The internet is an wickedly ‘fickle’ place, but it is never going to be a “location” that YOU or I can truly call our home. (It’s a convoluted set of code and pixels that you can ruin your life in a heartbeat.) Be it the online landscape or the world wide web, you will find out that the internet space that we find refuge in is not always our best, most friendly ally. Unfortunately, we are addicted to it’s presence and the never-ending and bombarding array of information and/or entertainment that we can or will gleam from it. And, to this very day, everyone ‘online’ has found a “purpose,” from teenager trendsetters to old geezers looking to flip a dime into the right pond. Although, it does have its purpose, be it the incessant mimicry or meme-centric zeitgeist of our modern culture and society. (The internet is often used for all sorts of dark, seedy, and insidious purposes.) But, in the end, these are the 10 reasons why the internet has failed you … me, and everyone else. Just be sure to grab that cracked can of coke so that this all goes down well.
The internet is obviously a useful tool; however, it and the people who use it display their problems regularly and without respite. Although, it’s not like the internet itself is entirely to blame here.
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
1. The Advertisements
The vile nature of the internet can be traced back to its ‘very beginning.’ Unfortunately, it didn’t get much better as time went on; however, this can always be considered a more “subjective” point. (The description of ‘subjective is always used so, so very loosely!) If anything, the internet has been nullified to the point of it being almost entirely useless — it’s a rich person’s playpen. And, at least if we’re being entirely honest with ourselves, it has been ruined to the point of no return. Of course, it’s initial purposes were not so driven by advertisements, but this is how it actually turned out. (Everyone is to blame, but should we blame the internet for being how it COULD have turned out.) In the end, we can not only blame the current back-peddlers, because we can also blame the people who started it. Unfortunately, we should understand the rule of law when you’re online. (It’s a gatekeeper’s paradise!) Thankfully, we can choose to ignore everyone who has sabotaged the internet with their incessant & blatantly exploited ads!
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
2. The Misinformation
If you want to avoid the vile nature of the internet, then you are going to have to understand its betrayals from the start. “Why is this?” you ask. Well, it’s because of the incessant amount of misinformation that you will find online. (The internet is fantastic if you know where to look; however, there are plenty of ways that this information can highly mislead you.) In fact, you will find that the internet is a great place to be sold all sorts of marketing schemes and/or misleading merchandising crapola. And, for what it’s worth, there’s much to be said for how people eat it all up. (We’re a part of the well-oiled and cog-filled machine that keeps the ‘fake news’ chugging.) Unfortunately, there’s very little that we can do about it when everyone is allowed to display their opinion under the false pretenses of “fact & truth.” Not everyone can even think for themselves, and we’ve also created a hub that’s validated our own worst opinions. Of course, this is a problem with human nature, but it doesn’t invalidate the concerns about how we operate.
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
3. The Invasions of Privacy
To whom it may concern, whomever you choose to exploit for fun, you must also consider their so-called “feelings.” Unfortunately, the internet is not the “perfect” place for you to find solace while you’re suffering from your interpersonal struggles. And, at least for what it’s worth, you will find that the internet is always using you as a marketing platform for their products. (You are simply a customer to the corporations — it’s solely for the ‘top of the line.’) Unfortunately, to many people, you’re simply a bottom feeder looking to tow the bottom line. And you will never really understand the absolute worst of it! Although, the worst, most disgusting part of all of this is the fact that we’re often inviting the invasions of privacy. And there may even be room to believe that we enjoy having to use VPNs, firewalls, etcetera. (We’ve created a network that abuses the requirement for privacy, and we even like to invade the privacy of others.) Yes, this ultimately means that it’s a cyclical routine that we cycle through to keep the status … .
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
4. The Coercion
We’ve already discussed the concepts of the internet in other articles; however, there’s no real “shame” in bringing them up again … . (Google is in charge; however, other websites have fallen prey to the same debaucherously sickening foreplay, especially when it comes to other social media websites.) For the most part, we know the progenitors of the internet have no concept of positive and/or negative. If they did, then they would probably try to find a somewhat better balance to persuade us with … . Unfortunately, it’s typically malicious coercion that is used and placated as part of the norm. (There’s even room to believe that we incite the riot by allowing the internet to be used against us.) Now, if we’re being completely honest with ourselves, then we should understand how we are being “manipulated.” Be it the invasions of privacy or the need to use the internet a certain way, we’re stuck playing the part! Of course, reading the script doesn’t always have to be so unpleasant; but there are endless ways that it can be ‘used’ against us.
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
5. The Ai
When push comes to the inevitable shove, you will find that the internet is not always run or even ‘ruined’ by people, at least directly … . Of course, we’re always ready to “create” a new, profound logarithmic algorithm to do all of the work for us. (Although this is not inherently bad, there are a lot of problems that come with newer technology.) Not only are you going to fall prey to the marketing bullsh*t, but you will also find yourself being poorly manipulated by it as well. And its misleading, conniving, and malicious ways tend to create even more conflict. Unfortunately, we’re being driven to allow an artificial intelligence to keep us in line instead of someone else. Who cares if someone can do the job better! (We’re going in the wrong direction; however, this is where the so-called ‘future’ is taking us.) “Yeah, but is it all bad?” you question. Well, no it’s not, but now we’ve got our inevitable scapegoat on the table. And it’s there to make all sorts of mistakes that could get us into trouble. After all, it could also take your job/work away!!!
