I’m going to be listing the 10 amazing ways you can control your anger.
Anger is an emotion that comes from feeling wronged, betrayed, or frustrated. It’s supposed to help, but, sometimes, it has nothing to give in return. It’s a natural emotion, and it is often seen to be more productive than crying or hiding. Anger, like any emotion, has a bad side, and it’s a bad side that must remain in check.
Oftentimes, anger comes from frustration and stress. If you don’t have these things in check, then you’ll find yourself angry all of the time. This intense anger can turn into rage, and the feeling can be extremely unpleasant. It’s not to say that you have to have severe anger issues, but any issue with anger is bad. If you’re struggling with any kind of anger whatsoever, then there are improvements to make. The feeling of anger gives us gratifying and steadfast emotion, and it allows us to better quantify our lives. Unfortunately, that’s the lie, but it’s alright to be angry, as long as you don’t hurt anyone, including yourself. Just be sure to make improvements, and know that there is a way out. To put it simple — don’t fall for the addictive nature of anger, as it is maddening.
Our drive to improve can come and go, and in that, it’s a constant battle to the top. Just know that there are endless improvements to make, even if they seem to diminish in their returns. While we can linger on the past, it’s a waste of time. The future is what holds our feelings from now on. Just because all can seem lost, it’s only because it’s a temporary feeling. Yes, it’ll always be a battle, just know that you can always feel better. Trying to find value in those silly little feelings is always a plus, but life may hand your grief and hardship.
Don’t allow your feelings of perfection to get in the way of what can make you feel better. You feel bad for a reason, and it often has nothing to do with reaching your peak. You may even be able to lift it all together, but the best cliched advice I can give is to take it one step at a time. Thinking too far ahead can discourage you, and a lack of motivation can be daunting. Don’t destroy your drive by thinking of the perils that come, just know that it’ll be worth it in the end. There is never an end to improvements, because we are always at least trying to maintain. If this is not enough, you can at least hold solace in that the adventure has an end and the journey always continues.
1. Alone Time (The 10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Anger)
Having alone time allows you to think without the pressure of others around you. If you’re able to reflect with ample alone time, you may find that the thing angering you are not worth it. It’s not to say that it’s always easy having alone time, but even if you work constantly, this may be the solution. It’s always possible to have alone time, you just have to force it and choose it over other things. If you feel like you can’t do something because of anger, it’s nice to mull it over with yourself. This is wise, because it doesn’t pour your grief over everyone else, and it keeps you from making a fool of yourself. Anger is likely to spill on others at some point, so holding it in bears no fresh fruit no matter the consequence.
The feeling of wasted time is a part of the process people get hung up on. The more we battle our problems, the more we realize where they came from. Problems will replace problems, but it does not mean that it’s all a waste of time just because we took our time getting there. It’s about making time, and the words you use can effect you. They can also effect your ways of thinking. This thinking should not ruin your life, so let the words be a guide from which your emotions lead.
Anger is brewing in your brain because it’s something in your head that you have not yet resolved. If you must sit in a room all day and think, think about the things that bother you most. The more you fear them and feel you lack the courage the face them, the longer they linger. Before long, you’ll be wondering why you did not do these things before. At first they may be painful, but before you know it, it’ll all be alright. The thing you have to consider once you’ve figured it all out is to not give in to futility. You always have a quest of “self-actualization” ahead of you. Don’t feel as though there’s nothing left, because the irritability can drive you insane. Anyway, hopefully you got something from this, even if it seems like the ravings of a loony madman.
2. Do Things You Like
If you’re distracted doing the things that you like doing, you’ll find that anger doesn’t surface as much. Not only this, you’ll be more motivated and less complacent. If you do the things that you like, you’ll get better and succeed more. You may even find that you can make money doing the things that you like. And before long, you’ll be feeling better no matter the reason you’re angry, especially if it’s because a lack of success. Things like sex can help as well, and everyone enjoys an occasional romping, right? If you have sex, it can release oxytocin — the love chemical — and grant you the ability to ignore your anger at time. If you struggle with getting laid, it may be time to start following some other items on the list.
