10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
The truth is pretty obvious: We are a bunch of chemistry that has evolved through the physics of biological evolution. In fact, there is good science (fact), and then there is bad science (fiction). If we are looking to be honest with the truth, then we have to follow what science should have always been. The more we fight it, the more we may end up seeing ourselves fall into the traps of our own biology. With social evolution, things are not so different, but along with this comes precarious problems. When we understand what we ultimately shouldn’t be paying for, it can include just about everything. However, we all have to pay for things, as they’re are not free, but where does the money have to come from. This is what we are addressing today, because these are the 10 things that we should not have to pay for.
Although this list will not be exactly what you expected, it’s something that’s important to consider. As a matter of fact, there are things that we shouldn’t or can at least wish to not pay for. They may be understandable in some ways, but they’re ultimately unworthy of our money. It bleeds optimism, and while others abide by the books, you can experiment with your understanding of certain subjects. This should not be a place to take offense, but if you wish to be offended, then have at it. Just be sure to show some courtesy, as the arguments made here can come from all sorts of directions. We’re simply here to understand where they can come from, because there is no political slant involved. Except for some of the arguments being rational, the rest can be chocked up to an example of wild leftist or rightist ideology.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
1. Other People’s Children
Allow me to preface this with some kind of words of courtesy: No one is necessarily attacking your children! Regardless, we can always apply magic to our universe, but it explains what others thought of science. They did not call it science or understand what was happening, but we can see where it came from. The same can be said for having children, and people have kids all of the time. This would make them parents, and parents are supposed to be responsible. Most of the time, the reasons for having them are stupid, but many people find most of the reasons acceptable. Yes, it comes from a kind place in your heart and the frustrations from your wallet to help by paying your taxes for children and public schools. However, if you do not have a kid, you should not have to pay for other people’s offspring.
When someone has a kid, they should be the only ones having to pay for it, and the incentivization is all over the place. The more we allow people to have kids, the more they will be allowed to abuse the system. This is what they want, and the burden of of payment and proof against tyranny goes on rationality. If anything, we should be incentivizing people to not have kids more than anything else. There are enough people having babies out there, and the extra baggage can go to the rich. Most people are struggling enough anyway, and the extra money is going nowhere. Even if the next generation is entirely reliant on you paying for these privileges, it seems like there is little justification for it. In the end, we are not running out of children, and the incentivizing and punishment is going in the wrong direction.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Almost every human is a nepotist, and their care only serves as an extension of themselves. This is okay, but at the same time, these gregarious actions of socialism are unfounded. If people do not care for their children, then what kind of world would we be in. At the same time, the way that people are caring for their children is not spectacular no matter what they do for their child’s respect. However, if we did not have kids, this nepotism would not be a worry or consideration. It displays how certain humans need this, and they end up falling for the trap. While this may seem okay, the anti-natalist philosophy only serves to strengthen itself with the opposing stupidity of humans. This is what we have to deal with, unfortunately. Although we have the ability to be smart, we only end up using children as baby tools.
Religion is a significant proponent in people having children. This catalyst ends up causing more people to spend money unnecessarily in other areas of concern. However, I am not attacking too many people’s personal interests here, and there are problems to consider. When people have to take account of other folk’s offspring, it’s displaying an air of entitlement on the part of the parents. People think that we need to have kids, but everything they accomplish is wholly unjustified. The more children that we end up having, the more we have to take care of them. The same can be said for animals, but animals are barely subsidized and can cost an arm and a leg. In fact, an animal can be just as expensive; however, adoption seems like a better option for anyone with a brain in their head.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Instead of making bad mistakes, we should avoid them to begin with. When we justify these choices after the fact and acclimate to horrible selfishness, we should then accept true responsibility. Critical decision-making is important, and without it, we end up getting caught up in the slog of rationalization. Instead of blaming others for our crimes against humanity, we can find better ways to preoccupy our time. We do not need to have children to show that we have functional testicles or ovaries. While I can understand having children, there should be a due process involved before it’s considered legal. It sounds racist or discriminatory, but it really is not if we can incentivize people with reasonable, positive reinforcement. We can even pay for responsible behavior with a matter of adjudicated funds.
With everything considered, we all facilitate the breeding of humans, and it only ends up making matters worse for everyone. We have to consider what we pay for without adding to the dirt pile too much. A strong motivation is key, and responsible, reasonably driven reproduction is something to consider. It does not mean that we should adopt a mandatory Chinese one-child policy, but it wouldn’t hurt if done correctly. There are even ways to give people money for being responsible breeders. Don’t worry though, because there are more than enough children and tax payers to go around. They will even help you with your vice of selfish virtue, but everything needs to be considered. In fact, the hardship should always go to the people making the irresponsible decisions, being able to pay for it or not.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
2. Other People’s Medical Bills
Although I can understand having some empathy, forcing people to pay for everyone else’s medical care is dumbfounding. It’s not like we aren’t taking some precautions already, but some countries certainly do this worse than others. If anything, the rich should pay for it or not be so rich to begin with. At this point, we would be able to more responsibly afford most of what ails us. When someone has to go to the hospital, it can mean that thousands of dollars have been wasted for nothing. Not every place makes you pay an exurbanite amount of money, but it truly depends. If you want to pay for it, then okay. However, if you do not need medical treatment, it should not necessarily be your obligation unless you want to pay for it. If you do, then that’s fine, but the obligation should not always be on everyone.
