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The 5 Remarkable Misconceptions of Popular Subjects

5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects
5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects
“I pledge allegiance to the facts.”

The worst part about being alive is that you’re going to be negatively (or positively) influenced by all sorts of contradictory information. (One person says this, but then you’ll likely hear the exact opposite from someone else down the line …!) Of course, this doesn’t have to be all that bad; however, you may begin to soon realize that a lot of people around you are spreading ‘lies’ and misconceptions. (It also does not help that most people are not smart enough to place a cap on a soda bottle.) And, to make matters even worse, you’ll run into scam artists, crooks, and hypocrites looking to spread the latest and “greatest” misinformation. Now, is there some truth to hearing something unbelievable!? Well, of course there is! It’s even a truth that people will likely lie about (just about) anything that they can get their selfish, greedy mittens on. But it only gets much, much worse! Thankfully, it is not always about being “extra” sensitive to every issue that occurs. However, this is really it — these are the 5 misconceptions about popular subjects.

5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects

1. Being Too Healthy is Bad

Believe it or not, some people who happen to roam the earth also happen to believe that we’re living in a world where health is almost “entirely” irrelevant. Of course, there are a lot of intricate arguments to relate to, but the truth remains the same! The facts should NOT be ignored, though! And it is obvious that being healthy is a positive thing. Unfortunately, people tend to misunderstand what it means to be “healthy.” (There is such a thing as doing too much of a good thing.) It’s simply too bad that most people seem to misunderstand that health is important. (A lot of this is subjective, at least based on people’s personal experiences.) Although, to some degree, it is unhealthy to be take your health overboard … it also means that you’re not being healthy. (We should understand that health, at least in this way, is good.)

Now, it is not to say that these misconstructions can not be “properly understood”; however, there is also room to believe that this a somewhat “narrow-minded” approach when it comes to understanding people’s positions. And it is easy to see why some people think that there is a problem with “health” and having too much of it. However, having a diet & exercise plan is barely the issue when some people struggle to maintain their health anyway. (Bad genetics cannot be entirely fixed with diet and exercise, but there is always a very decent answer to good health when it matters, especially when it comes to medicine/preventative health measures. After all, it sucks that we cannot and should not rely on others to understand the nuance of these subjects. Just be sure to not become lost in the minutia that surrounds it!

5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects

2. Affection Does (Not) Exist

When people say that there is no such thing as affection, it really comes down to a lot of “simple” mental rules. (Affection [or attachment] exists, but it is often confused for “love.”) Of course, the “logical” foundation of many of these ‘definitions’ exists in a similar territory that consists of grey associations and obnoxiously innocuous abbreviations of the truth and … . And, although it all appears to be rather ‘dishonest,’ the semantics of attachment, attraction, & love are often interchangeable and/or synonymous with each other. Thankfully, we can avoid the downfall of misconstruction through understanding the meaning of each word and how it associates with the real thing. The words are also very important factors to consider, but how we arrive at a conclusion depends on a lot more than just simple logic or conceiving.

We’re often driven by basal, crude desires, and our sacrifices are even tainted by this fact.

Now, do these feelings exist in the strictly ‘romantic’ way!? Well, they obviously exist, but our expectations do play a role in understanding their subjective meaning. However, the objective truth is that love, be it romantic or practical, exists in a ‘gray zone’ that makes it difficult to define. (They exist as feelings, but the context really matters.) So, in a sense, they do exist, but they do not exist to lavishly excite many of our expectations, especially from childhood, romance, etcetera. And, at least as far as the truth is concerned, it comes down to sex! (For men, it is typically a zone of physical, lustful attraction, and for women, it’s a matter of security. Of course, other kinds of affection exist, but they also do not exist in ways beyond our need, desire, or recognition. (This means that we grow attached to familiarity through selfish emotions … .

5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects

3. Truth is Subjective

Unfortunately, the state of “nihilism” in the general population has been … GROWING. Be it the rise of the internet or the discerning situations that get people upset in the modern-day. Yes, there’s always that a**hole down the street who believes that EVERYTHING is “subjective” and can be “explained away” with a logical inconclusion that kind of co-exists somewhere along the way towards our brains, reality, and functionality. Of course, we (our brains) are a chemical process that occurs in our physical heads; however, this does not mean that we do not exist or matter. (We obviously do!) We project value onto other things, but we also contain value in our feelings. Unfortunately, these feelings also tend to forego our logical thinking that often struggles to begin with. And it should also be stated that our subjective opinions have nothing to do with what is real. (Our subjective perceptions are often guided poorly by the truth.) Our perspective also doesn’t matter when the objective truth contains our subjective thought patterns as well.

