The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
All animals share most of the same basic qualities and emotions. There is actually very little that sets us apart, but there are different idiosyncrasies we have in expressing them. Humans display this idiosyncratic behavior the most, because our instincts are basic and almost useless. It is not doubt that humanity as a whole derives it’s meaning through pain and conflict. If we did not have these problems in our lives, then we would have little to fix. Our purpose here is to fix problems, and if there are no real problems to fix, then what is our point. These are the 10 worst qualities of humanity.
We must strike a balance between fear, fight, and freedom, but this can stifle “progress.” At this point, we are simply living our lives and thinking that this will always be the solution to chase. Otherwise, the natural conclusion will be an untimely demise chasing dreams of menial singularity. A lot of people can understand this, but they do not truly live it or do anything about it. We can try our best to make a sink hole stay in place by helping others, but this serves little real function in the long run.
Unfortunately, most people cannot even get here, because there is very little positivity impact it has on their personal lives, at least immediately. Very many people lack the critical thinking skills it requires to look at the big picture outside of their little bubble. The average person is very humancentric and believes that they are the best, when push comes to shove. The vast majority of people live in a herd and embrace it, even when the herd is wrong. There is a sheep in just about everyone of us, but this is not in a good way. The more you talk about humanity, the more you will find to dislike.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
1. Selfishness
Selfishness, on it’s face, is one hell of a thing. This quality can make things easier for us, but is this all that matters. It controls us all to some degree, and it states a lot about the true nature of our existence. It serves to please ourselves, but at the same time, it can occasionally help others. We are self-serving in almost everything we do, but it also speaks to the sadness of the overall human condition. It can hurt others more times than not, but at other times, it can hurt us the most. This quality is the philosophical stepping stone in recognizing the reality of being a living organism.
We can only do so much in mitigating our selfishness, but our selfishness then creates more excuses. It is still possible to do the best thing, even if some self-aggrandizement is the reward. In spite of this, selfishness is an inherently bad emotion that just so happens to be our nature. We are all living in our own bodies living an individual life. The pain we feel is ours to us, but this can be extended to others through things like empathy and understanding. Just because you cannot be truly selfless no matter how much you think about it, you can always do better.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
2. Anger
Anger leads down all sorts of negative paths that lead to nowhere. The self-destruction can lead to positive outcomes, but the negativity it can feed on and cause are relevant. They always say that anger is a mature emotion above the likes of typical superficial sadness and depression. Some people even say that it is best to show a little irritation over crying. Even so, anger that turns to rage comes from a place of self-preservation, greed, and injustice. Emotions such as anger and frustration lift all sorts of negative feelings out of us. The problem starts when we cannot manage our anger in a reasonable way. This can lead to all sorts of problems for everyone around, including abuse.
The reasons for anger are typically sophomoric and selfish, but they can serve us well enough. Be it passive irritation or mild frustration, anger to some degree can get the job done.. The problem here is that we have to deal with anger to begin with. Like other bad emotions veiled with good intentions, anger only serves to cause problems. Not only does it generally cause problems, but it is caused by problems. A majority of people get upset, and it can happen for the dumbest of reasons. We end up with regrets and can even end up in jail because of it. There are better ways to reach a soluble conclusion, but this is not the way it actually works, and we must be cognizant of it.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
3. Sadness
Sadness, like other emotions, can lead you down a long and dark road of destruction. It can appeal to some people through style or inadvertently create a positive message. Irrespective of this, dealing with sadness in and of itself does little good for the brain. This is a state of mind that involves sorrow and hopelessness. There is an inherent pessimism in sadness that cannot be shaken, as it is synonymous with the feeling. Some people choose to live their lives drowned in sorrow, but it is usually there to compensate for something else. There is never-ending waste we cause, but we barely shed a tear for it’s entirety.
The sadness can become so deep that it turns into or represents a depression. There are mental disorders that involve an even deeper and long-term sadness, i.e., major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Many people struggle with things like grief from a breakup or the death of a loved one. Feelings such as guilt and regret are tied in with sadness and a longing for a better outcome. Every single day people are put into situations that involve a great deal of sadness. A lot of it will never be overcome, and the same goes for in the rest of the animal kingdom. There is nothing to gain from sadness accept the gutter that leaves more room for positive change.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
4. Anxiety
We can all have feelings of anxiety, but few of us truly deal with some kind of anxiety disorder. It is an everyday feeling that can stop us from doing our day to day tasks. The feeling can hit us out of nowhere and completely ruin our ability to function properly. It can even cause us to neglect our duties or aggressively make lives worse around us. Again, anxiety is another feeling with deal with to help us survive. It is a part of our “fight or flight” mechanism, which can help boost adrenaline when need be. The only issue is that it can get out of control and become one hell of a nuisance.
If there are no safeguards to these emotions, what is the true purpose behind them. It all ends up being really self-defeating when the anxiety is causing most of your problems. If someone dealt with enough moderate cases of stress in childhood, they are more likely to deal with an anxiety disorder. These anxiety disorders can range from phobias to even panic attacks. The syndrome only gets worse — like any addiction — the more you decide to do nothing about it. There are plenty of reasonable reasons for having it, but it produces less outcome in the end. It is against your instincts and intuition, but it is necessary if you want to overcome it.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
5. Stupidity
Ignorance is bliss, but this only applies to the person who is already ignorantly blissful. Even then, there are better solutions out there if we are willing to be smart enough to figure them out. Everyone can end up being happier in the end, but it just takes too much effort. It is no mystery that there are more ways to do something wrong than right. The problem is that the smart people are doing little to make the the idiots know any better. There is nothing good that comes from stupidity, even if it happens to cause inadvertent good. Since human beings are blind, dumb, and followers, they all need a leader to praise. Being dumb instead of intelligent is certainly a choice to some degree, and this is what will be discussed down below.
