10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
Having fun can take a lot of work these days. In spite of our best efforts though, there are plenty of obstacles that get in our way. There are a plethora of fun things to do, but most of it comes down to having the time. It’s not that we cannot try, but nowadays, there are far too many responsibilities. There are just too many boring things that get in the way, and it makes finding something new and interesting a problem. When we do too much of the same thing though, we want to try something with novelty as well. In fact, these are the 10 creative ways to have fun, but you also need to add some spice. Not only will you like the taste, but you will also make it more interesting and creative.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
1. Prank Your Family and Friends
When it comes to indulging in self-gratifying pleasures, there’s nothing better than making someone else miserable. You can even go out of your way and prank your family and set them back a day to make you feel better about your failures. It doesn’t matter how you do it, but it can range from throwing toilet paper on someone’s trees to accidentally lighting someone else’s house on fire. Faking your own death is a fantastic idea as well, but this comes later. In fact, just because they cannot have fun does not mean that others cannot help you with your debauchery though. You can involve other friends and family, and it makes it more interesting when they seek their revenge on you in return.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
2. Draw Some Pornography
As we all know, art can come in just about every form you can imagine, so why not create some yourself. There’s nothing like making the good times roll, but who needs to make it difficult. Instead of looking at porn, you can create your own love interest through ejaculation and love. It won’t be easy, but you can always start out by drawing stick figures and lines that display affection and sexuality. Not only is it obvious that you are trying, but it also means that you are willing to take a risk. The more that you care, the more that it shows how you are willing to give a crap about yourself. Unfortunately, like everything else in life, you may end up helping others during the process.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
3. Plan a Fake Crime
If you’re one for roleplaying in real life, then there are always ways to keep you on your feet. As we all know, humans and other animals require fun through a thrill in their interactions. To seek this thrill is our first step in the right direction, and it can lead to so many interesting conclusions. The end result is not always interesting and fun though, but it is creative. Afterall, you can pretend to rob a bank, or you can even indulge in illegal pornography. When you do it though, consider doing it for real or using real sidearms during the process. You are actually faking it, and collateral damage is impossible. It’s not like you will get in trouble, but if you do, then it’s a part of the fun.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
4. Use Drugs for Self-Fulfillment
When you find out that you’re a whacko who’s looking for a good time, there’s nothing better than making yourself a better person. You can do what you do best, and you can even talk to yourself through the use of psychedelics. Not only will they help you, but they will also make you see all of those beautiful colors. If this does not suit your fancy, then there are other drugs that can help with the process of self-actualization as well. With that out of the way, you can then use other drugs that display a sign of creativity and fun, i.e., heroin and meth. They will even make you more creative after all of the misery they end up causing you. Thankfully, they are at least a little bit fun while you are injecting them.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
5. Learn to Be Creative
This one is kind of self-explanatory, but it is also a virtue that is required before you succeed. There’s nothing wrong with practice, but learning to be creative requires some work. You will have to be creative in the process, but it’s like using your skills of creativity to become better. With some time, your creativity will boost your creativity, and you will become better at being creative. There are plenty of ways to do it, but it requires something that you cannot quite put your fingers on. It’s not always necessary, and it does not always require pain. However, this lack of sense makes it even more fun when you try it, and trying to be creative never hurt a damn soul, right?
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
6. Indulge in Masturbation
Although kinky fun is hard to come by, there are some raunchy ways to get off on your own. It does not matter if you are a girl or guy or are gay or straight, because everyone can do this on their own. When it comes to having fun, masturbatory pleasures come in at the top of the list. There is nothing that anyone can do about it, and there are plenty of ways to flaunt your sexuality. It’s not only this, because you can also involve others in your fun times by masturbating with them. You might even find some people who are interested in a circle jerk among friends. There’s nothing better than getting along by going along, so make sure to get on it for the fun times awaiting.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
7. Fantasize About Rejections of the Past
There’s nothing wrong with being rejected, but we can certainly indulge in the madness of its emotions. Afterall, we learn much through pain, but nothing hits home harder or gets the blood boiling better than rejection. It’s simple, very common, somewhat fun, and gaining some creativity is even easier after that miserable pain. The hardship is worth it, and you should actively seek it out to also return the favor. Afterall, our imagination is like a tied knot that keeps us indulged in the subjective that comes afterwards. With this comes the abyss and your love of the endless possibilities. This way, one realization can lead to the next, and then we are back to believing and understanding the stupidity.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
8. Fake Your Death
There’s much to be said for how we end up enjoying ourselves. Some may even consider that living a plain life the best thing that you can do. Although, while everyone is doing this, you could be doing something better with your time. You see, faking your own death is unique; however, it has happened before, so why not take it further. Most people are faking their own life anyway, so it doesn’t make much of a difference. This creativity is something that can happen, even when everyone else is doing it. Hell, you can do it for fun, or you can even do it as an ethical exercise for enlightenment. It serves as a great practice for your eccentricity, and you can avoid those people looking to whack you.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
9. Communicate With Other People
Talking with others can be exciting, but you have to cut the crap out of the conversation. Afterall, not everyone is worth your time, and most people are only interested in themselves. If you want to get along with others though, then small talk is the way to get it done. There’s no use in talking about things that matter, because this can lead to a fight that ends with you going to jail. Fortunately, this is exactly what you want, but you can achieve this legitimately. Then again, talking about the weather and your grandmothers porridge is a problem, too. At this point, your only option is to talk to a god who loves you and everyone else on the planet. This isn’t that common, but everyone is doing this, and it is exactly the kind of creativity that we all need.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
10. Do Absolutely Nothing
As a matter of fact, there are ways to be creative and do nothing at the same exact time. You can say that you’re doing nothing or even get caught up in the thought process of thinking about it. There are even ways to do nothing and something at the same time. Well, it’s mostly conceptual and works as a form of art, but who cares about the particulars of this situation.
There is no real way to do nothing, but we’re just chomping at the bit with semantics here. Afterall, doing a bunch of nothing is stupid; however, being stupid is the kind of thing that we need. Everyone else is doing it, so why not jump on board this creative gravy train. In fact, while you are doing this, everyone else is doing stupid, and it’s very easy. You have free will, and although it makes little sense, it still gives you all of the excuses you need to believe it
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
As you all can see, there are plenty of ways to have fun. In fact, it doesn’t have to be that creative, and the only thing that matters is that you have fun. You can even indulge in all sorts of comradery, and the creativity will come along with it, naturally. When push comes to shove though, you have to attempt to have fun for it to matter. There’s very little that can stop you once you get used to it, and you know that there is no winning anyway. In the end, it is sensibly about doing the exact opposite of what you should do for the sake of creativity. This is the focus of this article after all, and I am also hoping that it has all made sense to you. If it doesn’t though, then that is your petty little problem.
10 Creative Ways to Have Fun
Blog Page: https://creatorconquer.com/bloggers-paradise/

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