10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
There is no denying the fact that YouTube is a great place to share ideas. All you have to do is come up with a plan and then execute it with a video. While it may take some time, you may begin to see your view numbers and subscriber count go up. Before long, you will have a gang of fans slobbering at the mouth for your next obligatory video. Unfortunately, most of the ideas you have to share end up being nothing more than common sense. You can then get away with doing very little work by becoming the next big star. For the most part, it is great, and you may even find that there is something to look forward to. Just don’t expect it to be you, because the likelihood is no better than winning the lottery. These are the 10 reasons why YouTube sucks.
If it users were not enough of a problem, then you will run into the dreaded YouTube policies. The average person on YouTube will either get what they don’t want or end up with nothing they desire. Very little on YouTube is original or useful, but the hyperbole is not ill-placed. People love to abuse the system of online intercourse in any way they can, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. You can go out, make a few videos, and then land on a goldmine of fame and fortune. The average YouTube millionaire typically doesn’t deserve their following, but they attained it nonetheless. If we are lucky, we can get by without even putting in any hard work or effort. The same can happen to you, but do not expect a fortune of miracles or anything but a tough ride.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
1. Monetization
If you want to get big on YouTube, you will likely have to struggle. There is no easy way to the top, but there is always a chance you will get lucky. It takes a lot of hard work to get a reasonable channel running, and there are plenty of rules. At the same time, it is a wild west full of people trying to take advantage of you. As long as you are there, everyone can abuse you in the worst ways possible. It could be bullying and debasing or ridicule and hate — it does not matter. You will suffer to find your place, and there are few ways to stop the haters. If this does not seem dreadful enough, you will have to deal with YouTube as well. Just be sure to not expect much in the way of payment, as Google is the one running the show.
While negative behavior is generally what makes amounting an audience on this website so challenging, it does not end there. You will have to deal with the piss-poor monetization policies that corrupt the platform. Be it the ambitions to create a lucrative scheme or watching the latest video on dumpster fires, there are sacrifices. Everyone will have to feast their eyes on at least one person making sure that their money-grubbing needs are satisfied. And since you can barely make at dime with YouTube, expect a bunch of advertisements as well. Avoiding it will be arduous, and the benefits seem veiled; people love to take advantage of it. The best ways to overcome this is by biting the dust or avoiding the website altogether.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
2. Advertisements
If people abusing the ad system wasn’t bad enough, then just wait and see what else YouTube has in store. Not only will you have to suffer through endless slowdowns, you will have to struggle through sponsorships as well. Even if a profile has no use for ads, they will be aired on your channel. The subject matters little, as YouTube is simply trying to make a buck. There is no shortage of small-time scamming, and the corporation on top is taking charge. Before you even have a chance to make some change, Google is already at the helm. They do not care about your wellbeing as long as you can pay your way to success — everyone is scared to talk back. If you have nothing to offer in terms of cash, then you might as well give up right away.
The difficulty in using a search engine based on Google’s software is quite extreme. Everywhere you look will have a commercial displayed for your eyes to see. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, you will be stuck dealing with YouTube’s cruddy system. Since this highly-esteemed marketing company likes to spread it’s feces everywhere, you will have to live with it. While it’s hard to say anything good — in spite of all these negatives — about this website, the user does gain some control. You can even sponsor yourself or create ads for your own videos. As long as you are willing to abuse the system they have created for you, there is nothing to worry about. This means that the point of YouTube is to keep on keeping on no matter what.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
3. Borg Mentality
If you think that sharing an idea is easy online is easy, then think again. Attempting to share a new and interesting idea on YouTube is a burden. Everyone is looking for the latest fail video or anything else that suits their technical fancy. There is no true way to get your name out there unless you bend over real nice and good. To say that it is any other way is a lie, but the powers that be make it impossible to witness. It does not matter how much you try, there are always going to be times when getting on your knees is the only option. Getting your own audience takes a lot of time, but it can be the easiest thing in the world. If you choose to abuse the system like everyone else, then you will have this grand advantage.
