10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
Life is often perceived as a mystery or a beautiful gift given by a creator. These so-called reasonable perceptions are a product of humans and their unending desire and stupidity. Most people are not willing to give life and what it is a real thought, be it the good or bad. Life can always be better, but it can also never be good enough. We all know what we complain about, then we proceed to justify why it happened. I am not here to help people with this article, as truth is the subject. Just because you do not want to do it does not mean that what you avoid is not the answer. There are more than 10 reasons why life sucks, but this would be a book instead of an article.
There is honestly so much of this argument to make, even if the basal facts indicate otherwise. For most people, the more you try to reason, the less they will listen. The average person will think that life can be meaningless, but this is not true. It is about keeping it as short and sweet as possible, even if you want to say more. Unfortunately, when I try to write these things out, the point takes precedence over writing. The vast majority of us are so caught up in the game, that seeing reason is nearly an impossible task. Even if it shoved straight into the average person’s face, the world will always be a certain way. These are the 10 reasons why life sucks.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
1. Life is Unfair
It is no mystery that life is an unfair mess waiting to meet it’s maker. There are injustices left and right, and your family is ugly, shamed, and destitute. We can keep justifying through the fight to win, but this is merely a part of the problem. The more we please ourselves with the gameplay, the more we are endorsing it. Life is unfair, there is really nothing you can do about it, and we have not even taken the first step. You are having a great time, but someone else is paying for it. The opposite is also true, where you are struggling for money, and someone else is abusing it. There is only so much room to win no matter what, and even the winners fail in the end. It is merely by chance that we are lucky, and because we are, we keep on keeping on anyway.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
2. Deserve Has Nothing to Do With it
There is always someone or something there to ruin your day. It is all by circumstance alone that you were given the shit end of the stick. The chances are high for failure, and this is why deserve has nothing to do with it. On a micro level, the person doing good for those around them gets hit by a car. Another person is working at the stock market looking for ways to screw someone over. Even though good intentions are barely the tip of the iceberg, the good person deserved better. On a macro level, we all deserve better in a world where deserve has little to do with it. There should not even be a deserve, let alone a place to do it. Circumstance treats us all differently, and even the worst of us should not be put in this position.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
3. It is Mostly Suffering
Life is not all suffering, but the vast majority of it is. While waiting for a meal may not seem like suffering, it really is. You are simply able to eat when you become hungry, but this hunger can turn into real pain, especially in the long-run. There is always some better way to do something, but it happens to suck that it works that way. When people have children, do they not realize how unlikely it is that their kid will be great. This is a common thought, but there is also a misunderstanding of chance when this is thought about. Another thing to mention are all of the little things that can slowly tick our life away. There are all sorts of things like cancer, heart attacks, and stroke that can ruin us entirely. Just because you are fine, does not make others okay, too.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
4. There is No True Good
All of the fun that we have comes from the desire we have to do things. We are satisfying something in ourselves, even if we did not know it. There are hungers we have because of out deprivation that is left unsatisfied. The more we avoid the water in the desert, the more we will enjoy it before we collapse. There is no winning here no matter how you slice and dice it. While there are many people who like to make it about the journey, the journey is full of pain and hardship. There is no real end cause here, and the thought this this is the answer is truly upsetting. We are all truly selfish and in the wrong things for the wrong reasons. The average human is really just walking around leaving excrement. There is no real knowledge of what is going on here.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
5. We Have No Control
It is a fact that determinism is an inherent fact in the universe. We do not have any control over what happens to us. This is where we are like just about everything else floating around in outer space. We simply have awareness and a slightly different biological process than a rock. There is little we can do once something has happened except for trying to clean up the mess it has created. While it is envious for those who struggle for the sake of it, it gets thrown away and serves little good. In the end, it really is not worth all of the little small things that can happen. We cannot control every little outcome, even if we try. This does not mean that worrying about it is necessarily a problem, but it is not a meaningful solution. After all, we can only fix problems.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
