The worst part about being “alive” is knowing that we all will die at some point — it will obviously happen one day. And, one way or another, it will reach us, but we will not be privy to the rules that are unfortunately beset upon us. Now, it is obviously against our will that we are at its never-ending whim without respite; however, it also ensures a great deal of compensation. (We can gain appreciation through nature; it also has its unenduring merits.) Unfortunately, nature is often romanticized in spite of it’s uncategorizable cruelty, and it’s additionally praised for it’s beauty and splendor. Although it is unadoring, there is something to realize and appreciate about nature that is often unrepresented. “The BLOOD footprint!” she exclaims with unrepentant vigor. And so it begins! “What does this mean?” you undoubtedly inquire. Well, it simply means that life has a way of fooling us into state of cowering, unwavering complicity and doubt. Although, these are the 10 fascinating ways that nature screws us over!
When you think about nature, you’re probably thinking about blues skies and green vistas. However, it’s more than just about that. You have to think correctly and know the right thing! You have to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do! (We’re stuck!) And you should not ever forget this! Just know that understanding nature is beside the point. Although, you can do it the right way, or vice versa! It’s obviously your call! With that in mind, what do you want to be considered in the end? Unfortunately, we’re always driven selfishly, but it’s not always the case. There are even different ways to look at things! Just be aware that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. We also have to acclimate to these conditions to make them more acceptable. It’s just the insidious way that nature happens to work.
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
1. Death
As we all will know, we can refer to nature with just about anything, as just about anything that surrounds our peripheral vision is considered a part of its kingdom. (You have got to take the good with the formidably bad.) Of course, the world/nature is not so subtle that it ends up hiding its particular shades of black & white; however, it’s not as simple as that. There are obviously some things that we can relate to nature more than others, and it’s, without a doubt, the problem with ‘nature’ itself. After all, nature “created” us all, but it has also manifested certain things more directly than others. We can also discuss the power of synthetics and the difference between manmade materials and more organic function. Now, there are obviously some specific things that are more natural than others! And one of those “entities” is what we like to call death! Yes, the very thing that is the curator of our demise is also an event or happenstance that describes a process of cellular degradation. In the end, ain’t that just a peachy and fun!
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
2. Zero-Sum Game
Once you have an understanding of the ‘zero-sum’ game, you will likely begin to realize that another way of showing appreciation is hidden deep within the depths. Thankfully, you can (obviously) do this too; however, it’s often far too enabling of the process that we call our great existence. (The lovely place [Earth and Universe] that we call home is also a process that displays no appreciation for the suffering that it permits.) We’ve unfortunately found a plethora of ways to undermine and make excuses for the “problem.” Why? Well, it boils down to a lot of things: ignorance, selfishness, and personalized manipulation. However, we, as a species of hominids, have decided that the world must have meaning. Even the worst kind of purpose has to be validating and/or verified; otherwise, we will find our own! Although, to “exclaim” these words more abrasively, it should be stated that we’re not the brightest bulbs! Don’t take this the wrong way though — we’re the most intelligent! It’s just that we choose to not see all of the facts!
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
3. Evolution
“Nature” itself is a thing, specimen, and overall monster, but it’s also a process of constant, nigh unending evolution. Unfortunately, it’s an existent part of our natural reality, and it unironically “envies” itself as some kind of a force that can not and should not be reckoned with. (This is an obvious personification, as the universe and its constituent parts have no real “consciousness” or intention.) However, it doesn’t mean that we can not see it as a burdensome problem! And, although it doesn’t have a sentient brain, we should understand that the process is very, very stupid (dumb). Although, just like with the zero-sum game, we’ve evaded the truth because of our arrogance, ignorance, and VANITY! The universal reality (for living creatures) is filled with negatives, and there’s nothing that we can do to fix the underlying issues. But it should be stated that it’s all driven by the process of changing evolution. We’re just stuck! If we were not here to begin with, then there wouldn’t be anything to worry about. After all, it’s all very ‘simple.’
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
4. Addiction
The gravest mistakes of reality are always looking us straight in the eye! And, in the most foreboding way, the worst parts or existence tend to make a mockery of us. (Why not, right?) Other than chasing the dragon or our personal comfort, we’re looking to avoid the negatives that evolution has created for us all. Thankfully, we need not grace it with glorification and our presence — the negation of our little, vain reality is right in front of us! Of course, we may rationalize or justify for its imprudence, but why should we bother at all? Not everything is purely negative, but what drives the zero-sum game is our desire for comfort and/or conformity. However, we’re strongarmed into an unreconcilable NEED for love, care, and even affection. And, in spite of this, we will believe that we’re not privy to its charm or curse. (Some people require little, but they’re simple dealing with it differently.) Now, it may not be a big deal to some; however, our repetitious desires (e.g., food, water, & shelter) are the very much that same drop of poison!