Doing what you like to do may not be so easy. Some may think that there should be a list for each item on this list, but it’s all pretty simple. Feel free to look back though, as there are plenty of ways to find the time. All people need is a little push sometimes, and then they’re on their merry way.
Having a goal oriented mind helps your realize that there are other things to accomplish other than your anger. Yes, this anger that brews simply happens, but it helps give your more perspective anyhow. Living on this principle helps, and also, realizing that you’re wasting your time with this frivolous anger does not help. Not letting it get to you will occur, but time wasted is time learnt. If you allow yourself to bend, at least in thinking of it as a waste, it can all seem for not. This can further anger you, but to realize that the principle can create purpose and make it count is useful. Saving up money is another example, and while you may be struggling, even if you are rich, it’s best not to waste money on crap. The struggle can help you trying times.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Anger
3. Avoid Comparing Yourself
One of the main reasons people have anger issues is because of others around them. It’s not only about thinking that others are silly or stupid, it’s about not comparing yourself to others. Holding petty resentments because you think that someone else is better than you will not help. If you can’t find ways to think of others as another version of yourself, you may struggle with the problem. Yes, people can be frustrating and may not do things the way we do them, but it’s no excuse to cause yourself frustration. Forget about others for a while, and try to do the best you can do for yourself. Don’t try to think about how others got their answers, to their opinions, or place in life. It’s probably best to give talking a try, considering it may convince people of your side and your frustrations.
Comparing yourself to others is a massive waste of time. You may think that someone is better than you, but your thoughts can be deceiving. The idea that often floats is that you’re mad and insecure because you are selfish and jealous. Yes, you may have jealousy, but are you actually lesser than? No, but the anger can make others at least say this. We’re not always less than, but it can be our perception alone that causes this. This leads to making sure you understand the people around you. What they say is important, but what they mean is even more so. Don’t get lost in the lunacy of endless thought.
It can be extremely stressful to always have this at the back of your mind, and before long, you may withdraw. Doing this will only make the problem worse. It’s okay to withdraw inward at times, but to follow your insecurities into the dungeon is a bad idea. This can lead to you finding solutions to a problem short-term, but the problems you’re solving are in the wrong way. If you’re addressing the wrong problem, you may constantly question what’s preventing you from being happy. It’s because you never thought of a better way to be happy or less mad to begin with. The point is to eventually get over these feelings of envy. Once you do this, the minutia will lose all of it’s meaning, and the chatter you were so concerned with may reveal itself in honesty.
4. Write Down Your Stress
If you want to avoid that rage that takes you over, writing down your thoughts and feelings can help. Not only will it calm you down, it’ll show you the thoughts that cause it. It can help you realize that the things that are making you so upset are probably not worth it. Giving yourself a chance is what matters most, and if you’re not willing to do the basics, you’ll never succeed. This can start with writing down your dreams or daily activities in a diary or journal. You can tie this to your anger and see what actually makes you tick. Writing down your negative feelings and addressing them for at least a few minutes every day will give you some insight. The more you think can give you more experience in dealing with negative thoughts. Just understand that these negative thoughts are not you.
Writing a story is another cathartic way of releasing those bundled emotions of anger. Writing either a short story or poem and great linguistic ways to show your creativity. The best way to bridle anger is song writing, too. If you add a story to it, you can find ways through melody to distract and release that anger. If you apply a story to your anger, you not only create it in abstract, you turn it into something. You can relive it in a better way once you’ve resolved it. It’s almost like you can rewrite your story in a better way through a better medium to have better control over the outcome.
This mostly comes down to creating an eclectic routine revolved around goals. Anger can linger and create unnecessary strife in your life, and it often comes from fear, phobias, depression, and anxiety. The more you deal with this ahead of time, the better off you’ll be in the long run. Feelings of failure and humiliation create a world around you that seems malicious and hateful. So, if you want to avoid this negative thinking all together, you have to solve it. If you want to solve it, doing things that you enjoy, while also writing down your feelings, can help you greatly. Just be sure to get enough sleep as well. Sleep is vitally important, so don’t forget to use your time wisely. It’s really not all that hard, and it allows your patience to be more natural. This should be one of the key takeaways from this article.
