The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
Humans are self-absorbed and nihilistic little jerks, but there’s no doubting that they can think highly of themselves. Afterall, it doesn’t matter if it comes down to the way that they think they look or the way that they feel. They will, in fact, always find something to give themselves credit for, and they will even attempt to hide this arrogance. Regardless, when we’re talking about the most amazing parts of the body, we can be talking about any animal. The animal doesn’t have to be anything special, but that body part can be worth looking at. If anything, that animal can have something else that makes them just as special in a slightly different way. However, to make things clear, we are looking at the human body, and this is what we’ll do today. In the end, these are the 10 amazing parts of the human body … .
Well, some of these parts are somewhat unique to the human body, right?
The Human
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
1. Genitals
If we’re going to talk about the most amazing parts of the human body, then we have to mention the genitals. You see, it doesn’t matter if you are male or female, as your genitals always have some sort of astounding function to speak of. Afterall, not only can your genitals be masturbated, but they can also be used on other people. Of course, to many people, this would be a crude inclusion for the simple sake of humor, but this cannot be further from the truth. When we look at things this way though, we have to understand the practical function of our sexual organs. In fact, they are the fruit of our inevitable labor, and they are also the reason that we find reason to live. Not only are they beautifully attractive to … someone, but we can also use our organs to touch somebody else’s organs.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
2. Eyes
When people talk about how pretty someone else’s eyes are, what part of the eye are they speaking of. Also, where do these eyes lead ultimately, and how do we end up making the most of them, right? Of course, these are rhetorical questions, and it obviously depends on the person and their stalker. Nonetheless, some people are talking about the color of their eye, and other folks are talking about the shape of their eye facial features.
In spite of this, most people find the eyes to be the gateway to the “soul,” but where do they even go? Do they lead to the anus, or do they lead to a nearly functionless piece of gray matter? No one will ever answer this question honestly, and this is where the problem begins and ends. If we’re to ever get to the bottom of this eye conundrum, then we have to face the honest truth.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
3. Anus
When push comes to shoving it into where the sun doesn’t shine, we have to look at the moon for answers. Afterall, we always have to take a crack at the answers ourselves, but giving ourselves to go deep is certainly welcome. Hell, the digestive system even lends great credence to arguments about “bacteria with brains.” In the end, the cheeks do not matter, as our bowel movements lead way to tightness that we cannot forgive. If we are to forgive it — its foul stench and smelly odors — though, then we can understand it’s meaningful utility. “What is this meaningful utility?” you ask. Well, it’s the second place to go when your special someone is dealing with their moody, bloody problems. Furthermore, it also leads to the mouth, which ultimately leads straight back to the anus/rectum all over again.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
4. Mouth
If we are going to mention the inverse of the anus, then we have to discuss the entry point as well. What does this entry point do, and does it satisfy our talking and sucking desires? Also, does the mouth have its own set of issues though? Well, of course it does, but does this also mean that we cannot make the most of this wonderful body part.
