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The Most Effective Ways to Deal With Anxiety

painting of man
Someone told me that fingering your eyes was a bad idea.

10 Effective Ways to Deal With Anxiety

There are all sorts of anxiety, but all anxiety as a whole is essentially the same thing. It’s a living fear and apprehension which can lay dormant in any living being. They say that anxiety is worry of the future, while depression is rumination on the past. Your heart rate is jacked, you’re trembling, and it’s persistent. I’m here to help share some of the best ways to deal with anxiety. These are the 10 most effective ways to deal with anxiety.

My heart is jacked, and I can’t feel my toes!

This worry can manifest anywhere as abrasive tension that seems to never go away. There are many kinds of anxiety: social, generalized, situational, panic, etc. Just because it’s there, doesn’t mean it has to grip your brain with pain every single day.

Get ready to face your fears!

Regardless of this, the two forms of psychological pain often feed off of each other in a parasitic and nasty way. If you want to properly deal with and eliminate anxiety, you’ll have to put some effort into it. I’ve listed below 7 effective ways to deal with, and eventually defeat anxiety from your life for good.

Anxiety Help

Put a smile on that face! Okay, good enough?

Eating A Healthy Diet Is One of the Best Ways to Deal with Anxiety

At this point, I think everyone knows that eating a healthy and comprehensive diet is ideal in maintaining good mental health. If you eat healthy, not only will you receive direct benefits from the diet, you’ll follow with other positive habits. A healthy diet is a good way to jump start your life in a good way. There are plenty of diets you can follow, but a balanced diet is truly the most beneficial.

Diet, diet, diet! What about me? You want me to diet, huh? You want me dead?

Intermittent fasting may also be a wise choice when considering a wholesome diet to follow. A good diet can lead to a life long lifestyle choice once you really begin to notice the amazing benefits. Not only will you lose your appetite for carbohydrate and sugar related foods, it can help with disease related symptoms. Depending on where you’re coming from, you’ll exhibit a significant change in your symptoms.

Anxiety Help

Sorry, I was just looking at how you were slicing that avocado. It was striking. Could you please resume?

Cathartic Sharing

If we’ve ever been in a pinch, we’ve probably thought it was a good idea to hold it in. Other times, you may think that it won’t help. You’re probably afraid to burden the other person. Maybe you fear hearing the same repetitive drivel about how to deal with it. Sometimes, we just need someone to listen to us, and believe it, many people will. Even if we’re hard to listen to, it can certainly make a huge difference.

Share me this ____?

Opening up to someone, a help line, or any form of online help can be useful. Even watching something comedic or finding an online forum. Schedule therapy, or join a group or go to a meeting. If you can afford getting therapy, it’s worth it. If not, talk with friends about affordable options if they can’t be the best of help. Try to avoid medication unless absolutely necessary.


You’ll see that simply opening up can help. If you can’t do anything else, and are just not feeling it, give yourself a talk. Self talk is known to be cathartic and is considered self-soothing. It can be as simple as a prayer, or as much as a full blown conversation. No shame, because you’re by yourself, and screw them anyway; they don’t care. Let it become natural so there are no ways for anxiety to creep up and nab you.


I’m really trying to understand this riddle… .

Establishing A Healthy Routine Is One of the Best Ways to Deal with Anxiety

Have you ever woken up and felt a lack of meaning and direction in your life? You may need to add a healthy daily regime. It doesn’t mean you necessarily have to get up and go do numerous things just to stay busy. All it means is to implement a better schedule surrounding your day to say life. It’s not only about being active and staying busy, but properly distributing your time with the right amounts of rest and activity. Writing it down will give you a certain motivation in following through.

What about all the time I want to spend staring at the ceiling?

Grab a calendar and begin scheduling your days out ahead of time. It’s a healthy way to plan your week out in a productive way. Considering there are worse ways to spend your evening, it’d be a good start. Don’t go planning everything for the wrong reasons, plan in a positive way that predetermines healthy habits. If you need it, it’s a good habit to maintain, so grab a phone or pen and paper and begin.

Anxiety Help

Wow, this calendar is as empty as what I perceive my soul to be.

Getting Enough Sleep (Anxiety Help)

Like the diet, getting enough good sleep is necessary for a healthy mindset. Typical estimates recommend an 8 hour duration of sleep. This is fine for the average person, but may not be the right amount for you. It’s a healthy guesstimate though, and it’s certainly something to shoot for. You may need more or less sleep, so try to figure it out, and attempt it without the need for an alarm.

How many Zs have you caught? I’m on my way to about 7, but they all keep buzzzzing away.

