If you want to have a healthy mind, work needs to be done. You can’t just sit around, although having a routine where this is integrated is not hurtful. The ego is a fragile construct there to keep you sane by protecting yourself from the cruelties of the outside world. You have to be sure not to allow itself to self-destruct. Considering how easy this is, you must do something to keep it from happening. Once you’ve taken a few steps in the right direction, learning to deal with it becomes easier and easier. (10 great ways to maintain a healthy ego)
You can have a big ego, but a large ego typically involves having a fragile ego. There are people with inflated egos without the negative side effects of a damaged one, but the two are often used interchangeably. They are separate things, but they can still both be a problem.
There are some great ways to prevent a toxic ego, and this can certainly rub itself off on others. Be it a good or bad brain, the egocentric mentality can have a negative or positive effect on others. You’ll probably want to keep the egoism to yourself, and a great way to do this is by learning to keep it healthy. Don’t be a narcissist by simply learning to cope. If you do this, you’ll find yourself in a healthy relationship with yourself, making everything easier to do that makes everything else easier to do to avoid it. These are the 10 great ways to maintain a healthy ego.
10 Great Ways to Maintain a Healthy Ego
1. Be Around Others and Humble Yourself

Having others at your side helps keep you from losing your shit. Not only this, having decent friends and family at your side makes staying self-aware all the more easy. If you want to make sure that you aren’t slipping from reality, it’s always nice to have someone to bounce off of. Going insane is a large part in losing your ability to grasp reality. If you can avoid this by not going into nonstop social isolation, you’ll find yourself a little bit happier. Although it may seem easy to skirt off and dislike at first, you’ll soon realize that writing it off was the worst thing you could’ve done.
Laying down and ignoring your friends while being next to them is still a form of socially social isolation.
Keep in mind that you must find people you get along with. Just going out all willy-nilly will do you little good, considering that it can be destructive to your well-being. It’s still better than being alone, especially if you’re dealing with a severe mental illness. You’ve simply got to take those small but guaranteed steps in the right direction, a few steps back and forth or not. Being sure to be humble and making that a habit is great. Make sure to learn that others have feelings and that empathy is a great way to learn to respect yourself more. Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to go out and traumatize yourself. Just go out and learn a thing or two from others, this happening from simply being around others more often.
2. Stay Busy, Productive, and Learn to Cope

There are good ways to spend your time, and there are bad ways to spend your time. If you want to maintain a healthy self-esteem and ego, you may need to get busy. Staying busy is a great way to distract yourself from the demons that roam around in your head. Yes, they’re always there, but it does not mean that you have to deal with them all the time. You’ll find better ways to cope while coping by staying busy. Productivity is derived from being busy, so being productive is a great way to turn the business into more than just a distraction.
Be a busy bee business buying busy bee bureaucracy… .
Staying busy is a learned coping mechanism in and of itself. If you can find more ways to stay busy, you can find better ways to cope and vice versa. It’s a self-feeding mechanism that keeps the cogs from grinding to a halt. So, if you’re at work, be sure to find ways to make it keep up your time. This will make you productive, leading to a better way to cope. You will go home and draw because it’s something enjoy, leading to another productive evening learning a new coping mechanism that leads to a better way of thinking via distraction and inflection.
3. Improve Your Skills, Read, and Write

When you improve your skills, you yourself improve yourself. Yes, taking the time to do the things that you enjoy doing is a great way to gestate a new state of egoism. Learning to read is also a great skill to acquire. If you already know how to read, then that’s great, but this article is for those who can’t. Anyway, learning to improve what you’re already doing and good at is a great way to feel the ego boost come into swing. Yes, reading can help this, because improving often involves reading something.
By gaining new information, you find ways to bide your time more appropriately. The more you gain in terms of yourself, the more you’ll likely have to offer other people.
If you want to make yourself useful and pull yourself up by those bootstraps, this is a great way to becoming the success that you’ve always want to become. It’s always good to look at it as one step away even if it takes multiple steps to get their. Learn to not be afraid of failure, even if it takes a massive dump on your face. Writing down your feelings and creative ideas, i.e., a book or even novel is a novel plan as well. This helps you feel special in all of the ways that can make you feel more like the person you want to be. I don’t think it’s hard to understand, just give it a go and see what writing things down can do for you in terms of self-awareness.
4. Have Alone Time and a Routine

