10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
Everyone on the planet takes something for granted at some point in their life. It doesn’t matter if it’s something insignificant or not, because we are always there to take it without context. Although we find appreciation in some things, we often find it disparately and without due cause. Of course, this independently depends on the person, and we can often see people appreciate things. Unfortunately, this never happens without first having to learn a lesson in appreciation to begin with. To make this even more clear though, these are the 10 typical things that we always take for granted.
If you were given a lot, then you have less reason to complain. However, if you were given a little, then you have a right to make a complaint. Unfortunately, people need a hard lesson to teach them this lesson, and we all have room for improvement when it comes to appreciation.
The Typical Complainer
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
1. Technology
Of course, before we have the chance to weaponize technology, we tend to take it for granted. You see, not only are we using it without appreciation, but we are also abusing it in the short and long-term. Even though technology was likely to happen anyway, we have to consider how it has helped us and destroyed us. Unfortunately, even if we can ignore the minds that helped bring us this, we display it through overt and inherent abuse. Even if it hasn’t always helped us, it does not mean that we haven’t gotten used to it. It’s just too bad that this inevitable disrespect has given it a bad name.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
2. Shelter
As cliched as this sounds, we cannot deny the importance of having shelter — a roof over our heads. There’s just something about not having to live out in the wild that makes life better, right? It almost makes it worth living, and it also gives us the motivation and control that we need. Afterall, if you need air-conditioning during the summer, then you can have that. If you need warm, heated air during the winter, then you can have that too. When you need privacy, a bedroom, and a place to cook, you have it. Of course, we may not always have it the way that we want it, but that’s tough luck at times.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
3. Water
Having running water in the real deal when you realize just how many people go without it. Of course, making sure to mention the starving children in Africa cliché is never a reasonable excuse. To make this even better though, there are plenty of people who have running water without a worry of diseases such as dysentery. However, it should also be stated that it doesn’t matter what the percentages are. Afterall, no matter what, we should always be appreciative of this resource. At any moment, our lives can change for the worse, and the necessity of hydration can make it seem even more scarce.
Yes, we have soft drinks, lemonade, and even sweet tea, but any form of consumable liquid is important. It’s obviously not just about water, of course. However, water is a part of this and just as important, because if you do not have water, then it probably means that you do not have a lot of things. Of course, even gasoline is a rare commodity that certain countries cannot use. Regardless, we should all appreciate this even more, especially if we’re not “being thankful” to begin with.
The Water Bearer
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
4. Medicine
Just like most of technology, we fail to understand the aid that medicine has given us. Although much of what we use is fairly ubiquitous and even dangerous, we also tend to forget just how important it is as well. To make this even more shameful, we often abuse the drugs that we have at our disposal. Then again, some people have reasons for doing this that are beyond their control. If this wasn’t bad enough though, we also have doctors, who are supposed to be knowledgeable on these substances, handing it out like candy. However, this is the supposed price that we must pay for civilization … .
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
5. Food
You always have to consider food when deciding to make a list like this; however, you cannot always have it without spacing the list out. There is no need for an explanation though, because we always take food for granted, undoubtedly. Although, isn’t this one fairly obvious? Well, it should be, but far too many people tend to forget about this one. In fact, we are always inundated with food to the point of forgetting about its actual utility. There is even room to say that our obesity crisis is a sign of this; we should still eat though. Of course, there are also diseases such as dysentery to discuss, as mentioned already.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
6. Protection
In the end, there are other amenities like order, cleanliness, and protection that we should appreciate as well. In fact, not everyone in the world has a lot of this thing that we call freedom, so showing where that so-called “right” comes from is important. Afterall, we can always show improvements that can give others a means of understanding what civilization is capable of, right? Even then, trade and fair barter are a reasonable commodity that we have, but we also tend to abuse this. It’s also rife with corruption too, so it makes sense that we are not always the most appreciative.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
7. Creativity
Like everything on this list, the price of showmanship will cost a lot of money. However, creativity can come at much less of a cost, and it may even be considered cheap. Unfortunately, far too many people are disturbed and cannot truly display their creativity. To exacerbate this, the people in developed countries choose to not take advantage of their artistic abilities. Thankfully, with creativity, craftmanship can even come in the form of affection and love without harsh censure, i.e., art, music, and even sex. This may make it seem like we shouldn’t appreciate it, but we should anyway. If anything, it’s actually the a sign that we are civilized, and it’s even the reason we have civilization to begin with.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
8. Interaction
If you were not already sure: The world needs our help with just about everything. It doesn’t matter if it’s the technology from our phones or having people around who give a damn. Without this, we are often stuck doing things on our own, and this can bring quite a few disadvantages. Of course, we shouldn’t always have to rely on others, but we tend to take it for granted. Again, there are obviously so many ways that we take things for granted, such as loyalty and communication. Unfortunately, the variable ways that we rely on others tend to get in the way of ordinary, human interaction.
You will probably notice that other places do not have as much quality interaction as others. In spite of this, people everywhere tend to not relate to their abilities to communicate with friends and family. Afterall, this can make all of the difference in the world to us now.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
9. Privacy
It’s not like I am trying to do anything but convince you, but your privacy is important, right? Well, if this is important, at least to you, then at least having the opportunity to protect it is paramount, too. Then again, there are reasons to believe that our privacy is being taken away. In fact, it may have never even been there to begin with. If this bothers you, then at least try to understand that you do not have it that bad. Although technology makes it easier to breach privacy, it doesn’t even exist elsewhere.
Unfortunately, this is the point, but we still have our ways to choose our rights to privacy. Afterall, not every government is looking to take it away, and you have the ability to live freely and without much consequence to our other privileges. Regardless, we take it for granted, and that is the point. Other people lack this, be it here or somewhere else, but this is not all that relevant. If we want our privacy, then we have to work for it, and it will never be something that comes for absolutely free.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
10. Knowledge
Without our knowledge, we are essentially nothing, and this makes sense. Afterall, what we know is important, and to care less is very careless. We even tend to evade the truth that stares us right in the face. “Why is this?” you ask. Well, it’s pretty clear that even though we tend to seek the truth, we always miss the mark. Some people even actively avoid learning things for the sake of their self-esteem.
Even if people are aware of this, it is not enough to claim that we are not abusing our knowledge. We should always be informing ourselves, but people tend to not care. It’s not like you have to learn everything, but we are always missing the mark. There’s only so much we can do, but a little appreciation goes a long way. Afterall, people are often the reason that we are struggling to begin with.
10 Typical Things That We Take for Granted
As we can clearly see, there is always something that we’re taking for granted no matter what. Of course, not everyone is guilty of this crime against reason, but there are enough people who are, aggressively. To say that we’re not all responsible to some degree is silly, even though some things seem unworthy of appreciation. Then again, it truly depends, but it all exists on a gradation that can be improved within every single person. Afterall, there is always a catch, and there is always room for improvement. However, there is no avoiding it, and the concept of maltreatment towards privilege is real. Unfortunately, there is not much that we can do, as the more that we exist, the more that we have this problem. To make this easier for you though, I will digress about this nearly endless topic.
Of course, just because we don’t show it doesn’t mean that we do not appreciate it, right? Well, it depends, but it does matter. Then again, how much you do actually appreciate it, and will you do more that simply celebrate because you displayed it. Afterall, the more that we have prevent progress, the less likely we will find purpose. However, the more that we create cures, the more likely we are also going to have problems that come with creation. If this is okay with you — at the cost of your specialness — and your friends, then have fun. Just be sure to consider what is important, including your intelligence and everything that comes along with it.
The Meaning of Life