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The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy
Do you ear me?

The ear is the organ that enables hearing (sound) and, in mammals, balance. In mammals, the ear is usually described as having three parts — the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. These are the 10 amazing ways to keep your ears healthy. Since the ear is prone to so many issues, especially over a lifetime, it’s best to make a habit of health now. The earlier you start, the more you can build up your health. Since the root of the problem comes down to personal choice, your chance to avoid so-called unavoidable doom starts early.

The outer ear consists of the pinna and the ear canal. Since the outer ear is the only visible portion of the ear in most animals, the word “ear” often refers to the external part alone. The middle ear includes the tympanic cavity and the three ossicles. The inner ear sits in the bony labyrinth, and contains structures which are key to several senses: the semicircular canals, which enable balance and eye tracking when moving; the utricle and saccule, which enable balance when stationary; and the cochlea, which enables hearing. The ears of vertebrates are placed somewhat symmetrically on either side of the head, an arrangement that aids sound localization.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy

1. Diet

All you’ve got to do is keep yourself away from excess sugar and processed foods. This is why diet is so important when it comes to day to day health. If you’re struggling, it’s because you’re so used to a diet full of loaded carbohydrates and refined foods (if you don’t exercise, carbs are just harmful). Since your diet is important, you’ve got to keep your calories in check to keep yourself in shape. The more you eat, the heavier you may become. Being overweight is no good, so be sure to keep an eye on your daily caloric intake. With time, it becomes easier to track — you won’t need to count as much. Your ears will appreciate this because of a good diet’s effect on cancer prevention and more.

Be sure to build the discipline it takes, because the effects of diet are cascading and serve to feed themselves. The more you consume healthy foods, the more you will also get your vitamins and minerals; bad foods will not allow you to absorb them if any at all are even present. Your micro and macro nutrients are also important, so be sure to avoid the carbs. Try to be balanced while finding reasonable alternatives, i.e., fruits instead of candy. A diet high in fats and protein is always better than a diet high in carbs, but keep a balance in check. The ability to control what you eat will always pay off in the end as you lose those negative cravings.

2. Fasting

The reason fasting is so helpful is because of it’s ability to cleanse the body. It does not mean that you should just jump in and expect an easy ride though. It’ll take some time for you and your body to get used to the lack of a regular intake of food. Just keep in mind that fasting is separate from starving yourself. This is why you should always get your vitamins and minerals in on a daily basis. Be sure to consume salt to avoid dehydration, especially if you’re not used to the food routine. This routine is good for you though, including your ears, because of it’s ability to cleanse your system of toxic waste that can build into disease (diabetes and hearing loss) and cancer.

There are two separate kinds of fasting — prolonged and intermittent. The best way to start out is through intermittent fasting. This means that you will be fasting between every day for at least 16 hours. You will space out your meals (or just have one meal) in the time slot appropriated for each day. Prolonged fasting is a separate beast that involves fasting for at least a day, if not 36 hours or more. The effects are essentially the same, but the prolonged fasting is more brutal and involves better benefits. The benefits of fasting include autophagy, boosted immune system, growth hormone production, BDNF (higher brain function and senses improve), and cancer preventing/healing properties.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy

3. Supplements

To keep this one short, there are plenty of good supplements on the market, including herbs, proprietary blends, and vitamins and minerals. While they aren’t all that different, they all serve a meaningful function, e.g., cancer prevention, immune health, and so on. If you’re lacking in the diet department because you eat to little or are eating too much of the wrong foods, you’ll benefit. However, a good diet is always helpful when it comes to absorbing these supplements.

Since a supplement is just an additional boost, be sure not to rely entirely on them. If you have a good diet, it’s hard to find a reason to take them. Although, some supplements are hard to find in foods, at least ones that taste good. If you want that additional boost though, they can be a great way to get over that hump. Just be aware that they are not going to help you beat cancer on their own. You’ve got to be healthy from the start, and that includes other factors. It’s just nice to know that you can fix some of those problems the healthy way.

4. Exercise

Exercise offers many of the same benefits as fasting, including helping your cardiovascular system. While fasting is more about detoxification, exercise is more about blood flow. Your body will increase feel good chemicals via endorphin release in your body. Since your body is going through pain, you will have a natural anesthetic help you with a runner’s high. You will be helping your heart live longer, burning through glucose (extra sugar) and fat, and increasing growth hormone and stress relief.

This is mostly pertaining to cardio, as mentioned, but resistance training can be a nice addition. If you’re strengthening your joints or adding muscle, it will help with weight loss, too. You must be careful though, because it can also cause injury. In this, it’s important to know that the more you exercise, the easier it becomes. You should be getting at least 150 minutes of exercise every week. This can be through walking, running, or even biking. Just be sure to make it a routine, and it will become easier. The moral of the story is maintaining consistency without overdoing it.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy

5. Doctor

Just go to a doctor to get a checkup/blood test at least once a year; they check your ears. They may not be cheap, at least not here, but they can certainly save you from further problems down the line. If you sense an issue with your health, see a specialist or get an appointment with your family doctor. Be sure to ask questions and let them know if you have noticed anything different. You may have a symptom that was thought nothing to worry about.