5. Go to Therapy (The 10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Anger)
Therapy sounds like something that you may be trying to avoid, but it comes in handy. They have numerous anger management classes you can take online and off. If you’re looking to get a hold on the things that anger you, therapy is nice because it makes you look within. Yeah, it’s really goofy, but in reality, it’s not. It’ll greatly help you to take a look and have a talk. This can happen among friends or without them. The best route though is to see a therapist. Their expertise can help you along the way. Even if you feel like an expert, having someone else there that knows what they’re doing is better than a simple acquaintance. They can devote all of the time with you to you and your problems, be it anger or depression.
Talking with someone helps greatly, but honesty is key. If you’re missing a crucial detail, it can greatly reduce the ability of the therapist or psychologist helping you. If you need medication, you may not get it, especially if the therapist senses secrecy or dishonesty. Therapists can be good at picking up on these cues, but you can be sure. It’s best to make it easy for them, because important details can be easy to miss, even to a professional. A therapist may even drop you if you don’t get anywhere. This often happens because of the patient not being open enough, in spite of confidentiality.
As mentioned, a simple talk with friends or family will suffice. Talking is a form of therapy, be it with with or about the people that frustrate you or the things that piss you off. It’ll give you an open door to other ways of thinking and possibilities. Sitting there and stewing as you marinate in your own misery is not the way to do it. The more you challenge your ideas with the thoughts of others, the better you’ll be, even if you despise the idea. This fear of others controlling you is just another one of your fears rearing it’s ugly head in like a game of whack-a-mole. The less you juggle these dissonant emotions, the less likely you’ll be running back and forth between them. The more you’re aware, the better it becomes, just learn to know what it is.
6. Learn to Be Nice (The 10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Anger)
A great way to blow of some steam is to learn some simple rules of educate. Being nice to others and showing some empathy is a great way to learn how to lessen your anger. While this seems to be easier said than done, it’s on this list to simply let you know. Learning how to be nice seems to be the end goal, but it’s a gradual process that can help nonetheless. If you learn to be nice with others, it’s a nice distraction from the anger causing you self-destruction. If you’re learning to be nice, you’ll realize that this niceness can rub off on you. This will come from exposing yourself to others, even if you don’t like them. This challenge will open you up and make your realize that there are better coping mechanisms.
Learning a lesson in liking is great for the mind and body. As corny as it sounds, a platitude or two to keep it simple is often enough for the other person to get it. If they don’t understand, assume that they did, because it’s no big deal no matter what.
Now, not everything is projection, but if you don’t like others for no good reason, it may be you. If you find yourself in constant odds with others, you will never be happy. Use this as an opportunity to realize this so that you can cleanse the plague that’s been consuming you. Lastly, you may realize that no one hates you when you’ve been mistreating yourself and others. Once this is resolved, the anger you’ve been showing yourself will not enrage you. This comes from the fact that you have been treating others with the same judgement your treat yourself with. If you want to be forever alone, continue along this path of degradation.
Do not continue the cycle of abuse. Even if someone else is responsible, the details don’t matter too much. They matter here, as detail explains a point, but they’re not important where accountability takes the cake. Being responsible and aware of your actions means something. This something involves always being the best person you can be, regardless of others. Yes, we all make mistakes, but it’s about looking beyond that if that’s where you happen to be stuck. Being captured in this fight or flight nonstop is no fun.
Maybe your problem was not being around others enough, and in this, you can find your answer. Being alone may seem like good fun at first, but most people need others around them. Even if you’re a loner who rationally avoids people, it does not hurt to have at least someone around occasionally. You may not be aware of it, but we all desire someone more than imagination sometimes. Most people know this, but some people are just afraid. Feelings of fear and happiness can lead to depression and anger, as well as feelings of inadequacy. You will continue to make these feelings worse if you don’t address them. Just don’t be afraid that you’ll get sucked into a relationship. There’s no point in struggling between a rock and hard place.
