If you couldn’t already tell, the entire world is in decline! Unfortunately, it has almost always been this way, and there’s nothing that you can do about it. (Never mind the “extensive” hyperbole; the world has always been a really bad place!) It doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to end perse, but there are certainly things that display its incessant need for unsteady upheaval. However, we can all agree that, at least hypothetically, the world will end at some point anyway, and there are plenty of things that point us in that characteristic and very unsurprising direction. Dystopian or not, there are things that we’re doing now that do not simply stive and stroke towards the imaginary. Of course, there are better ways for the world to end (or go on), and there are worse ways for us to meet our dismal, horrifying end. In the end, there are reasons to believe that these things are and can be a problem. “Yes, but what are they?” you ask. Well, they’re listed here: These are the 10 horrific ways that the world is ending … for good.
People tend to have a hard time considering every possibility when it relates to personal ambitions and how we affect the lives of others. Then again, we can always be selfish by accident and help everyone, too. However, we can also mention how religion is screwing over the world (it could still be included on this list in one way or another), but this hasn’t really changed that much recently. And as we all should emphatically understand, fanatical religious pantomiming was obviously worse in the past, but it’s also existed until this very day, unfortunately. Of course, there may be time when the Mayan calendar gets it right, but there may even be a time where religious thinking takes control of our so-called “futuristic” sentiments.
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
1. Advertisements
If we want to use ideocracy as an example of the “world ending,” then we should understand how our ad-driven society has created more bad than good, more negative than positive. In fact, not only does it create derision among the people (its undiligent populous), but it creates a change-in-gear towards the least common denominator. (Ads are the modern world’s way of personifying everything that was wrong with the past.) And even thought it has mostly been a trope that has existed in the past, it’s still something that has created an objective standard. Furthermore, we’re already at this “dystopian” future without any of the character that makes it interesting — the archetypes aren’t even necessary. Unfortunately, if we’re not dystopian at this point, then we may as well change the definition or try to fully understand its meaning. It’s also not a necessary evil, and it’s certainly not a meaningful alternative to the conquest and warpath that existed in the past. If anything, it’s actually unmitigated indulgence!
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
2. Low Attention
Beyond the world being stupid, pointless, and consisting of mindless internal chatter, there’s not much to look forward to. In fact, the modern culture is more of a problem and/or conundrum that doesn’t necessarily negate its so-called necessity. (Just because we think we need something does not mean that we do, but it also means that it can be a lot better.) “What does this mean?” you politely ask. Well, it just means that the more that we lower our attention spans, the more that we’re simply here to await the next moment. And, as we all know, the “internet age” is among us, and along with it comes the waves of intermediary pleasure. After all, this world is driven by it, but we’re also constantly looking towards that next big moment. Of course, the journey is always more important than the destination; although, who’s to say that anyone is following this mucky and almost useless advice. Everyone can look at their situations in such a way, but it doesn’t mean that they’re actually “living in the moment” either, correct?
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
3. Technology
Not everything that is ordinary has to be bad, and the downsides are not always intentionally set in place to disadvantage us. However, catering to folks through means of shortform videos doesn’t necessarily help people and their interests. To many, this may seem like a small gripe, but just because the world is chugging does not mean that “arbitrary” standards have been met. (There’s always something of a balance to maintain, but you shouldn’t want people focusing on only one thing either.) Unfortunately, the more that we unwisely head towards the future, the more that we’re likely to find stupefying shortcuts. Of course, this can come off as a form of “old man syndrome,” but its certainly something to consider. And guess what, the future is coming, but it’s not going to be as grandiose as we probably expect. It’s a slow grind, and technology is the “necessary” evil that will confine us. Thankfully, the progenitors are not always efficient enough while partaking in their personal endeavors, but it’s just the beginning.
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
4. Medicine
Variety breeds innovation, and there are plenty of things to be proud of. (People are productive, and it gives everyone a chance to show their colorful nerdiness.) However, there are numerous times where “innovation” goes nowhere or is not necessarily required. Of course, it’s not always a bad thing to keep focus on one problem, but it depends on what you’re actually accomplishing. At the same time, there are plenty of things that are contrived; they’re simply here for no reason. We can make numerous combinations of things, but there is only so much room to see them grow. One thing that shouldn’t allude us though is medicine. How come? Well, it’s because it’s the foundation for a lot of the long-term problems that many people face now. Instead of dying with relative ease, we are not milking patients of their “hard-earned” money and bleeding interest (and inflation) out of medicinal costs that shouldn’t be there to begin with. Although, it’s not to say that it’s not impressive, but it’s often wasteful.
