There’s always a time and place for an epiphany, but any bright idea comes with a cost. Additionally, it’s not like any of these “creative” or deep realizations come for free, and your mind is likely to pay for them. (Deep thoughts can happen to anyone to some degree.) Our brain is not necessarily meant to come to fast conclusions; however, it’s not like we cannot internalize them by implementing them properly through deep enough introspection. Of course, some thoughts are different than others, so many of them may come with some disturbing content. However, what and how we think about them can and will make a difference. For better or for worse, these are the 10 remarkably deep thoughts that will surprise you!
We have certain levels of perceived ‘control’ (an idea of “free will”), but we’re living through a determined (cause and effect) universe/reality with consequences that are restricted by the rules of our living condition. (We have ‘direct’ control over ourselves, but other people have more control over us.) Yes, we change things based on our knowledge that was predetermined and always possible. (Did you know that words [language] are created solely to describe things as good as they can be described … with some work.) Although, the world is, in fact, rather simple, but we give it extra meaning because of our unwillingness to let go and die. (It’s the severance of our biology and how we were made to begin with.) And its (motivation) governance in biological code is in fact a marker for the entire evolutionary process!!!
Of course, actual value is also real, but only the feelings of living, sentient (conscious) organisms matter; the rest of the value projected onto things that can and will affect us. (Our existence is a so-called mistake, but our brain is made up of irrational reactions that are a conflict of emotions and logic.) Lastly, aren’t these thoughts simply practically-minded truths of fact? Most of it should be obvious to most people, with the rest of it simply going to the gutter of nonsense that the ‘imperfect’ brain can conjure up … things will happen and have happened. Unfortunately, the “deepest” of thinkers are too dumb, as they’re being riddled by words AND selfishness. However, our evolutionary brain allows perspective errors in use because of our biological origins. So, at least in a sense, they’re not errors EXCEPT for A confliction!
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
1. Subjective is Objective
Not everyone is capable of deep thoughts per se; however, just about any and everyone can actually have one. (Dumb people can realize that peanut butter tastes good with jelly … it’s more of a subjective realization.) There’s a certain feeling that you get, and your emotions often serve as the epitomal table/template. Of course, said thought may not be that “deep,” but anyone can have a realization that simply makes their lightbulb go off. We obviously have subjective tastes, but we can sometimes realize the wrong things, too. Although, if we’re being honest, then we should know that far too many people tend to think of the world as a subjective place beyond their brain, e.g., tastes and experience (the works).
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
2. We’re Mostly Nothing
It already takes a certain kind of template to have an understanding of things that is proper. And understanding our reality takes a little bit of “abstract” thinking to fully unwrap. However, at least for the most part, it’s fairly simple to understand! The convolution or “complexity” is often in the form of permutations or the combination of atoms that we can ‘interact’ with. Again, the real universe is the small universe, but it’s more than just unraveling the truth. It’s about brain states, and it can come down to simply remembering something and processing it differently. YES! It’s simple, but understanding that our molecular makeup is made up of mostly empty space makes the universe make just a little more sense!!!!!
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
3. The Real Universe
The universe kind of had a beginning, but our ability to think objectively is often hindered by our knowledge and exposure to certain feelings or ideas. Unfortunately, our notions are often shortsighted, as our intelligence is often obstructed by emotional irrationality (feelings). (People tend to misunderstand and/or misinterpret what they feel as well.) “So, what does this have to do with the real universe?” you ask. Well, it comes down to the real universe being the smaller universe, the molecular (or atomic) universe. Yes, we’re not alone! But it doesn’t mean that we’re going to be visited by extraterrestrial aliens! It simply means that the “building blocks” are not something that we ENSURE with ‘philosophical debate.’
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
4. You’re the Problem
If you’ve done any real thinking, then you’ve probably realized that there’s is no great solution to any great problem. However, the smartass said, “We’re constantly solving problems, and you’ve got nothing to prove otherwise.” Or, at least if we’re being honest, we can understand that we’re the problem. Yes, we’re here to deal with problems and fix them; other people do this, too! And if you’re not a problem to someone else, then you’re your own worst enemy. Furthermore, you’re making others a problem by having feelings. This doesn’t mean that all is lost, but it was all lost to begin with! Just don’t make an a** of yourself & quit thinking that ethics exist by being the minority that can’t seem to understand anything!
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
5. Evolution of Memes
A lot of people tend to think that life is a certain way, and they often live with easy tenets to learn or cliches. They live their life with simplistic ideals in their head, and we simply move on with our silly little lives. However, understanding how humans or other animals are conditioned is rather important. And THAT the worst has yet to come … the issue at hand … the acronyms. Things like GTFO or something else similar are exactly how people talk today because of cause & effect and/or determinism; they’re conditioned to be idiots. Words are also the gateway into illogic because of their ability to confuse — it’s language’s role to demand proper use of it. Unfortunately, just about everything is beyond our control … .