7. Exercise (The 10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Anger)
If you want a way to cool yourself down that won’t give you a chance to get upset, exercise is a great exercise. Not only will you improve your daily routine, your habits will change. If you feel like you’re succeeding, it’ll give you a better outlook on life. Just because life can suck, does not mean that it has to suck all the time. It can change and take a turn for the better, and if you’re always upset and angry, you have improvements to make. It’s not always easy, but it’s certainly a long and short-term solution that won’t stop you from knowing what you know. At the very least, you can end up looking better than you currently look. There are always improvements to make, but it’s likely that you have not even taken the first step.
Exercise releases endorphins, and these endorphins can help with feelings that may be burdening you. If you lose the energy to be upset after a productive stroll in the park, you’ll be less angry. I can guarantee that it’ll be successful about 100 percent of the time. And to know what you’re trying to figure out is always important. Don’t be upset with yourself because you don’t always at least think that you have the answer. Sometimes we judge ourselves too harshly for making a mistake in getting lost. Maybe we had the answer, we just got lost and forgot this in thinking about it after the fact.
Weightlifting can be a great way to see results and get that anger out. Not only will it give you a better workout, it calms you down and relieves the anger. Now, it’s not to say that you should walk into a gym all upset and angry going berserk, but it can help drive you. It can help you improve, and it can give you an outlet, especially if your anger comes from an internal blight. If you’re wanting to get jacked or skinny, it’s best not to just sit still. Your insecurities can drive you to make change in the biggest way possible. So, if you’re feeling inadequate because of your perceived appearance, go out there and show yourself how you can look.
8. Have Reasonable Expectations
If you’re going out expecting the most of a situation, you may find yourself disappointed. This disappointment can come from feelings of “having your hopes up,” but it does not mean that it should bother you. The struggle with anger often comes from a feeling of dissonance between reality and expectation. If you have a fragile or “large” ego, the struggle can be worse. This struggle can be seen and considered narcissistic rage, and it has much to do with a false expectation of others. Regardless of where it comes from, it’s best to avoid having expectations that will end up angering you. Since you know yourself best, avoid getting into those situations to begin with. Before long, you’ll begin to find it easier to deal with the thoughts that upset you to begin with.
Having reason is key to success when it comes to anger. You may have it, but you may be lacking in one key area. Like self-awareness, it’s not always enough, and we all have blind spots. There are always improvements to make, so it’s best to consider your options and move ahead rather than second guess. Based on the bad decisions you’ve left yourself with, you may feel forced to think a certain way. You don’t have to, but you may feel a need to. Depending on the person, something you try may or may not be enough for you. It’s never worth giving up though, because no matter how “good” you are, you haven’t tried to be the best you can be.
If you go out and expect people to praise you, you probably have a problem. This stems from not having had learned the right methods of defense for your brain. You can learn to respect yourself without relying too much on others. Along with this, you can learn to not tear others down with rebuke and disdain as you deal with your struggles. It does not take hurting others for you to feel best about yourself. The sooner you realize that the obligation of this rabbit hole is only coming from you, the better you’ll feel about everything else. Just be sure to avoid getting lost in thought. Sometimes, you can end up on both sides of an issue, and this can create dissonance and frustration. Learn to lead with facts, and leave the hypothetical situations to some other time.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Anger
9. Quit Being So Hard on Yourself

Learning how to be self-aware is a start, but it can lead you to be hard on yourself… or not hard on yourself. Also, learning that it’s okay to fail is a great way to take the burden of performance off of yourself. If you keep setting yourself up for failure, you create dissonance. This higher standard of keeping yourself at the top of your game will further your frustration. Considering that anger comes from your unwillingness to change oftentimes, it can be a breathe of fresh air to change the standards you keep yourself to. We are probably harder on ourselves than anyone else possibly could be. It’s not to say that others can’t cause problems for us, but we’re the ones obligating ourselves to keep the problems here.
