10 Worst Overused Cliches
People live their lives by platitudes and cliches left and right. It makes their life easier to understand and control, as it gives them a sense of direction and entitlement. The more we rely on these kinds of ideas, the more we are willing and capable of making a selfish difference. It makes living life a little easier to swallow, as we all do our best to be the best or worst we can be. Understand that when you are here, there are good vibes only. If you have nothing nice to say, be sure to say nothing at all. These are the 10 worst overused cliches people use, but it is hard to even make this list. There are so many of them that it almost makes the mind explode.
If you need to make an excuse for your asinine behavior, you need nothing but words to get you out. This can be useful for us, but it is often our downfall as well. What we say can affect people, but it is often thought little of at the expense of others. In the end, there will be an outcome, but this does not mean that it is okay or could not have been better. Regardless of outcome, some people can say some really dumb things. They many not all say much or be too much a part of the zeitgeist, but it’s worth it to sprinkle. These are the 10 worst cliches people use to make their lives a little bit easier.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
1. Life is a Gift
There is no doubt that one of the worse platitudes in life is right here. People who say that life is a gift come off as snarky assholes. If you are struggling, they think that this is a comfortable reminder of what you are worth. They do not really mean it most of the time, as the person turns into a walking contradiction. Anyone who claims that life is a gift comes from a very common perspective; it serves only a vacuous meaning. It essentially means that no matter the good and bad in life, you are here to experience it. You cannot always get what you want, but why not die trying to get there. Be sure to take a deep breathe, because the end is never in sight. When in doubt, think of god, because life can hands you roses. Do I need to keep going?
There is a religious context hidden here, and the meaning is blatant. It is seen as you being one of the few who were lucky enough to go through the motions. The problem is that if you were not here to begin with, you would not want to be here. It is almost an acknowledgement of the monotony and danger, as it is typically used to comfort someone. This means that life is a lump of coal disguised as the comfort and hope of a gift worth giving. The next time you start having gooey thoughts of life being beautiful in your head, think of smelly guts. At this point, at least I can agree with the golden rule. If you learn to follow this piece of work, then you will be alright. If someone decides to screw you over, you can just forgive but not forget.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
2. No Pain, No Gain
The statement here is that if you do not go through any pain, then you will gain very little or nothing. There are elements of truth to this, because life has a lot to do with deprivation. This overused statement is often used in the context of resistance training and exercise in general. The same way you will not gain muscle if you do not put in the painful work, you will not experience pleasure or relief if you do not deprive yourself. It should be stated that most people do not see this as a problem because of it’s use in limited context. Very few people are willing to understand this statement and take it to it’s logical conclusion. Just know that I believe in you because you can do it, so be yourself and rule the world. This is where life is the gift that keeps on giving.
People are so caught up in the drama in their lives that they will do little to actually fix the issues they are dealing with. It takes effort to understand what these statements say and the words you use, but people are not willing to do it. If you are going to glorify the pain, then it means you are the one who needs more answers. All it takes is a little pain, so it may be worth the gain in the end. Unfortunately, most people do not think of anything but the pain, especially if it is not that painful. While you should try to keep things simple, the ideal solution is not always a piece of cake. It will only get easier, you should be grateful, and life is the gift that keeps on giving. You can accomplish anything, but you have to give it your best shot.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
3. Love is the Answer
People always seem to think that love is the answer, as if it is a practical solution waiting to be used. While it is nice for people to be kind and caring, it is often not the case in reality. This is why people moan and groan to begin with, as having to find the easy answer is hard to actually work out in real life. If people actually put the effort in, they would yield these results. The problem is that you often have little control over it in spite of your best efforts. Most people will have a problem with fully involving themselves in this philosophy, as even the best of us struggle to meet our own expectations. While affection is ideal, is it really a possibility to accept, all things considered.