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
5. Selfishness
With our sentient, thinking brain, we have decided that the entire world belongs to only us. And, although it doesn’t necessarily “belong to only us,” it’s known that we seldom wish to share it with anyone (or anything) else! In fact, we often do very little to gain perspective about our place or position on this very earth. (Although, in spite of this, it really depends on who we’re talking about here, right?) Anyway, regardless of who this planet belongs to, we’re obligated to understand that it isn’t only about us, me, or even you. We’ve got people to share with, and it’s understood that we’re not playing a single-player game. “I understand, but what about being exposed to the elements?” you ignorantly inquire. (The world is only harsh when there is something around that can feel its negative effects.) No one really likes change; however, it obviously depends on what is changing. Unfortunately, the repetitive nature of reality — force of nature — is cruel, and it cares little for our personal well-being. (Some selfishness makes sense.)
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
6. The Element of Surprise
To whom it may concern, you’re not the only one here! We all (should) know this, and it is very obvious to anyone who wants to prove that they also have a somewhat “functional” brainstem. Of course, this especially unique world around us isn’t inherently wretched/bad; however, it really just boils down to how it can and will affect something that is living, alive, or sentient. (It’s not always just about “right and wrong,” as it’s also about gaining some perspective.) First of all, can this something feel!? This question is obviously important, but it’s also crucial to ask why. The horror that can be caused by other sentient beings, or it can be caused by the elemental world by itself. Our real universe is, in fact, the small universe, and it can and has always affected us. (We wouldn’t be able to change or feel without our elemental, constituent parts, i.e., atoms and cellular structure.) We can even “value” things, be it something with actual value or not. However, the only thing that has real, unprojected value is another ‘sensitive’ creature!
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
7. Suffering
The worst part about life and the nature of its existence is the suffering that is endured. Unfortunately, the vast amount of suffering that you might have to deal with may not be highly appreciated or respected. After all, life gave you others to rely on and create suffering for — it’s very highly suspect! Thankfully, they (those other people) can also be your special little puppets; however, they may also create enduring hardship for you, too. (We can obviously attempt to evade or avoid the hardship and pain, but it’s never a guarantee.) The only thing that we can avoid are the negatives, but it doesn’t mean that we should undermine the flaccid positives. Just be aware of the fact that, without incident, we can maliciously deal with or cause suffering; it can also be superficially accidental. Additionally, you can be conscious of a wound or self-conscious! Furthermore, you can experience insecurity and mental illness! Even some of the smallest feelings like annoyance or frustration can lead to or present themselves as pain, loss, & suffering!
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
8. Choice
If we’re to look at nature as the entire “procedural” universe, then we have to include the permutations of choice (decision) on this list. However, why should we have a choice when the only choice should be a reasonable choice — the correct choice! (We have got the so-called “freedom”; although, making dumb or unequipped choices should not be an option at all.) Thankfully, this determinant want of looking at choices is the only right way to really view or deduce anything. (Every decision is an unideal decision, but some are certainly better than others.) Though, some people tend to think that there are “better” or different ways of looking at this. “So, what’s the point?” you ask. Well, it means that you can decide to do this, or you can choose to do that! In the end, that’s fantastic, right!? This is great, so why not simply ignore every last poorly constructed mutation of choice, spontaneity, or experience! After all, “When the world ends,” she said, “we should go outside to watch it burn.” Just be sure to THINK about it beforehand.
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
9. Knowledge
It doesn’t matter about your perspective or about how much fun you’ve had: The world is not your oyster! Thankfully, we can know better; knowledge can keep you in the light. (Of course, it should be the “correct” information, but more information can typically lead to [become] better information in the long-term.) We also know that time is a real descriptor, but it’s often poorly constructed as a conceptual relationship, at least to most people. (It’s another choice that we can get wrong; however, our knowledge shouldn’t be required.) All knowledge should be “positive” and without any confusion! And there shouldn’t be a single doubt about that! It’s just that we’re so caught up in our own mess that we cannot see it. Although, for what it’s worth, it also works in a world where the rules are dictated by other nuances.