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
6. The Other People
People suck! And it’s no secret that other people are often your enemy online. Could the internet be any other way? Probably not! However, this does not mean that we cannot improve our interactions with other people. It’s obviously not just the responsibility of the internet, but the internet doesn’t help us find solace when we’re interacting with other people. And, although you may know better, you’re still stuck dealing with people and their asinine incongruities. (The point here is that most people do not make the internet a better place.) If anything, most people tend to display their most crude and snarkiest sides online. Although, it’s not their place to make the internet better, & the folly that ensues is typically a sign that the internet doesn’t keep people responsible. Given the current landscape, this is obvious because of the internet’s ability to get the worst out of people. Of course, the Ai doesn’t help, but it’s inevitable human behavior that will get us in trouble anyway. Yes, we will get used to it, but it’s still very, very bad … .
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
7. The Hivemind
There’s always more to the story than what meets the eye, and the internet is always making sure to keep an eye on you. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you will find out that the internet is keeping literal tabs on you. “Why is this?” you precariously inquire. Well, it boils down to people requiring the internet in their lives. Now, it’s almost impossible to avoid it at this point; however, it doesn’t mean that it always has to be there in the ways that it currently is. (We’re almost “forced” to use it now, but that shouldn’t necessarily be a … problem.) Unfortunately (for everyone else), we’re driven by what other people end up doing. So, if you want to make it somewhere by using the internet, then you will very likely have to do it their way. And not only that! You will also have to be privy to the games that they play! In fact, you will find that everything you see online has “lowest common denominator” written all over it. Especially at this point, watching, viewing, or simply reading anything online tends to reinforce this dump.
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
8. The Inconsistent Work
When you’re stuck in a precarious bind, it’s probably the most appropriate time to seek out wiggle room. Not only does this create problems for you, but it can also create problems for other people as well. Sometimes, we make things worse instead of actually fixing the right thing because of our incompetence. (The internet is no different when it comes to the effort that you must put in, but it should be easier.) Although, some people do have it easier than others, of course! Unfortunately, it simply becomes a place where false promises are made, as most people do not have the luck or time investment to make it happen. And this isn’t really that good, even if you don’t mind not “working online.” (Even though finding work online isn’t the internet per se, it still counts as an aspect of being online.) But you’re very likely to be disappointed with the internet if you have a brain; it doesn’t mean that everything is BAD. It’s just that the standards for information have lowered, and the quality standards for “other things” have “increased.”
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
9. The Unfairness
The more that you are “online”, the more that you will fall into its unrestrained recesses, too. And, at least when it comes to the internet, you will find that there’s always room to fail upward. (At this point, the internet grooms what is already popular and dumb — the least common denominator.) If you’re not quick to display any skill with your personal stupidity, then you will likely struggle to get anywhere online. (There’s a tendency to like heavily scripted, short, and edited material that can be easily watched on your phone.) Also, most people tend to personally enjoy “videos” that capture their attention for a mere second as opposed to keeping them engaged. Although, there’s also room for just about anyone to do it! You may be asking, “What’s wrong with appealing to more people?” Well, it works good because of the modern audiences who have unpleasantly short attention spans. Although, it’s one of the best things that you can do because “folks” are dumb! And because it sucks! But it’s never good, because it’s also UNFAIR!
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
10. The Cultural Impact
If we’re being at all honest with ourselves, then we should understand that the WORLD is not here for just us. In fact, we’re a part of a cultural zeitgeist that decides the deterministic fate of society and its municipal goals. And, unfortunately for us, there’s not much that we can do to fight this unnerving facade of a machine. Thankfully, there are ways ways to alleviate the impact of certain aspects of the modern-day. (We’re guided by the inevitability that has brought us here to begin with.) It’s just too bad that, once something has happened, there is no way to change it. We’re stuck in the present! However, we should always be looking out for the so-called “future.” But the internet is not looking out for us! So, what should we do? Well, we should understand that the world is much, much smaller now. We could obviously destroy what we’ve created, but that wouldn’t work without the apocalypse anyway. And it boils down to a lot: peoples needs, wants, and inclinations. After all, we all can understand that the internet has its place.
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
As you can obviously tell, the internet will never be your actual friend. If anything, it’s a malicious enemy that has, on multiple occasions, betrayed you. (Even though it hasn’t done much for feeding us expectations to begin with, it has still given us [many people] false hopes and/or dreams.) There are many detractors who will agree that this requires the internet having been your “friend” to begin with, but who’s to say, right!? (Why not!) It obviously didn’t keep up it’s end of the correct deal, in spite of it being your friend or not. And this is always a betrayal, at least in my honest opinion. (Although, it didn’t take much to ruin it despite its “promises”!) But a wise man once said, ” You can jump to their rhythm or tap to their dance, but it will never give you reason.” Yes, you can jump online so that you win! People will do this or that anyway, or we can take initiative, albeit very slowly. Although it seems unfair, so what!? It’s the worst and best thing about the online predicament! However, because of this, we’re very likely screwed …!
10 Reasons Why the Internet Has Failed You
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