Excessive treatments every year cost way too much money for people who are already dead or never needed treatment. To make this an obligation is not only rude by completely unnecessary. In the end, it truly depends on if you’re simply paying for Medicaid or universal health care. Furthermore, the corporation that you work at should be able to provide you with decent enough healthcare as is. In reality, there is nothing wrong with it, but it should not be necessary. Almost every reason that a person goes to the doctor’s office is silly. For every time that child picked their nose and bled something has to be done about it. Either way, we are all spending too much money, socialized medical insurance or not. Things should ultimately be cheaper, even when we are paying for medical advancements.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Just like when people are having children, parents should know what they’re in for. Oftentimes, they’re going to be ill-prepared no matter what, and this is what makes it so gruesome. The more we end up saving dead people, the more we become weaker overall. If you cannot pay for it, then tough luck. In the end, it goes back to people having children and making other irresponsible choices in their life. While we may have a hold on this to some degree, we still go about it poorly and find the some of the worst solutions to it acceptable. If the rich are already picking up their slack, then fine, but the end product should be smoother. Incentivization need to be stronger in the right ways, and the cynical system we have set up does little to help this. Then again, we can always do something about it.
We should all be helping to pay for other people’s problems, but there are obvious catches to this. If the rich are accepting this, then we would not need so much in the way of medical insurance or even need it at all. We would be able to afford things for ourselves, or the rich would have our backs. If people want to pay anyway, then that is fine, but the rich need to pick up the slack that is left behind. Unfortunately, they do not, and this is what creates this problem to begin with. If we do not pay for these amenities, then we are out of health insurance unless we apply for welfare by cheating the system or earning shit wages. To add, we even help the rich pay for their health insurance, and no one seems to want to do much of anything about it.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Although doctors can be overpaid in grotesque ways, they are not necessarily a part of the bigger issue. They certainly can be and the motivations to indulge in this profession have been made worse. The corruption is deep no matter where you go, and it ends up bleeding down into what is considered an old habit. The real solutions to our problems are within grasp, and just because you are alright does not mean that others are the same. At the same time, it does not mean that the people reinforcing this are not the problem though, and there is someone to blame. It’s not like things cannot work some other way, and the final product can be something that leads everyone to be at least a little bit happier. Regardless, our practically perfect solutions can only do so much to compensate for our conundrum.
Lastly, the political system we have set up dictates all of these problems. All it takes is one thing to capsize the entire stack of cards. This one flaw is fatal, but if people were better, we wouldn’t have these worries to begin with. We can slowly change the system to display our change or things within the system. In fact, we can destroy it entirely if we so choose by starting from the ground up, but it would take some time. Unfortunately, people don’t want the change, and the system would have to change from the ground up. Don’t worry, your bills will still be accounted for, it’s just that we can find a better way to do it. Regardless, it should at least not have to be on those struggling to get by to pay for others, wealthy people there or not. Well, that’s too damn bad, right?
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
3. Other People’s Religion
Beyond the bigotry and obvious, numerous fallacies of religion, paying for it can become an issue. Although we often do not have, we hypothetical should never have to do this. Every time tax payer money is funneled from tax payer funds, this is when it becomes a problem. Just about anyone would agree, but the church is already making enough money. It does not matter the religion, as just about any religious sect or denomination has it’s problems. This is what we have to deal with on a daily basis, but aren’t the preachers getting paid enough. If we were not blindly spoiling religion for what we think are good, honest reasons, then we would not be in this mess. Even then, most people seem to be privy to this crapshoot and want to do something about it. Then again, we already are doing something about it.
Unfortunately, Christians are the biggest perpetrators of this crime, and they have at times been caught. At least in this country, they have been responsible for so much hardship and pain. They even create their own limitations and use it as an excuse to hate on others for their perceived shortcomings. While not all of them are bad, enough of them are the problem, and it serves as a reasonable scapegoat. The same can be said for other countries and there problems, but they are all slightly different. When they’re looked at as a whole, the end result displays desperation and repression. It even creates a sense of defilement and desecration. Overall, this means that religion causes more problems through pain and justification. If religion were to go away, the shysters would have little room to hide behind.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
There is a reason for the separation of church and state, but this is not always the case. Some states can get away with this, and there is always an amount of money that goes to the republican party. Every time you pay for it, there is a risk of it being used to pay for a church or a politician in favor of these policies. Then again, most people who believe in religion are nonbelievers with petty resentments. Even then, most of the still believe and think that it is a notion worth believing in. Some people even want us to keep the church intact, when it should have been done away with ages ago. In the end, it’s just too bad that we often abide by archaic “morals” and then reinforce it with ancient rhetoric and selfishness. For anyone with a brain, it amounts to an ignorant desire.
