As we all know, stupid people are very, very stupid, and anyone who tries to talk with these “stupid” persons are even/almost dumber. Although, there is a need to talk with stupid people to make them smarter; there are plenty of dangerous risks to overcome. (Most people are ignoramuses, unfortunately.) Thankfully, you don’t even have to be smart to talk with a imbecilic person; however, an intelligent person can become dumber for even trying to do so in any way. “So, how do we fix this quandary?” you ask. Well, we shouldn’t and cannot fix the problem! In fact, the only way to fix this so-called issue is to run away, accept it, or face it head on. To do this requires a lot of patients and plenty of patience — the world cannot wait. Makin this even worse is the fact that you cannot call a person stupid without their narcissistic rage disrupting your ability to coerce them, i.e., calling them retarded or something worse. Regardless, these are the 10 remarkable ways to talk with stupid people, etcetera.
Stupid is what stupid does; however, it seems as though you are already taking my article way too seriously. For Christ’s sake, have some self-respect, please! It’s not the end of the world.
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
1. Solicit Them
If you’re simply trying to talk with someone (stupid) for fun or because you have to, then you will likely run into someone who happens to be extremely stupid. After all, stupid persons are just about everywhere, and you may even need to talk with one of them for some degree of help. For instance, many of the worst ways to run into a stupid person is when you’re trying to solicit advice. (The worst example is when you’re asking for directions to the closest “special” home.) Anyway, as we all know, this can create a situation where you feel incredibly stupid yourself. For you, this may begin to mean that you’re not the smart person and are actually very stupid, which is a very common realization. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to be smart in this situation; one of which includes giving them the directions. How does this work? Well, you simply ask about somewhere you know, and you prove them wrong!
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
2. Group Them
Not knowing directions may not be borderline stupid, but it certainly puts you in an extremely uncomfortable situation. (Although, it gets even worse!) Of course, you can always be honest; however, the situation can always take a turn for the worst. For example, a crowd of people tends to breed what we love to call the epitome of the “mob mentality.” And if you’re giving a speech in front of a lot of very stupid people, then you’re very likely to run into many, many unpleasant issues. What does this mean? Well, it means that you can judge stupid people in mass; however, you can also send an “important message.” At this point, it almost seems redundant, but stupid people exist on a spectrum; some can even be smart. Unfortunately, the lines begin to wither as we examine the vocabulary. Thankfully, there is a fix for this, and we can understand that everyone has a certain degree of knowledge. This doesn’t mean that you’re smart, but it does mean that you can help them with most certain ease, too.
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
3. Understand Them
Depending on what you’re trying to get out of a conversation, there are plenty of ways to talk with a stupid person. After all, you’re more likely to get stupid responses from a dumb person; however, even the best of us can provide very idiotic statements on an insanely stupid platter. Of course, at least at this point, it’s is simply about understanding the necessary distinctions and how to properly compartmentalize your knowledge. To make it even better, you can always and easily understand if someone is stupid and see where the stupid is coming from. You can also see where the stupid is going and also understand if it’s something that you can learn from. Unfortunately, people tend to have a challenging time when it comes to understanding and qualifying stupid. What makes this even worse is that they do not know how to properly quantify that same stupidity — it’s an enigma.
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
4. Perplex Them
If you want to be clever with a stupid person, then it may require a few magic tricks from up your inconspicuous sleeves. However, we should all understand that fooling a stupid person is not that difficult; it’s the trick of the trade. (Making them feel even stupider is never a reasonable thing to do; you have to be much better than this.) Unfortunately, making a dumb person believe they have been fooled in a pretentious fashion is the difficult part — you cannot beat stupid at a stupid’s game. Then again, what if they’re playing you for your blind spots, right? This could mean that you’re the actual idiotic person in this situation! At this point, it becomes a battle of wits between overtly stupid and not being good enough at being stupid. Thankfully, you can implore them to keep their distance so that they do not rub their stupid all over you. What does this mean? Well, this means that you can tell them that no matter how stupid happen to be, their intelligence will never spread like a woman’s legs … .
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
5. Admire Them
The approach to talking with stupid people is much the same as talking with any other … “average” person. However, let’s say that you do not know if they’re stupid! This means that you may have a different approach before and after you understand this fact. After all, there’s no better way into someone else’s heart than your ability to swoon. You may not have to mean it, but you can certainly put on an undeniable act of graces. With this comes the unforgivable act of getting them to put down their defenses by making them feel good about themselves. (I know, it’s a shocker and all-important lesson!) In fact, just because they are stupid doesn’t mean that you have to shove it in their fact. For one, you may be undermining a stupid person’s ability to feel; smart people need to understand this. And even though most stupid people are not looking out for anyone but themselves, you should still consider them.