6. People Inherently Suck
So far, if you are disagreeing with or undermining these statements, you are a part of the problem. There is also a large group of people who will not even read this while casting aspersions. No one wants to hear about how much they suck. Most people are too worried about their small little problems or insecurities to fix the big picture. While opining the truth is generally difficult because of it’s unforgiving nature. While it is all business, it is still no excuse to partake in it. If someone loves somebody, it means that they are not loving someone else possibly more deserving. The more you look at the circumstances, we are all put at an disadvantage. The only difference is that some of us end up paying for it more than others. This is where deserve should have something to do with it.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
7. We are Here to Die
We are all here to struggle through our existence only to end up in a ash heap after it all. Countries go to war and send children out to fight them for the greater good. While this may seem like a noble cause, the cause is the problem. While you should go and fight in the war, people often do it for the wrong reasons. If the big picture was at all important, people would find a better solution. The issue here is that the bigger picture cannot be perceived at all. If it were, people would find reason to run from it even more. The end result will also be that we all lived and died for no better reason that selfishness. Even if people have a hard time accepting it, there is no denying what the truth is. A plain denial does not eradicate this truth.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
8. Reproduction Sucks
All of the women and some men out there do not want to hear it, but reproduction is irresponsible. Most people have children when they are young and dumb. The rest of their life is spent in fear, denial, and ignorance because of the decisions they made. The more we all reproduce, the more we are creating an issue for those around us. Many people think they are making the next Einstein, but the chances of this are extremely low. There are already too many people having children, and most of them do not think at all during the process. At first, they think they want something, but it all turns to crap once the realization kicks in. The nihilistic philosophy being perpetuated and also accused by nihilists is the biggest irony.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
9. Stupidity is the Average
People will walk around, do things, and then proceed to not care about a damn thing. Since life is a zero-sum game, knowing this should not be too much of an issue. For those who are selfish and ignorant, this seems like a challenge to their welfare. We can speak for ourselves, but this comes at the cost of others being collateral damage. Just because one person can deal with something does not mean everyone can deal with it. There is no shortage of living with people’s bad decisions. You may be able to cope with being a perverted sadist, but not everyone is this deviant. When you are correct, calling someone stupid is not relatively a bad thing. The problem is that everyone thinks they are right or will remain in denial over what makes them so incredibly wrong.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
10. It is Never Enough
The dumber you are, the easier it is to be satisfied with yourself. People are having children left and right in dirt poor conditions, and they care little about it. We can never be truly satisfied, as we are strictly tied to a never-ending addiction. If there was somewhere to go, it would be great, but there is no place to visit. There is no better way to look at it, as the facts remain the same no matter what. No amount of overlooking the truth will change the overarching truth of our existence. We all need to hear more, but it is always too much. All of us complain that it is never enough, then we slog through the misery and fear. There is always more to say, but it should require less. This is the problem, as there is no winning, even if you make a cogent argument.
10 Reasons Why Life Sucks
Final Thoughts:
Of course, the torture that we end up justifying and putting ourselves through is unjustified. Even in a single player game there is fault, but most people have not even gotten this far. It is all about their own self-interest, especially when the horror of disease and dismemberment hits someone else. Life is often treated as an intellectual’s exercise rather than a serious subject. The human race as a whole will never fail to disappoint, even if some people are alright. It just takes the right amount of intelligence and experience to change someone’s perspective. Adopting a new view is easier said than done but not the answer even if it is a solution.
There is always the odds of coming into conflict with another perspective. You also have to try being nice to the ignorant. We all end up justifying what has already happened by thinking that it is alright, as we cannot do anything about it. Deserve should have something to do with it, but it gets thrown away. When making these arguments, there is generally so much to mention that I end up forgetting things. Even if I did not forget them, it would end up being an entire book of ideas. There are just too many little arguments to mix in here that can help give perspective. In the end, people never listen and end up making the truth too hard to explain.
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