We can always go into more detail, but who really needs that anyway. Most of the time, people will not even listen to you the more that you talk. There are enough people having children in the name of religion, and it goes to show that faith is an excusatory force that keeps us going. We will not be lacking in people, so if extinction is your contradictory concern, then be sure to withdraw. It’s not only America either, but America, as a developed country, is still catching up. The more we fall into the world of religion, the more we become enamored with fantastical reactions of what we think the world is. In reality, it is simply antagonism through fear, desire, and control. This is how the greedy end up getting this money for themselves after the fact. Then again, this is what we do to some degree anyway.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Religion and it’s problems never end, and the duplicity is extreme. There are people who truly believe, but they do not take it seriously enough. In the end, they cannot, because the rules are so strict, that people have to convince themselves that it means something else. You then have your “religious” folk who believe, but it’s more of an excuse to hate others. Maybe they’re jealous, and maybe they need an excuse for their poor position in life. Regardless, it does little to negate the ignorance and stupidity involved. Most people are in fact stupid, but it does not mean religion is the only sign of it. The people do not necessarily want it, but some people do. When the average person finds out, the commoner politicians seek to hide it or somehow finds out themselves and allows it to happen.
At this point, having your religion is a privilege, and most people are too stupid or selfish to adhere to the truth. The wealthy are also responsible, and it gives them a sense of control. Even though they’re religious, the product of their desire is something else entirely. They’d rather follow a draconian law and then break the rules when it is convenient. They’re even too stupid to realize that every time something bad happens to them, their god made it happen.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
If they’re clever enough, they can say that god was trying to give them the thrill of reassurance and appreciation. It was a sign that things needed to change, and they fell for it. Their god needed it to happen, and their appreciation was a part of it. They then seek freewill as an excuse to believe it even more, even though free will can barely be considered a thing. Even to them, the whole thing becomes a joke, but the logical boundaries can seem acceptable to begin with.
Otherwise, at least to them, when they realize that it was all a lie, they will say that why would reach for confusion. Unfortunately, the excuses go beyond logic, and people will try to find a way to believe it no matter what the actual facts indicate, “chicken or egg” or not. They’re shysters, and places that foster other religions are no better. The religion causes the problem, and the further desperation make the religion and the people following it even worse.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Muslims are no better, but that’s almost an entirely different problem. The limitations of religion are no laughing matter, even if they are so stupid that they become ludicrously funny. It serves as a distraction, and it ends up money being wasted for a place of wasted worship that only has value because of trickery. In fact, don’t even get me started on the pretenses of AA meetings and how they’re a part of the problem as well.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
4. Other People’s Blackmail and Violence
The biggest thing that bugs me are the people who blackmail other people. It doesn’t matter the reason, as almost everything about it is bad, unprincipled, or negatively inclined. When it doubt, you end up having to pay for the person’s inconvenience, and it amounts to paying for an irresponsible drug deal. It may not be the same as picking up someone else’s slack, but it amounts to a big pain in the butt. The more you have to pay for someone, the more you have to deal with the crickets looking to scheme. They’re everywhere, and there are always feasible solutions to this problem. Unfortunately, we are never looking for real problems because we are too lazy to and full of crap ourselves. When all of the excuses add up, they amount to nothing, and it only goes to show what they would not do anyway.
The average dope is looking to scheme themselves, and the more power the average person has, the worse off we are. There is no need to have a complex argument for this, and it’s true. The same can be said for having to pick your local or state politicians. Something similar can be said for war contractors — these are weapons contractors — who sell weapons to other countries. When push comes to shove, we have to spend out-of-pocket money for our livelihoods, but the money goes towards war. If the violence wasn’t enough, we pay people to murder others, which seems bad enough, but it’s worse. Most people would not see it this way, but all of that money we need to take away goes away to pretenses of lower taxes. In the end, they end up going to people who want to steal your paycheck more than anything.
Our politicians claim to be for human rights, but there care about the concerns of a fetus more. Even then, their so-called care is not the case, and we end up having to pay for it with our lives. The democrats or leftists are no better, and they’re just as responsible for the problems. If the problem is broken from the inside, then the whole system needs a hard reset. This would allow us to change the problems that require something done if the smaller solutions cannot work.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Then again, all it takes is one bad apple, and the system comes crumbling down. The system does not even have to be that bad, but then again, a bad system is why we are here to begin with. The political system has enough flaws, but some people do not see it that way even when they are being screwed over. Whenever something bad happens to them, it ends up happening to us as well. There are ways around this, but we’re too scared to make things at least a little bit better.
The scheming is endless, and no matter what we do to stop it, it keeps coming back up. The billionaires are constantly running rackets, and the politicians are their playthings. Even then, the puppet masters are making their means work through the people who are supposed to make everything better for everyone. This never happens, and everything only tends to benefit those who are in charge. The scheming and blackmail happen on their level as well, and it reverberates downward. Then again, the politicians are more puppets than the average person, but they still have more control than we do. It’s tantamount to holding other people hostage and making the rules fit you best. If the other person does not listen, then they feel well justified in doing as they please no matter what.
