The 10 Amazing Arguments for Circumcision
Circumcision is the removal of the male foreskin, a piece of skin hooded over the male glans penis. It is typically seen as a taboo topic that always kind of lays in the back of people’s minds. Online, you will usually see people vehemently arguing against it; however, it is typically a vocal minority ignorantly propagandizing against the practice. While the typical reason is attributed to saving babies and their rights, their reasons are different. It’s generally a cover for other more personal reasons. The problem begins when it becomes widespread enough for people to start adopting harmful opinions. Nearly 40 percent of the world’s males are circumcised, and it’s a practice going back thousands of years. These are the 10 amazing arguments in favor of circumcision.
Whatever the reason may be, it seems that the internet generally has a thing for keeping the foreskin. Regardless of reason, I have doubts of it being something called genital mutilation. I also believe that most people care little about the subject when push comes to shove. I can say this for real people, especially when not online on YouTube. Nowadays, especially in the West, it is barely performed religiously any more. Even if it were, it does not mean that it is wrong or does not have benefits. It’s generally considered more comfortable, and women generally prefer it.
All I ask is that you don’t take offense to a slightly different opinion. Remember, no one is forcing you to change your beliefs. There are even people that share their results with people over mediums like YouTube. Most of the time, the opinion is that it is better after the procedure. It’s not always this way though, and the specifics can get nasty and biased. This means that the complexities of a Youtuber claiming “less” sensation can involved a complex mix of factors. Not to mention the smegma buildup that can not only smell bad, it can also cause STDs.
I just want to offer a slightly different perspective on a subject that most people barely want to consider. The benefits may just be better and more important than you think. I just want to list some of the positive aspects of the practice that may contradict “popular” belief. This is regardless of how much it may affect the general population. Oftentimes, those struggling who are circumcised are only struggling because of the ironic propaganda online. It’s constantly being churned out from anti-circumcision sites throughout the internet. If you are up for arguing with this, you are simply arguing against the facts because of penis envy.
The 10 Amazing Arguments for Circumcision
1. It Does Not Reduce Sensitivity
Let us just get this one out of the way first: circumcision has no adverse affects on male penile sensitivity (at least not in and of itself). I do not need too many studies to back this one up, because they all include the same things. A simple search on PubMed will offer you all of the material you need. Circumcision simply does not reduce sensitivity. If anything, it increases not only the overall satisfaction, but it can increase the sensitivity, too. Although, it’s said that circumcised men last longer, there is no correlation with insensitivity. The duration difference is negligible, and it consists of men who got it done later in life. A reasonable explanation might explain something to do with an extra hole being used when being uncircumcised.
In addition, it has no effect on your ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, sexual activity, or orgasms. If anything, this all favors the circumcised penis. These so-called “Meissner’s corpuscles” on the foreskin diminish by the time a male is sexually active. The foreskin also has the fewest of these touch receptors, and they are not even related to sexual pleasure, in spite of being considered by some as “fine touch receptors.” The foreskin being fine touch does not equal sensitive or erogenous. Also, the procedure is said to increase sensitivity for only several months after the surgery, but this is untrue. Other factors, including the fact that circumcised folk are more likely to have anal sex with their new penis, are relevant.
Not only is it not proven to be the case that you lose sensitivity, it may in fact be the exact opposite. Hey, there is no need to take it personally. The procedure is generally safe, and if done neonatally, the outcome is even better. Not only is the penis not lacking sensitivity from the lack of a foreskin, the penis shaft itself is open for duty. The sensitive parts of the penis are more exposed and sensitive. This allows the erogenous parts of the penis to be more functional during intercourse. The sensual parts being your glans penis and upper shaft.
While a foreskinned penile shaft may appear more “complex” and red in comparison, it really is not. There are often comparisons made online that serve to misconstrue any changes that occur. They often involve a freshly circumcised penis worked on in adulthood after medical complications. Photos are carefully chosen to point out a difference that makes no difference to begin with. It’s also worth noting that I’ve never seen a porn with an uncircumcised male jerking their foreskin on a lass. While people may ignore these context clues, it’s also worth noting that people will find creative ways to believe certain things. Unfortunately, people will ignore factors such as neurogenesis and healing factors in certain subject studies.
One idea is that circumcised men are keratinized down there, which is untrue. If anything, studies have mentioned no difference worth noting at all. To make it clear, the sensations of sex come from the brain (more so), and not a piece of skin. This leads to a baby making these connections as they grow, making a person more involved one way or another. A brain can then compensate, leading to a body’s ability to make the difference in the brain and vice versa. If you happen to get it done as an adult, you are more likely to not have these connections. One last reason for complications of sensitivity come down to post-op masturbation and surgery complications in adults. Much of this knowledge explains the situation with sensation to begin with.