Some people are not born with too much of a capacity for intelligence, but they can still learn the important facts. It may take them a little bit longer, but this is still no excuse not to learn some very easy and fundamental truths. Unfortunately, most people are not putting in the effort to learn things that actually mean something of importance. They would rather find ways to scheme and ruin the lives of others by using intelligence in the easiest way possible. The unfortunate facts of reality deem it so that people will struggle. Everything in life is unfair, and the ones wise enough to open a can of paint will say that you are thinking too much.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
6. Laziness
Everyone is lazy to some degree, but we all find unique and clever ways to hide it. We may call it something else, but it all boils down to the same fundamental lack of motivation. Some may call it depression, and this can certainly be a cause. Others may find reason to simply call it what it is, even if they are truly unmotivated. Most of humanity makes excuses like this, and it makes those truly suffering look like clowns. People will push things off by procrastinating until the very last minute. This will lead to things getting pushed off until it is too late. We will always find shortcuts under the guise of efficiency and pat ourselves on the back for it.
We are always neglecting something that needs to be done, but we also cannot do everything at once. There is always more time made for the self than is necessary to make it work more ideally. A good cliché relevant to this is that the path to hell is paved in good intentions. The issue to take from this is that good intention are still good, but they can still create problems. Good intentions by the standards of an individual can be just about anything, good or bad. Regardless of intention, a passionate action taken on anything can create collateral damage. This does not mean that good intentions that are actually good are not appreciated and ideal. The problem here is that too many people are too lazy to even get to this point.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
7. Happiness
Being happy is good and all, but it is simply a brain state that is indicative of doing a dirty deed. Not to undersell the importance of being happy, but if it is at the expense of someone else, it is no good. Even if the person deserves the pain of being backstabbed, it does not make it any less hazardous. The grandiosity of this feeling we only get through relief is what makes it so appealing. It’s a given, but this is all we are really gaining through this feeling. We will get some minor moments of happiness, but it drains away into the endless swamp of mediocrity. None of us can control everything, so at least some of us are happy. All of us will embrace it, but this does little to change what it actually represents. This is where understanding the big picture comes into play.
The appeal of transient joy becomes a wash in light of the redundancy and repetition. Just because you cannot imagine it better does not make what is here good enough. The more we can understand that pain can happen on the sunniest of days, the more the dread sets in. These associations begin to bleed in as we age, and it only gets worse from here. The smarter you are, the more likely you are to find problems and be depressed. All of us can experience this to some degree, and even the dumbest people can be depressed. The more you realize that the fleeting joy will disappear, the more you realize the truth in your self-defeating endeavor of thought. When something is going to ruin your happiness around every corner, it will eventually catch up.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
8. Dishonesty
There is always a good reason to lie, but at the same time, there are way too many people who take advantage of this. It should also be mentioned that it is always up to us to not be bothered by other people’s problems. If you are caused a problem, then the best thing you can do is get over it. Being dishonest is said to be a merry-go-round, so if it happens to you, do it to them. A lie can end up killing someone, and the liar will think that it is okay because they got away with it. We will all justify doing the same wrong that has happened to us. Some of us are just jerks who were taught that lying is the way to make it to the top.
While it is best if were are okay with being lied with, we should just avoid making others lie. This is another excuse that is too often used, because people think that we can even and only control ourselves. There are too many people to teach truth to, and this is because their parents did not do it. If someone is threatened, it is only natural to lie your way out of it for safety. In this sense, we all have to be okay and not okay with lying at all times. If this is okay to you, then it is probably because you are a liar. Those little white lies add up over time, and it usually turns pathological. In the end, it is just another tendency and habit we create for ourselves because of the world we are stuck in.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
9. Affection
People like to use words like “love” and other gooey names for things as simple as affection. We turn everything into a philosophical conversation about love, but it serves little function. It is what it is no matter the word, but we often inflate it’s importance. Someone will find someone else attractive, and this can cause an instant connection. The problem is that people too often find the dumbest or even ugliest people attractive. Everyone deserves love, but the reasons for this love also drown in misery. Love is also a selfish emotion that people only defend philosophically when they feel attacked.
Someone can love someone else just because that person looks like their friend who died. We are all addicted to love, and we justify it, but this does not mean we are not better off without it. If it could be all sunshine and rainbows, then this is great. It is just another self-involved emotion we romanticize. Anything we give through affection is selfishly motivated, but this does not mean concern does not exist. It certainly does, and it very much matters, but the end result is always the same. Affection will fade, and the more you have, the more you will lose if you are one of the many unfortunates. Remember that back in the day, all love meant was banging the corner block hooker.
The 10 Worst Qualities of Humanity
10. Judgement
We all deal with and have dealt judgement before. The typical human mantra is to keep on going and get stronger from your struggles. While this helps, we are often preparing for nothing worth going out of our way for to begin with. You will envy someone, but you will share this positive judgement as harsh criticism. Judgement works both ways, and you do it while it is also happening to you. It is easy to dislike things you do not understand or are jealous of, but some judgement is good. It helps keep the nigh uncontrollable human machine a little more restrained.
There is no better way to keep someone in line than constructive criticism or public humiliation. The average human would rather see someone suffer than find reasonable reconciliation. A common but simplistic reaction to judgement is that we are actually judging ourselves. This comes from an understandable perspective that we are all projecting and should look at ourselves. While this is certainly relatable and true to some degree, it is shortsighted. It is an unfortunate fact of life that things are not always so streamlined. People will make easy choices and skip some of that crucial detail to get things done. It is not to say that this does not occasionally get the job done, but it is done for the wrong reasons.
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