The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
Every day can be a challenge, and there are always going to be setbacks no matter how much you accomplish. It doesn’t matter if you think that everything is going to be okay, as the “world” is not always going to be in your favor. Of course, you can trip, fall, and then try it all over again — your attempts do not need to be thrown to the wayside. (It’s about being able to get back up all over again once it has happened anyway.) However, there are ways to remedy this cycle, but it requires a little bit of finetuning to master correctly. “How does this work?” you ask. Well, it comes in the form of trying to satisfy yourself and what you can do to gain it without requiring too much. In spite of this quandary, we all need celebration that can help spur motivation, but it occasionally goes too far. Although, with this in mind, these are the 10 ways to reward yourself (after hardship).
Well, if only our hardships paid off, but we will always end up finding ourselves in the endless cycle. Does it pay off? Well, of course, but at the same time, there are ways to look at it differently, bringing us to the philosophical view of this subject as well. In the end, we are stuck dealing with the redundancy of a circle of pain and suffering. Unfortunately, it never seems to end, at least properly.
The Wise Guy
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
1. A Party
Everyone loves a party, but there are far too many ways for it to go wrong. Hmm … . When you’re in doubt though, just be sure to ask the people in charge of the wealth and who putt from the ruff. Afterall, it can go all sorts of sideways, and it can even lead to mass chaos in the streets. Yeah, but how does this happen? Well, it’s kind of self-explanatory; you need to avoid having too much fun so that you do not parade for too long. You also need to evade the desire to party endlessly (forever), and you also have to to keep yourself from doing it for the wrong reason. Of course, those hangovers are obviously a huge pain in the butt; however, there are plenty of ways to make it happen without too much intimidating atmosphere. Although, with this in mind, all you have to do is moderate your party intake.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
2. Sexual Gratification
When it doubt, you can always tug the rope, strip the wire, or even stroke the bloke for a good, old-fashioned good time. However, if this fails, then there are other options, including the peeling of the banana, the crushing of the strawberries, and the two-hand Sam. How else can you destroy that masturbatory energy down there, right? Of course, choking the chicken is one way to put it, but there are plenty of ways to serve that dish on a prolonged bladder. For example, when you finally decide that you need to quit having sex, you can gobble the turkey instead. Furthermore, when you decide to take a reprieve from the jump rope, then you can rub one out and even tickle the grapefruits a little. Yes, this obviously applies to both sexes, and you can take it and please it in any way that you desire.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
3. Punishment
It doesn’t matter how or where you put it, but people can truly suck! Afterall, not only can they destroy your good time, but sometimes, you need to surprise them with something a little bit bitter … right? Although, if you can do this to someone else, then you can obviously do it to yourself as well. “Why is this?” you ask. Well, it’s because punishment can lead you to the light. In fact, negative reinforcement is great for an attitude readjustment — it makes you a better person, mostly. You also need to surprise yourself with something a little masochistic, as it will reset your motivations with something better. Again, it doesn’t have to be a surprise, because it can be a routine event. After some time, you can refine your schedule and learn to appreciate the actual rewards that you can set for yourself. I mean, that’s the point of it all, am I right!
