10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
Even though alcohol is generally unhealthy, there are still some benefits to specific drinks. It is not to say that it always unhealthy, but in moderate amounts, there is not as much of a problem. Although, even in moderation, there are still risks with the consumption of alcohol. The same thing cannot necessarily be said for red wine in particular. Red wines, which may vary in taste and color, are prepared by crushing and fermenting whole, dark-colored grapes. There are many varieties of red wine, the most common of which are Merlot, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Shiraz. These are the 10 health benefits of red wine.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
1. It is Rich in Antioxidants
Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation. This is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals and chain reactions that may damage the cells of organisms. This can lead to cancer and other diseases if not taken control of. Before consuming a red wines you need to know about what you are drinking in a wine. What are the negative and positive effects it can cause on your health because it is enriched with powerful anti-oxidants. Darker grapes are higher in antioxidants like resveratrol, epicatechin, catechin, and proanthocyanidins. Of these, resveratrol and proanthocyanidins are mainly responsible for keeping you healthy.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
2. It Will Lower Bad Cholesterol
LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, is sometimes called the bad cholesterol. It carries cholesterol that can stick to arteries, collect in the vessel lining forming plaque, and sometimes block blood flow. HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, is sometimes called the good cholesterol. Red wines are known to lower the bad cholesterol in your system. According to some studies, the high-fiber Tempranillo red grapes, used to make certain varieties of red wines such as Rioja, lower bad cholesterol levels.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
3. It Keeps the Heart Healthy
Your heart is one of most important organs in the body. While drinking certain alcohols will only cause damage, red wine may actually help. Not only does red wine regulate the cholesterol levels, it also keeps the heart healthy. Polyphenols, a certain type of antioxidants present in red wines, can prevent unwanted clotting by keeping the blood vessels flexible. However, it should be remembered that heavy drinking damages the heart no matter what.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
4. It Can Help Regulate Blood Sugars
Your blood sugar is a vital component to your health. Having a reasonable blood sugar level that is not too low or high is also very important. Resveratrol, the natural compound found in grape skin, controls blood sugar levels in diabetic persons. The research showed that subjects who took 250 mg of resveratrol supplements once daily for three months had lower glucose levels in their blood than those who did not. Resveratrol also controls cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
5. It Reduces the Risk of Cancer
Cancer is a horrible disease where certain cells end up uncontrollably multiplying. It can be due to abrasion and inflammation, but there is no definitive cause. There are ways to help prevent and treat cancer, but there is no real known cure. Regular and moderate consumption of red wine can effectively reduce the risks of certain types of cancers. Some of the cancers red wine helps are basal cell, colon, prostrate carcinoma, ovarian, etc. Some studies used a dose of resveratrol on human cancer cells and found that it obstructs the key action of a cancer aiding protein.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
6. It Can Help Treat and Prevent the Common Cold
The common cold, also known as THE COLD, is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract. It primarily affects the respiratory mucosa of the nose, throat, sinuses, and larynx. The antioxidants present in red wines treat common cold and even flu. This is because antioxidants protects cells against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals have a strong role to play in cold, cancer, and other diseases.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
7. It Helps Keep Your Memory Intact
Are you wondering how to keep your memory sharp? Without your memory, you are essentially useless and a different person. It helps you learn things and gives you the ability to recollect. Without memorization, you cannot do much of anything. According to some research, resveratrol present in red wines inhibit the formation of beta-amyloid protein. This a key ingredient in the plaque of the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
8. It Can Help Keep You Skinny
Keeping your weight in check is important, as being too skinny or fat can cause problems. You should be glad to know that resveratrol also helps keep a check on your weight. The chemical compound piceatannol converted from resveratrol reduces the fat cells in our body. According to the researchers, piceatannol fastens the insulin receptors of fat cells. This blocks the pathways required for immature fat cells to grow.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
9. It Can Reduce the Risk of Depression
Depression is a mental condition where a person has a low mood and lacks motivation. There are even mental disorders surrounding depression like major depressive disorder. A study carried out on middle aged to elderly people displayed how wine can help. It showed that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol daily keeps away depression. People who drink red wine are less likely to be depressed than people who do not. It is as simple as that.
10 Health Benefits of Red Wine
10. It Can Help With Your Digestive System
Your digestive system is the place where the food you have consumed goes to be digested. It is broken down and turned into energy your body can use. The rest is turned into excrement that comes out of your anus. The anti-bacterial nature of red wines has enabled it to treat stomach irritation and other digestive disorders. Wine consumption has also proven to reduce the risk of infection from Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium usually found in the stomach.
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