Nowadays, people are looking to hack other people’s computers or even cause mass hysteria. If someone does not listen to their needs, they will dox them or release that picture of them jerking off at their computer. This does not typically happen to those of us down here, but it certainly can. Even if we do not know about it, someone we know may be looking into our computer history. It’s entirely possible, but it is very unlikely. Just be sure to not get your hopes up, because even Google is doing it to you.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
However, if you made a name for yourself or somehow made enemies, you may have to watch out. Anything can happen, and anything but making a constant fool of yourself will make them quiver. People are generally looking to destroy other people, and it does not even matter if you are trying to do any good. In fact, the better you are, the more enemies you will make, and we’re all screwed over to some degree. It can even happen from the people in power or the people that we care for.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
5. Other People’s Irresponsibility
When you have a friend that is always getting into problems, you probably want little to do with them. They always owe somebody money, and there is always a price on their head otherwise. The more you are around these people, the more you begin to realize that friends are not as useful as they seem. There is always a risk of running into problems when you have a friend or friends. If we are going to do something about it, we have to incentivize people to do more of the right things without selfishness getting in the way. It can involve stopping the rich from creating foul solutions through their irresponsibility. However, it can involve something that requires even less in the way of substantial change.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
This is why you should always pick your friends carefully, but at the same time, anyone can be culpable. While it may not be their fault, trying your best to find friends who’s problems are a little more reasonable is what is best. You can only do so much, but you also have to realize how you can start problems. You do not want to be that friend, and if you do not want scroungers, then you should also not be one yourself. Thankfully, people seem to understand this enough to avoid fervent behavior.
If we are willing to go far enough though, we can mention the Olympics, music, and even movies. People love to waste their money by giving it to a select few people. At this point, it’s a matter of finding those large or small fixes. It’s not a competition, but people cannot help what they like because of their habits. It’s simply too bad that people have ingrained themselves with mindless inundation. Before long, people will be finding raunchier ways to satisfy their addictions, and we are already on our way.
Although it sounds rude, this is the way of the world, and it is a risk worth considering. Unfortunately, most people do not consider it and get caught up helping a friend pay for drug money. At this point, most people would not be friends with each other or would be stupid enough to find a reason to do something stupid. In the end, it should be a choice that you don’t have an obligation to make. Our politicians do the same thing, and the rich people out there are even more responsible. The wealthy are not only paying our politicians, they’re doing things intentionally. When the politicians accept this so-called drug money, they are making an irresponsible choice. It does not matter the intention involved, because an irresponsible choice does not necessarily require a malicious intention.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
When we are talking about people having children, we can say the same thing. Just because someone has a kid, does not mean that they are making more money, and even if a person is not having children does not mean that they are making more. If anything, they are making less, and having a little extra spending money just goes to show that they’re making the right decision. If you have children, at least be sure to have a decent job to go along with it. Not having children is not selfish, and this lie needs to stop. There need to be consequences to the repercussions for having kids. It’s their choice, but the world is more reliant than simply allowing people to have to pay for their mistakes. Again, intention is always involved to some degree, but does the intention align with what happened.
We have to do seedy and shady business as well, and it comes down to principle. However, even when we make mistakes, some things can never be taken back when people do things for the worse possible reasons and are not prepared. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, as the decision is too much to bear anyway, philosophically and financially. Instead of looking at things with silver linings, we need to make the right choices to begin with. We can even do a voucher system, and run our politics with something called instant runoff voting that does not involve geography as much. Also, sex is the strongest, most irresponsible mechanism of addiction that we have, and it can lead to procreation. As a matter of fact, we can even sterilize people, i.e., vasectomies, who decide to go overboard.
To add, we end up making up for the military spending that so many people want to become involved in. There is pretense to spend less money on taxes, but the money simply goes someplace else. You see, the next time that someone says that your life sucks because you complain about it, be sure to let them know that their luxury is their only saving grace. Just because you can be alright does not mean that the truth and default reality does not suck and is better off existing. The same can be said for having children, buying too much, or even rich people making too much money. Most of the time, these are malicious choices made by the people in charge. We are all being misused, and it can happen in any number of ways. The motivation is always crass, even if something was done “by accident.”
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
6. Other People’s Mental Health
Most people who claim to be mentally ill are actually not. I know it sounds like a stretch, but there are some insane people out there looking to game the system. They’re allowed to do it, but the problem is that they’re not mentally ill. It only goes to show their insipid character, so why not be okay with them working at a grocery store to make their foul and irresponsible ends meet. People who are actually mentally ill do not have to game the system. They naturally have to deal with a debilitating disease, but it’s not the same as being mentally handicapped. This happens to be a problem too, and people should not be responsible for this either. Then again, this requires a more objective look at the healthcare system, and it varies by country.
