverup for another overdiagnosis epidemic. “Why is this?” you ask. Well, it’s because people love to exemplify themselves without reasonable justification. Thankfully, like everything on this list, not everyone is entirely responsible for these atrocious errors. However, being complicit does not only involve doing the active and creative dirty work. If you are just sitting there and doing nothing about it, even if you do not like it, you are responsible to some degree. Of course, you are still mentally disabled though.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
3. Every “Real” Science is Reality
If we are going to be discussing the biggest coverup of all time, then it has to be prefaced with the dishonesty of science. Afterall, modern science is largely the worst problem of them all, and it tends to mislead these masses of so-called intelligent people. Even then, the laymen will fall for these fabrications as well, if these lies happens to somehow become a part of their daily lives. Unfortunately, we actually believe that the scientists are looking out for us, but they really are not. If a science can be used for creativity’s and irrationality’s sake, then we can expect it to go absolutely nowhere. This may seem harmless at first, but believing in ghosts really does us little good in the long run. To top it all off, we have to mention the shame, confusion, and stupidity involved.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
4. Everyone Means Well
No matter what you think, not everyone is looking out for your well-being as much as you may believe. In fact, just about everyone is looking out for themselves, even those of us who believe that we are fantastic and wonderful people. Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest lies out there, and when push comes to shove, we see it for what it actually is. Do we choose to accept this by being honest with ourselves in any way? No, we don’t, because we ignore it and choose the few selfless people to help us evade the truth — they’re not that great either. In addition, we often ignore the simple facts of reality by searching for silver linings, but it tends to create more problems. Afterall, even when these facts hit us in the face, we seek to run in the opposite direction to hell.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
5. Rich People Have Earned It
The rich people are here to help you, obviously, and it also means that they probably earned it as well. Maybe this statement seems highly dubious, and it actually is. Although not every professional claims this (like everything else), there are plenty of people who will defend it. These are the people we are talking about, and far too many of them are the ones in control. Unthankfully, the problem is that far too many people think that it’s the ignorant who claim this. This may be true, but they’re not the ones who happen to be in charge; they make the biggest difference, right? The corporations like Google are the worst though, but we can also mention some other corporations as well. Again, not everyone is entirely complicit or gullible enough to believe any of this, but it still somehow eludes us.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
6. Pseudoscience is Fantastic and Necessary
When it comes to practical science, we can probably find ways to give scientists a break. You see, not all scientists are incompetent or dishonest, especially when it comes to engineering and bio-chemistry. There are always mistakes to be made, but these sciences largely keep themselves tied to existence. You cannot get away with creating stories, and this is what keeps them in line, especially if they’re rational to begin with. Unfortunately, the likes of physics and even mental health — quotas for money through prescriptions — are a different story. However, we also have to discuss the fake scientists out there looking to bust you. It seems ridiculous, but they are authorities to many people on a plethora of subjects, i.e., astrology, hypnotism, and holistic medicine.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
7. Philosophy is There to Figure Things Out
Even if you use or abuse the system at hand, there are ways to make a difference in a more positive direction. As long as you’re speaking up, then your duplicity may be able to be forgiven. Unfortunately for every single one of us though, this never seems to be the case. We end up jumping on bandwagons without figuring out the flaws, and this is strong with philosophy. Even though it should be about figuring things out, we’ve turned it into something else entirely. While it seems okay to accept this, we are actually going in the past’s circles for no apparent reason. To make this even better, people resort and retreat to the dumbest arguments, and it almost seems like the point. Yes, there are different perspectives that we can have, but this should’ve been wholly simplified by now.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
8. Religion is For the Better Good
It seems like simple projection at first, but it really is not that hard to understand. Many of the things on this list seem fairly obvious, but it does not mean that the “professionals” are not dubious. For example, holistic medicine on its own is not that bad, but taking it too far can kill you. The problem is naturally there, but at least something like fasting can help. The same thing can be said for religion, but even this is taken way too far in favor of phantasmagoria. Not only is religion completely bad, but it is also horribly unnecessary to begin with. If we found better ways to preoccupy ourselves rather than rationalize a god’s existence, then you may understand the point. It may even seem like I am bashing science for the sake of religion, but religion never had to be here to begin with.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
9. Life is Great
In times of need, many people look for help or seek answers in the worst possible places (under a bed). We even chase religion and spirituality as a form of humancentric pride and a need for communion. When this happens, we often forget our problems or push them to the backburner for more “practical” solutions. This may seem like a good idea, but it also means that we can forget the truth for something worse. There are even times that certain people blame others for their unfortunate circumstances. Thankfully, we can spill this mess of an explanation right back in that person’s face by claiming fortunate luck. If this seems rude, then it’s only because life is an easy scapegoat for the well-rested. Afterall, life is a zero-sum game, and no one is getting away with this ride for free.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
10. Eating Meat is Okay
There are so many dieticians who claim that we need a well-balanced diet, and who cares. The world does not revolve around humanity, even though we think that it does. In fact, this is an issue, and it really needs to stop before it’s too late. Not only is eating meat not that healthy, but it also puts animals in harms way for no good reason. Afterall, having to breed them for our personal sanctuaries seems like the best idea, but it’s not. If we’re going to listen to doctors though, then we also have to listen to animals who suffer as well. Although this all seems like preaching, it’s actually worth it in the long run. We wouldn’t want the so-called aliens to come down and eat us, right? If this is okay to you just so you can eat meat, then you are a part of the problem.
10 Controversies That Professionals Lie About
The Ending
There are plenty of problems and arguments to mull over, but this should be enough to make a simple point. We should all understand that corporations are bad, and we can all contemplate some science. We even understand that it should not take this much to avoid eating meat or evade the tenets of religion. Even if it seems like an impossibility to deal with any “real” consequences, we should be responsible enough. Most of these things are here because of the past, but it does not mean that we have to keep them going. Instead of just looking at ourselves, we look to unnecessary ways to make our lives easier. It also means that we’re not ready to make big changes with philosophy. Even if we’re willing to listen to another diet plan, we’re rationalize the “eating” like it’s no big deal.
Materialism is good, and spiritualism is bad.
You Cannot Be That Stupid
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