We all need alone time, and while it may seem counterproductive at first, it’s not. Yes, having your alone time to just think can be of great use if you use it properly. Don’t constantly distract yourself with negative news or online videos to just distract yourself with nonsense. You can find much better ways to spend your time. Yes, there will be time for this kind of free time, but allow yourself to breathe a little without inundating and obligating yourself to constant exposure to things that can have a negative impact on your state of mind.
It’s best to make this your jumping-off point before going back to the things that you know you’ll spend your time doing anyway.
You’ll have time for jovial and trivial activities that can make your day complete, and that’s a part of it. Winding down to allow yourself to breathe is great, friends or not. The point is to give yourself time away as to not feel crippled by societal expectations. This can have a damaging effect on your ego. Turn out the lights and draw the curtains closed if you have to, because breathing and thinking in moderation can be very, very helpful on your journey forward. Pave the path forward with good intentions, and you can find it will give you a head start in making those good intentions meet good ends.
5. Avoid Negative Behavior (10 Great Ways to Maintain a Healthy Ego)

If you want to avoid losing your own crap, you need to avoid being around others than will damage you as a person. There are plenty of assholes out there looking to ruin someone’s day, but it does not mean you have to deal with it. They probably need help, and it’s always nice to be handy to someone else, but it’s not worth your self-esteem. Certain people can deal with constant negativity, but that does not mean that you can.
Some people are prone to PTSD, a harmful psychological syndrome, while others are not. In spite of trauma, it does not mean that it affects everyone equally.
If you allow your friends or family that are co-dependently reliant on you to abuse you, you struggle to not suffer. You shouldn’t do the same to others, too. This can create a sick cycle, but it’s best to know that leaving them be will only do best for both of you. Even if it seems like it’s not, at least you can get away from causing this problem from bouncing off of you to someone else as well. Yes, misery loves company, but in spite of the cliches, at least one can get out alive and unscathed as opposed to two.
6. Learn to Not Need Validation

You don’t need validation through every turn in your life. While it can be nice, you should at least learn how to not require it at all costs. Yes, we all validate ourselves throughout our existence, and it’s a part of being alive, but it doesn’t have to be. You can make this something that only occurs to you every once in a while. This validation commonly occurs when looking for approval from others, and this is where you can become dangerous.
Validation is like any addiction, but don’t hesitate to fight it. You don’t need to fall for this vice, even if the dopamine rush it gives you is too much to let go off. You can still find it in every day life, just learn to like it but not need it.
Drawing others into your game of self-acceptance is clueless and harmful. You should find healthy ways to gain it without it constantly being at the back of your mind. Others can pick up on this, and it can be quite transparent. You’ll attain it anyway, but learn to make it more natural without throwing everyone else out at the cost of your ego. This is obvious, it’s simply about learning how to do it, step by step.
7. Learn Something New and Get out of Your Comfort Zone

Getting out of your comfort zone does not mean laying down in the middle of a walking trail and seeing who you can trip. Trying something new and improving your fields of interest and expertise is a great way to keep yourself busy and ahead of the game. It’ll not only keep you interesting amongst more peers, it’ll keep your feeling accomplished and great. So, the idea is to not just sit and do nothing and feel accomplished, although that would be great, right? It’s about doing something that breaches your ability to feel complacent. Not only is it therapeutic, it’s quite cathartic as well.
Comfort zones are only good at keeping you where you currently are. If you want to broaden the breathe of your comfort, the best thing you can do is to expand your horizons. No, you don’t have to jump out of a building to learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable. There are bounds of reason, but hey, anything can help. It’s just best to know that not everything will help you.
We all know about learning new things — we do it every day. Giving it an honest effort every day to learn something new, be it information or otherwise, can be useful. You don’t have to learn how to put on a condom or a new sex position, but that can be helpful, too. Don’t cave in to depression or anxiety, because this is about overcoming those things. Realize that you’re not beholden to these negative feelings as much as you think you are. The more you do this, the more you’ll realize that being good at a little of a lot of things can make you the “jack of all trades” kind of cool.
8. Eat Healthy and Fast (10 Great Ways to Maintain a Healthy Ego)

