There’s always room for some kind of “improvement” (for the most part), and everyone loves a new piece of technology … kind of. Unfortunately, these so-called inventions are not all ‘sunshine and rainbows,’ because humans tend to find reasons to abuse these “futuristic notions” with unwarranted & unmitigated stupidity and selfishness. (Why wouldn’t they, right?) In fact, people are unfair to you/me, daily situations are seemingly unfair to your loved ones, and the internet is evenly unfair to just about everyone. And, at least as far as it seems, just about everything in life is unfair to you (or me), someone you love, or someone else (a stranger) entirely. “Yeah, but why is this?” you curiously ask. Well, it’s because it’s “normal” to only feel your wants and desires; it also boils down to ignorance. (This desire can be felt for others as well!) However, it’s also somewhat normal to use technology to make things better — it is just that great! It’s just that we must discuss the 10 remarkable technologies that will ruin everything.
It’s all about understanding, questioning, and doing something about it. This technological ‘breakdown’ can also cause an “existential crisis” for a lot of people, and it can even create or exacerbate serious mental health issues. Although, at least for most people, it’s not too bad when you’ve got your laptop!?!
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
1. Internet
Everyone wants something nice to play with, and why shouldn’t we all start with the internet! After all, the internet simplifies the process of personal acquisition, so why wouldn’t we bombard it with our unfounded affections. Although it appears as though this is unfair, it’s one of the things that a modern human can not and WILL not actually ignore! (Why would we give it the cold shoulder!) Unfortunately, the grass isn’t always greener when it comes to the “internet super highway.” And it’s just that it doesn’t always work this pleasant way — the internet is often a sick ruse. There’s no way to really stop it (except for a storm or power bill), and it’s on a grandiose course towards self-destruction. Although, it’s not to say that it does no good, and it always sounds great and useful. To make it even better, the internet is becoming more “personalized,” and it has always been good for communication and learning from others. We’ve even given a place for entrepreneurs to steal all of our money, i.e., social media and so on!
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
2. Cars
Before we begin to insult the utility of transportation, we should understand that cars (or automobiles of any sort) have been very useful. They get you from point A to B, do just about everything faster, and generally display an appropriate impact on our so-called “modern culture.” Unfortunately, they begin to fall apart when you see what people are driving on the road, be it the expensive metal boxes or broken Swiss army knives. (The people behind the steering wheel don’t make this any easier either.) Not everything has to be all bad, as cars generally hold an important function … with some caveats. It’s just that they’re incredibly dangerous road machines that can kill you on sight. (They’re also a source of emissions and posturing.) However, to a lot of people, this is the lesser of two evils or the “price of entry” into the future. Thankfully, it’s also about time that we begin getting into corporate crashes with self-driving vehicles! And you know what, the automobile industry isn’t suffering from any of this themselves!
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
3. Phones
As we all should truly know, the world is driven by a lot of different things, including wireless frequencies, telecommunications companies, and telephone technologies. (It’s how we can communicate with each other across the entire planet!) To make matters even better, we often use these amenities to communicate and share with others, hack our friends’ telephones and/or computers/laptops, and create disturbing (or distressing) blackmail situations with our best friend’s scandalously nude pictures. Of course, these precious little devices are now smart “cellphones,” and we can go online just about anywhere! (Why needs a landline, right?) We can even say that we’re holding all of recorded history in our hands, meaning that we’ve got the internet at our useless little fingertips. (Just remember that the internet is not always the best place to research, as there is a lot of misinformation floating about.) Thankfully, we’ve got all of the apps in the world to keep our crazed, tiny minds occupied as we’re driving.
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
4. Microtechnology
Before we jump off of the deep end and discuss the stark intricacies of disturbing works of cult fiction, we should understand that we’re already in the middle of it. (What can we do about any of those nasty horror anyway, right?) Although it’s not as ‘horrible’ as it is seen in a certain kind of novel or movie, it’s also not too short of our “romanticized visions.” In fact, we love to discuss the horrors of microtechnology, but it doesn’t mean that it should haunt us without end. (There’s always room to be afraid in our world, and this happens no matter the situation.) However, it’s also true that we may choose to indulge in the dicey nature of its existence as well. (Humans will choose to screw everything up!) Thankfully, there’s plenty of utility available when it comes to microtechnology; we unfortunately tend to exaggerate its destruction, too. Although, to be fair, there are a lot of downsides to this supposed future that we’re deciding to build. It obviously doesn’t serve much function, but what can you do with stupidity.
