10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
There’s nothing like being happy, but becoming a jovial nutcase is going to take some work. You cannot just walk around and expect to be euphoric, even if it is the easiest thing to do on the planet. It happens to depend on how you go about it, but this is what we will discuss in this article. All of that simple advice you are used to hearing will become gutter wash after this. There may even be a few realizations you have that turn your brain into mush. If getting your happy place by gazing at the greener pastures is what you want, look no further. These are the 10 ways to become very happy.
While being happy can be a challenge, you only have yourself to blame for your emotional incompetence. Other people can cause you endless problems, but it is how you react that makes all of the difference in the world. If someone decides to step on your feet, the best thing you can do in the moment is thank them for it. There is very little you can ultimately do, so you have to learn to accept your place. All it truly takes is a change of mind, so why not do the impossible. If anything, you giving it your best shot will at least give your something to do, even if it means risking your own life.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
1. Realize That You Have No Control
When you begin to realize that everything is beyond your threshold of control, you will feel better. You will find nothing greater, as it is one of the most important parts of becoming a happy-go-lucky human. If it means that you have to lose everything for it, then you should take it as the golden opportunity. There is nothing like sitting there and allowing that bad thing to happen to you. While you could have done something about it, you can end your suffering faster by doing nothing. This means that you should avoid a dieting plan, exercise, and even fasting when it can save your life the most.
If push comes to shove, you can try to take control of your life, but this typically ends poorly. We all know that taking control is a telltale sign of selfishness, so give it a shot to prove them right. This means that the only time you should take control is when it exclusively benefits those around you. The more control you try to have, the less you will end up having in the end. A good example of this is when you are driving, because trying to control that steering wheel only displays signs of weakness. The more you give in to your lack of agency, the more control you will somehow have. If this is what the psychopaths … I mean psychonauts claim, then it must be true.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
2. Think Positive Thoughts
You have heard it from everybody, but who is to say that everybody knows nothing about happiness. While it is easier said than done, you can think of positive thoughts to keep from being so damn negative. It may not work 100 percent of the time, but it may work sometimes, at least for a moment. Although, since there is no such thing as a positive thought, you will have to imagine them. On occasion, you can even think negative thoughts so that you can appreciate those positive thoughts even more. There are plenty of good sayings that go along with this, but only a few really stand out.
If thinking of butterflies and rainbows fails to work, then think of what sexually gratifies you. It could be begrudged parents or your kinky lover on the side: whatever works for you! When life hands you oranges, you can trade them in for a more useful analogy. If life decides to hand you cancer and substance abuse, you can simply turn the other cheek. All this means is that you should simply ignore all that ails you, because it obviously works. We all have this control over our lives, even if it means that the trying ends up in the garbage. In the end, it is up to you, but the more you fight, the more you fail.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
3. Listen to Everyone
If you want to confuse yourself into acceptance, then be sure to listen to everyone around you. They will all say different things that can be interpreted … creatively, but who care. It’s not like you will listen to them anyway, even if the advice is good enough to get you killed. If all else fails, be sure to ask for help, because we all know that everyone has something useful to say. We can all see it when they tell us, as the concern in their eyes gives as much away as a shart in the pants. If this does not convince you, then the pleasant smell of freshly tossed salad should do the trick.
While the foul advice of one person can motivate, it is when you begin to hear contradictory advice that it becomes a problem. Unless they are telling you to something equally as bad or worse, then they should be ignored. There will be people who tell you that you need to get your act together, but who needs that. The more you fail, the more you can learn those lessons the hard way. This hard way is in fact the easy way, because we all know that no easy way truly exists in reality. If you have to, take your pain out on someone else by letting them take the brunt of the abuse. When all else fails, you can also become a sadomasochist who wears a gimp suit at a Satanist reunion.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
4. Get Over it
If your feelings are stuck deep in the gutter, the easiest thing you can do is get over it. While it sounds like a get-out-of-jail free card, it actually requires a lot of effort most of the time. It almost sounds self-defeating, but learning to get over something is a piece of cake once you get used to it. You may even realize that you made it way too hard to begin with. There may be a lot of kicking trashcans and punching grandmas who talk back with sound advice, but who cares. This is all part of the process of getting better, and everyone else should get used to it as well. As a mob boss would say, “forget about it,” and so you should.
There are plenty of things you can do, e.g., run away from home, leave a suicide note, or change your identity. It does not really matter, as long as you can get over it. Sometimes, it will be easy, and other times, it will be hard (that’s what she said). If it takes a leap, then you may just have to jump over that fence to reach that other side. Everyone knows how easy it is, but this is only because they have never been where you are. You had to take that leap, but your nuts may occasionally get snagged on the fence spikes. As long as you keep jumping back and forth, any pain you feel will make you forget about the other pain.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
5. Create Something
Everyone knows that writing your feelings down can make the pain go away. Although the pain will return because of your use of a wet Band-Aid, you can still have that one special moment. You will have to make it count, but who is counting — no one but you. If it is writing down your worst nightmares on a blood-soaked rag or talking about your mental problems with a therapist, you are doing right by you. (This is not always you though.) There are better things you can do — peeing an angel in the snow — to express your inner melancholy. You are capable, but if it requires writing a song, then you may have gone too far.
