10 Words That Should Disappear
Let’s just go out on a limb and say that some words should be locked away for good. They should not be said, and they probably should have never been created to begin with. While it is up to how we use them, the way they sound in conjunction with their use is important. Even if it really comes down to personal use and preference, the way words have evolved has taken a negative downturn. I an not going to go into much technical detail, but I think that my opinion explains enough. These are the 10 worst words that need to disappear for good without ever looking back.
While this list is mostly fun and games, there are elements of truth in understanding why language is important. If we end up getting lost in a bunch of crap, we may find ourselves talking past each other more often. It is not to say that I am some genius word smith, but the connotation and relationship of words and concepts is crucial. Words, especially nowadays, are evolving a little too fast for liking, as it is more than just some vapid complaint from an old fart telling you to get off of his lawn. These are the 10 worst words that need to disappear. There are plenty to list, but these 10 are certainly near the top.
10 Words That Should Disappear
1. Bro
The word bro is one of the most obnoxious things someone can refer to you as. To just about anyone with decency, it is seen as a word of condescension, and this is for good reason. When someone calls you a bro, it probably comes off as a subversive insult rather than a term of endearment. The person is certainly not giving you a compliment, as it comes off as lazy and a placeholder. If you have nothing else to say, there are better words to use as filler for adding emphasis. Language is already difficult enough, so try to stay with us through the process.
The more we use words like this, the worse human beings will generally become. If you think that this makes someone like myself a hater, then so be it. There are enough people out there that find this word and how it is used obnoxious enough. The next time someone calls me you a bro, be sure to sock them with a fist to the face. If they call you a brah, make sure to tell them that you do not wear one. I am not your bro, bro, so call me brother so that I can say the same thing all over again. I think that it would be about TIME for some kind of decent change.
10 Words That Should Disappear
2. Dude
This is another word in the lexicon of the average dope that needs to go away. While it sounds dumb enough on it’s own, the way it is used is even worse. If someone calls you a dude, they may mean you no harm, but it does not seem that way. The problem is that when someone calls, they are doing it as a lazy placeholder for calling you something else. That person may think that you are an asshole, so they may try to be polite by calling you a dude instead. This may seem like a good thing, but it really is not.
The kind of person who uses dude is usually condescending and a drug user. If someone puts it to good use, they are calling you out for them being paranoid that you took their cache of dope. You can call it nitpicking, but who cares, as I will call this one of the worst words in use right now. This is a serious critique, but I can understand how it is funny talking so much about it. Afterall, there is no denying that being called a dude is a huge doodoo, dude. Your vibe is so off that I will even use another horrible and useless word to describe it.
10 Words That Should Disappear
3. Love
If you have nothing nice to say, then be sure to say nothing at all. These kind words are said with affection and care, but where does love come into play. While it is a word used to describe something, the concept is barebones at best. When people say that they love someone, it makes me gasp with exasperation at the meaning and use of it. If you find yourself falling for the word, then I love the fact that it is making you feel better. The word is abused, but most people seem to think that this is all alright.
Something about this word and the gooey but pretentious meaning behind it does little to help it. The concept of love is hard enough to pinpoint, but there are other words out there already, such as affection. It should also be noted that the idea of romanticized love has a religious connotation that does little for it. You can say it all you want, but there are some flaws with making love out to be something special. If you love someone, just understand what you are really trying to say. You love them because they are your child, family, or friend because of circumstance. If nepotism and bigotry are your game, then love will be the answer.
10 Words That Should Disappear
4. Fap
There are certain words that have come around more recently, and this is a problem. When you allow children to make up words in our vocabulary, it will inevitably cause dialectical problems. It may sound like the take from a cantankerous old man, but it is best to get a start on it early. Being aware of language being butchered is one thing, but being aware of why and how is another. At least there is an understanding and self-awareness to the list of complaints being used here.
Words like fap are just another negative example of it. The word is used to describe masturbation, as it makes the word easier to say for those too lazy and stupid. If you are using certain words to make a point by calling them stupid or making a joke, it is fine. Making fun of these words is the first step in the right direction, and it will be faptastic. Just make sure that you are not fapping along the way, bro. Even if you want to bring out your inner child, there are better ways to do it.
10 Words That Should Disappear
5. God
One of the worst words in the dictionary is the word god. If you are a follower of a religion, you may relate to this word, as it describes your faith. Some people even abuse the word by making everything out to be there god. You may think of someone else as a god, or you may even think that you are god. The narcissistic speculation aside, there are many ways to abuse this word. The word is an insult to itself enough, as it serves now only to mock itself more later on. Strung along with this word are ideas of hope, faith, divinity, and evil, which are all hopeless words. This means that any notion of some vague magic should be tarnished almost immediately.