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
4. A Good Meal
Everyone knows about cheat days, but why you have a cheat day and how you go about it can be different and versatile. Of course, the reasons always matter, and giving in to guilty pleasure is never a good way to go about it. A cheat day can come in the form of food — the focus here — or in the form of drug abuse; they can obviously be different. Some will be good or bad, but it all comes down to diet and health. For sure, you never want to do this because of something bad, and you will never want to do something for no good reason. You can always celebrate with a meal, but diet should always be a routine that you consider. In fact, if you don’t truly deserve a meal after something special, then don’t indulge yourself. If you do, then considering your diet along with this is always a helpful celebration.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
5. Affection
Occasionally, you must carry yourself on your own, and learning to regard yourself appropriately is always a useful thing. In light of that obtuse information, this “rule of thumb” doesn’t always have to be good, but it should always be your guiding force. If anything, you can give yourself that boost in motivation through either positive or negative reinforcement. Like when you do things poorly, you can avoid giving yourself credit — whatever you may consider this. However, if you are doing great, you may also withhold whatever affirmations that make you feel better, at least until you deserve it. Regardless of what you think you deserve, giving yourself some kind words from time to time may show progress. Self-respect is actually very important, but doing it after your acts of negligence are not always productive.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
6. Knowledge
We all need to suffer a little to appreciate the fine things in life, be it from sex, drugs, or rock & roll. Obviously, it can be through numbers (1, 2, 3, four, five), or it can come in the form of understanding another person’s ideas. Although, if this fails, then you should still seek the information that best suits you. In fact, like with food (or anything else), you have to measure why you’re doing it and if you deserve it. You should always give yourself a reward though, and doing it under the correct circumstances is always crucial. Of course, you need to have standards, but how internally consistent are your rules should not be the only test. It may even sound weird, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be an enjoyable ride. However, it can become enjoyable, and learning is often the first step in finding happiness.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
7. Relaxation
When in doubt, rely on the obvious to make your life a little less stressful. Of course, you cannot have sex all of the time, and life is probably best lived with moderation, right? Although this sounds rather cliched and simplistic, it actually works very well. The least that we can do is at least try to have some control over the good-and-bad in our lives. Afterall, the more that we consciously work through our personal hardship, the more that we can appreciate our downtime. The downtime that leaves us wanting more! Since this life can be a never-ending challenge, at least until we’re dead, why not avoid working ourselves to death. In fact, it’s the only thing that we can do to recuperate from our worries and stress. I mean, can we not all appreciate the strangeness and novelty of going home after a hard day’s work.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
8. Creativity
Becoming self-reliant is key to becoming satisfied, and satisfaction is key to success … or so they say. Of course, to make this idea even easier to understand, we can begin with a little quip. To shorten this: Time is money, and money is time. However, there are plenty of ways to look at this issue, be it the numerous ways to fill up your schedule or fancies that you’re naturally talented at. It doesn’t always have to be metaphorical though, and the life that we live can show more purpose. How can we do this? Well, it can come from many things: art, exercise, and even simple contrivances. Nevertheless, it may sound rather silly, and it is, at least to me; however, this doesn’t need to worry us. We all can obviously indulge in sarcasm and allow the negative times to whisp us away into an abyss that never seems to end.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
9. Psychoactive Substances
Marinating in our own misery is never a good notion to allow ourselves to indulge in. We can all unreasonably become miserable, but not every single one of us can be happy, mostly. At the same time, there are specific indulgences that we can fall for, and that can come in the form of substance abuse. Of course, I am not necessarily advocating against the use of drugs, but it doesn’t necessarily hurt to indulge in a few drinks (alcoholic beverages) or “smokes” from time to time.* Yes, it may hurt you in the long run, at least during the course of the current weekday, but it never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. Although, if you want take this experimentation even further, then why not simply get high on life or take a few “supplements.” They even say that dieting and exercise can give you a form of natural high.
We can’t all be happy most of the time.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
10. Revenge
Every time we see ourselves falling down, there are numerous ways that we can rationalize this, e.g., our bad foot, a bad neighbor, or a noose around our necks. There is no shortage of blame, and occasionally getting off on making other people suffer — who deserve it — will make our sadistic willies hard. Unfortunately, this task is not so easy; however, it doesn’t mean that we cannot find room for the challenge. Thankfully, when in doubt, we can find many reasons to have “revenge,” but many of them probably seem rather shortsighted. Of course, if the person(s) or people deserve it, then maybe we’re at least making up for something bad that has happened. However, if this isn’t the case, then we are probably stuck in an endless cycle of vengeance that has to be written off as a friendly prank.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
As you can see, there are ways to satisfy yourself with endless trinkets and rewards. These surprises may not always be extensively or ferociously obvious, but this doesn’t mean that the thought isn’t there. In fact, rewards are not always about what feels good, as they are mostly about what makes you better or, perhaps, happier. At least, in the end, you can find some satisfaction in the mercy that you think you need rather than what you truly deserve. Furthermore, the deceptive lies that we decide to tell ourselves or the endless and dubious tripe from the mouths of others should also be understood as something forespoken. Afterall, we can always change, and the trivialities that seem to stop us can wade away with some time. Afterall, we’re all in need of something to keep us waking up every single morning.
Things can ruin your day or make you better, happier.
The 10 Great Ways to Reward Yourself
Honorable Mentions:
Do I really need to list them this time? Of course, there are plenty of ways to improve your self-esteem, and there are also plenty of ways to discuss this topic. People struggle every day, and every form of life needs to find something to use. However, life is not always easy, and there are plenty of things that will hinder our approval and progress. Yes, rewarding yourself is a great way to increase the quality of your mental health, and with some time, you may even begin to see yourself as worth something.

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