It is not to say that people can not be caring and affectionate, but love is just an empty promise. While people can love and show compassion for others, it comes from a selfish place. This may seem like it’s digging in too much to an already apparent truth, but our emotions do not lie to us. It is up to us to think through our emotions though, as to not allow them to get them best of us. When people are constantly preaching love and oneness, you should begin to question it. Maybe they are at least trying, but this trying generally comes from a dark and ignorant place. Their love means laziness and acceptance of inadequate outcomes, as love will serve to accomplish nothing on it’s own. Life is just so beautiful and perfect, it’s a piece of cake, but you cannot trust anyone.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
4. You Get What You Deserve
This brazen statement is just about as overused as you can get when it comes to things people say too much. It’s another simple and lazy way to feel like you did the right thing or to justify your rage. While some people are beyond saving and truly deserve ridicule and spite, some people are handed this for no good reason. We are all controlled by mechanisms beyond our control, and sometimes, life hands us crap. You may get what you give, but to make it out as an answer to life’s problems is terribly overstated. The fact is that deserve really has nothing to do with it, but we practically have little control over how we blame things.
If a person went out and robbed someone, it is a fact that this person probably deserves something bad. This is at least what we want to think, as incentives, positive or negative should be placed. An outcome will be an outcome, and what can we do but accept it and move on in some way. We are in control enough to change, but we are too often afraid to make it. When someone condescendingly tells you to think about it, then be sure to give them what they deserve. This is because this meaningless piece of drivel is only served to confuse and conflate. If a celebrity says something seemingly profound, we pat them on the back and listen carefully. In the end, you should just be yourself, because this somehow makes sense in a good way.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
5. Life is What You Make of it
Most people may think that life is what you make of it, but life is more about what it makes of you. It may sound good on paper as a piece of motivational memorabilia, but this function barely goes further. We can react to how our life is turning out, but this is just another thing beyond our control. This is certainly no practical excuse to do nothing, but it was going to be this way no matter what.
People can change for the better or worse, but this does not mean that we cannot do better. Our understanding of reality still has some work to do, as life is more than just about being okay or making it to the top. We can always at least try to change our perspective, but it leaves little on the other people making it worse. It is what it is, and people will be people, but karma is a bitch. There is always time, and it is never too late to imagine people in their underwear. Unfortunately, you cannot have your cake and eat it, too.
If you want to screw someone over or want the lazy way of making someone better, give it a go. I am sure that the person will not appreciate it, but they will end up using the exact same line of bull crap. If one small thing was different, a person could have been in a much better place. It is not to say that a butterfly will cause a hurricane, but it may actually take fewer than you think. You should learn to just thank god for all that he has done.
We will all think of our lives as we think of them, but was it worth all of the pain to get there in the meantime. Their best bet for not taking things to their natural conclusion is a statement as vapid as this. The unfortunate fact is that most people cannot actually do this, and it ends up causing pain you cannot ignore. All you have to do is believe in yourself, and life will hand you fortune and good will, right? Just do not bend over to get the soap.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
6. Life is Shit and Then You Die
This is just another one of those vacuous statements that again makes an excuse for poor behavior among the living. If we do not want to do something and then deal with the consequences, we have this. We can then always fall back on this statement to help protect us. It certainly is true that life sucks, but do people really believe it. Life is a not simply all bad, but it can seem this way in the moment. The way people say it oftentimes can make it almost seem like a farcical thing to think. It may be a great excuse to sit on your ass and wishful think your way to victory, but it does nothing more. Someone may even think that life is shit and take this so far. It then becomes an almost cartoonish representation of the facts.
Most of the time, this is just about you dealing with your emotions. Then it is about acting like you are tough enough to overcome them. Once all of the negativity is gone, people go back to being the assholes they are used to being. If you want to make this sentence mean something, you have to be sure of it. All it takes are words and moods to manipulate our minds enough to say or think something entirely different. It is just that one thought that tips you over the edge to believe something slightly different. Our reactions will guide us in a direction, and thus we react with a sense of immunity. If you want to live in shit, then accept it and move on. If you do not, you have to accept the crap you are given to try to make the world a better place.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
7. Try Harder Next Time
Yes, you did the best you could do, it is not your fault, and there was nothing you could do about it. These are the so-called kind and loving words you heard when you listened to the words titled above. All you can do is nothing, as you can simply wait for the next big thing. Why not wait to make the same mistake again while pretending to regret the outcome. If all you can do is blame yourself, what was the point in making the mistake to begin with. There is no try, at least according to a movie character, because all you can do is do. While you are at it, be sure to try harder next time, because this will certainly give you the win you are looking for. Just have some faith by believing in yourself, winners never quit, but it takes one to know one.
