Most of us have probably heard about meditation, yoga, and all sorts of other practices that help with homeostasis and keeping a steady mind; this state is commonly referred to as mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice of clearing the mind of clutter to improve your state of mind and improve quality of life. Here are some mindfulness exercises and practices that can save your life — these are the 6 best mindfulness exercises.
I want you to be mindful of your manners young man. Do you mind this?
The first obvious step is to attempt mindfulness, and some of the best ways are through meditation. Now and days when everyone is drowning in social media, mindfulness can be an important step for many of those struggling to get by. I’ve listed below six great ways to improve your mind through mindfulness.
The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises
In The Moment Is One of the Great Ways to Improve Mindfulness
One of the first priorities to improving your day to day living is to focus on one thing at a time. Bubbling at the mouth over every little thing is the last thing you want to do when trying to create a better mindset. Breathing practices are a part of this as well. The point of breathing is to keep your mind at bay, and allow yourself to glide through your thoughts to find better coping mechanisms.
Yeah, but this moment sucks.
The point of this is to hinder the negative thoughts, doubts and worries you have in every day life, and how you can think past them. On top of this, most people fail to realize that a lack of breathing is often because you’re stressed with little air intake. If you breathe properly and with intention, it can help your subconscious in the long run. It helps give you insight into how your worry is a waste, and only tends to worsen the issue at hand. It’s almost a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Please, help me!
Being in the moment is one of the most widely used phrases of modern humanity. It’s a phrase of little depth until you don’t think about it. If you want to make positive strides, you need to put in the work. The more work in, the less you will have to worry tomorrow, even when you’re putting in great work.
The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises
Finding A Steady Routine Is One of the Great Ways to Improve Mindfulness
Like just about anything, creating and maintaining a steady routine is essential. If you want to get something done, you need to have goals that become a part of your every day. Going through each and every day with no aim or discipline will likely do you very little good, especially in the long run. Creating a routine, and on top of that, discipline and daily scheduling is a good way to keep yourself busy.
“Keep that motor running, and head out on the highway!”
Don’t think that it’s necessary to go overboard. It’s not like you have to begin by trying too hard. If you think it’s a start, it probably is, and requires little other thinking than that. If you have to, simply right something down and make a plan do follow through. When you write something down, not only does it mean you’re more likely to do it, the organization that drove you to do it means you’ll probably do it better.
The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises
A Proper Diet
Following a health conscious diet is another good way to keep yourself in check. Having discipline is very important. This discipline through dieting especially, can create one of the best methods for you coming out of a funk. A balanced daily diet is what to pursue in the long run to keep it maintainable. Intermittent fasting is also something you can implement into your daily regiment.
If your poop is green, you’re probably going overboard.
On top of this, it’s been said that an occasional prolonged dry or water fast helps clean out the body, and allows for better focus. Focus is something you’ll be needing when trying to keep yourself healthy, active and mindful.
If you carrot too much, you’ll turn orange. Don’t splorange in the orange for your own good.
What you eat also comes into play, and it can play a significant role. Eating an unhealthy diet filled with high carbohydrate and sugar loaded foods will only worsen the cycle of negative thinking you are trying to avoid. At the very least it won’t help, so try to focus on healthy fats, fibers and proteins, with a strong focus on leafy greens like lettuce and broccoli.
When you said “green,” I thought you meant where the money is at!
Eating a healthy ketogenic-friendly diet will certainly help. A ketogenic diet involving a high percentage of fats, moderate amounts of proteins, and low carbohydrates. Keep at it, and you’ll eventually get it; it always takes a little time. You’ll get there!
The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises
Great ways to improve mindfulness…
Electronic Avoidance
Making sure to limit time online via phone, computer or any other kind of advice is key to being successful. It’s not to say that this stuff doesn’t have it’s time and/or place. However, it’s just that it’s time, place, and function don’t well serve most people in the long run. It’s also not to say you can’t find relief online, but in general, it’s few and far between. Unless it’s necessary, it’s only profitable to stay offline, because most of what it serves to do is the thing you need to avoid at times.
I refuse to give into your ethereal demands, phone. You shall not control me!
The longer you stare into the screen of missed opportunities, the more you’ll regret it. Not only will you feel as though you’ve missed something. You’ll always have a distraction. Distractions are your enemy when trying to clean the mind, so don’t fear missing something occasionally. One step at a time, and you’ll do it, even if you find it impossible. You don’t need the place where all seems real to distract and taught you from a distance.
Mindfulness Exercises
Great ways to improve mindfulness…
Moving And Pacing (The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises)
Sitting still for long periods of time is no good for the psyche. Learning to also pace yourself and not move too much is also necessary to keep high spirits. Activity is good for the “soul” as they say, and it’s no joke. Create an exercise routine, or just go for a walk! Movement and exercise in particular are good ways to keep yourself from going crazy.
Who’s up for a game of hopscotch? I’m totally down.
Daily gratitude is also a part of this, and like anything, you start somewhere and let the train continue on it’s own. It’ll keep drifting, and other things will follow and keep the air friction-less if you allow yourself to follow through. Move on it, and make sure to do it slowly and surely to win the race.
The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises
The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises
Daily Meditation (The 6 Best Mindfulness Exercises)
Being mindful begins with establishing a peaceful state of mind. You want your mind and body to function without interference from daily stresses or worry. One tried and true method is to begin daily meditation. Meditation should be come a part of a routine, and not just sitting eyes closed with your legs crossed. Meditation can come in many forms as long as your pursuit of clearing your mind is there. Many people meditate as they walk, and walking is a great form of meditation. Many sources recommend a daily practice of 15 or so minutes. The idea is to set a clear path for your mind to walk on.
Tip: Raising your eyebrows is said to momentarily increase creativity. Think of it like an unnecessary addiction that only does you good.
Nature walks are a good step in the right direction, no pun intended. Laying the proper foundation is key, and creating simple and small necessary contrivances in your day is great. Sitting and thinking doesn’t work, because you’re being controlled by the problem. The more you do this the worse it gets. Putting less pressure on yourself will make the gates to a contrived situation less daunting. Give this all a try, because even a simple move will allow you to redefine your mindset.
Preferably 15-20 minutes consecutively. Yes, without breaks. Don’t worry, it’s not like you’re driving anyway. You are? Good for you, and see you on the other side.
If you’re just sitting and thinking, staring at something. Reset your mind by getting up and looking around!
As you can see, mindfulness is a useful process of cleansing that can help the mind and body. The less you react, the happier you’ll be. Mental clutter is a common problem for those who lack focus, and focus is key in creativity that keeps the “soul” alive. It takes some effort, and it requires a little work, but it’s worth it. Now go take a walk, whisper a few lines, eat a healthy diet, and meditate your way to a better future.
“Meditation” 101:
Hey, keep your head on tight and try to live now and not then.Slow and steady wins the race in the long and short term, but you must be moving.You are what you eat, and if you eat crap, you’ll be crap.Do you see that phone? You shouldn’t. Avoid it like the plague.Move swiftly to gain speed and ground. Keeping it going will help in the end.You know those twenty minutes wasted every day? Use them wisely.- Victory!
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