Ultimately, we should always go for the best solution possible no matter where we are. The problem exists in how we go about it depending on where we are. There are always little things to consider, but most places can go through a similar process. This would be something to consider ideally, but it can require a “push comes to shove” mentality. We can always choose to go about something differently, but there is always an ideal solution. It can depend on the problem, but it can depend on other facts involving various situations, unfortunately. If we are going to look at mental illness, we should also understand that it is not subsidized quite as much as medical care. When it comes down to it, the ways that we are dealing with things are wholly unacceptable.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Although some things are understandable, it should come down to choice. Mental health is something that is subsidized to some degree, and programs like Medicaid do help out. There is nothing necessarily wrong with this, and everyone should get the help that they need. However, if someone had a disabled child, they should be responsible for the bills first and foremost. Even though it seems tricky, there are simple solutions to all of this, and it involves taxing the rich more. Otherwise, it would be ideal if we used preventative measures, and these would count as countermeasures towards irresponsible behavior. If the law worked in our favor, we would have incentives left and right that congratulate good behavior. Unfortunately, we have adopted a cold approach that ends up causing fear more than anything else.
The fine lines that we have are not the best that we can do, and if they are, then we have a lot of work to do. Then again, there is only so much we do, and even if we followed the hypothetical fine line perfectly, it would still leave civilization crumbling to the ground. We are struggling to get through civilization, and it’s upsetting. Ideally, we wouldn’t have to pay for anyone, but this just seems far too impractical to most people. Some people deserve our welfare, while other people do not, be it rehabilitation or social security checks for retirees. If we were to think of feasible solutions, it would involve starting from scratch. Even then, we can still pay for people’s welfare, but people should be taxed properly. This is still not the case; however, it is an easy fix that would allow more help.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
People who are physicians end up picking up the slack, but most of them do not even care. If they’re around misery enough, they never cared or ended up jaded in the process. Even if they continue to keep up the good work, the job is simply a well done after the fact. This is what we really have to deal with, but things have gotten better. We could even make everyone’s life easier without feeling like we’re limiting our ability to make unreasonable amounts of money. Then again, this should not be a problem or our motivating factor. We can still make a lot of money, but we would take away things like inheritance wealth. However, the foul truth contains something different, and we’re all too used to it. If not, we’re stuck dealing with the reigns of a never-ending cesspool of inadequacy.
There are many things to consider, but the end result does not have to be so complicated. The wealth we deal with should be reallocated, or the people with the most money should pay their fair share. Even when the rich are the problem, people should be more responsible for their decisions, and we should make it that way. Then again, our problems would not be so dire if we were to do the right thing. At this point, we’d at least be taking more from the right people. And guess what, this would help the situation just a little bit more.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
We’ve set the rules and made it difficult to compensate for them. If we didn’t contrive so much value in doing things the wrong way on both sides of the spectrum, we wouldn’t be here. Also, if we are in poor health, we should first see if there are preventative measure. If we have a real problem, we can sort it out accordingly. This would involve an overhaul of the culture that involves a lot of the reasons why we are unhealthy to begin with. The same can be said for those with medical problems that are deemed more important to most people.
7. Other People’s Food
The amenities of life do not come for free, and neither should this be the case for other people. Although I do agree that we should help people pay for their food, we should be sure to do it in reasonable amounts. Unfortunately, those struggling to make money are ignored, and those who do not need it are fed with fine dining. Some people look to literally feed off of the system, and this is okay if others are willing to pay for it. The crappy truth simply makes it too hard to know what you’re paying for. While it should be something that we pay for to some degree, it does not always seem that way when people are looking to avoid productivity altogether. There are even people out there simply looking to mooch off of the system, but this argument is a little more specific.
When it comes to things like food stamps, we offer very little sustenance to those who need it. People are often too ignorant to understand this, and it ends up making everything worse for everyone. If we’re to be complicit in our demise, then we might as well subsidize people who actually need the food even more. You have programs like Food Stamps in the United States, and it helps subsidize people who are in need of food. Unfortunately, we are buying too many banquets for those dastardly rich people. This money ends up going to the wealthy and powerful, and the cash we spend ends up entirely squandered. This is the biggest issue, as the rich barely help us survive. Even then, every single one of us can acclimate to a crappy circumstance, but this does not mean that we should.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
We end up paying for everyone’s food with our taxpayer money and for no good reason. If the insider politicians were willing to help out, then we may be willing to pay for their useless dinners. Unfortunately for us, this makes little sense to them, as they are allowed to have fun. It’s not to say that we should not help poor people, but the measly amounts that are handed down mean very little. The price of food is currently going up, and it makes it even more difficult to go out and buy a decent meal or any kind of food. We need to work for our food, and this may even be a good idea for most people. They can grow their own gardens and make sure that the rich people help out too. In the end, it comes down to ignorance and a lack of financial understanding.
The same things that I have said about medical insurance and irresponsibility apply here as well. If you want to pay for it, then this is on you to decide. We should be aware of what we are getting into, and we can make our educated choices from there. Most of these things would not be a problem if we were already doing the right thing the correct ways. No matter what, we should not have to pay for their waste of our money, especially if we cannot afford it. We also should not have to waste our money on other people who happen to be going hungry. If we had a reasonable system, then the slackers that we often blame would likely not be a problem. The suffering would stop, and everyone would be better off because of it. Unfortunately, we are unwilling to do anything about it.