There is something about creating things for other people that really gets the panties wet. It’s somewhere deep inside wherever it is, but they deserve happiness as well. Even though you were not given the chance to be happy, you can provide that for someone else. Although your sadness will provide worry for some, you can always feel good knowing that your enemies will cherish it. There may even be a back alley involved, but who cares, as it’s the thought that counts. If you want to draw something, make sure that it is something that will frighten your therapist. They may even recommend you to a psychiatrist who will become your own personal drug dealer.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
6. Keep on Keeping on
Nietzsche said that suffering makes us stronger, so we should obviously believe him. It does not matter the kind of pain you have been through, you should still try to overcome. Even if the outcome leads to more misery, there is strength in the struggle you succumb to. No one really understands what it means to keep on keeping on, but that is the point; the less we know, the happier we will be. Although it carries a keen likeness to getting over it, there are some distinct differences. You can exercise by running away from your problems, or you can just stay hidden in your closet. When you are keeping on, you are staying hidden in your closet, but it is only because no one wants you.
Justin Bieber once said that everyone should just be themselves; he is a deep thinker. If a child can do it, then why can’t an adult do it as well. These are the questions you should be asking yourself on a daily basis, but not if you do not want you. This is the first mistake you can make when trying to be happy, as risk aversion is the key to success. If you simply be yourself, you will become a very happy person. Sometimes, it involves getting tattoos or banging strippers in a parking lot, but it gets better. Living life is always a journey, but that journey often leads nowhere, especially if you try to be happy. Whoever that you is, just be it, whoever that “you” you may be.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
7. Understand that Things Will Change
Even if things end up changing for the worst, at least they changed for something. We can choose to keep rolling the dice, or we can be the first to decide that smelling paint thinner is the way to go. Other times, you may want to bash your head in with a brick is the way to go; it really depends. If being happy is the choice you truly want to make, it may require a few dents in your head before you get there. Taking wild risks is how you will accomplish this, but you have to be sure that you have panic attacks. This means that you went outside your comfort zone enough to warrant a change worth having.
There is nothing wrong with sitting back, because change will often happen for you, even if you did not want it. As long as you sit there and understand this, things will change as they always do. There is beauty in change, but sometimes the difference can turn ugly. If this happens, then be sure to embrace it with arms wide open. Be sure to justify your mistakes with confidence, because you will want to make them over again. The more you end up thinking about it, the more you will realize that happiness comes with low expectations. Why bother expecting anything from anyone when you can boost your own personal self-esteem. The only thing you gain from high expectations is anticipation and a drug-like dopamine rush.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
8. Think Really Hard
Well, this one can go either way, as thinking too little or too much can be a no brainer. When you are thinking too much, you should try to think too little. If you are thinking too little, then thinking a lot will help you think of better solutions. All this means is that the more you try to do the opposite of what you are doing, the happier you will be. The point here is to confuse yourself enough by playing the chase game. If we have nothing to chase, then we really have nothing to look forward to. Whichever one works for you best will come to you with some practice, but it will take patience to achieve this goal.
We all know that there is no right answer to anything, but we all love to blame certain people for this. This is more reason to not help anyone, including ourselves, but at least we can read a self-help book. There is nothing wrong with shoplifting to make you happy, but you should be sure to do it at Wal-Mart. You do not want to be considered the petty thug who burglarizes nursing homes and walks away with prune pudding. The answers are often very easy to figure out, but the easier it seems, the more you should think about it. The last thing you want is a happy solution to that aneurysm you caused yourself.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
9. Laugh at Everything
There is nothing like laughing at everyone else’s misery to get that extra weight off of your chest. If life hands you an opportunity, you take it, unless it means it comes at no one’s expense. Everyone says that laughing and joking heals the mind and soul, so why not give it a shot. There may even be some lucrative opportunities involved, where you can make your misadventures public through comedy. If this path fails you, then find better ways to abuse other people. As long as it makes you happy, it matters little the cost of it. There is no price to happiness, so be sure to take advantage of it.
While keeping your hands clean sounds like the better path, being the bully actually works. You get to become the sadistic johnny-boy you always wanted to become. Unfortunately, it will only be a matter of time before that bullying catches up to you. We all know that you were the bullied to begin with, but someone else will take your place. If you want to reign supreme, you have to rule over everybody. People may not like you for it, but it will be the gateway to happiness. It may not work for everyone, but at least it will work for you. Even if it seems like you are the worst you can do, you can always look at what you can do better.
10 Easy Ways to Be Happy
10. Do Whatever You Want
Do what you want and never as you need, because this is the true paved road to happiness. It could be helping grandmas across the road or contracting STDs to stay out of school, it does not matter. As long as you feel a sense of accomplishment, you are doing all that counts. You also have to understand that happiness is a double-edged sword, meaning that it goes away just like that. If you squander your opportunities, then you may just regret it all later on. We all know that you can do whatever you want, but you also know to be aware of the consequences to your actions. If you do not know, then do not worry, as someone will be sure to punch it into you at some point.
People should never trust themselves, because everyone else always has the answer. The person you can trust most are also the people who struggle the most. Even if you are looking for advice from the homeless crack addict out out back, you are gaining wisdom. We can always float around ideas like avoiding drugs or generosity, but who needs that. You need to understand your happiness, but the more you have of it, the less you will appreciate it. The advice you usually get is shallow and serves no one any good. If we are trying to please everyone, then no one can be truly happy. You have to take what belongs to you, even if stealing it is the only way to make it happen.
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