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10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

Liver Die!
Hipsters and liver … not the best way to treat it — Liver Die!

The liver is a highly functional and extremely important organ in the body. The liver is what you think about when you think of alcohol and disgusting meals at the dinner table. It’s not the most pleasant organ to look at or smell, but what organ is? The liver is one of few organs in the body that does not have touch receptors, the other major one being the brain. The liver functions as a filter that helps remove toxins from the body, and it circulates bile. It also stores fuel in the form of glycogen and breaks it down into glucose when needed. These are the 10 amazing ways to keep your liver healthy.

However, like other organs, the liver is a sensitive organ, and it must be treated properly. If the liver accumulated too many toxins, it’ll begin to develop fat. If too much fat envelopes the liver, it’s known as a fatty liver, and this can end up causing cirrhosis. This is essentially a scarring of the liver through overuse, and things like excess alcohol can cause it. Since the liver is such an important organ in the body, I’m going to help you figure out how to maintain it. I’m going to be listing the 10 amazing ways to keep your liver healthy.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

1. Avoid Alcohol

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy
I suppose if you drink too much, the question becomes if you’ll liver die.

If you didn’t already know, alcohol can ruin your liver if you drink too much. It’s not to say that it’ll hurt too much if you drink in moderation, but it still does a number on your liver. The best thing you can do is avoid alcohol all-together to avoid it’s damage, but a little is better than a lot. If you want to drink, there are ways to get the benefits you want from drinking, as well as from avoiding it all together.

Drinking can cause damage to any number of organs, it’s just that alcohol is constantly being filtered through the liver. Ethanol is a poison, and it does a number on your system; ethanol is what the liver expels. Because alcohol includes so many carbs, especially sugar alcohols, it’s no wonder it does a systematic number on us. If you can avoid alcohol, it’s best that you do, because we all can. Some of us may be addicted, and for that we need proper detox and rehabilitation to avoid further bad outcomes.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

2. Avoid Sugars

I suppose it’s time to deliver … . Well, we have to take it out.

The same as mentioned above, you want to be sure to avoid sugars because of their taxing nature on your liver. Sugars are unhealthy for all of your organs, but they’re especially unhealthy for your liver. If you want the healthiest liver possible, you have to keep the sugars off of your diet. Yeah, it’s okay to function on a little sugar from time to time, but it’ll do you good to avoid it.

If you need sugar, be sure to make a routine schedule where you have it every once in a while. Otherwise, be sure to regulate the amount of sugar you have, and make sure that it’s at moderate amounts. This way you can at least avoid having your liver lose it’s ability to keep up as it filters through it all. Even though you may have heard that your body runs off glucose, your body converts things fats, carbs, and proteins into glucose if need be. There’s no need to take in that extra pound of sugar every day to keep your brain working. If anything, it’ll only make things much worse. Regardless, your body is much better at using ketones than glucose, so be sure to consider a ketogenic diet.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

3. Take Supplements

As you can see from the advertisements listed on this page, there are an exceptionally large amount of supplements. On the market, you can find various, although expensive, supplements that can be worth the money. Some supplements may even help you avoid things like alcohol and sugar related carbs. The point of these supplements is to help detoxify your liver so that you can maintain and regain function. The function of your liver can fluctuate depending on how healthy your liver is. Your liver relies on your own personal healthy, and some of these supplements can offer the necessary boost to get you over that ledge.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

4. Do Intermittent Fasting

So, how fast do I actually go?

If you’re wanting to detox your liver and body in general, there is no better way than intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting not only gives your body time to rest, it gives it a chance to heal. The liver, especially after a long night of drinking, will thank you greatly for this. Having too much to drink or being overweight can cause visceral fat to form around the organs. One of the major areas hit is often the area around the liver, especially if glucose is involved. The liver is especially sensitive to this, and it can’t take too much damage before becoming irreversible. It’s recommended that you try to begin fasting on a regular basis.

One of the best ways to avoid this and possibly reverse the damage done is by fasting. Be it intermittent or prolonged fasting (longer than 24-48 hours), fasting can help you rid yourself of the toxins in your body. Not only can you lose weight, it can help target the fat around your organs, helping your organs destress. A process called autophagy and other regenerative factors can help reverse the scarring around your liver. This means that you’re lucky because the liver is one of the few organs that can regenerate actual tissue. The recommendations mean that you should fast for as long as you can. It can become unhealthy, but start slow and see what works. It’s best that you fast every day, and learn to implement prolonged fasts at least twice a month.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

5. Exercise

If only someone were chasing me.

Exercise is great for the liver because it can help you lose weight and remain fit. When you lose weight, the visceral fat is often the first to go, and it can help you, along with a diet. The benefits of exercise are numerous in other ways too, but in relation to the liver, it has it’s own benefits. When you exercise, you help the body detoxify, and this can help keep your liver healthy and functional. Any benefit you gain from exercise can help just about any organ in the body, especially the heart. Even weightlifting exercises can help, as gaining muscle has a healthy effect on your weight, metabolism, and body function.