If you need an alarm, you haven’t practiced enough. Waking up should be second nature and with ease. It’s no big deal, but you certainly want to get as much sleep as you need as possible. Healthy habits make a healthy organism. Sleeping is about as essential to this as anything could possibly be. Wake up awake and not scrounging for the daily dark bitter brew in the morning.

Anxiety Help (10 Effective Ways to Deal With Anxiety)

If only my eyes would close when I sleep. I keep going to sleep, I wake up, and my eyes are open again.

Some of the best ways to deal with anxiety…

Daily Meditation (Anxiety Help)

Here it is again, and it’s true: Meditation is one of the best ways to change your thinking! If you know what a life hack is, meditation is one of them. It may not seem that easy at first, but for something you didn’t quite understand, it sure packs a meaningful punch. Giving thoughtlessness a go for a simple 15-20 minutes a day can significantly reduce the amount of overthinking that can severely crowd the brain.

Jeez, that’s almost 2 hours a week! Are you mad? I need to spend time watching paint dry!

These positive projections of thought can go very far, but sometimes not far enough to give us a lenient enough break. You don’t want to be scared to think and want to think comfortably, so you must make changes. Trust me, meditation can give you a much better outlook on life, but it takes other things as well. Next time you go for a walk, clear your mind, and kill two birds with one stone. You don’t need to sit legs crossed and eyes closed to meditate like you’re in yoga class. Give it a try!

Anxiety Help

If I meditate long enough, maybe the tide will take me. Now screw off, I’m trying to blind myself with my yellow friend in the sky.

Staying Active (Anxiety Help)

Getting out of bed is often a hard enough task for those dealing with depression and anxiety. If you make it a daily routine, you may eventually get up and out. It doesn’t only mean exercise, but exercise is a good way to start. This is great, because it’s not only about going out of your way, it’s about facing your fears.

How many times do I need to take this picture? Jeez, I’ve been jumping all day!

If you stay active and tire yourself, you will have little time to think about those troublesome thoughts. If they tend to bother you anyway, it will at least help give you a head start. When someone has been busy all day, even from a simple walk, they will spend less energy thinking about worrisome things, even and especially when you’re back from the excursion.

Anxiety Help (10 Effective Ways to Deal With Anxiety)

Caption: Futility at it’s finest. This girl’s last moment before falling for her friend Death.

Setting Reasonable Expectation Is One of the Best Ways to Deal with Anxiety

Never walk into a room expecting everyone to look at you. With this, you may feel important, but you may feel overwhelming anxiety. Thoughts like these can set unreasonable and false expectations. I’m bringing this up because I’m talking to those who think negatively. Negatively in such a way to understand the black and white thinking that is involved here. This sets a good example to understand reality more, and to know that it’s no big deal anyway. These expectations go for anything, but especially the expectations you have of yourself. It all goes full circle anyway.

You’re telling me she won’t have big kahunas? I guess it’s what I expected considering how low they are to the ground.

Keep your head up, and realize that low expectations can create a pragmatic lifestyle. A lifestyle which follows through more than a simple fantasy notion of perfect outcomes. Living a lie feels horrible, but feeling like you’re living a life of confidence can make you understand dealing with anxiety more. Next time you’re thinking, think realistically. Doing this with less psychological pressure will give you a chance to breathe. Thinking this understanding the gaps of anxiety you fill in your mind will change you.

Anxiety Help (10 Effective Ways to Deal With Anxiety)

I knew that showing ass would get me more attention.

I don’t have a whole lot to give you, but what I do have, you can have for free.

We’ve all had at least some anxiety, be it social, situational, or general. It doesn’t mean it has to control you and ring you dry of any positive emotion. Get out there and expose yourself to the world in a positive way. It doesn’t have to be hard, and there are bumps on every road. It may be a challenge, but gain enough understanding to enjoy the challenge enough to finally have peace of mind. There is light at the end of that tunnel. Instead of looking at everything and option as a dead end, take a harder look. See all of the solutions that you can imagine that may lead to an even better outcome!

Come and enjoy!


  1. The more the health, the less the anxiety. Eat a nutritious meal, then get used to it!
  2. Have you ever thought of opening up? Yeah, do this, and there are plenty of options, so no excuses!
  3. Knock, Knock. Hey, get out of your crappy routine and give yourself some structure.
  4. Hey, if you sleep more, you’ll know more. Know this, if you sleep, you’ll less likely run into snags with anxiety.
  5. Clearing the mind clears up the scattered thoughts that will only make things more difficult.
  6. Get up and out. For you in may require putting pants on, but go out, walk, breathe and get your mind going.
  7. It’s not unreasonable to have reason as part of your priorities. Set this down, and you’ll only be looking up.
  8. Finito!

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10 Effective Ways to Deal With Anxiety

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