The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
Everyone is smart in their own ways, but are we all utilizing our skills to their max? See, this is where things get tricky, because we’re constantly being bombarded with daily life. Daily life not only creates new opportunities to learn, but it creates a hostile environment that can get in the way. The hazards of daily living are enough to drive anyone mad, but it does not mean that it has to. There are plenty of ways to shine your true potential when it comes to your smarts. These smarts can always find new ways in and out of a new problem, and that’s what we’re here for. While there’s only so much we can do in life, the possibilities are seemingly endless. I’m going to be listing the 10 amazing ways to make yourself smarter.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
1. Learn More
Well, this one is pretty self-explanatory and all-encompassing. It’s also pretty simple, and all you have to do is be alive and active. No matter how you live, you’re going to learn something as long as you’re here. There are ways, however, that will make the learning process easier and faster. Now, simply sitting around and watching videos can help you, but reading a book can be more informative.
— Tangent —
It’s not to say that a video of someone playing a video-game can’t inform you, it’s just not the best way. There are ways that watching a video can help, but you have to be engaged and like what you’re learning. Simple finding an investment in what you’re doing makes it easier to stay active in the brain. Sometimes, you have to force the buttons to work, but it’s best to find something you like.
Branching off from here helps, as you won’t be relying on yourself to start up the engine in the wrong place. It’s not to say that you have to read a book, because it can be anything. Reading an article is just as good, as long as you’re learning something of value. A book that simply offers a story may not be that informative, but at least it uses imagination and reasoning. With reading, at least you get the benefit of analysis, and it shows that you can read. Using this skill is always a plus because of it’s benefits, and it’s something a simple video cannot offer.
So, unless you’re actually learning something from a video, a video may not be so useful. The biggest way a video comes in handy is for zoning out or having fun and simplicity. As with reading, you must stay engaged, and you get two benefits in one. A video can make something easier, and it all really depends on what you’re exercising and learning, too. No matter what though, reading, along with some visual aids, may be the best route for smartness exercising.
This is to say that as a practice, reading requires more, and you get more out of it. The same way you might get something more through the challenge of reading itself. A video oftentimes has reading involved as well, so it’s simply a matter of differentiation. To be honest, unless it has to do with focus or general learning, there is not much of a difference at this point. All you must be willing to do is focus, and this is another skill that’s useful. Just know that all that work may lead to answers you don’t like.
If you simply think on your own, you may think of many ideas, but it may be difficult to find an actual solution or right answer. Learning how to learn is a major factor in this, and being smart is more than just about knowledge. However, knowledge is how you use your brain as well, but it’s also application of thinking that makes a difference. There are also ways to make you more intelligent, but intelligence is different. This is different that being smart, as being smart is about knowing things. This is often subjective and relayed as something more objective through means of comparison. There are ways to be smart but not so intelligent, but there’s a general minimum among certain groups of people.
To make yourself more intelligent simply means to maximize your potential. Things like drugs can help, but it’s often not recommended to take mind and memory-enhancing drugs. Those with these problems may typically have ADHD or suffer from autism, and it’s often something dealt with in mental disorders. Mental disorders like schizophrenia and hamper someone’s ability to properly think because of thought disorders.
The tests that people often use are misleading and rarely consistent or based on more objective standards. They also typically varied and are not quite so crystallized in their markers for “intelligence.” However, it’s fairly easy to spot if someone is markedly more intelligent, but it depends. Sometimes, even these things can be misunderstood or not properly measured for various reasons. As people can struggle, variation in results can create a lack of trust in these systems. As scores on such tests can vary significantly among those in the general public, even among one person in one or multiple tests. It’s not to say that your intelligence can’t decrease, because it can, it’s just hard to tell. Not only this, these tests can say if it’s just a lapse, depending on the problem, or if it’s something more significant.
Someone with a thought disorder is considered to have a lowered intelligence because of their disorder. If it goes away, the intelligence can return, and this can happen to anyone with any level of intelligence. It’s not said to go down to a certain point, but it’s said to at least drop a percentage. The problem is that these things have barely been measured properly or objectively. Hopefully you get the basic idea, because it’s somewhat hard to grasp and unnecessary and old at this point. Not only this, it’s the quality of the information, and a degree or university education is not necessary.
