Negativity can come in many forms, e.g., arguments, thoughts, feelings, etc. Just because you’re dealing with negativity, doesn’t mean that you have to allow it to get the best of you. Yes, this subject is very vague, but it’s generality can help you get out of just about anything. If you’re dealing with a pesky thought, you can take this advice and give yourself a tuneup. It’s about a general change in mindset, so there are some ways of looking at things that will allow you to finally move on from the rut that you’re invested in. I’m going to list below several things you can do to avoid negativity. Here’s how to avoid negativity:
Tell Yourself Not to Make it Worse
By not allowing the problem to get worse, you allow yourself not to have to dig yourself out of a bigger problem later. Not making something worse may involve taking your time or just allowing the problem to go away without thinking too much about it. As goofy as it sounds, it actually works.
Getting Outside of the Problem
Let’s say that you just got into an argument with your significant other, but you want an out. If you want an out, you’ve got to create it. Getting outside of the bubble is step one, but creating a new way to look back at it is another. A simple mind over matter exercise always helps. Sometimes it may take a little practice, but you’ll eventually get it.
Giving Yourself a Rest/Organize
Time can heal, so allow yourself to heal with some time. Don’t rush through your problems. While this may seem to be a good way to deal with it, it’s only a solution if you’ve got too much on your plate already. Learn to pace yourself. If you learn to organize your thoughts, pacing yourself becomes a little bit easier.
Talk With Someone (How to Avoid Negativity)

Hey, we all know that an outside perspective always helps, and it’s true. Listening to what someone else has to say when you’re inside your own head “dealing” with an issue gives a new perspective. A new way of looking at the problem can make an almost impossible challenge palatable again. Even if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like to listen to someone else, even the silliest of thoughts can help. It’s not like you have to give the person credit, but doing so can help change habits, and it can do so for the better. It’s just the thought that counts, and the thought doesn’t have to be complex, it just has to be different enough to break it up.
Change it up (How to Avoid Negativity)

Changing a tired routine is not only invigorating, but it’s a nice change of pace. If you want to see yourself get better, you have to make evolutionary changes. There has to be a revolution! If you want to “be your best self,” you’ve got to find the best ways to do it. If you’re reading this, it’s probably something you’re still on your way to. This probably means that you’ll have to make at least some small changes in your daily routine. It’s really not that hard, because change is as simple as not falling for that one obsession that keeps you stuck where you are.
Keep Yourself Busy
Yeah, we all know that keeping yourself busy is easy, right? Well, yeah, it can be, but it’s a challenge to finally get there. If you’re still thinking about a problem that’s upsetting you, you’re mostly just distracted. Being distracted is better, but it’s just a distraction then. You’re probably yearning for more than a simple distraction, so fully embracing something and being engaged is the ultimate solution. Thinking is fine, but you’re probably looking to avoid going in a circle. Going for a walk is good though, even if you’re walking in a circle.
Create Something (How to Avoid Negativity)

Creating something and allowing your “brain juices” to flow can always give you a creative way through a problem. Allowing yourself to open up with creativity and passion allow you to change the way you think about things. It’s not only by situation, it can change the way you think in general. Don’t become your own worst enemy and stifle your progress with your own personal obstruction. Even if it’s as simple as writing in a journal or drawing a doodle in a sketchbook, give it a go.
Give Yourself Something to Look Forward to
If you have something to look forward to, you’ll be able to take your mind off the past. They say that the present is a present and to make the future a part of it. Don’t get dragged down by the past, for it is done. The future is your anxiety and your past is your depression. Don’t deepen the depression, just allow yourself to look forward without the anxiety. Yeah, it’s easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be done. Make the small things count every day, and you can be one step closer to being truly happy. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s not as ridiculous as it sounds.
As you can see, I have to take my own advice. I’m lacking inspiration myself this week, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get up and listen to myself to make a change.
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