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
6. You’re Not Living
When it comes down to semantics, we can always have a trip with what is true and false. And while you’re not actually a “living organism,” you’re certainly made up of them. (We’re obviously alive, but word games are fun, right? What? You can not bother to think Through this Thought? Well, of course you can! Phantasmagoria works this way as well! Oh, and your thoughts are real, but they’re also an imagined illusion … think about it. It’s only a matter of time before we realize the construction of our makeup. We’re made up of many living organisms, but the process of evolution and thinking are very real. Additionally, we’re a colony of living things — our organs are a sign of this — that are made up of different living cells.
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
7. The Value Game
With logic, you must accept a foundation or pretense for you to understand what makes sense and what the truth is, e.g., context and flaws. (There is a truth out there, and we can see its actual effects.) And if we’re being honest, then it would come as no surprise that sentience holds real value. (It’s not just humans or mammals, you morons!) With “deep” thoughts, it’s not always about trying to get to the bottom of a quandary or question (i.e., the world), as it’s also about “creativity” or the journey. After all, we’re doing this: thinking, feeling, and valuing! The world is made up of physical phenomena and value conditioning (philosophy). Yes, logic should guide us; however, it’s not that simple! We’re a biological machine made up of a billion years of chemistry (e.g., abiogenesis and neurology), and feelings are all that truly matters in the end. Although, our emotional gibberish that gets in the way is exactly what we’re living for and what we should avoid with a more meaningful solution. It’s just that WE’RE simply complex!
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
8. Paradoxes Don’t Exist
A paradox is mostly a mishmash of complex ideas turned into an unsolvable problem. The conundrum of reality is that we often don’t want to make sense of it, making you happy or terribly sad. So, they do exist as poetic abstractions within a limited context; however, they still have meaning when it comes to metaphorical contradictions. For better or worse, it’s simply a matter of the journey you go on as opposed to the ultimate answer through fallacious errors. (People still believe that they’re a “real” thing though.) When you’re here, you’re supposed to be responsible with and for the truth, but it’s an unwritten rule that we often do not abide by. We internalize these things as special, but it’s just another thing to think about.
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
9. The Quantum Nothing
As we all should know, quantum theories of reality (e.g., mechanics and entanglement) are metaphorical nonsense perpetuated by irrelevant equations that explain absolutely NOTHING. They’re essentially there as a matter of grandiosity that are validated through a correlation to experiments performed. (It’s a matter of science fiction and how there’s more to reality if we could break it.) There’s no real foundation, and it essentially turns wormholes, time travel, and teleportation into something acceptable. The ambiguous nature of its esoterisms are exactly what we do not need, and they serve to brainstorm a broken reality and needless semantics that describe science fiction more than anything else. And, at least for the most part, it’s a gaping Deus ex machina/plot hole that’s explained through dilation. So, instead of talking about nonsensical theories with irrational ties, we should be using & describing models w/ theory.
You need an actual brain to be sentient, and a sci-fi “quantum computer” will not get you there. IF IT’S NOT REAL, THEN THERE IS NO ACTUAL EXPLANATION FOR IT!
The Blithering Genius
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
10. A Zero-Sum Game
Life is a process, and your brain’s capacity to think is relatively easy to pinpoint. Logically, we can understand it, and the rules dictating our existence make it possible. (The real point is that we’re doomed anyway.) However, most people tend to think in reverse when it comes to understanding meaning and how it works. For example: We can contrive existence with miracles of advancement or find reason to stagnate without them. It’s just that it depends on expectations and a perceptible point of view. Our perspective counts, but there’s only one way for this to go, and it’s going down anyway! The redundancy and tedium of our mundane existence doesn’t go anywhere, as we’re meant to be unsatisfied and bored to create motivation, etcetera. (Also, the same can be said for our feelings that contradict many of our desires.) Why, what’s the matter? Is it too much to take in? Yes, we’re only escaping pain and suffering, and there’s nothing that we can do about it! Anyway, sorry for raining on your parade with “commentary.”
10 Remarkably Deep Thoughts That Will Surprise You
As we all should know, deep philosophical thinking comes with a lot of unfettered caveats; however, it’s mostly about thinking so that we can think for thinking’s sake. (We must understand by having better thoughts and not more thoughts.) Of course, there are plenty of ways to mull through the crap, and there are even more deep, little thoughts that we can have about them. (There’s conditioning through thinking too much.) Furthermore, there are some that I have not mentioned here, but it’s certainly a good start, right? What else can we do! There’s nothing to do but be here and live through the process of life good enough until we perish anyway. And if we found some point to live on, then what purpose would we serve. We’re simply here to do our song and dance, not create more purpose or function out of nothing! So, for better or worse, we’re stuck here until we die while we hopefully “make” few (0) ‘consent’ mistakes.
Did you know that being dumber makes it easier to understand stupid? Although it sounds rather rude, it’s simply telling the truth! Also, did you ALSO understand that our language abilities were created by isolation and a slower maturation? And, to whom it may concern, the more that you think, the more that you should likely second-guess yourself. Why? Well, it’s not about this, because it’s also about critical thinking skills. (Although, most people seem to lack these kinds of skills, at least for the most part.) You see, not only will you appreciate yourself for this later, but you will also do your best because of knowing better! And there’s nothing wrong with knowing better, now is there? Just work on it 4 now! Also, did you know that both ‘intelligence & ignorance’ can breed contempt towards the self and others?
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