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The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

How to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

The tip tastes great.

Penis Erection
It’s huge!

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also called impotence, is the type of sexual dysfunction in which the penis (male primary sex organ of copulation to deliver semen) fails to become or stay erect during sexual activity. It is the most common sexual problem in men. Through its connection to self-image and to problems in sexual relationships, erectile dysfunction can cause psychological harm. In about 80% of cases, physical causes can be identified. These include cardiovascular disease; diabetes mellitus; neurological problems, such as those following prostatectomy; hypogonadism; and drug side effects. About 10% of cases are psychological impotence, caused by thoughts or feelings; here, there is a strong response to placebo treatment. I’m going to be listing the 10 amazing ways to deal with erectile dysfunction.

*ED occurs in mostly older men, especially related to physiological reasons, but it can occur in younger men as well.*

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

I said to eat a healthy diet with fruit, and she just played with her food.

Like many other diets listed on my website, a diet high in nutrients and whole foods (whole grains and vegetables) should do you good. The more you avoid (high calorie) processed foods (refined grains), the better off you’ll be in the long run. Not only should you look at eating fruits (out of necessity and as an alternative to other sugary foods) and vegetables, you should look at your calories as well. The less you eat, the less weight you will gain in fat. While it’s important to only eat healthy foods (avoiding even processed meats), at least getting your nutrients in at first is a start. However, you should consider diets like the Mediterranean (ketogenic) diet, and avoid bad foods all together (if you can).

Unless you’re bulking, there’s no good reason to add extra pounds to the point of being overweight or obese. This can cause problems and increase your estrogen, making it harder to get hard. The healthier you eat, the more you’ll be healthy and full. You can consume less calories and be more satisfied, even if it takes some discipline. However, it’s worth it in the end, and you’ll find that the foods are better the less you eat the bad ones. Just remember that your vascular health is important, and this can can be taken care of with diet.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

2. Intermittent Fast

This isn’t fasting, and she’s on a diet with no whipped cream.

Fasting is a great way to get all of the benefits of hard work all in one. Intermittent fasting is where you fast between each day for at least 16 hours, and it can give you benefits that range from autophagy (removing old cells) to HGH (growth hormone) and testosterone increases (which can help you lose weight and keep it off). Mixing this with occasional prolonged fasting (at least 36 hours of fasting) can help you stay healthy and help repair damage and blood flow issues. Studies have shown short bouts of fasting will boost the production of testosterone which in turn helps healthy erectile function. Obesity also leads to leptin resistance, and leptin resistance is directly linked to low testosterone. If you’re losing weight, this, in the end, can help your testosterone and growth hormone production, too.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

3. Take Supplements

I’m squirtin’, I’m squirtin’, I’m squirtin’ for you!

Seeing as all of these things are tied in with each other, it’s no problem in making more of an association with nutrition. This nutrition does not involve vasodilators like Viagra or Cialis, but it does mean that you should consider your dietary nutrition. This can happen through supplements or your consumption of food. If you can’t get it in your food, supplements are a good alternative, especially for certain vitamins and minerals. Many of which are listed on this article below each respective picture, e.g., ginseng and horny goat weed.

This means that you should be getting all of your vitamins A-K, iron, magnesium, and so on. It also involves a lot of branded supplements with propietary blends that can help with things like testosterone. Even if it sounds like the healthy route of too good to be true, it usually works. Unless you have a severe problem that may be neurological, you should be fine. However, many of these can help with this as well, and remember, it’s certainly about prevention. If you don’t have the problem yet, your nutrition has a lot to do with it.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

4. Avoid Drugs

The best place to find your fix.

You should avoid drugs if you want your meat to be in good condition. This is because all sorts of drugs have a lot of nasty side-effects. Drugs like amphetamines and opiates in particular are bad for your vascular health, especially down there, in the short and long-term. Even marijuana can cause problems with testosterone and penile dysfunction, albeit small ones. Regardless of any benefits, just realize that there are always side-effects that can cause more damage that it is worth.

On this list can also include things like vasodilators that can cause adverse reactions, even directly and related to long-term penile problems. The best thing you can do is try to take the natural route, unless you absolutely need something. Just be aware that the negative side-effects will still be there. The only difference now is that you may have had no choice. If you don’t care, then that problem is one you entirely.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

5. See a Doctor

Would you trust this guy giving you a colonoscopy?