It can also reduce the chances of liver disease by reducing the amount of stress taken by the organs, including the liver. It’s recommended that you do at least 150 minutes of healthy cardio a week. Be it a brisk walk or a hard run, it’s good that you get that exercise in to help with your health. It will not only make you feel good, relaxed, and tired, but it will make you feel accomplished. Exercise releases endorphins, known as the runner’s high, and it gives you a sense of calm and release. It’s essentially like you’re getting high on life, but the fun fact is is that there are no strings attached.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

6. Have a Healthy Diet

At least it’s not night of the living forks.

Well, according to the items above, it was only natural to understand that diet, as a whole, will be included. This is because diet is almost the number one factor in if you’ll have a healthy liver or not. You should try to avoid carbs, because carbs are readily converted to glucose if not expended. The fewer the carbs and the more macro and micro nutrients you have, the better. This is why something like the ketogenic or Mediterranean diet may suit all of your needs in one diet. It’s also good to watch you calories, because calories are the number one reason people are overweight.

They’re (calories) the units of measure that dictate if you’ll gain weight or not, and it’s best to keep an eye on them. This is not to say that you should always be chowing on endless protein or fat. The best diet is a balanced diet, but if you must, the best thing you can do is avoid carbs as much as possible. It’s okay to break from a carbohydrate-free diet occasionally, but it’s best to avoid them if you can. It’s also something to consider when you eat too little, so be sure to keep an eye on yourself. Just be sure not to become too obsessive, because that’s not healthy either.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

7. Be a Healthy Weight

Well, at least I didn’t take up the whole tape-measure this time.

Being a healthy weight comes naturally if you’re taking care of yourself. If you avoid your health for too long, you’ll end up being out of shape and incapable of recovery. The healthier your weight is, the more you can recover and maintain function in your organs. Your organs go through trials and tribulations on a daily basis, and it’s best to give them what they need. They don’t need too much fat, but they need just enough to thrive and function. Your body can only make up for so much, but the heavier you are, the more strain that occurs. This occurs on your liver too, as it will have to work through all of the extra fat surrounding it. This hinders it’s function.

You can end up losing a lot of weight, but that’s only healthy if you’re obese. It’s best to not lose too much fat at once, because you want your body to remain in some kind of homeostasis. You can be healthy when you’re skinny, but it’s not the best if your body is always hungry. You want a healthy balance that can help with numerous body functions, including your mental health. It really depends on what you’re considering, but there’s always a healthy balance in decent moderation. If you want your liver to become or remain healthy, be sure that you’re not too skinny or too fat. Try to avoid going to any extremes to lose weight, because this can cause harm to your liver, too.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

8. Lose the Stress

I guess that this dog is in the hood.

The more you’re stressed out, the worse you and your liver will feel. Your body will struggle, and if you struggle, your body struggles and vice versa. You want to be sure that you’re not going to be stressed out all of the time, and this includes oxidative stress. If you’re psychologically stressed, this can cause oxidative stress, and this stress can cause psychological trauma. You want to be willing and capable of keeping an eye on your body at all times. When you’re stressed, you body will be stressed because of hormonal changes that are unhealthy.

If you’re anxious all of the time, your body will convert your food into glucose and cause problems with your liver. Things like insulin resistance can cause this problem (where insulin is. Be sure to find healthy ways to destress by walking, learning to be mindful, and so on. It’ll get you outside of your head, and it’ll give you and your liver another day to thrive without trouble. There’re also things like therapy and other coping and thinking mechanisms to help you through a tough time, etc.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

9. Get Outside More

Wow, the panoramic view makes me want to stay indoors.

Getting sun and being outside coincide with other items on this list. You want to move around, and being outside makes this easier. You can also get sun, which gives you the most vital form of vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is a supplement, but it’s also healthy to just get outside and be active in a healthy way. You’re absorbing vitamin D, and you liver can function better the more you’re outside. This is because the liver helps break down and metabolize vitamin D into healthier levels that the body can actually manage. This will help the rest of your body grow and maintain cells normally. The liver is important in this aspect because of how vitamin D helps prevent cancer, and this in turn helps the liver.

10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

10. Keep an Eye on Yourself

I think there’s something wrong with your eye… liver.

This last item is just about listing some important things that may have been missed from earlier, including being sure that you’re vaccinated. Be sure to take medications properly, and be sure to avoid getting things like Hepatitis A and B, etc. Also, don’t share your personal hygiene items with others, and be willing to wash your hands. This includes having safe sex and avoiding contaminated needles. Avoiding illicit drugs, like alcohol and illegal stimulants, is recommended because of their nasty effects on the liver. Although, it is okay to consume alcohol in reasonable amounts. Along with alcohol, try to avoid all toxins going into your body, and be sure to exercise regularly. Lastly, be sure to maintain a healthy weight and eat a balanced diet.

Final Thoughts: 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

See, there are plenty of amazing ways to keep an eye on your liver health and health and general. You liver is a good sign and major contributing factor when it comes to your health. If you’re healthy, it means that you’r liver is healthy and vice versa. Be sure to be kind to you and your body. This is the only way you’ll live a long and productive life, as long as you do something about it.

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