Going crazy is a part of life, and it’s something that we all have to constantly cope with. While others may have it worse, going insane can come from stress, anxiety, depression, and other feelings. We all have to deal with these emotions to some degree, and to some degree, we will go insane. Be it an episode at work or a simple psychotic break, losing your shit can happen at any moment of any day. These are the 10 amazing ways to keep from going insane.
Since many of us have different tolerances and thresholds, some of the people out there may lose their mind very easily. Since going into madness can be easy but take forever to reach it’s inevitable end, it’s a matter of surviving it. They say that there is a fine line between madness and genius, but that’s only one kind of madness that comes from being so smart. We’re simply trying to address not reaching any point of extreme stress, which can happen to anyone.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep From Going Insane
1. Improve Your Diet
You should be keeping an eye on this anyway for reasons galore, but if you are not, then you should start. Keeping your diet in check is very important, especially if you want to avoid going insane. Your diet is what you eat, and since you are what you eat, it’s important to know how it affects your overall health. Your mind and body are essentially one, and if you are not keeping your body healthy, your mind will follow. You should be avoiding excessive carbs, sugars, processed and refined foods, and calories. Hell, even meat is bad for you, considering that it’s full of carcinogens and forces animals to suffer for your short-term “benefit.”
Something along the lines of a ketogenic diet, minus meat and the fructose from fruit is a good starting point. If you must have them, then fine, but just be aware that it’s a matter of striking the right balance. You don’t want to restrict too much, at least to begin with, but it should become your ultimate goal. If you are miserable eating your diet, it’s not going to last anyway. Just know that if you are eating healthy, your emotions and stress tolerance will improve overall in the long run. If you are doing it right, you should be getting all of your vitamins and minerals from your diet as well. If you are not, be sure to take note of your daily nutrition, along with your macro and micro nutrients. In the process, you will lose weight and gain the discipline it takes
2. Take a Supplement
There are plenty of supplements on the market that can stop you from going insane, but it means that you must go out of your way. You can’t just expect any old supplement to work unless it’s just a vitamin you take before bed. This does not mean you should be taking “supplements” that doctors give you. The point is to avoid having to take any kind of medication unless you absolutely have to.
Supplements are not there to replace a bad diet, because you will not be able to make up for it. If you are eating poorly, you will not absorb supplements as well as if you are eating healthy. They are just there to give you that extra boost that comes in handy, be it for a small addition or major transition. Be sure to check for your daily vitamins and minerals in blends and proprietary blends that list their ingredients. You don’t want to be paying out the ass for nothing.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep From Going Insane
3. Plan Ahead
Giving yourself room to think will keep you from going nuts, but it may require a bit of planning ahead of time. The more you have to consider, especially if you are prone to anxiety and forgetfulness, the more you will suffer. Be sure to write things down ahead of time to keep you from obligating yourself to remember them. The more this spins in your head, the more likely you are to forget on top of the produced anxiety you deal with.
The more you do this, the less you will stress, but it does not mean that you have to keep doing it. You can and will change with time, it just requires a bit of work. There’s no use getting all tied up in the excessive rumination of planning your day, and it’s just a matter of keeping you straight. If the work means putting a little bit of extra work in to begin with to save you the grief later on, then why not.
4. See a Doctor
If all else fails, then maybe you should consider seeing someone, be it a therapist or doctor, to help you. It does not mean that you have to put on some medication, but most people seem to like medication. Even if people are fine, they will take all of the help they can get to skip on by their little problems. The point of seeing a doctor is to find out if there is any underlying cause or mental illness involved.
Maybe you are having an episode for the first time or have been ill for a long time. You could just be finding out about something that’s been giving you problems for a long time. It does not hurt to find out, but be aware that you may not like what you find out. Just know that it’s important to find out, because not knowing what the problem is does not change the truth. If all else fails and you are still struggling, be sure to at least talk with someone about your problems.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep From Going Insane
5. Start Fasting
If you are not already fasting, then you should consider giving it a go. While it sounds intimidating, it’s worth a shot if you are struggling with some kind of mental health problem. When you fast, you release cortisol and other stress hormones in the short-term. However, in the long-term, you will wreak benefits by exposing yourself to a known short-term stressor. This will make you less prone to fits of rage or whatever response you have to intense stress. This is not even mentioning the numerous other amenities of fasting that you can benefit from. These include BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor), increasing your brain cell connections through neurogenesis. You will also lose weight, and gain the ability to retain muscle as opposed to a typical starvation diet.
