Numbers are everywhere, and we do little to give them the appreciation they actually deserve. In fact, they give you your social security number, and they even give you a number in prison. (They are important.) Of course, if we understand numbers even better, then we can use logic to use them to our advantage, i.e., mathematics (physics) and engineering. This is obviously the first thing that comes to mind; however, we will delve into why numbers are so important. To make this even clearer, I am here to list the 10 remarkable things about every number! Just be sure to count it all along the way.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
1. One
If we think about the number 1 (one), then we can understand that second place is “generally” worse than what is the “first place.” There are so many associations with this number, such as its connection to 2 (two) and 0 (zero). In fact, first thing about the number 1 is that you can always start there with confidence without someone disagreeing. However, with this in mind, we can understand that one is no more important than the other numbers. Although, it does tend to always stand tall, foundationally.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
2. Two (Only Even Prime Number)
The number two (2) generally has a negative connotation because of its connection to numero uno (1 [one]). Of course, if it weren’t so close to one, then it wouldn’t be too bad — it would probably accept its probable, acquiescent position. Furthermore, we can often associate these numbers with a number of bodily processes that may keep you at distance; it looks like a one. They — the people whom take second — also understand that time is important. And, with this, we can understand its position perfectly.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
3. Three (2nd Prime Number)
The number three (3) has its personal and undeniable charms, but we have to look at it with a particular understanding in mind. However, as we all know, three is … fantastic; although, you may find yourself struggling to accept third place. We needn’t disturb the status quo, as general consensus has created an alternative to facts through unmitigated tribal dictation. Of course, at least from time to time, these “things” can coalesce into something factual, as the rules of three describe our reality perfectly.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
4. Four
For those struggling with suffering, four (4) is where we hit that depressing floor door. Of course, this threshold is where numbers begin to take an abstract turn without much meaning past dates and birthdays. It’s even at odds with itself in terms of placing anywhere in the pathetically endowed Olympic games. In fact, we must look at it through the eyes of enigma: it’s fair, four, and even. However, to be even more forthcoming, it’s possibly the perfect number given to a girl’s birth date, mostly.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
5. Five
Five, at least generally, has a higher place than four — it’s kind of in the middle. In fact, it’s a higher number if we are looking at things realistically, and we can even look at our hands without appearing as a cripple. However, we have to look at the odds here and understand that there is no creative middle ground here. (An ace of five is hard to split in two unless the constituent parts are further deteriorated.) Thankfully, our connotations are creating a place for the fifth; it’s truly the best amendment.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
6. Six (Perfect Number)
The number six (6) is a sizable number; however, this is where those “evil” numbers come into play. At first, this may seem like an understatement, and there is nothing wrong with seeing this. Although, when we understand that it takes more than two to tango, then we can see six as the number of the snake. In spite of this, we have ourselves a blast of bad luck; it is simply connotation disguised as creativity. Lastly, it takes other numbers to make this association true, as it all adds up to something rather different.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
7. Seven
The number seven is a great number, and it’s often considered the number of “good.” Of course, associations tend to have their place; however, they’re not typically present for any rational reason. (These associations are created by circumstance and then create circumstance through extensive ignorance and/or wishful thinking.) After all, if you go to the casino and partake in your debilitating vices, then you will likely see these 7s everywhere. Although, you actually have to win the cheater’s game first.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
8. Eight
The number is (8) eight is often associated with the eight ball (e.g., the octopi), which is a grand ball of “fortune.” Of course, as we all know, farce is simply a fortune waiting; we only use it as a form of retaliatory pseudoscience. In fact, when we allow ourselves to fall for this, to the likes of hypnotism, we, at least to some degree, can control our destiny through self-fulfilling prophecy. Rather, the manipulation that comes from this number is paramount, and it uses it tentacles to lynch us into submission.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
9. Nine
The number nine (9) is a masculine number, and it even symbolizes the precipice of what traditional humans (or people) consider hope. “We have arrived at the end, but the end right before a new beginning (or ending) is always best.” Of course, this doesn’t mean all that much, so why even bother with a frivolous attempt to tarnish it. “Yeah, but why?” you ask. Well, humans need their false pretense of logic to compensate for their mediocrity. It even validates them and their somewhat pointless existences, too.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
10. Ten
Well, we’ve reached the end; although, there is only room to start again — this is the lucky number 10 (ten). Of course, this is an arbitrary idea that is strictly based on our (somewhat flawed) logical foundations. We can even choose an end, and there will always be an objective end. After all, 10 is not necessarily a primary number, but it does describe 10 things. We must also concoct a combination with a 1 and 0. Lastly, this is simply here to describe the rest of the numbers that are not included here.
10 Remarkable Things About Every Number
The abstractions of numbers are simplistic; although, they are also used with a vast amount of extensive versatility. They tend to describe things in reality with symbols that objectively determine their factual meaning. Of course, these deductions can be flawed, but they understanding of numbers makes it so that we have a foundation that can be further and obnoxiously complexified. In fact, it tends to also lead us absolutely nowhere … . And, with this in mind, we must understand our reality as a statement with numbers as a sole description. Of course, this doesn’t amount to that much in the end, right?
Honorable Mentions
Infinity is simply the sideways 8 (not truly a number), and the Googleplex (a gargantuan number of unseemly proportions) is a large enough number to make “their founders” at Google appear as though they are almost extremely poor. Well, I suppose that you cannot win them all, right?
0. Zero (Zed [to idiots])
When the countdown reaches zero, then you know that the list has gone way too far. In fact, zero (0) means absolutely nothing; however, it is still a conceptual number. (It serves only for the sake of representation.) Unfortunately, there’s absolutely nothing to take from it except for it’s representation of empty space or knowing the difference between an O and a 0. Also, how can you have more than 10 numbers on a top 10 list? I mean, if you want to keep adding zeros to the start, then why not!
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