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
6. Insult Them
If you desire “triggering” a stupid person, there are surefire ways to do it! In fact, the easiest way to make sure of it is to do the exact opposite of what’s included in the last paragraph. (Again, you may learn a thing or two about something important.) Furthermore, it really doesn’t matter if you’re doing it for some good reason or not, because you’re still committing the vile crime of honesty. (The more that you’re honest with an imbecile, the more that you can even justify hating their guts.) After all, it’s not likely that stupid people are ever considering anybody but themselves. Although, we must also look at how a stupid person cannot necessarily be blamed for their stupidity. What does this mean? Well, it means that we only have ourselves to blame — we’re all very much the worst. And to make this point even more clear, we should understand how selfishness is probably a sharp sign of a very dull knife. If we ever wish to change our ways, we should also look at stupidity as a reflection of how we can also improve.
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
7. Judge Them
If you’re just looking to gain an understanding of stupidity through an unsolicited response, then you can simply judge stupid people’s very simplistic character. (Of course, I’m not necessarily calling everyone [whom you judge] stupid.) Also, there’s really nothing like bringing yourself down to their level without even trying! In fact, people are actually allowed to be stupid from time to time, but it doesn’t make everything okay just because you can relate to it. (Just because you cannot relate to it doesn’t mean that you should not understand.) Unfortunately, “smart” people are half of the problem, as those who judge others poor decisions is just another poor decision disguised as reasonable and justified rebuke. When this becomes the case, we are allowing ourselves to ruin our ability to think rationally. Regardless, if you want to talk with someone stupid, passing judgment is certainly one of the more fun and “provoking” ways to have a conversation with just about anyone. I mean, no one is stopping you, right?
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
8. Pity Them
When you begin to show remorse, pity, or denial, just be sure to know that you can always display it with/to someone stupid. Of course, the vast amount of exertion & effort that it takes to make this work is nearly miniscule; it should come almost naturally. (Pity is often considered a condescending and/or belittling gesture.) Although, it also seems that the stupid people among us actually really appreciate these kind and uncaring concerns of the average person. There’s even room to believe that pity can dictate if you’re a fool of almost unparalleled magnitudes. Unfortunately, you should always pity people who happen to be far less fortunate than you; however, you should always treat them as equal. And guess what, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with showing that you care, especially if it means that you can make someone’s day even better. However, in spite of your pity, others may not entirely care.
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
9. Hit on Them
Although life can seem rather difficult at times, there’s truly nothing wrong with finding a way to make it a little easier. “What way is this?” you ask. Well, it’s the way of common decency and sexuality! This is probably — most people certainly say this — the best way to get into someone’s pants, at least if you have absolutely zero self-resolve whatsoever. Of course, you must also consider if the person you’re “betrothing” is smart enough to know the indifference. In a sense, you can say that you’re taking advantage of them; however, this may not be the case if you are simply flirting with them. (In fact, hitting on someone may be your only chance to commit the act of disgrace that you wish to partake in.) Also, to make this even better, you can always say that you’re practicing with a test dummy to see if you’ve “got what it takes.” And, at least with this in mind, you should always condone a condom!
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
10. Despise Them
A wise man once said, “You should always consider who your enemies are, so why not end up making more!” However, even if a wise man never said this, you should always consider the rules of disengagement. “What are these rules?” you ask. Well, they’re pretty simple: start a fight, gaslight a victim, and walk away before everything gets f*****g ugly. Even then, there’s nothing wrong with a little confrontation to get those rustled nerves loosened. And even though you may hate despising people, you all should understand that we secretly do it every single day. Furthermore, the worst part of disgracing yourself involves making it clear that you despise someone for simply being stupid. This is obviously making a judgment call; although, everyone always has a “reason for it. Unfortunately, these reasons are not always good reasons, making the idea of hating someone for no good reason even worse than usual. So, what does this mean? Well it certainly means that you probably suck a lot.
10 Remarkable Ways to Talk With Stupid People
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to talk with and understand the stupidest of humanity, which is a good thing. It doesn’t always have to go somewhere special or particularly interesting, but it’s also entirely up to you. (Everyone can be stupid at least once during their life.) At the end of the day, you have a choice, and you also have a motive. You can obviously choose to take advantage of a stupid person, but you can also help a stupid person who happens to be in need. There may not always be a optimal outcome; however, it means that you’re learning from the best. Of course, we can mix every single one of these “styles” together, but it was never mentioned that this couldn’t be the case. You can ALWAYS choose to be an asshole, or you can always choose to be the crippled cuck. It’s entirely up to you and your particular principles and/or boundaries. After all, no one said that you were stupid.
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