It feels good to think things through. The more you think, the less time you’ll waste, but just because you wasted some time, does not mean that it’s not worth the fix. You’ll be able to relax and simply get through those tough thoughts blocking you from a good time. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s a matter of re-associating and acclimating to thoughts — not blocking them out. The more you block them out, the stronger they’ll come back to haunt you later on.
The harder you are on yourself without just cause, the more you’ll figure an issue with anger. You may start to lash out at others because of this. Sometimes these problems come from other people, but we don’t always have to blame ourselves. We should not blame others either, because the point is not to blame someone else if all else fails. The principle you should take from this is to find a solution no matter the reason or cause. To keep yourself or others stagnant because of your or their anger is no use. Just understand that no one owes anyone a thing, and this is something to learn and expect. The more you can do things yourself, the more you get used to the disappointment of others around you.
10. Diet, Meditation, and Supplements
The point would be to avoid such things as supplements and meditation, but they can help. Having a nutritious diet is another amazing way to get your out of the rut. If you take care of yourself or set new goals, especially with food, you’ll find very little time or reason to be livid. If you eat what you want and when you want, you’ll find yourself less irritable and angry. This feeling is often called “hangry,” and it’s no fun. However, you can find better ways to utilize the best path forward, and this can involve relying less on your appetite. If your anger boils down to diet alone, you’ll be in luck. There’s no better way to spay your anger than having a nice meal.
If a diet isn’t enough, meditation is an additional thing to consider. It goes along with alone time, but it does not have to be alone. So, if you’re feeling down on your luck, a few minutes of meditation every day can help you; it’s a highly therapeutic therapy. Cannabis and other drugs can help as well; however, I would not rely on them long-term. Also, supplements are just like medication without the need for a doctor or the lingering side effects.
If you want to take this route, you want to have all of the right nutrients without gaining weight. You’ll also want to eat food that you like. You can do all of this and more, but you want to eat all of the time. If you make a small sacrifice and learn to fast on a daily basis, you can do just that. On top of this, learning to eat healthy foods that taste good is also a smart thing to do. You can occasionally cheat, as long as you can make up for it at least a little later on. It’s not to say that you always have to eat a ketogenic or Mediterranean diet all of the time, but why would it not be enough. It addition to this, there are always supplements. Anything can help you out, you just have to give it a go.
Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Anger
You don’t have to go at it alone, and there are others dealing with similar problems as you. I’ve had to deal with such feelings of anger that would permeate my every day and every feeling. It gets in the way, and you will often not realize it. It’s often easy to blame others when you feel this stress, but this can lead to further mistakes, remorse, and anger. Stop always looking for answers, because an answer of why is not always an end all be all. It’s about safely understanding that a why can come from many causes, but it sometimes leads to more questions as to why. Make sure to not lose track of your thoughts or your original intentions, but never get to that point to begin with. If you lose track, just understand that it is okay.
There are always more things to say, but I can always add more later on. If you have anything interesting to add, you can always do that down below. There are numerous ways to deal with anger, but they all deal with the simple answer of getting over the pain. Much of this comes from my own experiences with anger, and people can struggle with this just like me. Borderline personality disorder is a major culprit and mental disorder involved with anger. I may seem like a madman or like I’m sharing too much, but it doesn’t matter, and I’m aware of this.
Keep yourself above water, and learn how to better go with the flow. It’s not easy at first, because we can have things like mental illness that can drive us into the dumps. It takes some getting used to, but you’ll know when enough is enough. We should never have to deal with these feelings, but that’s why you address them ahead of time, but it’s not always the way it works. Also, know that you will justly compensate for your emotions more so than just feeling normal, and you will come out wiser. You’ll come out the other end with more and better coping mechanisms because of your journey. As long as you had the problem and conquered it, you’ll receive a reward. In the end, those who struggle with need the most are the ones who make a difference.
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