6. Get More Exercise
While it sounds pretty boring and like hard work, getting exercise is important. No matter how cliched it sounds, it can and will help you improve your state of mind. It’s also about freeing up time and learning time management skills for more important things. It does not even take too much time to go for a walk or run, because all you need is 30 minutes a day. You will probably end up finding out that the time you spent stressing takes up more time than the exercise that freed you.
The feeling of saving time and using it for more important things, even more exercise, is a great way to make changes in your life. If you are already exercising, then you understand, just be sure to get at least 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each week. You will strengthen your heart, and your mind will be relieved through endorphins — the stress relieve chemicals that help you relax. This is what they call the runner’s high, and this, along with some weightlifting here and there, will do you a world of favors.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep From Going Insane
7. Learn to Be Mindful
While it may sound tacky, learning to be mindful can be of great use in trying to maintain your sanity. This means that you should try your best to avoid overthinking and planning that will be to your detriment. If you find yourself thinking too much, it usually means that it’s not doing you any good. The more you think, the worse the thinking becomes and is a sign of stress to begin with. All you really have to do is stop and try to be in the moment as much as possible. It does not mean that you are ignoring your problems, but it will make it easier to accomplish them later on.
Mindfulness practices are very useful and can make it easier for you to perform well. You can do it while exercising too, and all it’s doing is freeing up real estate space in your mind. Meditation is also useful if you need it, but be aware that you cannot not think. All you have to do is close your eyes and breathe in and hold your breathe for 5 seconds. After this, you should expel the air slowly while counting to 5 again before repeating it for about 15 minutes. You should be focusing on your breathe in the process to veer away from your thinking. While this method is best, you can simply sit in silence to help clear your mind. Alone time is almost necessary, unless you do it in a group. This can help reduce stress and keep you from going insane.
8. Masturbate More
Masturbation can keep you from going insane because of the chemicals that are released during the process. During sex, oxytocin, also known as the love chemical, is released. The same thing happens when you are thinking of that girl or guy and getting it on. While it may not be the exact same thing, we all enjoy an orgasm, right? If you don’t see that the release of all of that inner tension as a good thing, then there is not much that can help. Since sexual tension is a part of almost everyone’s life, much of the stress comes from sexual desire. You can release it when you masturbate, because it’s often building up so much inside of you.
Let’s say that you just got fired from your job and want to break something, but you can’t do it. Go to the bathroom and beat that meat until you release all of that inner turmoil inside of you. Once you orgasm, you won’t necessarily feel good, but you will feel better than you did. If you are sexually frustrated, you may find that the desire for a relationship with the hot waitress is impossible. If you go and jerk one out, you will feel less of a need to have any relationship that add to all sorts of stressors. While it may sound complicated, it’s really not that hard to understand.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep From Going Insane
9. Get Therapy
Getting therapy can come in all forms, but it mostly comes from being around the right people. If you have the wrong friends, then you may be in for a world of hurt. The last thing you need is someone not being there when you need them most. The alternative is to see a therapist, but it does not mean that you should not dump friends who are not returning the favor. If you need therapy, there’s no shame in admitting it, even though people often stigmatize those who require it.
At least a therapist will listen to you if you are struggling with a mental health problem. It’s their job, and they will always give you that hour of listening and help that you may really need. It’s always good to get these negative feelings off of your chest at least once a week. If you don’t have a regular group of friends, the professional setting may be of use to you. Just be open and honest about what’s bothering you, because if you are not, you may never resolve them. Be mindful of the fact that some people out there will listen no matter how dark the secret is.
10. Stay Alone
You should be trying to stay away from the wrong people if you want to maintain your sanity. In addition to spending some of your free time to yourself, you should be trying to make new friends. We all need an occasional break from the insane world that pushes us all with insane expectations. If we don’t allow ourselves time to process things properly, then we will often suffer for it.
This is what we call our special alone time, and there’s no shame in that. If you feel like your time is being wasted or that it’s all too much sometimes, then it’s best to take a break. The more energy you expend ends up backfiring into a spiral of frustration that ends up wasting time. If you want to avoid wasting time, then it’s best to avoid overworking or thinking. You should make sure to give yourself at least one day out of the week to process the days prior. The more you take this little sabbatical, you will feel much better.
Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep From Going Insane
If you see you or someone else you know going insane, be sure to give some of the things on this list a try. The more you waste time trying to push through it with no success, the more time you will be going mad. Give yourself a fighting chance by going for a walk or taking a supplement to end the suffering for good. Just be sure to have reasonable expectations, because it will not happen overnight. Be sure to give it some time, and you will be happier for it.