5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects

4. Everything is Considered “Art”

The truth always holds a candle that we’re not always willing to accept, and it is quite unfortunate. What!? You also have examples that include that everything is subjective art or depreciable and factual science. We even have the “objective” states of astrology, religion, and spirituality to suck into conversation. “What does this mean?” you curiously question. Well, it really means that we can “subjectively” interpret any number of subjects and identify them based on “subjective” interpretation. (Everything is a ‘scientific’ fact, but everything to any number of people can be identified as art.) But it’s because we are often using foggy definitions and lacking insight into what a “definition” means for this: ‘persons,’ ‘places,’ or ‘things.’

In the end, who really cares!?

Of course, our emotions and visceral feelings can make this clear in their own different ways. This strategy of ours, of course, is the primary culprit (or problem) here. Unfortunately, this subjective description is what survives the end result. And it’s often not to much of a problem for most people; they are fine with a fickle definition. (And it’s a real fact that our definitions are often “all-encompassing” in their nature!) Although, even in their so-called efficiency, we find ways to ruin what we’ve gone out to do. So, does this mean that everything is art? Well, to a degree — this is certainly true … . However, it is not — depending on a person’s personal definition — always the case. And any decent art is always created by a ‘someone.’

5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects

5. Medicine is All Good

To whom it may concern, the water and it’s wetness comes first and then we choose to describe it with a means of description or definition. At the same time, we can also describe all medicine or scientific discovery as good, even though it may create some “issues” with what we understand. Of course, we can always choose to ignore the ‘truth’; however, it also becomes more of a state from denial for many people. In the end, it doesn’t mean that we cannot or should not question what is happening around us. It also doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, or it’s simply a matter of our needed utilities (e.g., our skills, schemes, and justifications) getting in the way. We then ask, “So, what the problem if it actually helps us?” Unfortunately, not everything is so simple, and the creation of medicine and other factors should be noted to have their significant downsides in the process of their creation. How this ‘develops’ is up to you.

As a general rule of thumb, this denial is often ignored, but we also tend to understand things irrationally when they are in our face. It’s also a matter of some “discoveries” being incorrect and not necessary to our benefit that is given within our “Systems of Fairness.” (Medicine is a “GOOD” thing, but circumstances depend on a matter of certainty and situational awareness.) It’s also true that many of our so-called theoretical explanations are botched discoveries. (Yes, there are facts that occur, and there are truths that describe the function of our reality.) Even though we’re often struggling with this, it doesn’t take the truth’s power away. “But it works because of our scientists, so why not believe them?” Well, even the best scientists are selfishly incorrect at times! It’s also a good thing to question the status quo, because it’s also not necessarily true, i.e., our political jam, too. And it is important to look at things with more nuance!

5 Misconceptions About Popular Subjects


As you can easily tell, there are plenty of ways to “deduce” our so-called problems differently. It’s just too bad that most people tend to lose focus when it comes to the truth being at the center of the stage. (When you decide to accept the truth, it is difficult to “unsee” what you understand to be factual.) Just be sure to realize that a lot of people do not want to accept the truth, be it their denial or plain stupidity. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who create, defend, and perpetuate these so-called belief systems as well. It’s also good to take care of things, even if it’s too much. However, this does not necessarily mean that it’s a bad thing to understand misconceptions through nuance alone. And there’re plenty more to answer to, but this explains enough of the encompassing subjects. Like “love”, it exists; however, it’s also clear that it is overly romanticized. (Other things get in the way, but it’s often superficial.) For what it’s worth, our deterministic universe can certainly hide behind the many schemes that it created inside of us

There is also a thing called sacrifice that involves sacrifice for decent reasons, and we can all reach conclusions in different ways or for different reasons. After all, life is not simply some abstract puzzle to solve. Be it (X) or (X) complication exists in our definitions, truths, and/or subjective expectations. (Things will happen one way or another in spite of the truth, and this then becomes a part of the factual past.) And it should be noted that if something helps more than it hurts, then it may be something worth preserving for others to use … . (Why not give us something that should have been there already.)

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