You should see a doctor if you have problems down there, especially if you’ve exhausted all other routes. You should always consult with a personal doctor that knows your medical history. This way, you can be sure that they know what will certainly work for you, including supplements you can take, etc. Understand that, if they decide to prescribe you something, you should ask questions and tell what you know. It does not mean that they will, and you should be sure not to simply take a doctor’s advice at face value (they have pharmaceutical incentives). Sometimes, even they can get something wrong, so be sure to follow your gut when it comes to what you think and know that you want or need. There are always better options out there, but this one is certainly important, too.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

6. Exercise and Lose Weight

I can’t wait to see what she thinks of my sweaty bushwhacker.

Exercise is a good idea because of how it can increase blood flow and strengthen your heart. The stronger your heart is, the more you increase the circulation of blood in your arteries. This can help your vascular health immensely, and it can also help you lose weight.

This mostly pertains to cardiovascular exercise, but any kind of exercise, including weightlifting (resistance training) exercises are good as well. This is because gaining muscle and simply working out can help you keep the pounds of mass off. Not only that, gaining muscle can also increase testosterone and increase the number and size of veins in the body via hard work. Can’t you see how just a little hard work can help everything help everything else? Mix cardio and healthy resistance training, and you’ll be good. The less fat you have on your body, the less your body has to work at keeping the fat cells intact.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

7. Masturbation and Have Sex

How can I spring a leak when I’m standing up like this? Should I cum or should I go?

The same way that sex and masturbation can help the prostate, it can also help with the penis. Having sex and erectile dysfunction go hand in hand. The more you use it (frequency), the more you can come right back. It’s not necessarily bad to have blue balls though, but that’s all you’ll have. Trying to take breaks can help because of the fact that you’ll have a hard time not going full blast. The problem is that you’ll have to wait it out, and if you find that you can’t, you probably don’t have a problem.

It’s also been said that the more you ejaculate, the more you increase your testosterone levels. However, if you do it too much, it can have a negative effect, at least in the short term. Although, it does keep it going, but going too far can also be a mild problem. It’s nice to know that you’re at least getting the job done, and hopefully it’s being done right without any other problems.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

8. Avoid Stress

Has anyone else had this kind of dream?

Stress can cause all sorts of problems down under, and this is where psychology can play a determining factor. This is because stress can have psychological and physiological effects. If you have a problem with stress try to follow the other items on this list as well as figure out it’s source. The more you have stress, the more likely you’ll gain weight, slow your metabolism, and stress eat. If you find everything repulsive, it’s because of stress, and this can interfere (beyond your awareness) with your desire for sex. In the case of an erection, stress and anxiety can interrupt how your brain sends messages to the penis to allow extra blood flow. Stress and anxiety about ED can also contribute to a cycle of ongoing ED. Experiencing ED can lead to behavioral changes that contribute to anxiety and incidences of ED.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

9. Go Outside

Yeah, she’s laughing at you.

Being outdoors and getting some sun and relieving stress can do wonders for your … sex life. This is because being outside is healthy and gives you a chance to be active. Just be sure to do things that you enjoy, and this can also involve laughing and meditation. The more you’re around others too, the more you can walk around with a stiffy … in front of others. While it seems counter-intuitive, certain psychological exercises, as well as being outside (with others too), can make a large difference. Don’t be sitting inside all day though, because that will prevent you from getting enough of that vitamin D that you need to keep your D in shape and ready to go.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

10. Don’t Injure it

Yeah, just the tip.

This one is practical and fairly obvious, but it’s nice to list anyway, just in case you don’t know the particulars. Things like wearing protective coverings in situations where it may be necessary is crucial. This even includes when riding a bike, because that’s a huge junk destroyer. It’s all the more reason to know the pain you feel and being able to understand if you’re going numb down there. If anything, it’s more reason to avoid pain relievers too. The last thing you should do is avoid this, especially if protection is given to you and you know better. One of the last thing you want is damaged junk, and this can be said for wearing a condom and avoiding STDs.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction

It involves healthy lifestyle choices that can at least keep you from going down the toilet in terms of your “reproductive” health. If you want to keep your downstairs area functional and healthy, you’ve got to put a little bit of work in to achieve it. Even if it’s mostly about preventing further damage, you can always make some minor improvements. Before long, you’ll be short for a shorter of period of time and be long and ready for action. It’s not like it’s too much to do what’s right for you. I’m sure that this is something that you can understand, so be sure not to squash your balls in the meantime. Also, maybe removing that foreskin can make it easier to at least feel hard … .

Just to remind you that it’s a desert in here, and boy, am I hot!

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