10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder characterized by obsessive, (often falsely) negative impressions of one’s own physical appearance. It can obviously be something more specific; however, it affects something more general about someone’s appearance. Additionally, it tends to mostly affect a person’s perception of their entire appearance, making a person wish to hide their appearance even further. This mostly affects the facial areas, but anything on the body can appear as a defect, unfortunately! Regardless, these are the 10 ways to overcome body dysmorphic disorder.
Body dysmorphic disorder also tends to affect females more than males; although, it happens to affect both sexes rather ubiquitously. There’s even proof that it can cause suicidal behaviors and quality of life, unfortunately, because of it’s tendencies caused by the symptoms — they’re similar to OCD. It, lastly, requires a highly specific diagnosis, and a desire for normalization is often stated. Of course, if someone wishes to overcome their problems, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with seeing a doctor, i.e., medications or therapy, but regretful plastic surgery is far too common with BDD symptoms.
You want to look at yourself with a clean slate without the learned preconditions. You will obviously see something different, and with time, you will grow out of your personal self-degradation. Everyone else (with low self-esteem) can do the same thing; however, the conditions do not necessarily make the end result or requirements any different for those suffering with body dysmorphic disorder. It’s simply that it requires more from those struggling with the disease of self-doubt and obsessive thought patterns. In the end, the difference will be large enough for you to understand where you were at.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
1. Exposure Therapy
If you want to overcome your disorder, then you will likely have to overcome it by normalizing your routine. And guess what, exposure to looking at yourself without allowing your reactions to paralyze you is probably the best thing to start with. After all, this is often what they teach people when they go to therapy, and it always works great. You may not immediately feel the effects, but it certainly gets you used to your appearance. However, no matter how difficult it may be, there’s no other way around it; there will be struggles. Although, you can always skirt your way around the problem, which is also another way to deal with some of the negative side-effects, at least to begin with. Just be sure not to indulge!
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
2. Change Your Habits
Our tendencies towards hiding our appearance often make our body image worse, creating a need, a desire for concealing the issues. This simply reaffirms our fears, and it also tends to worsen our appearance through maladaptive habituation. We, the sufferers, also happen to hide behind ways of displaying ourselves, and this, with time, only makes our reactions far, far worse. Although, the more that we hide, the more that we ensure ourselves of worry. This is not good, and not only will this make you more miserable, but you’re simply deriding yourself through negative and angering routines. For example, if you clench to hide your teeth, then you’re likely to affirm the dislike of your lips.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
3. Diet for Yourself
Literally feeding into the symptoms of BDD is bad; however, at times, there are some reasons behind these reactions & their presiding effects. Of course, one of these reasonable symptoms is excessive dieting; although taking part in a diet is actually very healthy. (Dieting is not necessarily a symptom, but it’s a reaction to someone’s bodily concerns.) In fact, not only will you feel better about your appearance, but you will likely be improving it, too. This also helps stop the processes within your body from stressing you out so much, i.e., aging and/or obesity. And, as we all know, the runner’s high is about endorphin release and rush, which is one of the best things for feeling down and depressed, etcetera!
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
4. Ignore Others
We all have a tendency to make things worse, and other people can do this as well; they may not know better. It obviously doesn’t necessarily matter where it comes from or how it comes about, as there are always people making it worse (exacerbating the symptoms). They can inadvertently exacerbate your symptoms or flat-out worsen them — the reason to evade other people’s opinions almost entirely and without fault. Although you should look for this validation, be it good or constructive (while appreciating it), you should not necessarily require it. In fact, the point is to look at yourself with confidence without the need of others; however, you can always look for this validation if you truly necessitate it.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
5. Therapy
Although you shouldn’t require validation, you should still look for the right kind of help. “What kind of help? It’s therapy! Hell, you may even get compliments from others; however, this may not always be enough. “Why not?” you ask. Well, even your therapist may say this, but it doesn’t seem to really make a “real” difference. Furthermore, if your symptoms become bad enough that you consider harming yourself, then therapy may be a good last resort. However, if you feel as though you need to take action before this, then there is no harm or shame in doing so. In all, this is ultimately here to change your perceptions of yourself … for good. You can require help, but just make sure to not allow it to control you.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
6. Change Your Standards
Often, people whom suffer with BDD want to normalize their appearance, but this only sets a new standard that makes them feel more ugly or alone. However, if you want to change what you see, at least traditionally, then you’re going to have to change your standards. Then again, standards can be too high or mismatched — people think they have high standards — in someone’s head to the point of compounding confusion. (This simply makes it worse, and certain ideals tend to take hold.) A sense of self is often lacking with BDD, and this can make others not really know what they look like. They’re often hiding behind the sheets in shame. To do this is to do what is right for your mental health!