To add: We can always make the food that we have better. There are endless ways to make our crop productions more sustainable as well. The more we cheapen food, the more we are allowing the poorest of us to afford edible nutrients. Of course, no one should be poor, and causing things to become cheaper is harmful to the farmers, right?. This is what they want you to believe, but they’re not the ones hurting or collecting that extra money. If the world were ideal, we could eliminate both of them, but we can always take it one step at a time. We can even consider lowering the funds that factory farms use for maintaining their production of meat. The more we slaughter animals, the more we are hurting the environment anyway? This is killing two birds with one stone, but people haven’t found it worth it yet.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
8. Other People’s Jobs
You and I both know it, and it does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out. We are often paying for other people’s work, and this can end up affecting the economy around us. There are jobs like doctoring, and there are even illegal jobs involving the same moniker. We have all been fooled into a false sense of acceptance, and it’s only doing us grave harm. If the job is not self-sustaining enough, then we are literally paying for people to stay in work. Although it is rational, it ends up being an unnecessary balancing act that serves to stifle our understanding. It may be true that foreigners are taking “our” jobs, but native workers are not always taking advantage of the jobs at their disposal. Even then, we are not paying people enough to accept these jobs, and it boils down to greed.
When we finally decide to do things more economically, we can find plenty of solutions to our problem. Unfortunately, most people do not want solutions or think that there are no solutions other than disgust. If only we paid people enough money to take these jobs and then allowed worthy immigrants to take those extra ones. At least to the racist republicans, this would motivate less of those cruddy Mexicans to immigrate. Unfortunately, this is a quandary too difficult to figure out, and it would obviously come into conflict with their special interests. Aww, that’s too bad, but what can they do about it. They’re too busy trying to hold onto their last few dollars, and they would otherwise be broke. We cannot have this happen to the servers of our democracy, can we.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
If you do not get the big picture, then you are very much ignorant of everything that happens around you. What else can one person say? Everything about a billionaire is bad, and their ego is an extension of themselves. This ultimately means that the more they have, the more that they will want. The same thing can be said for sports and all of the money we waste on athletes. Our politicians are often overpaid for the work that they do. However, it would be less of a problem if the rich people weren’t involved. We allow billionaires to accrue wealth beyond the mind’s imagination. Furthermore, there are no good billionaires, and almost all of them hoard their wealth. Even if someone were to come by and do something different, they probably found the worst way to become charitable.
Thankfully, there are people with power who can change the system, but they choose to not change a damn thing. It does not mean that the people at the top cannot have good intentions and change things for the actual better. Unfortunately, they do not! A selfish desire for money and greedy power does not have to drive the course of power, but it usually ends up being the case. If this does not happen, then the motivation of self-aggrandizing hedonism ends up taking over later on. We either stop being so stupid, or we stop allowing the rich, snarky jackasses to get away with it. Everything ends up being a bust that is waiting to occur when we allow the democratic process to be run by money. If only we decided to take money out of politics to some degree, but that will never happen, right?
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
In the end, this is a dilemma worth considering, but we look to feign in ignorance. There is nothing beyond our comprehension beyond our simple ignorance of the facts. Just about everything can be clever with the facts in a selfish way, and who cares. It’s the perception of those concepts that makes it obvious and even easy for an actual person of cleverness. Intelligence and integrity have a connotation to this as well, but this would require some explanation. Our brains also have a way of thinking that something is wrong, and we can occasionally get it right for the right reasons. Other times, we do not, and we just get lucky when we land on the right answer to some degree. Regardless, instead of making excuses of kind competition, we should always be sure to spend our time and money better.
If we held rich people to a higher standard, we would then see massive changes in our lackluster economy. We would have to spend less money, and people would be able to find better jobs. At the very least, they would be paying their way, and it would be about time. We can even go into detail about all of the rich pastors that steal money. Beyond that, we can discuss how we spend too much time allowing the rich entrepreneurs to send their jobs overseas.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Although this is a worthwhile discussion, the actions need to take the place of words. They don’t want to pay for higher wages, so why not abuse people in other countries in the process. If only we decided that enough was enough and did something about it, but we will not. We’re even told that the money we spend can go towards something better, but it ends up getting lost in crappier endeavors. In the end, if the rich were not so busy, we could be able to afford for ourselves.
The military jobs are a good example of this, and they are often underpaid. We have things such as veteran’s benefits, but many people who serve end up becoming homeless. Many of these same people were forced into the military because of their destitution. They were then kicked out or forgotten in spite of doing the right thing. Even worse, they were mistreated during their time of duty. If they were acting out, then the drive to join the military was involved; this is no job for desperation. Unfortunately, this is what the government relies on because of their greed.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
There is no doubting that there is a risk involved, but the vast majority of people who serve do not serve in combat units. If they do, then they’re serving the rich scoundrels in much the same way by killing innocent people. If they are not doing something that we do not agree with, then we should not help pay for their indecency. Especially when we consider the fact that most veterans are cast aside with poor pay, it makes the argument even easier when saying that it should not be our obligation. Then again, there are still people out there willing to join the military and pay for it.