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
5. Drones
Drone (remote-controlled) technology is a fairly recent invention; however, it’s also been an idea that has been floating around for years. (What we’re doing with it — the degree that we have it — is likely the largest ‘piston’ to consider.) After all, we can use them for delivering packages, destroying enemy hideouts, and sniping our especially-loved enemy compatriots. (I mean, what else would/could we be doing without drones, right?) Of course, other than the love bombing and “espionage action,” we can use them without putting anyone else at risk … . This obviously comes with a downside, meaning that we can & will use & abuse a drone while also separating ourselves from our humanity. To make this even “better,” we can set aside our concerns by making them fully AI-RC (AI-based ‘remote controller’)! Doesn’t this just keep getting better and better! With this, we don’t have to take any responsibility for our so-called actions, and we can eradicate our jobs in the process. Hell, who would be to BLAME anyway, right!?
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
6. AI
We can obviously discuss the functionality of a steam-based riverboat or specialized cruise ship; however, why shouldn’t we discuss things like aircraft technologies (or AI in general). Be it a spaceship or self-driving airplanes (without a pilot), whatever we gleefully think of next should be very “worthy” of everyone’s concern. Of course, we’ve got VR sets, videogames, and just about everything else controlled by artificial intelligence, but why should we choose to fall into its “personalized” folly. It’ll never be sentient with the use of “quantum physics,” but why not waste time playing with that silly, little video game. They’re all generally “useful,” “safe,” and functional for several different purposes; however, it’s also about the damage that can be done with it (i.e., a colossal wastes of time or miscarried investments.) In the end, we should probably just discuss the unburdening merits of shoe technology instead! (It obviously takes a steady hand.) Although, there’s simply too much desire to make a future relevant NOW!
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
7. Firearms (Weapons)
Everyone understands the eminent danger of firearms and explosive weapons … for the most part … . Hell, there’s even room to discuss the “theoretical” and indiscriminate uses of the atomic and/or nuclear bombs (warheads). (Anyone who know me know that I understand that firearms are typically not the “answer.”) In fact, who needs a proper landline when you can fly a rocket into a nearby apartment building! It’s obviously the answer, right!? (Of course, it’s not like incidents like this happen all of the time.) Now, it’s not to say that firearms on any kind of equipment can hold preventative utility, especially when other people are using them. It’s just that they’re a ‘prototypical’ example of taking “technology” too far; you’re only able to fix problems that you will likely create with the use of them. Regardless of the charades, we make use of them now, but they’ve been a massive pain in our sides. “Wouldn’t it all be worse without them?” you politely ask. Well, it certainly depends, but we also know that they’ve been bad.
Firearm use is an “efficient” way for ANYONE (but mostly weaklings) to gain an “advantage” over other people for whatever reason. And it’s only “reasonable” to play a game of catch up if other people or nations are using them, given our recent history. Unfortunately, they also make the fight bigger and last longer in spite of their lethality. They’re essentially a prime example of the future taking charge of itself out of people’s misplaced sense of perceived necessity. Why hold back when they’re here and we can create them, right? However, the problem typically lies in gun laws and mental status, so there is a “fix.”
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
8. Medicine
We all love the theatrics of playing word games (semantics), but we’ve also got to learn to be responsible with language and word usage. Furthermore, there’s an argument often used that explain how we shouldn’t hold back in spite of a lack of viability in ‘its’ mechanism to begin with. Now, if it makes our destruction all the more eminent, then why not take everything too far! However, what’s the true intention, and how can it be properly leveraged for the time being without being too inefficient. (There are plenty of things to consider: suffering, expenditure, etcetera.) Also, will it help us, and is it all worth it!? Unfortunately, most people, including the “scientists,” do not ask these questions enough before the pushing the button! After all, it’s about your desires, expectations, and what the real truth factually entails.
