10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
Everyone has something in life that they cannot live without. This something can range from sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll to having a jet airplane with hookers aboard. Whatever it may be, just about anyone can have something strange in their mind. It doesn’t even have to make sense most of the time, because there is someone out there who will require it. However, in spite of what people want specifically, we can always look at the things that we shouldn’t live without. They may be generalities that we often forget, but they are also things that we actually need. We may even take these things for granted, but that’s an entirely different subject, of course. In the end though, there are always things to consider, and that’s the point. In fact, these are the 10 necessities that we shouldn’t live without, period.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
1. Decency
You’ve heard it before, but some people tend to forget this one. Of course, just about everyone thinks that we should have decency, i.e., being nice and reasonable to one another. However, things are not this simple when it comes to how we treat other people. In fact, many people simply have different ways of showing it, and the circumstances can often become unfair. Although, this should not be unbecoming of someone, as everyone struggles with decency from time to time. Furthermore, as we all know, there are ways that expectations can get in the way. Then again, some people have far too many standards or none at all; they’ve been abused. If we want to remedy this though, then we have to think about it properly by understanding how it has to be something that is naturally returned.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
2. Fairness
If deserve has nothing to do with it, then we shouldn’t bother giving it a fighting chance. Afterall, we’re all stuck in a game of unfairness, at least from time-to-time. At the same time, we shouldn’t enable it by giving it a chance to fester among us. Unfortunately, this doesn’t quite stick well for most people, but they get away with negative results. In fact, we must have the right reasons to gain an advantage, and only preparing for ourselves is not a fairness worth preserving, mostly. Even if there is no way to actually have a real and fair game, it doesn’t hurt to try a little harder. We all too often find reasons to justify this unfairness, and our success is the evidence of this. Although this is acquired proof, simply living in a world of possible success doesn’t make the entire thing justifiable to exist at all.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
3. Pleasure
As much as this list sounds like a joke, we have to cover the basics before we consider everything else. Afterall, there are far too many things to keep track of, and that dice is often flipped on the wrong side of the table. In other words, we should never live without the hedonistic side of life; however, there are times that it just isn’t worth it. When it comes to down to the essentials though, there is nothing about life that gives us pure, joyous pleasure. Of course, I’m strictly talking about an absolute good, but the average person may find this hard to understand. Although, to keep things simple, I can claim that we all deserve to find relief from our worries. However, this is not something that we can always have, especially when you consider how other people and situations can create roadblocks.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
4. Help
Although this sounds rather useless, there are reasons for its inclusion on this list. The tenets of altruism come to mind, but at the same time, there are reasons to include generosity and fairness. While this is bound to the likes of common decency, the desires that we have can often get in the way. Of course, there is necessity in being able to function on your own, but how far is this really going to take us, right? Afterall, with so many people around to make a difference, who’s to say that they cannot help or get in the way. We have been spoiled with technology, but at the same time, it has helped us with numerous problems — the battle is real. However, within these foreboding circumstances, we share a common enough interest to understand that help is often deserved and needed.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
5. Rules
Without rules, we are essentially on a one-way ticket to chaos and irreversible irresponsibility. Of course, the more that we enable these tendencies to begin with, the more that we will suffer. Since we are already on our way to going completely overboard, why even bother fixing it to begin with, right? Well, this is the mentality that doesn’t help and has gotten us into the stinker. Although, we have already been doing this for most of our existence; however, we have at least kept it at bay for a while. Is this enough? Well, of course not! Many people do not even want rules and try to live a life without them. Afterall, we can all try to keep our civilization intact, but there are always going to be those rulebreakers. Unfortunately, many of them are at the top, and it may be best to simply let everything go.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
6. Logic