I’m guessing that the body finds a way to overcompensate for any “lost nerve endings.” The penis responds to heat and vibration, and the circumcised men seem to have them beat on both. Also, if you lack or lost any perceived sensitivity, it is probably because your had a pre-existing condition, mental block, botched surgery, or masturbated when you were not supposed to. The rigged band that people mention is barely present and does little to improve sensation, especially when blocked. The equivalent on the circumcised penis is the scar, and any reduction in perceived sensitivity comes down to perceived loss and psychological performance stigmatization.
2. It is More Aesthetically Pleasing
Oftentimes, people who advocate against circumcision will bring up sensitivity as though that’s an argument that has not been made a million times over. Not only is that not proven to be true, the fact that circumcision is typically seen as more aesthetically pleasing to the eye is also true. Nearly 100 percent of women, based on several studies, prefer the circumcised penis, especially for oral sex. I think a real understanding of any perceived discrepancy in this matter can be explained by doing some research. If any woman or man prefers an uncircumcised penis, it’s because of reasons not related to aesthetics and performance.
This is generally the only reason people will justify ever getting the procedure done, circumcised or not. You would not get this impression from all of the folks online, but that is just a small hive of bees clinging to what the want to be true. Not only do the men getting it done find it more pleasing, the partner typically finds in more pleasing too, male or female. It may be why it seems women prefer their sons to be circumcised, despite it being only about 40 percent of males worldwide who are circumcised. Not to mention the fact that most male foreskins are fairly small, being only about 5-6 cubic inches.
The 10 Amazing Arguments for Circumcision
3. It Protects Against STDs
Don’t we hear this one all the time? Well, yes we do, but it does not change the fact that circumcision reduces the microbiome on the penis. What this in turn does is reduce your risk of STDs like HIV (by 70%), UTIs (by 87%) and numerous other inflammatory foreskin conditions (68%). Don’t believe me? Well, the facts are here to stay. It does not matter how many sites say otherwise, if they are not reputable, they do not matter. It should be noted that if verifiable studies say otherwise, the studies should be followed, not the non-study opponents of them. More studies have come out, and it seems that the sites and organizations against it are going down.
A lot of this vitriol comes from denial and insecurity, as though the risk numbers do not decrease by much. That’s certainly subjective, and the studies would disagree, but the procedure is simple, easy and cost effective, especially on an infant. It is just a matter of getting the right information and understanding it. More and more studies and meta-analyses have been saying the same thing. Now, the number of studies seemed to have outdone the MC opponents spread throughout the internet. So, even if you could make the argument that it is against the person’s will, there are certainly benefits. There is just an unfortunate consensus that you cannot make this argument.
A problem that is also present is that all men who get it done as infants have no prior experience to draw upon. The same thing goes for men who are not circumcised. Since their foreskin was removed early on, they never got to test it out. While I can understand leaving it up to the child, the extent that people go to downplay circumcision is hyperbolic. The opponents of circumcision barely want to believe that the benefits it is done for in modern times exist. This includes the obvious protection from STDs, not knowing that even (many civilized countries) South Korea, Australia, Canada, and the US have extremely high circumcision rates. The rates in these countries are still well over 50 percent to varying degrees.
4. It May Increase Overall Pleasure
Not only does it not decrease sensitivity, the overall pleasure you gain from any kind of sexual stimulus, including masturbation, will stay the same or even increase. Many studies claim that most men, even after an adult circumcision, are satisfied not only with their surgery, but their penile function during sex, including their partners. It’s also worth mentioning that those struggling with performance after a circumcision are experiencing psychological problems. Sometimes, a doctor can remove too much skin, but this has nothing to do with the foreskin (as a whole) being removed.
Not only this, confidence is improved when someone is circumcised. Women are also less likely to be afraid of infection, so is that not a plus? Remember this, circumcision is barely a religious ceremony anymore, and it has plenty of benefits. Even if it were done for silly religious reasons, it’s still no reason to undermine the practice. I think the US, Canada, Isreal, Australia, South Korea, and so on would agree. The problem is that most people like to turn this little piece of skin into a major problem worth insulting and undermining people over. Just because you may have been fooled, does not mean that others must be as well.
The 10 Amazing Arguments for Circumcision
5. It Means That You Are Actually Having Sex
The foreskin is a piece of vestigial and leathery hide laying on the head of the penis. Even Darwin thought natural selection would eventually render it completely useless, especially in adulthood. It was most likely there for reasons to protect our naked ancestors from insect bites to the vital parts of the penis. Additionally, if your penis is constantly covered by this keratinized fold of skin, you are essentially having sex with your foreskin. This is really only the case if your foreskin is very large. It’s just funny that most foreskins are small, making the procedure even more superficial. The tighter the skin, the better!