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
7. Understand the Problem
Informing one’s self will improve oneself greatly, and there are plenty of ways to do it, including research. Ultimately, they’re all the same; although, there are better ways to keep yourself informed. People everywhere may not understand the issue, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot. Even then, the failures can get the best of us, and our negative perspectives can boil. (Other people’s ignorance doesn’t help this problem.) As a matter of fact, if you are allowing yourself to fall into the pitfall of self-loathing too much, then you will not improve even when you think you are getting better (and vice versa). Who knows better? You do! And with this, you can dominate many of the problems that plague you.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
8. Fix the Underlying Issues
Believe it or not, there may be some kind of underlying issue that worsen your BDD perceptions. Of course, BDD is it’s own problem, but there are different reasons for its cause. It can ultimately come down to understanding your past, and if anything, you can at least improve some aspect of your mental disorder. In fact, the filth of the mind tends to take hold: negativity, misperceptions, and depression. This is never good, and allowing it to fester underneath the surface will only make you suffer for longer periods of time. Thankfully, if you discover what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, you may find that your expectations change. With this, you can finally take hold of the real problems at hand.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
9. Supplements
There are plenty of supplements out there that can help you with your body image issues. None of them have to be prescription (synthetic) drugs; although, there may be a need for these drugs, at least as a last resort. Of course, ranging from self-esteem problems or even depression, there are plenty of organic, natural medications on the market that do not require a strict regiment. After all, you can simply take them for as long as you require, and they’re often affordable. However, there is taking “supplement” use too seriously, and there are always side effects, especially if you rely on them exceedingly. In spite of this, they’re very good help! Just be sure to not get too carried away with the necessity of their use.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
10. Help With Passion
Those who struggle with are often strained by their disease, and they often stray away from their passions. In turn, this ends with lower self-esteem, especially a person has seen themself faulter. However, we can display this simply: There are significant ways to help with this problem. (Creativity is another obvious choice of words for this.) Thankfully, helping others is one of these, and this often fills a gap that fulfills their self-esteem — it helps distract from the issues, healthily. For the most part, they will see themselves guided towards a better direction, obscuring many of the issues that were often at the forefront. In the end, this is a great way to alleviate much of the anxiety that’s with BDD.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
You may not necessarily overcome your insecurities entirely, but you can certainly treat and manage them. Since BDD is a harsh disease of the mind, you will see yourself wax and wane through the symptoms over and over again. Some days will be good, and other days will be bad; this is typical among those with the disease. In the end, you will find yourself wanting to change this, and, naturally, this will occur. You do not have to allow this disease to control you until you are strictly bound. For sure, the end result, with the use of these methods, will curate a better self-image that shouldn’t have been bad to begin with. Just be sure not to expect the world to change around as you obsess to victory.
Body dysmorphic disorder creates these so-called high standards that are hard to display for others. In fact, they make it entirely too difficult to communicate the cause and effect of the issue, as others are often too dense to understand the actual disorder. It’s effects are strong, and how it affects is deep, which is far too deep for others to understand. There’s a lot of abuse involved, and the average layman will have a hard time understanding this. Perhaps, it probably means that communication is frivolous, or it may, in fact, mean that a person’s highly subjective take is far away from the truth.
10 Ways to Overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder
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