Taking certain things away now (like medicine) would be dangerous; however no one is necessarily saying that we should eradicate this industry. We’ve got them now, and it would be hellfire without them! They’re also very useful, but they’ve got downsides surround them. And, like firearms, medicine is the cockroach of technology, and it will always be around, be it new-age alchemy or the historic use of synthetic modifiers/drugs. They perpetuate the cost of living and make it more difficult to live. Of course, this is more of an issue with doctors, wrongful prescriptions, and the preexisting dangers of certain drugs on certain people and conditions. It’s not to say that we have to micromanage everything, but it’s certainly fixable and worth fixing. We’ve just got to get our priorities straight and look towards the truth!!!
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
9. Automation
As it seems, everything that we produce to advance ourselves tends to also display a destructive viability, and it’s all in spite of its “useful” function. We even think that we’re capable of transporting our consciousness into the memory chips of personal computers! Although, beyond the transhumanism, sci-fi teleportation, and fancified ideations of a so-called alien time traveler, we should be looking at the realized threat. Now, the AI-controlled universe and its algorithmic charm appears calming at first, but it’s all a little more complicated than just that. It doesn’t matter if it’s related to concerns of factory farming or an AI procuring itself into becoming a cash room clerk! We’ve even got nuclear power, simple electricity and internet connections run by some degree of inspired automation. Of course, they will not necessarily become ‘consciously’ dysfunctional, but they can create a plethora of issues. It also gives corporations more power to persevere with the help of automated advertisements. (They can afford it!!!)
They’re all in control of the zeitgeist, and we’re their pets who’ll feed their pockets.
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
10. Computers
As we all know, computer technology has been around for quite a while, but only has it recently acquired the software to run the consumer internet. We’ve got broadcast, television, and graphical/audio technologies as well. And with the flip of a small switch, the electricity fires, and the GMO/textile process begins! In fact, we’d probably fall apart with this technology at our hateful, begrudged fingertips; however, there’s even more to lose without it! You see, technology is meant to improve our lives, but there is often a fine line that we’re not always willing to walk. (We’re still here though!) However, the “fall” of civilization isn’t always caused by technology! It’s just that we’re driven to reach its “apex” at some point. (Without it, we’d probably not be able to end ourselves properly, and it would be something else running this never-ending show.) Think what you want of civilization (theories), but it’s all that we’ve really got! So, in the end, we’ve made strides, and we’ll likely iron out the ‘entities’ with some kind, useless force.
Even though you may believe that some of these things are a “problem” (computers around or not), we’d all likely not appreciate the disappearance of it all. Unfortunately, it may also get to the point that our lives become trivialized or depreciated by our “needs” for technology. (It may not happen in your lifetime or pea-sized brain; however, it’s a real threat to consider.) If we even reach this point of technology or contrive our way out of it, then it would be showing us that technology has its limits based on an imbalance of human prosperity. (It’s the only way that we can evolve.) After all, the more that you desire, the more that you will surely plummet. Not only this, but it also happens slowly! You see, a wise man once said, “You shouldn’t simply question what takes your jobs away.” Yes, it all seems the same, but a lot of technology is the same! It’s always there like heating and air, and a lot of it requires electricity. So, what’s the point of being an a**hat about it when you know that most people have become insane about it, too!
The 10 Remarkable Technologies That Will Ruin Everything
In the end, it seems as though I’m discussing the issues that we all can have with all sorts of “technology.” Thankfully, it’s not all about ‘doom and gloom,’ as a lot of technology is useful, functional, and harmless. (A lot of it is obviously dangerous and used in dangerous ways at times, but it’s not always used maliciously.) Furthermore, a lot of it creatively serves a function, but it’s a double-edged sword that ultimately makes this future of us look rather … indistinct! I mean, look at us! We’ve got technology ranging from dangerous firearms and nuclear power to computer algorithms and AI-based programs. The truth is, our infrastructure is so thin and reliant on on-site servers and backup resources that it wouldn’t take much to have it crumble down. It’s obviously not what we’re advocating for, and it’s certainly something that we can curate for civilization. Of course, there are plenty of other dangers out there, be it technology or otherwise, but technology is made with something in mind (manmade). It simply depends!?
It doesn’t matter if it’s hardware or software tech, because it’s likely to give you a difficult time anyway. You’d also be hard-pressed when trying to look for something that isn’t technologically foul in the world, but we’re generally in “good” hands. It’s just unfortunate that we’re walking down the wrong … .
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