What people need to understand and quit propagating is that it is not cutting the tip of the penis off, it is cutting off a small piece of skin that lays over the head of the penis when flaccid. The irony here is that they say that circumcision is done for archaic reasons, but it is the foreskin that is actually more archaic. Long ago or not, Jewish tradition or not, it does not matter the age of something. Of course, the function of the foreskin should not just be thrown away because it was just for protection. While it may not have additional use, it can still be seen as having sensual properties to those without research. The strange thing is that most people use having a foreskin as a differentiation from others.
This is because the foreskin, more archaic or not, doesn’t mean it is better. Also, it does not mean that the longer we have had certain biology that it is better or worse. This is simply to address a silly and contradictory argument that does little to go anywhere. I would say that it is all irrelevant, and older does mean better. The only place where it is relevant is that it’s an old and well-defined practice. The point being that people should not make a minor surgery something to feel different about. A woman getting a C-section is no different, being just a surgery. This means that people either consider it mutilation because it’s done to babies, or they think it’s mutilation, period. This would then lead to discrepancies in what true “mutilation” is in this context.
6. It Protects Against Penile Cancer
Yes, being circumcised is not only limited to STDs, but any form of disease that can attack the penis or foreskin in particular. It is said that the foreskin increases your risk of penile cancer by at least 66%, and meatal stenosis is no more prevalent among circumcised males. This penile cancer can also end up extending beyond the foreskin. The argument here is to simply wait until this happens before the procedure, but if it increases the risk of cancer and other medical complications everywhere, it’s best to take care of it beforehand. It also decreases the likelihood of cervical cancer among women by nearly 60%.
The point is that the procedure is a very fast and easy procedure done ideally in infancy. If you do it then, you not only reduce your risk of cancer from a needless foreskin, you get the best outcome, period. It is a choice to make, and the parents have the right to make the choice for them. If someone is irresponsible enough to have a child to begin with, they should also have the right to stop and help the child for it’s best interest. There’s no reason to underplay the importance of it because you are unlikely to contract something to begin with. It makes a huge difference, but it may make little difference depending on where you are located.
The 10 Amazing Arguments for Circumcision
7. It Decreases Pain During Sex and Masturbation
Well, if you are not already convinced or looking for more penile information concerning the foreskin, then tough luck! Those who are circumcised are less likely to experience pain during sexual intercourse, period. Oh, and I nearly forgot, the partners also surveyed mentioned that they had less pain, too. No, this does not mean that your penis is bigger or longer because you have a foreskin. That does not make any sense for more than one reason, because your penile length does not change. If you are big, you are big, and if you are small, you are small. It is actually because you are rubbing the pain receptors on your foreskin, oftentimes not knowing what you are actually feeling, including your partner not knowing.
Understanding the extremes that are presenting when certain online sources are comparing and contrasting circumcision should be considered. Oftentimes, when you are doing research on the subject, understanding what you are reading and seeing is important. It is very easy to be fooled into believing the wrong things, at least for the wrong reasons. Just be sure to read actual studies and surveys, and you will not need to worry about bias or false equivalencies. The fact that your foreskin is pain that is confused with pleasure is because of your foreskin being consisted of only pain receptors.
8. It Requires Less Maintenance
If you are wanting to keep your foreskin, you are going to have to be doing a little cleaning down there. There is always a risk of infection if you do not do so, and this can lead to a need to remove the foreskin later on (Links 1-8). It is not to say that you will not get lucky, but you are risking it. It may not take as much cleaning as you think, but it all depends on your foreskin and the expectations you have. Also, most European studies done are probably less qualified because the procedure is done less frequently with a bias. This means that their samples are performed with less scientific scrutiny. I’m looking at you, Royal Dutch Medical Association.
More cleaning is required after masturbation, peeing, or sexual intercourse. Anything, including time, that makes your pipe dirty, will require it to be cleaned more later on. You may not think that it is a big deal, but the less cleaning the better, and this is just one reason. Being circumcised means you are less likely to accumulate smegma and infections. Hey, you cannot argue when the CDC and WHO agree, let alone other organizations. While some may think that they have a bias, the same and more can be said and proven against opponents.
The 10 Amazing Arguments for Circumcision
9. It’s Doing Your Child a Favor
Most of the arguments like to spew “genital mutilation” as though it means something, but it is just malicious rhetoric. Circumcision is circumcision, and it is not mutilation, it’s body modification. Do you consider an ear-piercing mutilation? If so, then you are probably strange, because an ear piercing is more mutilating that this “amputation.” The child’s choice or not, it can be considered a favorable decision. They did not ask to be here, did they? You’re already violating them at birth, especially through the vaginal canal. Ouch!