As a slice of motivation, it can be used to great effect as a solid piece of work. The problem is that there is often nothing else to back up what this statement means when used by someone. Another issue is that most people use and abuse words, which is the problem with language. We will often make more meaning of these words than others actually meant them when telling us. If someone wants to try harder next time, they will learn how to use their words for actual betterment. The fact of the matter is that most people do not care, so why expect them to try harder next time. Practice may make better, but it certainly does not make perfect. If you want to find an association, you can certainly do that here.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
8. What Comes Around Goes Around
This little simplistic platitude goes well along side the idea that you cannot control others. While you can only control yourself, the idea of karma and scratching others backs always seems to end in disappointment. Some people will get away with murder just because that one last clue was not found. It could have been different, but the other outcomes are mute when the one true outcome has already happened. Things can change, but the change is usually because someone did something stupid to make it happen. A person can truly pay for their crimes in guilt and regret, but this does not mean that they will get what they deserve. Maybe they were screwed over, and the cycle will continue in your abrasion.
There will always be an outcome that is more negative if you are doing something negative. If this is the explicit meaning of this, then fine, but there is little use in it. It works well as a one-line zinger to use against someone, but so what. If we are inhibited in our function to properly take action, why even bother to begin with. Even if it is often understood that these platitudes are useless mush, some people do not get it. The way you speak and what you say can make all of the difference. If you want to prove your insight, try to avoid reciting this nonsense. It may make you sound poetic and intelligent, but it really makes you sound like a try hard. Don’t worry, it is all going to be alright, and this is all you had to hear.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
9. Better Safe Than Sorry
If there is any statement I can agree with on this list, it would be this one. The unfortunate thing is the way it is often used to little affect. People will often mince words to avoid having to take any accountability for what they really mean when saying it. A problem also lies in the fact that people will genuinely mean it. Unfortunately, their understanding when saying it is often lacking. Even if you mean well, if it is better to avoid getting in a car than crashing, then I can agree. This is where things get complicated, as if this is used wisely, you can keep it very simple. If it means that you should avoid being the better person in a situation where danger is involved, then it is being abused. The unfortunate idea here is that you should often look out for yourself no matter what.
On a micro-level, this is fine, but the macro-level shows how it is not so useful. Hey, it’s not like we can do anything about it, right? You should simply stay in and ignore how all of these things can work together. A dichotomy exists in how people are willing to make a difference in the world. Manipulation and dishonesty reign supreme in an existence that can only hope to work in it’s tattered function. Just because something is does not mean that it is all okay. If you want to overcome the burden of fear, you have to be willing to give up your sense of security. In the end, is it better to be safe than sorry, or should you learn to think about it a little bit more. In the end, you get what you give, and you should just forget about it.
10 Worst Overused Cliches
10. You Never Know What You are Going to Get
The idea around this little cliché is that you should appreciate the beauty in mystery. If this is okay with you, then seeing a psychiatrist may be something you should look into. The story entails learning to not worry through trepidation and pure and iron will. There is always something new around the corner, and this is something you should greatly appreciate. It may also be used in the context of a pretentious lack of knowledge about an impending negative outcome. Even if you get a useless gift, others will tell you to appreciate it — it is all you can do. The mystery and anticipation should be enough to woo you into disappointment and fear. I mean, whatever happens happens, right? There is no point in trying to change it until the shoe is on the other foot.
This is what makes life so intriguing to some people; they do not allow the perfect to get in the way of the better. If this box of chocolates is the best you can give, would you not expect more than poop wrapped in sophistication. It is a fact that most people have low expectations, and this often gets the best of them. If expectations are high, then all you can expect is disappointment. You can hope for the best and expect the worst, but who the hell wants to do that. What this displays is a vacuous understanding of cause and effect, as thinking is often a second thought. The more we overthink and experience anxiety and depression, the more we can simply hope for something better. If you want to know what you expect, you have to risk with confidence to sway the dice in your direction.
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