In addition, learning how to like learning is a great skill to hone. As mentioned, it’s all about finding something that you like to do. Regardless of what it is, it’s considered smart to find something you like and learning the whats and hows. It does not matter if it’s skateboarding, video-gaming, or chemistry, it all counts in the end. Yeah, there are subjects that can be considered smarter, but it’s inclination and attaining of knowledge that matters most. It’s not to say that you can’t learn just as much about riding waves that physics, but what does it lead to. You end up learning more and more the more you have a thirst for knowledge. Although it’s questionable that you can learn more from drawing than science, it’s something that’s on it’s way.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
2. Exercise Your Brain
Exercising your brain typically involves doing things like crossword puzzles, playing chess, and solving the Rubik’s Cube. These things are good at helping maximize spatial awareness and problem solving skills. To get the most out of your brain, utilizing your abilities comes in use. In addition, understanding your skills, either through nature or nurture, help as well. This way you can help yourself understand what you’re good at and where to go from there.
If you’re good at something, you’re more likely to enjoy it, but it does not stop someone from learning something. Others factors come into play, such as competition, whatnot that make a person like something. It can show a person likes something this way, and it can make someone like it more. Sometimes, we need other things, and a challenge is what we need. However, just because we’re good at something does not mean that we always enjoy it. Generally speaking, we may enjoy something, but something stops us from having full fun. It may be that we just have no yet honed or skill, and we would enjoy it otherwise.
Since everyone is good at least something, through practice or otherwise, we must choose to do something we’re good at or we like doing. There’s always a choice through creativity to mend the two in some way, and we can always do both. An example is to do something you’re good at for work and something you like for a hobby. It’s always. This way you can improve, and then you can end up making money in the long run from it. You can always end up finding a way to enjoy something you’re good at.
An example of this for me is through writing, and it’s at play here. Sometimes the challenge can come from the wrong places, and we can often be fooled by it. However, if you learn to challenge the things that you’re good at, the more you can figure out. Since being smart breaks down into knowledge and efficiency, it’s about making a blend of the two. If you can do this, you’ll find that you can get the most out of your time doing what you like. If you don’t like it, you can end up liking it because of the accomplishment it gives you. Beyond this, you’ll find that your passions and talents end up mixing if they weren’t already mixed to begin with.
Talking with yourself is a good skill, too. It’s a sign of intelligence and focus, and if you do this, it’s a great way to get yourself in motion. The problem that most people don’t understand is that the building blocks do matter. If you don’t know how or where to learn, you can end up struggling with the wrong information. Things like the scientific method can help out with this, at least in some ways. First you must hypothesize, and afterwards, you gain facts through means of investigation. It’s also important to avoid confusing psychology with philosophy, because emotions can be hard to deal with. While we may be aware of it, we can become blind, and to some degree, we stifle our progress.
See, smart people are good at connecting the dots, and while intelligence helps with this, it’s not the entire picture. See, it’s not smart just to weed people out because they’re deemed “too stupid.” It’s actually something that smart people all too often do. Thinking that someone is lesser than you is a huge mistake. While it may seem righteous at first, it really is not. Not only will you often be surprised, you may be put to shame. Knowing better or not, to think of anyone as anything but your equal is quite naive. You see, we all feel and we all think… to some degree. Regardless, it’s okay to know if you know more, but allowing yourself to be outdone by yourself is the worst thing you can do.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
3. Listen to Others
You can always learn a lot from other people. Others always have something new to share, and it’s a good and smart skill to listen. While it may not be something you like doing, reason is what drives the right answer. Doing and avoiding things for the wrong reasons is highly important. You may not think that wisdom can’t come from someone, but anything can be taken from something new. In spite of a person’s intentions or meaning behind something, you can take something from it. Not everything that someone says has meaningful merit, but careful consideration is key. You can learn this from interaction, and it’s very useful. Just remember that it’s not only about being able to hear, it’s about listening with your brain. It’s not just about listening, it’s also about making sure that you’re at least trying to understand something.
The best thing you can do is to listen to your gut, or that’s at least what they say. Listening to yourself all of the time can in a sense be maddening because of the same going out and coming right back in. You should carefully consider your emotions, but you should not allow them to get the best of you. Being aware of what upsets you and learning what others think is a good skill in emotional intelligence.
See, if you don’t use your intelligence, you’re holding onto it for no reason. The point is to use what you’ve got to the maximum degree. Even thought we’re always kind of using it, we’re not using it productively. As long as you remain self-aware enough, which involves critique, the more you can make progress. As bad as it sounds, it’s only as bad as how much you let it get in the way.