A healthy diet is just about the most important thing you can do for your mental health. If you struggle with food, you may end up being overweight. Some people can be fine with being overweight, but this does not mean that you will have the will to be able to do it. Regardless of weight, whatever you put in your body is important. You want to be sure that you’re feeding yourself healthy foods that don’t drag you down, including making sure that you pack the proper nutritional content.
As much as it pains me to say (not really), maybe going vegan or vegetarian can come in handy.
Beyond what you eat, how you eat can have significance in how you feel about yourself. Feeling good about yourself is feeling accomplished and healthy. If you eat healthy, it can also allow your other body parts to work better, too. Fasting is another great way to make sure that you can feel accomplished. If you’re used to eating throughout the day, it may be a challenge at first, but it doesn’t mean that you can get used to it with time. In the end, it’ll pay off, especially if you’re trying to lose fat. If you feel as though you look good, you’ll end up feeling way better about yourself. Yeah, it may make others jealous, but we’re not focusing on them right now.
9. Exercise and Sleep (10 Great Ways to Maintain a Healthy Ego)

We all know that exercise is useful in just about any aspect of daily life. This can involve a simple walk or long run. If you’re interested, keeping track of your exercise routine and having a goal to set can be important. This involves being out in the sun or simply getting a workout whenever or wherever you can. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a good goal to start maintaining, especially if you’re not used to exercising, and you can branch out from there. The release of endorphins or “runner’s high” you can achieve can help you feel relaxed and fresh. This is always great for a daily routine, because it’s said that exercising for at least 150 minutes a week is recommended. Not only this, gaining muscle by going to the gym can be a great way to keep your self-esteem from going down the crapper.
Exercise and sleep are critically important when it comes to being mentally well. They rely on each other, so if you get exercise, you’ll sleep better, and if you sleep better, you’ll get better exercise. Receiving the vitamin D is also great, as mentioned below.
Sleep is another great way to keep yourself mentally aware and healthy. If you lack sleep, you’ll lack the energy and awareness it takes to be on your A-game. If you want to be sure that you’re peak performing, you have to be sure that you get enough sleep. The recommended amount of sleep is at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night. You may be one of those special people who thrives on only needing less than 6 hours, but figuring it out is important. If you can, that’s great, but try to get at least the amount you know works for you personally.
10. Don’t Fear Supplements and Mindfulness

Yeah, it may sound corny, but keeping a healthy mind may involve taking some kind of medication. It does not have to be doctor prescribed powerful synthetic medication, but something may help. Maintaining a good state of mind is important, and getting that additional boost from working out and taking something that helps is great. If you’re on a medication or fear taking one, it’s a nice alternative to be able to find something more suitable. A simple vitamin complex or herb like saint john’s wort may come in handy in stressful times. You don’t have to be stuck in a rut or lose your mind if you take. Supplements are very useful if you need that extra boost, especially if you need them for a workout anyway.
Yeah, but be sure to listen to your doctor if they recommend taking a medication. I wouldn’t recommend psychedelics, because they can flat-out kill your ego. They may come in handy though.
The other thing to consider is mindfulness. Yeah, a bit of mindful meditation is always something positive to consider when trying to help clear the mind. Clearing one’s mind is great in attempting to restore a damaged way of life. If you want to be one with yourself and private parts, taking some time for yourself is always recommended. Yeah, you’ll focus a little bit on those damaged bits when taking those thoughts to a whole other level, but this is a great way to cope and learn how to not need coping. The best way to look at it is “don’t worry, be happy.” This new level of insight will give you a new way of thinking.
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10 Great Ways to Maintain a Healthy Ego

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