The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
When it comes to thinking with depth, you have to give yourself some credit. We all think with some deepness, but it comes at the cost of practicality. There are plenty of ways to sink to the depths of our mind, and we often do little to compensate for it. In fact, we’re all better off not thinking at all, because there’s no better way to keep our sanity intact. The more you think, the more you will find yourself struggling to have anything make sense. Most people cannot even understand deep thoughts, let alone articulate them. With the recesses of our minds comes stupidity, and many people like to take advantage of what we think. If we’re to think at all, we should keep it to ourselves; it works as therapy. These are the 10 ways to become a deep thinker, but it will take some thinking.
I think, therefore I am stupid.
René Descartes
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
1. Go in Circles
Thinking deep is not always what you think, and it requires a little bit of finesse. You have to exercise your muscles, and doing so will entertain your mind. Your brain is no different, and it requires a metaphorical workout to keep itself in shape. Although it seems like nonsense, there is truth in how thinking in circles keeps your brain in shape. If you want, you can even walk in circles to keep the thoughts flowing through your brain. You may end up causing some insanity, but insanity usually comes after the fall. Fortunately for you, the drive to smartness should never be overwhelmed. Afterall, there is no shame in going through a little bit of madness to get where you need to go. When looking for the answers, we should be inviting the pain.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
2. Obsess About it
Most of the time, no one cares about your deep thoughts or overthinking problems. You can even get shamed for it, but this does not mean that you cannot obsess about them. Every single one of us has a guilty pleasure, and our vices should not be undermined. Thinking too much is never a problem until it kills you, but this is a virtue. Having your brain become driven by obsessive overdrive is a great way to keep yourself in the deep thinking process. When someone tells you to think less, be sure to tell them something rude and obnoxious. However, if someone tells you to shut your brain up, then have an open mind and listen. Just be aware that the more you suffer, the better off you will be when it comes to thinking … most of the time.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
3. Sit on the Toilet
If we want to think deep, then we will have to consider taking advantage of our bodily processes. The more we sit there and do nothing, the more thoughts will come to our head. There’s nothing wrong with it, and if anything, it gives us the inspiration we need. While we sit on the toilet pinching that spicy loaf, we have time to think and feel vulnerable through our natural porn. The pain we feel because of our long session can give rise to all sorts of aspirational thoughts. At times, we may even see our ambitions get flushed down the toilet. This is when we can write them down and turn them into something special. In fact, that shinning turd of misplaced guidance can turn your miserable life upside down. So, when in doubt, look for the ghost peppers.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
4. Connect the Dots
Learning how to think deep comes with a lot of dead weight. Almost everything we think about comes with filler, but the vast majority of us seem to miss this. With it comes intelligence, but even the dumbest of us can have a deep thought. It’s part of being a living creature, and it necessitates more than simple wishing. Some of us may even struggle with numbing epiphanies on a daily basis, but we quickly forget about them. The more we connect these dots, the better we will learn how to articulate them. It’s easy to come up with an idea, but you have to look at the constituent parts. This is what thinking deep is really about, and we have to actively seek it. The end product is almost a job, and it involves more than having a bunch of disconnected pieces in your head.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
5. Write Them Down
Unless you want to become confused by your thoughts, you should try to think simplistically. Most of our thoughts are not as deep as we think they are anyway. Some of the smartest people on the earth understand this, but they fall for the same dreaded mistakes. When we have a thought, we have to consider the facts surrounding the thought. Our foundational awareness relies on all sorts of dead ends that can lead through the sphere of our ability to think. We can all arrive at thoughts differently, and even the most similar of thoughts can lead to different outcomes. It’s nice to know where they came from, and this history can help you remember and gain new perspective. Even if it’s a bunch of dead fluff, this is no doubt one of the best ways to keep your thoughts intact.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
6. Confuse Yourself