Understanding the arguments one makes is important. The point of the removal of the foreskin is not to mutilate or harm the child, it is to modify and protect them. It is a procedure done with the intention of improving the child, at least in way. We are assuming that it is harming the child because it is taking their right of choice away, but it is a choice to be made, especially by a responsible adult and an honest and informed doctor. Along with this, opponents should do less to insult the proponents of this practice. This does little to prove how their advocacy against it is right choice.
It is not a simple decision, because it is ideally done during infancy when a full recovery is far more likely. It is said that the benefits exceed the risks 100:1; the procedure is done to benefit the child. Most people have got to learn that female genital mutilation and male circumcision are not the same thing. Mixing the rhetoric of two different procedures done for different reasons is not the way to make an argument against circumcision. The divisive nature of this subject does begin to make sense though.
10. It Makes You More Confident
Lastly, circumcision is known to boost confidence, as mentioned above, especially in males that had it done later in life. This is the time where problems are more likely to occur, too. I guess they had a better erection. Also, erectile dysfunction isn’t typically an issue, even if an issue arises. Even if the surgery is done for a medical reason, they still have better outcomes where at least 80 percent of men think it is the same or better. People circumcised as infants may occasionally have a different take though. Although, you cannot do a study on men who were circumcised neonatally and expect them to know the difference.
I am guessing that the men (and mostly men) advocating against circumcision have something to hide, whatever it may be. They probably just have a hard-lined stance against it for ethical reasons, and/or maybe it is a real concern of less pleasure. It seems that the majority are acting under false pretense though. They may also be harming circumcised men’s perception of pleasure. It may even be a hint of antisemitism to begin with or as a result of the practice. If it’s actually boosting confidence, then what’s all of this fuss about? The difference between circumcision and it’s absence are minute. The difference is that without a foreskin, you are more sexually exposed, especially during copulation.
Maybe some folks dislike Americans because they do it or hate circumcision because Americans do it. Any “studies” against circumcision are few and far between, barely sampled, not real or high quality, and from long ago. If you think that calling me defensive is a good argument, then you are acting in denial. All I’m doing is reasonably reacting to the overreacting done because of this procedure. Anyway, there are more benefits, but I have to stop. What is your polarizing view on circumcision? Do you disagree with the actual studies? Do you have the facts and wherewithal to know? Enlighten us! Wait, I have to cut that out! Get it?
Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Arguments for Circumcision
There you have it — the 10 amazing arguments for circumcision. While I do think that the procedure should warrant some consideration, it’s importance is often overstated. It’s not to say that that there cannot be downsides, but it depends on complications that can arise. Although the procedure can be somewhat dangerous, there are too many exaggerations invoked in conversation. The reality is that circumcision has fewer complications that leaving the foreskin in place. There’s even a thing where people think that they are circumcised or vice versa when they are not. While this goes above in beyond, there are still more things to mention.
The point is that most people will defend their penis, even at the expense of others. Strangely enough, people will misunderstand and misstate the importance of foreskin, even if they lack one. You will feel it if you have it, of course, but you are not necessarily feeling more or better. It can also bring up a lot of what a person’s reality and intentions are. The problem for me personally is the fact that if you defend circumcision, you are labeled a problem. This reaction does little to get to the core of a reasonable discussion. A discussion which includes that just because you are missing a foreskin, does not mean that you are lesser.
The only thing you should be able to say is that you like your penis the way it is. Maybe you would find it hard to change it, but it does not mean that you should make this practice bad. It’s even a stretch of the foreskin to make a big deal out of a piece of skin. It’s not even a big deal that it’s being taken off a baby “against their will.” The fact that people go so far out of their way to scrutinize problems for a piece of skin … . The truth of their insecurity speaks volumes. Just be aware that you cannot trust many of the studies out there. Misinformation is spread like wildfire online, and while circumcision rates went down, they are on the rise again. It’s actually hard to believe that they even went down for the reasons they did.
People like to live their life by draconian rules when it’s convenient. The problem is that it it really shows when this subject comes up. The more we make progress, the more we will see that this is the way things should be. The fact that things can change is good, at least without all of the hate. You are in the minority if you are circumcised, and you should be proud. Don’t let the propaganda get you down. If you are offended by this, you need to grow up. Just understand that all I’m saying is that it’s not as bad as you want to think. Quit taking your conclusions and working backwards from them. It will not work on anyone smart enough to know the difference. I’m not the one making this a big deal, so before jumping to conclusions, look within.