There’s always so much to put in the mouth, but it comes down to the meaning of this orifice. Afterall, the mouth is our verbal soul, and it gives us the ability to create words, sounds with chords. It also hurts to mention how if you eat with your butt that you can poop with your mouth. Of course, many people will detest this, and they may even be the kind of people who think with their butts. In the rear end, we have to accept it’s place on this awesome booty-full list.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
5. Cheeks
Although this seems strange, our cheeks are meant to show a lot of expression; they’re certainly fantastic at showing the purpose of life. To this, they may even hide the mysteries of the anus a little bit better, depending on the person and the size of the cheekbones. With all concern though, does this make any sense? You see, it doesn’t matter if it’s where vomit spews from your mouth or diarrhea splatters from your anus. As long as you are given more reason to dig for buried treasure, the cheeks display their purpose with abundance. Furthermore, the cheeks can have a sexual and curvaceous context applied to them as well — this makes them even better. How so? Well, who knows, but don’t be so cheeky about them in spite of their nice yet foreboding spread of disgusting and upsetting justice.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
6. Nose
To mention all of the senses almost seems like premature blasphemy, but why not mention the most grandiose of features. Although, at the same time, these features are the cause of great pleasure and pride amongst the populations of mankind. However, even though they may cause a great amount of suffering or ruin a person’s face, what harm is there in displaying them. In fact, do we all not have the right to share our opinions, and our noses are at the forefront of this purpose. How is this so? Well, I don’t know, but it just so happens to be the centerpiece of the face. The head enjoys its mantle, and the idea of the booger man and Mr. Hooky disturb the mind. Nevertheless, in spite of the nosey smells that it can smell permeating the pungent aura of the air, why elude the stink of the omnipotent.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
7. Ears
In spite of the problems that most people have with their protruding ears, people seem to appreciate their ear function. I mean, how many people can hear with their ears through their hair without care. Can you answer this cryptic and rhetorical question? Well, you probably cannot, but there’s no shame in that, right? Although, as a person who does not have this problem, I can tell you that it can be great fun to understand the ears. However, at the same time, we can deal with issues pertaining to our ears that can create issues. Be it with appearance or the occasional tinnitus, the ears might just be worth removing to avoid any sense of false expectation. In fact, they may even serve as a way of helping us fight off those dastardly monsters who are sneaking up behind us during the night.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
8. Skin
While you are being racist and caring about skin color, I’m more worried about those giant lips that become cracked in the sun easier … . I may even find that certain pieces of skin are rather useless, but who cares about what I think. In spite of this problem though, we all know that skin is not necessarily a bodily appendage, mostly. However, we can also understand that the skin has a meaningful function that allows humans to differentiate themselves — this is melanin (like in hair). Furthermore, we can also use our sense of touch to feel our other organs … . Yes, those special organs of touch that allow us to facilitate the mindless and fruitless (game of) humping game. Isn’t this more than enough for most people? Well, of course it is, but you have to be willing to give it a shot first!
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
9. Heart
Sometimes, the best things are the things that you cannot see, including your emotions or the pain in your stomach that is caused by a turd coming from your special bum hole. If this isn’t enough to wet your appetite though, then consider looking to your blood valve for answers about your heartwarming existence. In fact, the heart gives you so much: love, concern, and conscious decisions that are remedied by your brain. However, when you are in doubt, you can even use a useless expression to help you through your panic attack. “Why the hard feelings though?” you ask. Well, it mostly stems from other people breaking the heart and puncturing the feelings. Afterall, without the heart, there would also be no pain in the world … or are other people the problem for the most part.
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
10. Brain
Even if you think that this post is a test of colorful writing, we cannot misinterpret how useful the brain and nervous system are. Afterall, for the most part, the brain serves as the central processing unit of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Even if your heart and lungs are fine, without your brain, you would not be able to function or think, as you would be dead or brain dead. Furthermore, you are mostly your brain, but the brain seems to also cause all sorts of psychological problems to boot. To many, this would be an issue; however, far too many people are too insane to notice this unforgivable fact. Regardless of this needless quandary, we can see how the brain is necessary to life, even when the tumors begin to grow. In the end though, at least you can know that something will kill you.
Did you know that you can never stop thinking? Woah!
The Brain
The 10 Amazing Parts of the Human Body
As you can see, everyone loves to display what they think makes them superior in some way over other people. Is this a good thing? Well, it probably isn’t anything decent, but humans obviously need to feel like they’re special. In fact, it’s one of the many vices that humans have on top of smelling other people’s farts. In the end, have we actually proven how we have meaningful purpose? Unfortunately, the answer to this is no, and we can even see that there isn’t much going on with humans. Other than the apposable thumb and the undutiful rights to language, we have little utility beyond other animals. If we’re to change this though, then we have to prove our worth and value beyond simple feelings. However, this has proven to much for the average person, and we’re on our way to the inevitable shitter.
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