When we have deep thoughts, we often have to process them before they make sense. Our brains have a way of haphazardly producing the strangest of results without a reasonable amount of filtering; it’s part of the process. Something may seem new, but it’s simply our brains processing a similar thought quite differently. Beating ourselves up is a great way to understand this, as we are only discovering one of the many unoriginal combinations. The permutations may seem stark, but they were already going to happen anyway. Even if the idea is thought-provoking and “original,” there’s plenty to be desired. Many of us may see this as deep, but it boils down to common sense. In the end, we are simply stringing a bunch of different ideas together to come to a different conclusion.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
7. Read My Articles
There’s no better way to practice than reading, and my articles are some of the best for it. Although it may seem like a shameless plug, there happens to be some truth in what I say. Most of what is written is a springboard for what can occur in your head; most of us see things differently. We can even touch on subjects of mental illness that can pertain to thought perceptions. In reality, we should look for the pain in thought, but we should also understand our thinking to be a very linear process. It’s a fact, and we should always be looking for the truth. How we look at words is no different, as we learn syntax and grammar a certain way only to find out that certain affirmations are not so discrepant. Even breaking down language displays the many correct assumptions that we can make.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
8. Indulge in Philosophy
If you want one of the best ways to ruin, then look no further than Nietzsche. You see, deep thoughts can come in many forms, i.e., science, math, and philosophy — they seem so alien when we think about it. It’s not limited to thoughts of value and obscurity. In fact, many of the thoughts that we think are unique are actually not. Furthermore, they’re often needless fluff that leads to a very common, useless conclusion. Being needlessly different is another useful contrivance. Some people avoid the ready thoughts of deepness, but most people cannot truly indulge, especially if articulation is lacking. The more you try to understand, the more you are likely going to realized the similarities between other complex thoughts and the open-ended nature of philosophy.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
9. Take Some Drugs
When you take certain drugs, just about anything is possible. We should not need these substances, but some people do. Although this is an exaggeration, you can think a lot of things with mind-altering chemicals, including most of what is on this list. Altering our perception and how we look at things is vitally important when it comes to thinking deep. Even though most of the thoughts are dumb and childlike, the feelings we gain from them can be useful. We can even go back and look at our mistakes with ease; however, it’s better to not make them to begin with. This is true in the same way that it’s more difficult to understand why someone said something than them actually saying it. The depth of thought can vary by person, but the process of permutation is always possible inside a brain, even though most of it is incorrect.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
10. Try Not to Think
The pitfalls of deep thought can get the best of all of us, and it comes down to how we perceive them. While many of us can at least think that we have deep thoughts, we are simply too stupid to know any better. Our realizations are often forced, and they are likely to happen anyway if they weren’t already there. The more we indulge in the effort, the more we may end up falling flat. If anything, this article was less about advice and more a rambling about somewhat deep thoughts. How we get somewhere is different than the end result, at least to others. A deep thought often at least ends with something simple by being a sometimes rare permutation of possible or impossible truth. In the end, we need to understand deep thinking before we can inevitable partake in it poorly.
The 10 Best Ways to Become a Deep Thinker
You see, deep thinking is not so hard, but you have to do it right. People too often overlook this for the sake of this so-called efficiency. There are plenty of ways to explain it, but the only real way to do it is to make sense of reality. We need to try, even if it means remembering the one time that you had a dream about a one night stand with an old grandma. Some people even think that science is open-ended just because a so-called “deep thought” entered their head. Deep thoughts can be reached through a string of thoughts, but this would almost be something entirely different; it does the work for you. It’s always best to keep things easy with writing, but this is where we can share the most. In fact, this is what makes humans so stupid, because it ultimately leads nowhere.
Quality is more important that quantity, right. Every time we think, even if it is not “deep,” we are having thoughts that are related to “complexity.” We often become distracted or are not used to the thoughts, so we don’t make it an effort. However, when we have these thoughts, they are obvious to us most of the time. In the end, our thoughts can create a landscape of interesting ideas, but they are just notions that we have not gotten used to yet. In relation to other thoughts, everything we think of is entirely useless. If it does not accomplish anything special, then it falls entirely flat. When it comes to creative thinking, you will have to try a little harder than that.
The Deep Thinker in Your Head
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