The world is full of liars, stealers, and cheaters, but you can resolve this.
The Guy Who Wrote This
When it comes to life, there are no shortage of ways to be screwed over. You could be walking down a street, and without warning, get batted with flying spades of disgrace. Before long, you are falling victim to endless mutiny that only continues to add up. Unfortunately, the more it happens, the more it will bother you later on. It ultimately happens every day, and there are few things you can do about it. Although it seems like doom and gloom, there are some preventative measures you can take. While most of the solutions are common sense, you have to be willing to perform. There may be a lack of motivation at first, but you want to take care of it before it becomes a problem. These are the 10 best ways to avoid getting screwed over, and you want to learn them before you need them.
The 10 Best Ways to Avoid Getting Screwed Over
1. Bring a Friend
Everyone falls victim to pursuits of maliciousness, and it occurs on a daily basis. If you are looking to avoid this, then you may have to phone a friend. You may have already thought of this, but some people seem to miss the ball. It may take some time and effort to drag a friend along, but it’s one of the best ways to avoid snake oil salesman. Having someone tag along is also one of the safest ways to go about the evasive ways of others. It keeps the other person(s) in check, and keeps you from becoming fish meat in the long run. If you can invite more than one person, especially with knowledge on the subject at hand, then that’s even better. Just be sure to avoid paying them too much.
2. Do Your Research
Before you decide to go and get your car fixed from that seedy mechanic, be sure that you are getting some information down. It does not matter if it you do your research on YouTube or from a book, as long as you listen up. While it seems like a drag to scroll through a bunch of whacky opinions online, you can always keep your pride. As long as you are filling your brain with something decent, you are doing the work to finish the job. When all of the phony baloney nonsense becomes too much to bear, you can save others the grief as well. If your pride is of utmost importance, then giving yourself a chance with knowledge is a great first step.
The 10 Best Ways to Avoid Getting Screwed Over
3. Go to a Trusted Source
If it were up to us, we would all choose to take the easiest route possible. Unfortunately, the easiest way to do things requires some work. In the beginning, it seems like the hardest way is the one that requires more work, but this is not true. If you want to maintain your dignity, you are going to have to work for it. The fakery can be intense, but the most difficult thing to overcome is your own laziness. A lack of assertiveness is often crucial to failure, but you are the one to change that. It can start with going to trusted reviews, or it can begin with going to the better option. In the end, the choice is yours, but even if it costs a little bit more, you may find the money worth it.
4. Grow Some Balls
When confronting the worst that humanity has to offer, you have to be willing to show some gall. Although it seems like this kind of advice is easier said than done, you have to show that you mean business. It does not matter if it’s the drug deal with a bunch of hoe-leading gangbangers or the granny down the street. There are only a few better ways to get your way, but you have to know how to do it. Being stern and learning how to not back down are important, but knowing when to keep the peace is just as meaningful. Most people trying to sell you lies are not going to fight back. If anything, their tepidness is the reason why they are where they are to begin with.
The 10 Best Ways to Avoid Getting Screwed Over
5. Ask Questions
One of the best ways to see if someone is screwing you out of your time or money is by asking questions. It never fails, but at the same time, you have to do it right. You can ask the seller or buyer questions, or you can ask Mr. Joe Ripper down the street. Going to someone you trust is crucial, but the process needs a keen makeover. The outcome you are looking for can be within your grasp, and it comes with a strategy. Be sure to let them know, and this can help with figuring out any inconsistencies. Everything helps to some degree, and there’s no shame in playing a game of questionnaire. Afterall, what you need to do when dipping your toes in the full flames of chaos can depend.
6. Don’t Be Rash
Every single one of us hates feeling stupid after we realized we’ve been duped. An entire day can even go to waste because of our inability to think. There’s no need in trying if you are not willing to put in the practice While this one is obvious, most would claim that it is not. Even the smartest of us make mistakes, but we all have our blind spots. You need to keep a sound mind and an awareness of the problem. While some people do not care, the skills are exceedingly important when participating in a larger transaction. You need to start small, even if the entire issue rose from a mistake. The next time that McDonald’s cashier shortchanges you two cents, be sure to let him know.
The 10 Best Ways to Avoid Getting Screwed Over
7. Call Their Bluffs
Sometimes, a little bit of acting can give you the deal you deserve. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as it leads to your success. We all put an act on every day, and there are very good reasons to employ it. While it would be nice to avoid having to play games of charades, it’s not always possible. It’s not to say that we cannot get the answers wrong, but it does not hurt to take a stand. The end result may not always yield a glory prize, but it gives you the winning head game. In fact, doing a little bit of detective work can give you the outright advantage. What comes in handy the most is when you make claims of fabrication from the get-go. If you have to, be sure to let them know that the service needed can be taken elsewhere.
8. Write Things Down
Some intimidation tactics are necessary when making a deal, and it can easily sway things in your favor. You need to keep your buyer guessing, and it can give you room to fold them in. Taking notes can help, and it can involve letting others know that you are being scammed. You can even write a negative review if a person seems to react with disdain. It might involve going somewhere else, and it may even come down to innocent blackmail. It may even entail keeping your eyes out for anything that smells fishy. You have to plan ahead, but being able to think on your feet is better tactic for achievement. You will stop that latest schemer in their track by bringing things more towards your direction.
The 10 Best Ways to Avoid Getting Screwed Over
9. Learn to Negotiate
There are ways to avoid getting ripped off, and there are also ways to back away after you’ve been totally screwed. There may even be a point where you have to get something done and can’t afford it. At this point, you can choose to walk away from the problem, or you can learn to negotiate. Even without knowing it, you have talked your way out of losing an excess dime. In many cases, negotiating can save your life, be it in the moment or long-term. If signing some sort of contract is possible, then be sure to hold them to their words. Being nice can give you an advantage, but you have to mix it in with the bargain. You have to let them know that blatant cheating is not going to be tolerated.
10. Become Self-Sufficient
The best, albeit hardest way to avoid being screwed over is to not care. It can be your wife having an affair or your brother-in-law stealing your coke money. The more you do on your own, the better off you will be when the world cheats you. If all else fails, you can learn the tricks of the trade yourself. While it will not work for everything, there are plenty of things you can teach yourself to mitigate the madness. Instead of making a big stink, you are going to tell yourself that you can do better. As we all know, becoming a better person helps a lot in times of need. The more efficient you become, the less likely you will find or have these kinds of problems.
“I was ripped off, cheated on, and screwed over.”
The Guy Who Wrote This
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