The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
If you’ve even apologized to anyone, then you may know that the situation can get out of control fairly easily. You may not even be responsible, but there is something in you that requires a need to correct things, right? In spite of this, the end result doesn’t always pan out accordingly, and you may have even been there numerous times before. Although, while you are sitting there and trying to take responsibility for yourself, things can go off of the rails without you even realizing it. At the same time, we can understand with principle that we have to do the right thing. Of course, this is something that we should’ve done to begin with, but the circumstances are never that simple. Anyway, regardless of this, these are the 10 amazing ways to apologize to someone, but never expect it to be easy.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
1. Be Sincere
When we apologize to someone, we are often trying to avoid feelings of guilt or attempting to aggrandize ourselves. Of course, this doesn’t mean that our apologies have to be thrown aside and considered useless and self-aggrandizing. “Why, and how so?” you ask. Well, it comes down to the reasons that we apologize to begin with, right? Even then, our “sorry” may be seen as selfish, especially if we repeat ourselves without a reasonable excuse. Although, if we want to avoid this situation, then we have to do everything in our power to make the apology sincere. However, making an apology impactful can come with a lot of baggage, and this makes it even more difficult. To make this easier though, we can always do what we can to make it appear as though we have meaning behind it, meaningfully.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
2. Make it Easy
Just like when you’re trying to make your apology sincere, you have to make the situation easier for everyone involved. However, if you do not partake in this, then how can you expect the other person to forgive you for your trespasses. Of course, this can be done through practice, or it can be done through personal hardship — it’s up to you. Although, acceptance doesn’t come easy, and doing the right things for others means changing yourself from within to some degree. In spite of this though, if you want to make the other person trust you, then you will have to make it easy for them. Without a reasonable doubt, meaning your apology helps, but your delivery matters just as much. In the end, how this is successful depends on you, but not overpromising and underdelivering is very crucial.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
3. Display Generosity
Even if it seems like a bit too much, displaying a little bit of generosity can help an apology go a long way. The end result doesn’t have to be too much, but at the same time, apologies do not come for free, mostly. Of course, it is on the other person to not be critically unfair, but we are talking about your problems. Especially if you are responsible for something fairly heinous, you will find that a simple apology will not work. In fact, you must display some creativity in this process of thinking.
— Of course, an apology is not the only thing that counts, and you must promise more. —
Not only is this okay on their part for expecting more, but they have every right to not accept your excuses. If this is the case, then you obviously have to consider your possibilities, and going out of your way is one of them. It obviously does not have to be much, but a general display of courtesy is one of the best ways to recuperate from a negative situation without putting in way too much effort.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
4. Display Rationale
When it comes to apologizing, many irresponsible or even ignorant people may see it as a simple process. Of course, this can be either a good or bad thing, as some people are simply too lazy to do what is right. If things are to become “right” though, then you must consider how you feel about the debacle as a whole. Then again, how you feel is not the only thing that matters, and following your emotions is not always the right thing to do. However, there aren’t many good, guiding answers either.
— Yeah, you didn’t mean it, but did you apologize afterwards. —
The last thing that you want is for your pitiful emotions to get in the way and ruin your ability to think without personal self-coercion. However, when it comes down to it, you should always consider how your ability to be rational is important. You also need to consider how people appreciate this, even if it means that they will not come to your side much faster or at all. In the end, is this what you want?
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
5. Avoid Exaggeration
Assuming that you are the one who has to apologize, you are going to have to make the other person trust you. Not overthinking everything is a start, but who is to say that a little bit of thought is not required. Of course, this would be considered reasonable, but not everything is overthinking either. To make it easier for yourself though, there are plenty of ways to simplify the process. One of these processes is to avoid exaggeration, i.e., acting or making too many promises. This not only doesn’t get you sucked up in the aftermath, but it also makes you more believable. Isn’t this simple enough? Well, it should be, and to make it even easier for yourself and your victim, you should keep your distance. Things like melodrama and emotional turmoil can drive people away from a good apology.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
6. Don’t Apologize
There is a time and place for an apology, and you may even realize that the best apology the lack of verbal apologizing. Of course, many people find that this is a shortcut or too difficult to overcome for the wrong reasons. The other person may even need a little time to overcome the grief of the negative situation that you have caused them. Afterall, when we apologize, we are always considering the consequences (mostly), and the results may end with less situational awareness. Sometimes, it simply takes a little patience to make the difference, and there’s no harm in giving it a wait. Who wants the pressure of having to do it immediately or right after the other person upsets you back. Well, nobody does — that’s who! However, this is a rhetorical question, and it matters little to the main point.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
7. Understand an Apology
Some people may accept your apology, and it’s also likely that other people will not. You may even have the best intentions, but the other person does not see it. This may be because you have apologized numerous times before or because the other person is simply being unreasonable. At this point, we can separate what an apology is by if it’s even necessary to begin with. Of course, many people are simply being unfair even when you did nothing wrong. In this situation, others may need a little space, or there is even reason to believe that they do not require anything of an apology. However, just because someone does not need an apology does not mean that you have to avoid it. When this is the case though, there are superior approaches to the situation, and thinking this through can help immensely.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
8. Create Motivation
When it comes to apologizing, like many things in life, there are a lot of things to consider. You may even wonder if you are capable of apologizing because of the reasons that you upset someone to begin with. Of course, not only will you have to consider the who, what, when, where, and why, but you will also have to give yourself room to grow. In addition, you should consider finding purpose to apologize for the right reasons, including the reasons that you screwed up to begin with. The reasons can be difficult to comprehend though; however, it does not mean that you shouldn’t do it. With this in mind, giving yourself an outside perspective — ideas from others — always helps with understanding the good/bad as well. It will also make it easier for you to do the right thing in the future; this is a good thing.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
9. Have Low Expectations
Although having to apologize can be difficult for a plethora of reasons, having low expectations is just as immensely challenging. Of course, this is a part of the act of apologizing and doing your part, but there’s no denying this. There is plenty of hardship that can arise from this: hatred, disconcertment, and even excommunication. Without-a-doubt, people can be hard to please, and going in without getting your hopes set too high is important. However, if you come close to deciding that you should apologize for the wrong reasons, then you will likely pay. This means that you have to cater your apologies to a reasonable rationale, but there is also room for honesty without ridicule. Afterall, most people have multiple reasons to be upset with you, and even if they’re not, they deserve the truth.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
10. Share a Story
Just like when you’re attempting to avoid disappointment when you give everything your all, you will have to create context. Although this can be difficult, giving a reason behind what you have done can make a the ultimate difference. Of course, this is what a lot of people do, but they’re often making excuses for their bad behavior. It even seems like fairly obvious advice, but many people seem to forget or misunderstand this aspect of being apologetic. To make it even better though, you can even find ways to relate to the person who you’re apologizing to. How so? Well, you can give them your reasons without also attempting to blame them for your actions or words. Furthermore, you can even give them room to give you advice for your past failures. In the end, what other options do you have, right?
The 10 Amazing Ways to Apologize
As you can see, there are numerous ways to look at your or other people’s apologies differently. There are even little mind tricks that you can play with yourself to make the entire process easier. Of course, this doesn’t mean that everything will go according to plan, but there is no doubting its productive nature. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to react the same to your apologies, and understanding this is also important, overall. This perfection is too much to expect anyway, and it often leads nowhere but further failure and negativity. However with some time, you will find ways to remedy your counterproductive ways, and the end result will become better. Although, if you want things to work out, you will have to put some effort in to begin with. In the end, does this sound all that difficult to pull off?
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