YouTube is just another way for the average world to reach the average user. The common invalids are looking for fun or something that does not scratch that controversial itch. The most you can expect only amounts to political hot takes or cliched pursuits. While the niche is there, only the people who find the least common denominator interesting succeed. As long as you are stupid enough, you will find your place to be. It can be something as smart as science or as dumb as the abject failure of conspiratorial thinking. To be at the top means you must also be at the very bottom of a cesspool of dumbness that celebrates drama and public humiliation. At the cost of future integrity, you will keep in good graces the gods of the internet.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
4. Bullying
Just like the points I have mentioned when talking about Google, you will struggle with the same on YouTube. It is no different than a social media site like Facebook, but it only goes downhill from here. If you thought that cancel culture was bad on Twitter, then wait until you see the gutters of YouTube. Everyone there loves to jump on drama-lore bandwagons before taking a half-witted side based on taste alone. Impotent behavior is rampant on this platform, and few ever bat an eyelash. While you can expect someone to win, there is only victory within the bitter taste of defeat. There are tribes that form from the various channels, and death threats are commonplace. Everyone is special or has an attitude problem, and the only excuse you can expect is human nature.
The largest drawback of YouTube is the bitter resentment you often see from others. You will never know who they are even if there is a face tied to the account. Since everyone loves to be a part of something big, you can expect the same from their behavior. If they are loud and lack respect, then you can make a good guess that they are the mouth-breathing bottom feeders. While they lack legitimate success, they will find a way to make their voices heard. It can be in the form of a group, or you will find that traditional lone-ranger looking for attention. There is never-ending drive to troll comment threads, and you may even hear about the latest suicide. The hypocrisy is deep, and the double standards need no introduction.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
5. Manipulation
If you thought that your personal life was bad, then just wait for your life on YouTube. There are petty criminals left and right, and they are looking to scam you out of your money or personal assurance. People fall for it all of the time, and it is the reason why it continues to occur on a regular basis. You may even run into the courtesy of dishonesty that only serves to protect you from knowing the truth. It happens when viewing some ads or even the person you went there to watch. The most common things you will experience are fake thumbnails and clickbait, but this is the tip of the iceberg. A need to be clever is firmly plastered over every corner of this website, and there is no end in sight.
When going on YouTube, you need to be sure to temper your expectations. You may think that you are walking into a cozy room full of friends and family, but this is far from the case. Everything seems fine and dandy to begin with, but the truth is often too cruel to spot at all. The only thing you are good for are the views you afford, so why not take full advantage of this slight of hand. Every content creator is there to assure you, but the last thing you have is the dignity in your pocket. We all understand that what we are seeing is wrong, but we still decide to pay the price. The struggle is real, and the end in sight still seems too far to justify the suffering that happens in the meantime.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
6. Stupidity
With a service like YouTube, you will end up getting what you pay for. If the world already seems like a begrudged place, then clicking the following link will only make it worse. While a normal human is dumb, the average YouTuber is even more asinine. There is no shortage of phony fakers and joker-slackers, but even you may be surprised. The average YouTuber does little to share what truly matters in the world, and this is what you should expect. People love to watch the worse of the worse, and it only goes to show what humans are made of. Everyone has the same useless opinion on the same needless subject, and there’s no stopping it. Although we are already struggling with meaning and purpose in real life, there is always some jerk there exacerbating it.
Although it is okay to sell someone snake oil or use deceptive tactics, your response should be a middle finger. If telling someone “no sale” is not good enough, then why even bother diluting the turd pile. Every part of what YouTube stands for is made of nothing but raw sewage, and the smell taints for miles. It is not to say that you cannot find a diamond in the endless sea of shite, but the search is often futile. People too often glorify what we can do with this freedom; however, the freedom to share is the freedom to destroy. Every last corner of this media sharing site is covered with toothless lies and empty promises. The next time you watch the millionth cat video online, be sure to think about why.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
7. Absurd Rules
As we can all see, everything that YouTube offers leaves a lot to be desired. Not only do they adhere to stringent copyright laws, they make the viewers suffer the most. Every single time a copyright claim is reported, it often goes against the person doing little to no harm. If you have a claim to reasonably make, then you will likely not be heard. We cannot even watch a movie that is over ten years old without coming into conflict with a bureaucratic trademark. If they are committing a crime, the reasons for reporting a claim are too often draconian and completely duplicitous. The loser who tends to abuse the system gets away, and the guy minding his own business gets a strike.
