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6 Reasons Why Cancel Culture is Toxic

Cancel Culture (Is Toxic)

Cancel culture can have it’s upsides, but it can also be a toxic habit and wasteland full of ruined corpses. You can rarely ameliorate the online world with reason, so it takes drastic measures. Cancel culture isn’t one of them, and it’s the problem. “Canceling” someone involves digging up dirt on someone who had an opinion you didn’t like and sharing it with the public. This can often involve a form of “excommunication” jurisdiction that range from public to private affairs, including getting fired from a work. Not only will you lose friends, you can become ostracized. Not only can it possibly ruin the lives of the victims, the perpetrators can end up ruining their own from debauchery.


The fact that there is a culture of this, and it often revolves around so-called left-wingers is ironic, but it’s true. It’s often perpetuated by those of immature age, so it makes sense, considering their parents didn’t raise them well. It’s often a frivolous and “woke” way to feel apart of a group hive-mind, and it’s often there to bully and be morally superior, even though they’re the exact opposite. Regardless, there are plenty of reasons why cancel culture is toxic, because it’s a culture around bullying. If you’ve been “cancelled,” it doesn’t mean you’ve lost your job, but it probably means that you weren’t truly cancelled.

I think that I disagree with you, so therefore, I must cancel you with my mob

Societal norms are occasionally hard to keep up with, because they’re constantly changing. It’s not always that they’re going in one direction. If you didn’t catch the memo on “freedom of religion” posts on Facebook, you may end up canceled because people can’t read, are looking for a problem, or want to be the next hero online. The irony and hypocrisy is deep, but the 12 year old mobs can’t help themselves. It’s certainly not the way to “display” your activism, especially being that your activism is more than telling someone to kill themselves. Anyway, these are some of the reasons why cancel culture is toxic.

It Encourages Disrespect, Spying and Financial Ruin

If you find yourself in front of the firing squad, don’t fret too much. People who partake in this disgusting pastime and “American freedom” aren’t real Americans. Being an actual American means not defying your own rules you capitulating under your own weight. You can be cancelled for some of the most silly and minor “offenses” against this group of people. Although, the right-wing sphere is beginning to gain it’s own cancelling culture as well. It’s not like you’re always going to get the worst of it, but it’s needless nonetheless.

As an American and empathetic individual, you’re not going to begin doing the very things you hate. This involves spying, disrespect, and causing someone to lose their job. This is as un-American as it gets. It’s not as if many of them understand their actual freedoms, because they’re either too ignorant or lack insight because of lack of experience. If they had a job, they’d probably have more respect.

It Promotes a Mob Mentality Cancel Culture (Is Toxic)

If you thought that group think was bad before, watch out! If you say even the slightest thing out of the new cultural norm, you’re risking being the next poor putz who could be victimized. The barrage of 15-25 year old, and occasionally older group of people will come out of the wood works. Having a mob can be productive, but it can only go so far.

If joining a group is truly doing something productive, it’ll only come back to bite them later on. In a sense, this is about saving the group and the victim. Before long, you’ll be in every local group on Facebook with only nasty things being said about you, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled… or closed. The next guy who can’t think for himself or male feminist looking to get laid is right around the next corner. These are the most dangerous ones.

It Supports Emotional and Psychological Abuse

Not to suggest that any of these people are necessarily abusive in person… . If you’re online, and the only thing you’re throwing is insults, you’re being emotionally abusive. Gas-lighting and simple ad-hominem attack and name calling are common among these groups, too. God forbid if you were to insult a religion with your personal freedom and opinion. These people can’t stand freedom, i.e., freedom of speech or religion!

They’ll be the first to try and crush your ability to have these freedoms. It’s almost like they can’t tell an opinion from a fact. No one is telling you, you have to do anything. I’m not in charge here, folks! People always want to turn the facts into an opinion, but then they want to complain about it like it’s a fact. Some of the things these people do makes no sense whatsoever.

It Motivates Public Humiliation

When someone is trying to cancel you, be it an individual or not, they’re likely to gain public support. This is what can eventually turn this into mob behavior. You’ll fall victim to posts where folks will give 2-bit descriptions of you and your cause, and it’s almost like they’re trying too hard to shame you. Trying to cancel someone isn’t always successful, and the threats often end up left on the table.

Although they may have meant it, they lose the will, because their cause wasn’t just. The confirmation bias and self-fulfilling nature of these causes never seems to not surprise me. Not only will these wannabe social justice warriors try to get you fired, they’ll try to make sure you can’t leave your house again, literally.

It Supports Hypocrisy Cancel Culture (Is Toxic)

If you ever want to see people go out of their way to hurt you, you won’t find a better trend online. The point of canceling is to reduce the probability of a behavior happening again. I don’t think the methods used do anything but drive someone to go deeper, considering the person is often left with little left to lose. Maybe these folks can’t see it, but they live and breathe hypocrisy. The sad thing is, is that most of them probably don’t even come close to noticing it.

Cancel Culture (Is Toxic)

Lack of self-awareness is crucial to becoming part of this cancel mob. Their trying to, at the same time, validate their hateful abuse and vapid curiosity. If you want to see some of the most vacuous irony on the face of the earth, you’ll see it when someone is being cancelled. I will never be surprised with the silly arguments that come from these people. They all follow the same playbook of ideas, and after that, they’ll do everything they accused you off. Good one, victims, good one!

It Promotes Being a Troll and Stupidity

People online can be hateful, and most of the folks you know in person have probably been a troll at some point. A troll is an online nuisance only looking to inflame the content creator. The funny thing is, is that most of the folks who are online keyboard warriors are the very ones who wouldn’t dare touch face in public.

They’re often weak and uninspired victims of bullying themselves, so now they’ve got to take it out on you. Since they need to also justify themselves with a moral high ground, they often end up being hypocrites. Being self-righteous online hidden behind a group of tripe narcissism doesn’t help make your point but might makes right, so, so what? It’s almost like they’re using this as a way to justify their hate.


Hey, you can’t say that the online masses didn’t give it a shot with this one, but I’ll pass. See, when I have a disagreement, I don’t troll someone because of it, I’ll debate them reasonably. You first have to understand their point, give respect to proper disagreement, debate, then you can agree to disagree and leave. You shouldn’t become a mob to bully someone out of existence.

Cancel Culture (Is Toxic)

What I would do is just avoid the confrontation all together though, but you’re always going to have those people who simply follow looking for an opportunity to hurt. There’s nothing wrong looking for an argument, but looking to kidnap someone isn’t the way to react. Don’t mind them, I say, because they’re just victims of the same thing who ended up on the wrong side of the fray once again. Don’t allow their folly to follow you if such a thing is to happen to you. Hey, at least they tried, right? It’s not like they were looking for good ideas to begin with.

Hey, I guess I’m gone for good.



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