A doctor can only know so much, and it’s best to be open and honest. This doctor consultation can do wonders in saving you, but be sure to read up too. The more you know, the more you can work with your doctor on other remedies that can spare you. This is why it’s important to do your own research to find even better ways to heal yourself. A doctor will not always be willing to give you the easy answer that is sometimes right in front of you. Hell, they may not even be aware of it, so just be sure to keep them at an arm’s length.

6. Stress

Stress is a beast that you can only do so much to avoid from day to day. It can build up and you not even realize it. This stress is the tension of time restraint and tear on your daily grind through life and work. The more you stress yourself out, the worse your health will become. While you can’t avoid it all, it has a massive impact on you through direct and indirect factors. The best things you can do are try to become more mindful without losing your ability to function and stay motivated. If you have problems, look at your diet or lack of exercise and even fasting as answers.

The pain of chronic or acute stressors can lead you down a path of heart health issues or stroke. It’s really well known for causing obesity problems, being one of the main reason why so many Americans are overweight. Then, on top of that, being overweight can add additional stressors to your life through physical hardship and cancer. While some stressors are obvious, such as grief, others are going to take some digging to figure out. Just try to resolve them in the most humane way possible. You don’t want to feed the stress.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy

7. Drugs

Drugs are never the answer, but they are occasionally necessary when it comes to healing. The problem is that a drug can come with drug problems that includes substance abuse, negative symptoms, and withdrawal. A drug will offer a short-term solution that must be taken long-term to help with a chronic health crisis. If you need one and are getting it from a doctor, that’s fine, but you must stay wary. Mistakes always happen, and drugs are known to reduce the natural defenses of the body. This so happens to affect the ears too, considering some hard drugs can lead to negligence and even deafness.

You see, a supplement is not a drug, but even some “supplements” make that border between them hard to see. No matter the issue, if it creates more problems than it fixes, it might as well be a drug. Everything comes with a downside, and drugs are full of them. Be it a prescription medication or an illicit drug sold on the black market of the streets, you will always be at risk. Just understand that I’m not saying that street drugs are the same as prescription meds, but many of them are the same. Be aware that all prescription meds are essentially hard drugs sold by a doctor drug dealer. If you start to abuse them, you can die, or even worse.

8. Weight

Your weight is important, but how you lose or gain it and how fast it is changed are just as important. It can be a sign of an underlying health problem, including diabetes. Diabetes can cause vision and hearing handicaps that can become irreversible. Eating too many calories can cause weight gain, and the more you are overweight, the more susceptible you are to cancer. Since becoming overweight typically involves unhealthy foods, it means that cancer and disease are more prevalent. These illnesses and obesity can cause stress and be a product of stress, thus creating a sick cycle, literally.

You don’t just want to avoid being fat, because being too skinny or losing too much weight too fast is hazardous. As mentioned, you could be dealing with an underlying (mental) health problem. If you did not start with one, it can certainly lead to one. Meaning that you should keep a healthy weight without adopting unhealthy ways of getting there. Well, wherever there is for you in particular … which can be a problem.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy

9. Injury

Have you ever been punched in the ear or head? Do you remember that you heard ringing and had a headache afterwards? This kind of injury can lead to brain damage or even hearing problems. You can even break the bones in your ears. This means that you may end up losing some part of your ability to hear, creating a need for surgery. Since your ear, as a whole, and brain are closely tied, you should be sure to protect them both. Hearing or not, you can end up damaging the ear in some way that can cause serious issues later on. It does not only have to do with your ability to hear.

So, what does this mean? It means that you should be cautious when doing stupid things. You may even have to end up avoiding them outright while making it a habit to think about the consequences. Be sure to wear the proper protection by avoiding the corresponding and hapless irresponsible behavior. This extends to the most important parts of your ear — the middle and inner ear. Your ear is sensitive to sound, which is it’s stated purpose. If you constantly expose your ears to loud noises for extended periods of time, you can affect your hearing. A loud pop can also affect your hearing, so be sure to wear ear protection when it is needed.

10. Sickness

Be it a sickness from a disease or the common cold, having the willingness to take your health into account is important. The more you become sick, the more you are prone to becoming sick again. While it may increase your immune system short-term, an underlying cause of recklessness can contribute to unforeseen consequences. If you want to keep yourself as healthy as possible for as long as possible, avoid getting sick. While it’s never the end of the world if you get the flu once, it adds up. If you keep getting it over and over again, that’s a problem you must address. The more you keep your hygiene a consideration, the better off you will be.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Ears Healthy

There you have it! Those are the 10 amazing ways to keep your ears healthy. Just remember to avoid all of that enticing ear sex, because the constant rubbing will do more damage than just clean your ears. Yes, I’m only talking about a q-tip. What else would I be talking about that also fits?

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