Before a person’s account is completely shut down, there will be a waves of fanboys rushing over to ridicule them. If the creepers are not already using sock accounts, they will make them for the sake of grandiosity. The abusers will get away with their censure, and everyone will be none the wiser. As generalizing as this sounds, it just so happens to be the truth to some degree. The rules on YouTube are benign and futile, but this can be to someone’s advantage. Even if you are struggling to get somewhere, you will be stomped. The rules are used against us, and we adhere to them like leeches to a leg. Every single thing is reasonable justified, but only because it happens to be set up a certain way. While every website plays this silly game, YouTube does it the worst.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
8. Anonymity
You have heard it before, and you are going to hear it again — YouTube sucks! The bigger it gets, the more you question who is responsible for its demise. If any place on the internet is known for it’s disruptive fanbase, it is YouTube. The tribalism is extreme, and people are constantly at each other’s necks. The sock accounts are hiding in plain sight, but we do not have the gall to point them out for it. You can make endless accounts, and they can all be as fake as fools gold. While you and your friends are metaphorically shooting the shit, you are enabling what is often a crime. We all have to deal with every kind of idiot on YouTube, because it is essentially open-source software.
The problems with YouTube extend far past what is acceptable on other websites. It’s not to say that other websites are not responsible, but the blatant disregard on YouTube is jarring. While Yahoo is known for fake emails, creating an email requires more work, even on Google. Although you can create multiple emails, at least something can trace you back to them. The process of making one takes time, and there is reason to keep it clean. On YouTube, things are not so difficult, and tracing people back to an email can require some effort. If this is not bad enough, people can even dox you and your personal information. This makes YouTube a highly toxic environment full of disrespectful behavior.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
9. Affiliate Marketing
The only reasons people make videos on YouTube are the advertising and sponsorships. Without them, YouTube would honestly be better off, but it would also be empty. The contrivance of the average YouTuber is to market for a larger corporation; this is why the entire website has become a giant ad. Although not everyone takes part in this façade, the vast majority of people do. It all comes down to making that extra buck, and some of the offers seem awesome on the surface. The problem with this is that it slants everything we see before being dumped into the toilet of oblivion. If they have not already gone to the dark side, then they will at some point. Furthermore, the only channels you will see are the ones who do not give a damn.
All this ends up boiling down to is the content you are seeing being as fake as plastic. If this does not bother you, then there is also something wrong. While we have been convinced that things cannot work any other way, this is blatantly untrue. There are always better alternatives, but we have become too brainwashed to see it. Some of us may not even see a problem with how things function, and it boils down to ignorance. Although we are ironing out the kinks, there is very little we can do at this point. We have all been boiled alive, but the cook has been doing it ever so slowly. You are simply a pawn to be conned and robbed of your wellbeing through excessive marketing. There is no end to the pain and torture until the average joes are willing to do something about it.
10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks
10. Breaches of Privacy
As we all know, YouTube is run by anything but a meritocracy. We all fall into it’s reigns, and we think we are also protected by it’s laws. The rules do little to help, but they do even worse when justifying the problems they impose. If sharing all of your life’s secrets is your thing, then all the power to you. However, the average person probably does not want this, and they probably do not know this. Every single person on YouTube is having their metadata breached on a daily basis. While it does not amount to spying through a webcam, it comes damn near close. It’s hard to be privy to every single breach of privacy, but there is no doubt when understanding its existence.
If we did not already have enough problems with secret government agencies, there is always YouTube to make it worse. Since Google is backing them up, you can expect little in the way of personal decency. Every time you click on a video, you are being adhered to through ads. If you do not bite, then you are thrown to the wayside and blacklisted. Although you may have an Ad-block service available, you are still being watched. We are all enabling this invasive behavior, and it will only stop when we make it. No matter where you go on the internet, big brother is there to stop you. Even if you think you are innocent, there is nothing stopping them from finding a reason to hate you, too.
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