A different point of view is very important, and it helps you work through your own thoughts and opinions. While it’s not just about talking and listening, it’s about experiencing and seeing what others do. If you learn from someone else, you don’t have to make the mistake the first time. This in turn gives you a perspective that can end up helping you long-term. Just understand that it’s okay to fail, but you can at least know this common sense to avoid the big mistakes. Beyond that, it’s smart to learn the coping mechanisms to be okay with having to go through trial and error. This is the way everything works, so learning some self-motivation mechanisms can make this even easier. The easier it is, the better you have gotten at something.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
4. Eat Healthy/Supplements
Eating healthy is a good thing to have when trying your best to stay at your best. You are what you eat, and it’s no joke. Having a healthy diet is what keeps you in tip-top shape, both inside and out. It’s not just about eating healthy, but making sure to get your nutrition in. You have to eat smart, and this is how you can make food good and a diet last. Unless you want to be fat, ignorant, or both, it’s recommended that you learn a thing or two about dieting. It’ll talk some willpower, at least at first, but if the diet is maintainable and good, you’ll live.
For something to suffice, eating healthy means getting your nutrients in, and it depends on your goals. This is where eating healthy is not always about eating as few calories or getting the right macros in. Eating healthy includes getting all of your nutrients without the crap. It’s also about making sure you’re not eating too much, and this mostly includes the bad processed foods.
There are also plenty of supplements called smart-drugs (nootropics) that you can take to improve your thinking abilities. There are things like alpha-GPC, piracetam, and citicholine that don’t only work as antioxidants. They can also improve your focus and memory. There’s also something called lion’s mane mushroom that can help with neurogenesis. This is essentially where a supplement causes the brain to create new brain cells. Not only that, it can improve the connection of synapses to the brain cells. Most of your benefits will come from the area of the brain that has to do with memory — the hippocampus. Just be sure to do some research before jumping in, because you never know what you’ll get. Just know that there are plenty of supplements out there, and one is included here.
Yeah, things like cannabis can help as well with things like neurogenesis, but there are downsides, too. As long as you know what you’re getting yourself into, you can find drugs helpful as well. It’s a well known fact that things like anxiety, depression, and a malfunction in your fight or flight can create problems with thinking. So, if a medication is to ever come in handy, this might be the only time. I wouldn’t recommend drug use beyond that. If you are to take a drug at all, it should be done legally with a prescription. This is why I wouldn’t recommend something like Adderall. Adderall is a brain smart drug, but it’s only really safe and useful for those who actually suffer from ADHD. They shouldn’t be taken in large doses recreationally no matter what, so be careful with them.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
5. Exercise and Focus
It’s not just about maximizing your smarts, it’s about using them. Using them involves moving around, and this happens to be a form of exercise. Maximizing your smartness involves doing anything that can help, even if it’s short-term. This short-term success can create long-term success. There are things that exercise can help with in the short and long-term, but you have to keep at it. So, while you may struggle to see how it can help maximize your brain for the good, it can always help anyway.
Exercise can help in more ways than one, and it can help keep the mind moving as well. See, this is almost like talking with yourself, and talking, along with moving, can keep you connecting those dots. Stagnating by sitting in place all the time is useful in short bursts when you have to, but moving is essential at other times. This is where creating a routine where moving and lethargy can be tied, and as I said before, moving is extremely functional. It’s so functional in fact, that it can help you think and learn better.
You may wonder if people that were very smart exercised, and they indeed did. They did a lot of moving around to get their thoughts in gear, and this is all your really need. It’s not to say that they couldn’t have done more, but they were already way up there. The point is that if they didn’t exercise, they weren’t getting the most out of their brain in the most efficient ways. The best possible way to do this is by getting your blood flowing and taking a short run or long walk. It’s not like it takes too much time up. Even if it did, you should learn to treat exercise like a reward, because you will lose your ability to do it some day. It’s literally a drug, a.k.a. the runner’s high, and while it seems like it’ll take time away from you, it’s worth it.
Not only are you just allowing yourself to move, you’re essentially getting a jolt, and this jolt can help long-term. It’s in a sense maximizing your intelligence, at least for a while, so it really isn’t doing anything different. You learn new skills along the way, and on top of that, the feelings that exercise can give you help you think. Releasing endorphins can help you feel good, and this can help you think better. The sense of accomplishment is almost the same as eating hot foods, and feeling like you’re gaining something helps as well. This can continue to motivate you, and this motivation can help with thinking as well.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
6. Create Something
Learning how to put something together is a real good way to get yourself smart. If you want to utilize your spatial awareness and problem solving, something as simple as a LEGO set can get you started. It’s not only this, but practicing how to draw or do works of art can help as well. This stuff can really get you learning how to work in a three dimensional space. It does not mean that you have to be the next great inventor, but you never know what can happen.
