First of all, any kind of writing can be a challenge in and of itself, however, there are always ways to improve and make it “less of a challenge.” (Most of this is somewhat redundant and rather obvious to a lot of different people.) After that, we then get to the good (or more technical) styles of writing, which are centered on good syntax/grammar and are much more difficult to make engaging or even slightly interesting. We can then approach creative or poetic writing, which is often a significant challenge to pull of with any kind of depth, style, or substance. At the end of the day, it boils down to practice and natural talent, at least to begin with. And with time, you will see yourself fall into and out of traps set by your own writing style. We can obviously combine these things, but they are also distinct entities, i.e., a creative essay that may stretch the common rules a little bit. Regardless, this is about songwriting, and writing songs presents its own unique style of quirks — the 10 excellent ways to write a good song.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
This is mostly here for the sake of motivation.
1. Know the Rules
This list doesn’t necessarily have to start with instruments! “Why is this?” you ask. Well, it’s because most of these rules can be applied all at once or in order — you can always choose. In fact, some recommendations may even appear rather “contradictory,” but you can always apply them all to just about any and every song, poem, or essay that you decide to write. (The more, the better!) Of course, this is just one of many ways to look at writing, but the rules are rather rigid anyway. And if this wasn’t enough, it also depends on your understanding of said rules. At this point, you can increase your confidence with training, and your training can become more productive with your ability to keep yourself grounded. (Understanding the rules is actually important because of it providing an outline for you to follow.) The more that you understand, the more that you can work around them as well. For one, it’s really not that hard, and it obviously applies to you knowing about songwriting, and
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
2. Experimentation
Experimenting with your writing at all times makes you more adept to change and your personal attributes/abilities. It’s essentially the equivalent of knowing how to take a lesson for yourself as opposed to simply learning the material. Additionally, if your untrained mind is flooded with information, be sure to jot down your thoughts and then come back to finalize them later. (Thinking too much never makes anything any easier.) Of course, obsessing about your songwriting (or any kind of writing for that matter) can create a rift between you and your music; it becomes more complicated and about perfection. You just have to learn to bend the rules a little to your favor and then understand that you can come back and alter with a clearer state of mind. Among these many things, changing it up by writing with different styles of poetry or melody, be it vocal or instrumental, can help. And if you’re on guitar or piano, you can always look to a different key to stylize your specific attributes with music even more so.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
3. Write the Lyrics
As a step, this can or cannot be included and/or indulged in to begin with. Of course, lyrics will always be written, depending on the song that you’re writing; however, not everyone does them ‘on paper’ or at first. Lyrical abstractions may also serve as help, but they may also serve as distractions that make it hard to pinpoint what the conclusion can and should be. (Knowing the difference between a distraction and practical intention is important, too.) Also, depending on your so-called musical style, you may see yourself as a writer on instruments or a writer of words. Although, in spite of what you choose, you will be doing them both (mostly at the same time), especially if lyrics are what you are most interested in. It also never hurt anyone to include a few changes from time to time to help keep things a little more fresh. With this in mind, you should always consider something that allows you to focus, and writing keeps your attention from drifting too far into the nigh-endless abyss of almost excruciating mediocrity.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
4. Know Your Place
While you’re sitting around and feeling all good about yourself, you should be choosing to learn and practice your craft with an instrument or as a “wordsmith.” (There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of confidence, but you should always keep yourself in perspective.) Of course, at least to make this very clear, everyone has different tastes to some degree, and this doesn’t always translate to something amazing on paper. (Not everyone can simply win their way to being a decent songwriter — being overly ambitious isn’t the best practice for a good end result.) Furthermore, other people also may misunderstand someone and their abilities; there’s no use in fooling anyone, including yourself. Something can be good and be more technical, and some songs can sound simplistic and fun. You don’t want to be second-guessing your abilities left and right, but you should also strive to be humble in the face of absolute truth. For that matter, you should also consider boosting your vocabulary.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
5. Learn the Composition
When it comes to writing songs, you can always choose to start with writing the chorus or the verse — both are viable methods and are very similar in their approach. (You should also consider learning to write in different keys, which provides a more [music theory].) Either is obviously a reasonable method towards truly achieving your end goal, but there are assets to doing it one way of the other. Sure, beginning with the chorus allows you to get the meat of the song out of the way. It’s also obvious when a song is written differently, (e.g., through words, beat, or rhythm). Take the advice as you will, but becoming overly technical can provide an unnecessary distraction to those who need to work on their skills. Although, even if learning the ropes provides you with knowledge, it cannot make you more talented. And guess what, if this bothers you, then you should consider working for that talent! It can start with many things: learn a new instrument, broaden your horizons, and/or practice through a lot of repetition.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