If we’re to live a life of decency, then following the rules of logic is a great and tantalizing start. Unfortunately, this excruciating endeavor requires more, and simply allowing ourselves to think less is no way of dealing with the problem. Of course, we have many of the rules set out for ourselves already, and this allows us to set reasonable boundaries. However, there are far too many people looking to set themselves apart. “Who does this?” you ask. Well, there are obviously people who lack intelligence, be it the common person or extravagant lowlife. Although, it never simply ends there, as the people in charge are setting the standards with overt selfishness. Furthermore, while this logic is being very useful, not everyone knows how to use it without abusing its power and reasoned authority.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
7. Sex
Well, we all have certain things that we have gotten used to, and sex is certainly one of them. Obviously, not everyone gets a chance to have sexual intercourse during their lifetime, but many people do the actual doing. The experience can be described as euphoric, but at what cost can we say that it is really worth it. However, if we’re being honest, sex is not necessarily something that we can say is necessary. The act of sex and its beneficial byproducts are already obvious anyway, and it even comes with some downsides. You may even think to say that the act of sex is part of the reason that things are so bad. However, we are not to blame for this specifically pleasurable experience. The people who have power that choose to not enact reasonable laws surrounding sex and even love.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
8. Expectations
There’s always a rule that stands where we allowed to have expectations in spite of the excuses from others. While this sounds like an unfair inefficiency to some, there is some truth to it as well. Even then, many people will struggle to find purpose when they would rather not keep their promises. At the same time, we should understand how we are often stuck between a rock and hard place. We can even extrapolate from our negative experiences by creating excuses to set ourselves apart. Regardless, at the end of the day, we all have a right to make excuses and set expectations. It also depends on the situation and person that we’re dealing with — setting irrational standards. However, we should also set ourselves apart by having principles that avoid these circumstances, however hard it may be.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
9. Amenities
We can say that there are a lot of things that we shouldn’t live without, right? However, certain things such as our ability to eat, drink, and have shelter are one of them. When it comes to reason though, we are all somewhat capable of maintaining shelter, even if it happens to be a cardboard box. Then again, this would be an insult to the idea that we should all be able to live within the limits of reasonable comfort. Without work though, how can we expect to do this? Well, it comes down to expecting more from those of us who have been far too spoiled by the system. Again, I can also describe how our desires are often fruitless and self-defeating hardships that only serve to fool us into acceptance, etcetera. In the end, is this such a great thing to reinforce with our vice-laden virtues.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
10. Happiness
There is room to say that if we cannot display or experience happiness, then our lives are entirely useless. Of course, there is utility in getting things done, but not if only negative can come from these events. There is also need to mention that our happiness comes at the cost of the wellbeing of those around us. However, this would be nitpicking, as other people are not our problem, right? Unfortunately, this is our concern, and if we ignore this, we will create problems. Many of us are already doing this, and many of them are aggressive trespasses. However, there are many of us who wish to avoid doing harm but hope to do better. Even if we are somehow not aware of this, we can always improve. If we continue to do this selfishly, then we may not have anything left to look forward to at some point.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
In the end, we should have the ability to get what we deserve, meaning that we all cannot have everything. Of course, at least when it comes to having what we want all of the time, there are certain limitations. Unfortunately, far too many people who do not deserve things will end up getting them, be it either good or bad. This is obviously no good, but it’s also the rather crude way that the world works. If we want to change this though, then we can at least try to change our mindset. Furthermore, it is also why most of what I am including is tangential ranting about rather obtuse ideals. In the end, instead of speaking on subjects of tangible requirements, we can include the entire picture. Afterall, what really matters is not always and only something that we can readily feel with our genitals.
10 Necessities That We Shouldn’t Live Without
Honorable Mentions:
Hats, Condoms, Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Drugs, Alcohol, Dildos, Sex Dolls, Suffering, Creativity, Dogs and Cats, Thinking, Meaning, Purpose, Hope, Recovery, Bats, Revenge, Dreams, Mental Disorders, Irresponsibility, Discrimination, Debauchery, Hopelessness, Right to Die, etcetera.
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