Now, there are certain correct (truthful) ways of looking at reality, but there are even more incorrect ways to mistake and misunderstand it. We should obviously be controlled by ethical thinking; however, it’s never that simple, right? (Knowledge typically has a positive connotation, and it tends towards the ‘truth.’) Unfortunately, the winner often takes all, and stupidity often reigns supreme! The ultimatums that are created often make knowledge or intelligence seem crude and judgmental when they are actually, factual reasonable. We can battle it out in a never-ending conquest, but why bother! Even if it seems rather harsh, our reality doesn’t “need” us to exist. (This obviously hurts a lot of people, even though it shouldn’t.) As a matter of fact, the adversity that you often experience is nearly completely useless to you!
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
10. Value
To put it simply, we are precious commodities controlled by crude forces. We’ve also got intelligence, and we often waste it on frivolous endeavors that lead us absolutely nowhere. (We, as humans, love our excuses.) Unfortunately, it’s not like all that many of us have any choice in this arduous matter; we’re very complacent. (Apparently, it’s difficult to use our brain for anything but scheming.) It also appears as though we’re constantly veering in the wrong direction towards the abyss. Thankfully, we can always rely on the fact that we have value, inherently. So, where does this lead, and why should we even bother? Well, it should lead us towards more empathy, compassion, and “morality.” Though, there’s never just one good answer to our problems. (The solution towards properly representing our value is a very hard pill … .
The worst, most frustration part of all of this is the fact that we deny the truth. Even though it’s important to you does not mean that it has real value. However, it also doesn’t matter if it’s something that can make a positive difference. (It’s subjective, but the objective world of value exists!) If it can ‘make’ you feel better, then it can hold some projected value. Now, there’s likely no other way that life (the neuron) would turn out, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any less malicious or rude. And, even though it’s very likely that this living experiment has only happened once, it does not make anything any better either. It produces torture for the ‘need machines,’ the factual menaces of denial and suffering! It has always been here, and it will always occur here alongside us, including our willingness to be fallacious, stupid, etcetera!
The 10 Fascinating Ways That Nature Screws Us Over
As you can see, there are a plethora of different ways to look at nature, the “almighty.” (Just look at it as a simplification of certain thought-provoking ideas.) It’s a lot of ways of saying the same thing: the beginning, middle, and end. We’re often the problem, but we’re also the solution to that problem once it exists. Furthermore, we’re both the victim and perpetrator! We’re also driven by greed or lust, and we have to fight those negative feelings. Additionally, we’re driven by facile addiction that was given to us by the almost uncontrollable process of evolution (evilution). What makes this even worse is the logical description of the zero-sum game that explains our negatively-driven motivations (negative utilitarianism) and indescribable place in this world. Although it seems like “deep” philosophical thinking, it’s actually easy to understand that we’re simply not here to remain satisfied, and what makes it all even worse is that we’re rather violent. To make it easier for you to understand, the logic all points in “one direction,” period.
There are obviously some positive things to mention; however, it doesn’t necessarily take any of us to see that our “almighty” mother nature is a reprehensible monster. Hell, we may even find “beauty” in the world! (If it created us, then it is certainly bad enough.) The deflection of harm is no mere idiosyncrasy, as sadism is an almost nihilistic (or religious) way of looking at the world. (We’re not all that great, but we love to use our social Darwinism to our petty advantage.) It’s, additionally, in our divisive ‘nature’ to repel! Of course, some things are obvious, but not everything is obvious to everyone around us! Isn’t that lovely!
Now, you can obviously break this all down in any number of different ways, but what’s the point!? (Yes, if you have something, then it means that someone else doesn’t have it.) We all know this, but we also know very little about what we’re talking about. (We can obviously learn and understand things.) Hell, the conundrum can even be about the subtle differences between this: friends’, friends, and friend’s. (There should be no ifs, ands, or buts when it comes to knowing about the TRUTH.) Unfortunately, the more that you deny it, the more that you make it worse! Not only this, but you end up creating unnecessary dilemmas because of you being a crusty a**hole! And, because of this, you’ve likely made the entire world a worse place. Why!? Well, it’s all because we’re stuck making decisions that we know very little about. This is OUR best bet as well, and it’s driven by billions of years of evolution. (This, to some, is considered a bad or moot point, and it’s quite the “insidiously bad theory.”) This is the easiest but hardest way to get it!
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