People have all sorts of ambitions that drive them either into the dump or into fame. Just go in with the idea that you can create something of your own. Not only will this teach you inventive skills, it’ll teach you to be more self-sufficient. Be it art, science, or anything else, go out there and let people see what you can create.
See, it’s always always an art or science, at least semantically speaking, to create something new. This can be as simple as putting a LEGO set together, or it can be extreme like making your own patented invention. It can have a set of instructions, or you can challenge yourself without them. It’s always nice to put something together, and at times, you may have no other options. These skills can come in handy in all sorts of circumstances, and they can even help you get a job. The idea is to start small and go from there, because it only helps to make sure that you don’t get ahead of yourself.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
7. Think More
While thinking can be a pain from time to time, it’s a useful talent to manage. Thinking outside of the box is a common expression when it comes to creative ideas. Not only will you think of more, you’ll think of new ways to do things. The more you think, as painful as it can be, does work. Now, not all thoughts done in excess always help, but regardless of the thoughts, they can be utilized to help give you awareness. This awareness can then give you more dots in your head to connect. This connection can lead to new solutions, and these solutions can create the answers to problems you may need.
You see, we all need time to ourselves, but instead of just sitting there, be sure to think a little. It can be in tandem with anything else on this list, but thinking is a thing of it’s own. This can be thoughts coming up and learning to challenge them. Creating new arguments in your head and using divergent thinking for new solutions is a good way of thinking as well. To take it all the way, you should make sure you build confidence. With this, you can help your knowledge and vice versa.
Making devil’s advocate arguments is always a good way to make sure that you stay on top of your own thought processes. This can help you analyze things better and more accurately, especially your own opinions. The more you question your own thoughts, the better you’ll be at analyzing truth. It’s not to say that we can’t actively practice our ways of thinking, because we can. Thinking is what guides us, but it comes second to our feelings. To get a hold of this, thinking is the most useful thing you can have. In this regard, you can’t find a better thing to practice doing in your free time. Must I keep going?
Yeah, you can learn how to think, and this is where critical thinking skills come into play. See, this is essentially the crunch time of thinking, when the most stress can be involved. Much of it has to do with questioning and analyzing the variables at play to help come to a conclusion or right answer. Along with this, you have convergent and divergent thinking. These kinds of thinking are usually used to describe a way of thinking a particular person typically chooses. Some people like to converge by using all variable to come to one solid conclusion. And there are others who like to diverge their thinking to multiple conclusions or answers. You see, each has their strong point, but you can practice both of them no matter who you are.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
8. Have Fun
Releasing yourself from stress and having some fun and relaxation time makes sure not to strike the nerves. The more stressed you are, the less likely you are going to be on your A-game. If you’re dealing with chronic stress, it’s more than likely not necessary. Regardless of the situation, there are ways to relieve the stress you’re dealing with. Whatever given circumstance you’re tied up in, there are better coping mechanisms for dealing with your stress. You’ve just got to learn to be smarter.
It’s not to say that things can’t be stressful, but there’s always a way to improve. This is by creating routines and making sure that you’re having enough fun between your breaks from work or stressful family situations. It’s not to say that you’re not smart, but chronic stress can literally kill the brain. Not only will your ability to think go out the window, it can create a lot of stress on your body. Learning how to have fun and creating a daily routine where there is time for it, especially if you don’t have any, is almost completely necessary.
You just have to remember that competition can help drive success, but it can also get in the way. Success is not necessarily akin to the smartness you have, and it’s good to have a healthy brain, too. If you want decent competition with a good mindset, letting go a little goes a long way. A good saying to go with is to be the best you, you can be. Try to have a good level of competition, and try to keep it with yourself. Also, if you’re not having fun, what’s the point, right? Sitting around and working your brain all of the time or just sitting there with no fun is not good.