9. Other People’s Wealth
The more money that you have, the more you can be irresponsible with it. It does not matter if it’s a matter of business, because businesses often waste enormous sums of money for no good reason. When push comes to shove, wealth always end up being the problem. It does not really matter what kind of wealth it is, because all of it is essentially the same. If we finally decide to put a cap on wealth, we may not be in these predicaments. In fact, the worst kind of wealth is inherited wealth, and we have even experienced the effects of it. It’s an obvious problem that we deal with every day, but we tend to do nothing about it. Everything has to be complicated, and it is, but we often make it worse so that we can protect ourselves. In my opinion, this is not a principled stance.
What this ends up doing is making us pay for the slack of the corporations in charge. This creates anything but a meritocracy, and it only serves to pad rich people’s pockets even more. The cash that they do not deserve ends up being funneled into their offshore bank accounts, allowing them to hoard their wealth. This means that they’re getting away with bloody murder; the taxes that they should pay aren’t legally scrutinized or are ignored. Even more, this means that they’re creating their own rules that the rest of us have to abide by. To make things even better, they can screw us in any way that they want on their way to the tippy top. After all is said and done, we make up for what they are lacking in character. When this continues to happen, we end up making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
When we begin to look at the bigger picture, things may begin to make more sense. The more we progress, the more useless humans become. Technology will in fact take our place, and the machines will take over the positions of the workers. In the end, we end up paying for their money, and the rest of us are without crappy paying jobs. Unless the rich are feeling generous, we are all screwed. On top of that, we are paying for rich people’s education and luxury trips in the slimiest of ways, even if they did “earn the money.” They should be more responsible, but having some money is key to having children, but it certainly does not make the process any better. In fact, do we want any of the rich people to have any children at all? Afterall, inheritance wealth is the worst part about this problem.
They many seem like they have your best interests in mind; however, this is not a lie worth coaxing. When they continue to ship jobs overseas for cheaper wages, you end up paying for it out-of-pocket even more. There is nothing wrong with the rich kids taking over, and at least in principle, this would show some worthiness. Although it may seem wrong, restricting people from having the ability to procreate is only a reasonable one. No one should have this right, and it takes more than money to prove it. Everyone can become wealthy in the process, and people would have to pay less for it. This is why we should allow the rich to pay for more things, but we are too busy protecting their rights to upset the entire system. Although I have mentioned this throughout this article, it needs to exemplified.
In the end, there is no good solution, but we end up haphazardly dealing with everything. The housing market is a prime example of this, where wealthy magnates end up owning all of the property. After this, they will raise the prices for housing and property just to make sure that they can stay rich. There is often a competition between them, and it becomes a battle of power and territory. They want the ultimate control, and it does not matter how many of us go homeless because of it. Even then, we should always look for practical solutions, but mistakes would be more acceptable if we had more money. Fewer people would have to pay, and more people would get more pay. Unfortunately, the rich creeps that we continue to praise are given more and more headroom to help increase their wealth through means of war.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
10. Other People’s Rights
Although our rights should not have to be paid for, there is no doubt that this is something that we do. It depends on the rights that we are talking about, but some of them have to be paid for, at least for now. Some of these so-called rights are not something that would be called a right, but people certainly do fight for them. Some of them can be good and unreasonable, and other “rights” are simply there to strip other people’s reasonable rights away. At this point, we are privileging the people in power even more. This also ends up creating further disruption that only serves to get in the way of personal decency. When we keep this up, the ending never turns out good, and it leads to more lopsided inequality that is harder to come back from.
How we pay for them matters very little, as the payment can come from any source of currency. There may be blackmail, personal assurance, or even cash involved in the process. Of course, the end result matters, but the fact that there is a payment is the focus. If we can find ways to avoid this, then we are doing something right. Unfortunately, everyone has to pay, and sometimes, these payments can become a problem in some kind of way.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
We should all have a right to health insurance, but we should not get it for free. Nothing is free though, and it comes in the way of tax money. We can never make things cheap, as this will defeat the point. There is always some wiggle room we can leave, but it can be cheaper with some help. If this is alright to you, then you have a problem. All of this may seem contradictory, but it really is not. Then again, that’s what this list is ultimately about.
All things considered, some rights are worthy of being tarnished, but we all technically have a right to do them. We have the right to murder, but there are consequences to these actions. Unless we are locked in cages, we can say that we have the right, but even then, we are all capable of doing it. What this ultimately means is that we do not have the right to do certain illegal crimes.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Although this is straightforward, deserve often has little to do with it. When we begin to understand this, the more that we can begin to understand our place here. Although the republicans are a menace, the party of the democrats does not always offer a feasible solution. If anything, they can make the problem worse by being too complicit with the other side.
We all have the right to pay our dues, but this mandate is often forced upon us. This is somewhat reasonable, as our civilization requires a fine line to consider. Without it, things can end up going haywire, even if some things are punished poorly or too much. However, this fine line is always crossed by the powerful, and we are still acting poorly in response to this decrepit action. There is always more than can be done, but if this is the best that we can do, we are screwed. Even then, the fine line can be crossed in all sorts of negative ways, including the reasons for inflation. You see, the more money that we end up borrowing, the more we are looking to crash. While the average commoner is responsible, the rich people are the worst purveyors of this disgusting inaction.