6. Keep it Simple
Your abilities with writing composition almost always make a difference, but you’re ultimately going towards the same goal no matter what. In fact, the more that you write, the more that you will find the process of writing easier and more compelling. It’s the meat of the writing that counts; however, there are no shortages of ways to make those ends meet. (You have to stick it through and be passionate about what you’re doing; music may actually not be for you.) Additionally, if you cannot see yourself ever finishing a song, you will have a hard time accepting a song. Of course, a song can be finished, but it’s not entirely finished until it has been accepted by you and recorded. And although things can be changed, learning how to go in without worrying about every last detail makes the process even easier. (There’s always an editing process involved, but it shouldn’t be forced and will always take time.) So, what does this mean? It means try to not overthink your writing, whatever the concern may be.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
7. Push Yourself
Not only are you forced to be creative when you write, but you are also forced to keep yourself bound by the rules of a melody, beat, and rhythm. (Not everyone is “creative,” at least at first, but originality can and will come with some time and practice.) Of course, you can meet the beat in the middle by starting with your lyrics, but you’re still arbitrarily confined by the rules of poetry to some degree. We obviously needn’t look at it this way, but it’s certainly the truth. And guess what, writing is not always about putting words on paper; it’s more complicated than that. Thankfully, if you keep yourself from delving into the pits of performative doom (being natural), you will find that music is not that difficult. (You shouldn’t allow yourself to become complacent.) Especially if you choose to play for other people’s approval, you will see likely failure. Although, as arbitrary as the advice may seem, there’s nothing wrong with putting the right foot forward and giving yourself some room to balance your responsibilities.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
8. Inspire Yourself
If you thought that you could write without proper inspiration, then you should obviously think again … very hard … . You see, without motivation, you will likely see a lot of your so-called talent get thrown out of the window. (Why bother with music if you’re struggling to feel what music is for to begin with.) The first thing that you can always do is put yourself into a personally dissatisfying situation. “What does this mean?” you ask. Well, it means that you should find a way to experience negative emotions! In fact, plenty of things work, including a divorce, losing a loved one, or getting yourself screwed over by a multinational conglomerate, etcetera. And beyond the bereavement, you should sit yourself down and then wonder of ways that you can write. (Look for things that give you some kind of hope or explain what makes you passionate.) How you get into these situations doesn’t matter, but a tried, true, and almost expected way doesn’t hurt. You know, like going to grocery store and experiencing rejection.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
9. Listen to Music
Anyone can write a song, but can you actually write a decent, excellent song. Of course, this is a rhetorical question that you should always be asking yourself (to some degree), because it’s not always about what others believe or what you think is alright. (You don’t want to sow too much doubt; however, when you get there, you will certainly know.) Why is this? Well, it’s because you should always think about what sounds objectively good (or what people subjectively get enamored by). This can be a good thing, or this can be a very bad thing — you do not need to necessarily be good at writing music. Although, you shouldn’t always undermine music that you do not personally enjoy. Additionally, don’t allow others to make you feel as though your music is bad, because it also takes a lot of practice and comfort with yourself and the instrument to fully allow yourself to shine. This is called practice, but why not also listen to the music you like! It never did anything but help inspire you to play what you enjoy.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
10. Make it Enjoyable
If you’re not enjoying the activities that are surrounding your writing, then you will find writing more of a chore than anything else. (You probably gave up a long time ago!) And, to put it simply, you will find any way to distance yourself from the tedium that keeps you disinterested. Yes, having talent makes a difference, and there are *VARIOUS* other methods that can make a difference, but the fun is the actual point. Well, it is and should be at least most of the time. (This doesn’t mean that you should steal someone else’s song, as this is not actually writing.) Of course, anyone can enjoy writing to some degree, but there are times where the process becomes more of a bore no matter what you’re doing. And although it sounds difficult, there’s nothing stopping you, right? For example, you can always do something because of your passion for artistry. If so, then make your writing, your music, or your overall interest surround the things that keep you interested; thus, keeping you creative as well.
10 Excellent Ways to Write a Good Song
As you can see, there are plenty of interesting and well-known ways to write music (or just about anything). It’s obviously not a linear road to walk, but there’s also plenty to consider; you shouldn’t allow it to overwhelm you or get to your head. Unfortunately, there are no excuses for you to not get at least one song written. And guess what, people who decide to give up are the same ones whom struggle happens to. Of course, there are plenty of ways to boil down the process; however, making sure that you do actually give it a shot is the most important thing to consider. More so, make sure to make the process enjoyable so that you have the motivation to keep going. You should also consider learning something along the way other than from basic experience with an instrument or a piece of paper. Although, if this seems like too much work, then you can always come back and pick it up later. Just be sure to not wait too long, as just about everyone wants to make that sea of shit that much worse to swim in.
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