This is not to say that you should go out and lose your ability to focus on what matters. A mix of the other things on this list and your livelihood are also important. It’s not to say that you can’t or shouldn’t be having fun with these other things though. See, you still have to moderate your fun times, but that’s what make you appreciate them more. Looking forward to things is a great motivator, and along with this comes time-management skills. The only thing you have to keep track of is your work output, because you don’t want to get to distracted with the good times yet to come.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
9. Try Something New
Broadening your horizons and trying something new is a great way to get your brain juices running. If you keep your brain interested, you’ll find more satisfaction. See, trying new things and learning a new skill is just another opportunity to crank your brain to a higher degree. To do so requires a little bit of open-mindedness, which is another factor at play here. This is because the more you’re open to, the more you’ll learn. Hey, it’s not to say that you won’t end up learning things, but you won’t if you’re not privy to it. This may be because you’re not a fan of something or whatever, but it does not mean that you can’t try to learn.
All I’m saying is that being close-minded makes the challenge of learning all that much harder. If you don’t want to broaden your horizons, that’s fine, but you will close yourself off to broader information. You’ll even stop yourself form stepping foot in a territory of the unknown entirely. Even if you’re trying to learn about something you like, you may have missed something from keeping your mind closed. Yeah, you’ll have more time to spend doing what you like, but is it really getting in the way all that much?
You see, it probably is not, and it’s not to say that you have to go and figure everything out. You should just try to go figure some other things out, and you may even do it anyway. Keeping your mind closed only gets in the way more than it helps. You’ll find a struggle around every corner, because your mindset is getting in the way. It’s just to say that overall, it’s best to do things this way, and if you don’t, it’s alright. It’s just another thing to consider next time you have some kind of writer’s block, because it can certainly come in handy. This is because it can create more creative inspiration, and the more of this you have, the better off you’ll be.
The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
10. Read and Write
You’re never too smart to read, you’re just smart enough to read. As long as you know this, you’ll open yourself up to a lot more knowledge. See, along with listening, the best thing you can do is read something. Reading uses the brain, and it can also help you focus. Even if you think you’re too smart to have to read anything, it does not mean that reading is not beneficial. Thinking such thoughts is simply showing a lack of maturity and reason. If you want to learn something, you’ve got to learn somehow, and it’s not always going to be on your own. Reading comes in handy, but also, so doesn’t writing.
Writing down your thoughts and new ideas is a smart thing to do. Doing smart things is making the most of your brain, and it helps your brain keep track of things. Not only this, it creates new avenues for your brain to work with. See, seeing something written down better solidifies an idea in your head. The same way writing something down so you can see it is better than simply memorizing it. These are some of the smartest things you can do, even if you think you don’t need them. Since they help most people out, even if you don’t need a card to help you because of a photogenic memory, it’s always a smart move.
Regardless, both reading and writing help in numerous ways. There are just about too many to list on this one item here. Knowing how to do both well is a great guide, and the more you do it, the better you get. The better you will be at articulating yourself and streaming thoughts together in a more cohesive way. This is only one cogent way of making this clear, but there are many more out there. Just know that they are both very useful in their functionality, and they can help you stream from one thought to the next. If you want to get the most out of your brain, then considering some writing and reading will certainly help.
Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
There you go! Those are just a few things you can do to improve your smartness. All it boils down to is finding better ways at living your life. And even though many of the things on this list kind of mend into one giant item, they all have their unique ways of helping. If you’re smarter with your life, you’re more likely to be happier, too. These may be the big ones, but I’m sure you can find other ones that can help just as much. It really just depends on how you look at things, but either way, you can’t go wrong with getting smart.
*There’s so much more to mention, but my thinking got the better of me when writing. I forgot some things as I wrote, but that’s alright. Hey, sometimes you don’t get things, and sometimes you do and don’t realize it. So, feel free to bring up some ideas of your own, because it’s always welcome to get a new perspective.*
Apologies for my writing recently. At least to me and SEO, it seems lacking. I’m writing more, and I’m occasionally rushed and writing a certain way. I’m still scoring very high, but it’s not as high as it can and should be, at least to me. I do some stream of consciousness writing with too many ideas while trying to meet a deadline. Not to mention the obsessive thinking and writing style — it bleeds into my writing. It’s a fact that I can try a little bit harder with a better focus.
— The 10 Amazing Ways to Make Yourself Smarter —
Sometimes, I lose ideas while trying to write too much. I then come back and lose track of my writing without enough proofreading. Trust me, I can write much better with better connection between sentences. I’m getting better and being more willing and aware, and it’s always a learning process. So, you may not have noticed a problem, but I’m just letting you know anyway. There’s more to say, but that’s the gist of it. Also, I know intelligence is not dictated by writing, but I want to do by best, even if it’s easy for me.
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