The word was intended for those who believe in an almighty creator, not for some jerk to claim omniscience. A word like this is a little too all encompassing and intimidating, as it is used to strike fear in others. A context of religiosity does not help the word either, as organized religion has it’s problems as well. If you want a word strife for abuse, this is it. In the end, at least it is simple because you can spell dog backwards with it. We should not limit ourselves, but the hope is not there, even if hope and faith are bad words, too.
10 Words That Should Disappear
6. Feces
This is one of those clinical but disgusting words that people like to use from time to time. While it may sound like a fine word, the meaning of the word is what may get to you. The connotation ends up making the word sound dry and stale, as it describes poop or fecal matter. The word poop is no better, but at least it seems to get straight to the point. Feces just seems like a word to cover up the fact that you are talking about someone’s turds. It would be a dream to rid ourselves of feces, but it would be inconsequential. If you did not notice, almost all of these words in the last sentence are pretty dumb.
It is a word that we have found significance in for the very fact that it exists for technicality. The problem is that we really do not need an additional word for poop. There are plenty of good words to use, but feces just makes the butt seem like some unsexy science experiment. If you want to extract something, be sure not to get any feces on it. While we can ignore words like this, it is used often enough that it becomes annoying. Even if it just in a scientific context, you make the whole process seem all too disgusting.
10 Words That Should Disappear
7. Buddy
This word, like some of the ones listed above is nothing short of a word used to demean and insult. The word buddy is a little bit more on the nose than the other words like dude and bro, but it still serves little function. Yes, it is used politely sometimes, but this often comes at a price. Calling someone your buddy means that they are probably not important enough to be called a friend. Life is tragic enough, which means that we need little in the way of more of your butt buddies chiming in.
It is just another lazy attempt at patronizing someone in a heated argument. If not, buddy is often used in a vindictive tone to call someone a jackass or idiot without saying it. The word is meant to be sly, as it works to be both overtly insulting and sneaky. If you want to second guess what someone means, then fine, but calling them your best bud is a silly compliment. The more you ask someone to not say it, the more they will as if their rights were taken away. Just be sure to try and get that through your lousy head, buddy.
10 Words That Should Disappear
8. Perfect
Is that not just perfect, or is it just perfect enough to get the job done. There are plenty of ways to use the word perfect, but it’s application is typically imperfect. We can get lost in the meaning, but would not that just be a little too on the nose stupid in trying to describe what this really means. It can be a try hard attempt at being a smarty pants, or it can be a lackluster attempt at the idea of perfection. There is really no perfect way in doing something, but we can certainly get the job done perfectly to a specific standard or result.
The meaning is generally vague, and it’s vapidity cannot be denied. If you got the job done right then that should be good enough. The problem is that most people want a shortcut in using their words. We may think we understand each other, but is that enough. At the very least, perfect is an imperfect word describing the idea of perfection. There is no perfect, but what does the word really mean. We got it done, and the emphasis is there to describe the home run hit. The problem we have here is that scrutiny can go to far with a word so dull but impactful.
10 Words That Should Disappear
9. Twerk
There are words like truth and fact that I can have a problem with because of application, but twerk is astonishingly bad. The word is used to describe people shaking their butts, oftentimes bent over. There are all sorts of crude words being created nowadays to describe stupid things that never mattered before. If you want someone to shake that ass, then you should make sure to let them know. Beyond that, this word should be given as little attention as possible. If this does not give you hope, then nothing will.
Twerk is almost a boner killer of a word in the sense of it’s uncompliant nature. It not only sounds unsexy, but it almost seems like a sentence stopper in it’s pronunciation. If you want to make a word to describe this positional movement, then try again. Be sure to leave someone in charge that knows how to word things, because this is pathetic. It does not help that some self-aggrandizing jackass telling some chick to move sexy made the word up. The next time that someone uses the word twerk, they are a word that rhymes with it.
10 Words That Should Disappear
10. LOL
While acronyms have their place, this is the last place someone should use them. This acronym in particular stands for “laughing out loud” It is now a part of the modern day lexicon, but it is one hell of an unfortunate development. There is a connotation with certain kinds of personality traits involved with the usage of these words. Words like this have done this, as the acronyms created this trend of laziness through self-described efficiency and genius. This kind of tampering of words is rife for abuse, as people use these acronyms to poor use.
There are other acronyms like FOMO and LMFAO, but LOL has officially made itself a real word. The way people speak today is depressing and sad, as it is making the average person arrogant and stupid. If you are the kind of person who actually speaks this way, then you have a word or two to learn. While it is okay to take a shortcut from time to time, do something other than butchering language. There are healthier ways to tell someone that you think that their act of kindness is stupid. It may actually make a difference in what you say in the end.
10 Words That Should Disappear
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