Like I have said before, some things will never change. We even have to pay for our own rights, which to some degree is reasonable. If someone decides to avoid their taxes, they can go to jail for it. This is the right thing to do, but then again, it would be less of a big deal if we had more money. Regardless, we would be able to pay for our debts, and the world would be a better place for it, taxes or not.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Also, when someone gets sick and goes to the hospital, we have to consider if it is worth it to save them. This would be less of an issue if we were more responsible with our own money. Unfortunately, we’re not allowed to be responsible with so many billionaires walking around. Then again, there is always something to consider when we bring up the right to die and euthanasia.
This response to medicine make sense, and it is why alternative medicine and preventative measures have become more of trend. These things were trends in the past, but going to alchemists or horse doctors was still a thing. Now, even when we have this medicine, we are looking to squander it by overcharging it and giving it to people with money instead. It’s not to say that the average person cannot catch up, but this is likely never going to happen. The economy requires people to work at the bottom, but if they were paid properly, this wouldn’t be a problem. If anything, the world is becoming more open-ended in it’s work design, and people can create their own businesses as a response.
Before long, we will have to consider other ways to manufacture jobs. Why? Because of technology taking over, and what will we do to balance this. Will we stifle our progress, or will we make everyone a jobless worker ant? Is it even possible to find a middle ground here, or are we reaching our natural end a little too late? These and other questions are reasonable to ask, but we are too afraid to answer them. The answers are right in front of us, and we choose to blissfully ignore them.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
Although these alternatives are a reasonable thing to do, they would not be necessary if we took the proper steps to help people do things for the right reasons. A couple of these concerns include finding better doctors and promoting better research for medicine. Unfortunately, while we are doing all of the work, the rich are sitting there and freezing their heads in cryogenic jars and heading to mars. As you can see, the biggest enemies are right there in front of us, and the only thing stopping us are the powerful ones protecting them. In the end, the ulterior motives are janky and clear.
When we talk about having children, we can bring up much of the same issues. You see, the problem is that we almost treat birthing as a benediction from god, even if a person is not religious. We have to pay for other people’s rights to screw us over, and we also have to naturally pay for other people’s right to be free. In the end, we are stuck in a quandary of self-destruction that almost seems too unworthy of continuing. Unfortunately, far too many have their excuses stacked to the sky.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
We cannot pay for everything, but some things need our help. If we do not adhere to this, we are punished, and this makes sense, especially without the help. Even then, if we did have the power of the rich, it would even be more justified. The things that we have to pay for would be even more worthy of our consideration. The other problems would fall flat, and they would be a thing of the past. Then again, taxes are part of what allows us to have these extremes in wealth to begin with. It’s a byproduct and a cause, and there’s very little way to avoid it.
There are just too many things at stake here, but it does not mean that we cannot improve it. It also does not mean that we should do nothing about it just because we are determined to be what we end up becoming. We do not simply say that someone has no control and is not at fault by allowing them to get away with it. We understand, at least if we’re not ignorant, that a person is struggling. And sometimes, the solution should be to eliminate the problem. People are already doing this, but looking at it differently, especially those of us too liberal to see it, does some good. We should pay for things now, but then again, we should not have to. Instead of working in extremes, we can find something that works better in the middle ground. Regardless, I can go on, but I digress.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
In the end, we are simply here to float ideas around that may be worthy of our consideration. Not everything is complex, and most of what is presented here are obvious problems with easy solutions. Some of these solutions are isolated, but at the same time, they speak to improvements that should be made. Other problems are more obvious, and it comes from a simple problem that we choose not to fix. If civilization is this difficult to figure out, then we may as well give up already. It’s here to explain a lot of the frustrations that the average person has to deal with on a daily basis. We all don’t want to pay for things, and there are a lot of good reasons not to pay for them. Unfortunately, some things have to be paid for as a practical fact, especially if we want to maintain a civilization.
We are all caught between a rock and a hard place. However, there is often very little that we can do about it. Although it seems like a stretch, we can do better. There’s also nothing wrong with sharing a few thoughts on how we can make things better. It requires a little bit of a thing called critical thinking, but we are certainly capable of it. You can even do your own research and figure out some interesting solutions yourself. It may take a little time, but the solving ends up being worth it in the end.
10 Things We Shouldn’t Have to Pay For
There is always a different context to discuss this topic with, but the subject is a never ending battle. In fact, there are a lot of major themes involved in having this discussion. I simply wanted to speak on some subjects so that you can read through some of the thought process with me. It doesn’t take much, but there are casual things to consider. There are also correlations that we can make about how this means this and not that. In spite of this, we do not have to make it harder than it actually is.
Sometimes, you have to speak in simple terms. There are a lot of things to consider, and it’s easy to get lost in all of the nonsense. The more you lack the big picture, the more things seem acceptable, even if you can end up getting worked up about them. Then again, I am strictly speaking my mind, but these things are certainly important. It may be verbose, but the long edit was worth it after all of this writing. You can be sure to appreciate it the next time that you run into a problem, or you can ignore it entirely. In fact, there are so many things that we shouldn’t have to think about but do. The list is too long, but then again, the context really matters. There are too many arguments to make, and everything can be applied to any country on the planet.
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