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
5. Nuclear Attrition
Beyond the endless freebies of Medicare costs and technology that drives both medicine and self-automation, we’ve got nuclear weapons! The drive for justice is just one way to look at our inevitable downfall, and it’s exactly what drove us to make atomic bombs. Of course, it’s not necessarily going to end this way, but it certainly spells disaster if something were to go wrong. (And guess what, plenty can go wrong!) Now, if we’re to end all life on the planet, then we could possibly argue how efficient use of nuclear weapons could provide an easy escape route. Unfortunately, this is not how we’re going to use these “weapons of mass destruction.” (The other alternatives are unlikely to happen anytime soon, i.e., a comet, but they certainly will happen again at some point.) If anything, they’re simply used as a scapegoat for wars and an excuse to topple other governments. At this point, it also means that we’re not here to fix anything for good … . We’re actually just here to make things worse over & over again.
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
6. Population Growth
The world is on the precipice of insanity, and we’re here worrying about our measly population. (As we all know, it’s not important, and it’s not like we couldn’t fit our 8.5 billion people [and growing] into the state of Texas, right?) I mean, so many animals have gone extinct, and humans are essentially the only ones who matter anyway. We obviously do not need to worry about anyone but ourselves, which is also indicated by our self-glorified and uninhibited diet. Hell, we even lack principles; however, everyone can believe what they want to believe. As a matter of fact, who’s actually there to stop them! Every human is out for themselves, and then they have the audacity to act like they care about others and the need for a larger population. (We’re here for reasons of folly.) The birthrates aren’t necessarily on the rise, as many nations have begun to stabilize their population growth. In fact, many nations have had a steady decline in population, but this doesn’t mean that the population is not going to grow more overall.
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
7. Climate Change
In spite of poorer countries creating excessive population growth, at least at the current time, we’ve probably got other issues to focus on, right? In fact, there are plenty of ways to understand technology, the future, and how we’re all screwing up. Although, we should also understand how there is only room to screw up more when there is more that we have in place. The truth or possibilities were made inevitable from the start, but there are some things that we certainly had some control over. However, the young man asked the old man, “How did we get here?” And guess what the old man said! The old man said nothing (for the sake of this flawless example) because he was too damn ignorant to answer the question. “What does this mean?” you ask. Well, it means that the old man was wise enough to not answer, but it also means that the young man is just as dumb. After all, climate change is one of the 10 horrific ways that the world is ending. It’s not necessarily life-ending now, but it will be soon!
Climate change will simply “make the world end.” However, it’s not very likely, and it’s a matter of how it will affect other living creatures. Of course, it’s not to say that we or the world could not survive this.
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
8. Control
Of course, we also shouldn’t necessarily look at the future as a place of more possibilities. “Why?” you’re pessimistically asking. Well, it’s because the world should always be striving to become better — a place of more efficient opportunities. Finding ways to make everything “possible” is never going to happen, and cutting corners is exactly what we must do. (There’s never going to be enough time to make those very special blackhole unicorn puppies.) Of course, this is mostly understood by the masses, but the romanticization of “THE FUTURE” is often seen as a realm of awesome opportunities. It may even be seen as an intriguing novel where everyone is seen as spiteful towards the satirically authoritarian government (Nineteen Eighty-Four). Again, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with dreaming, and control to some degree is perfectly acceptable and preferable. Unfortunately, there are too many problems that will arise, including too much control because of the advent of technology. Hey, we all need an excuse!
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
9. Taking Sides
The worst part of the future that we’ve set up for ourselves is the lack of absolute (or nuanced) alternatives, i.e., everyone is partisan. (Without any doubt, some outrage and “control” is necessary to make a personal statement related to change and/or political discourse.) There is either good or evil, and there’s nothing in between for the most part. Of course, the “good and evil” that exists should be properly acknowledged; however, we’re doing it incredible injustice. Most people are genuinely fighting the wrong fight or are not on the right side! The nuance that once drove us to reach reasonable conclusions has taken a back seat while we’ve also decided to lose focus on what made things wrong to begin with. And although this may be seen as a particular problem that exists in small pockets, it actually exists just about everywhere. Be it the dumbfounding political nature of everyone’s cause or not, we are seeing ourselves into a crapshoot of just cause. Then again, we could just nuke ourselves, right?
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
10. The Inevitable
People tend to go back to history or represent the past in the worst ways possible, and many of the trends that continue to ‘pop’ us are almost ready to burst completely. (People become complacent, but — even though we do not have absolute control — there are things that we can actually change for the better.) Although, for better or worse, we tend to make decisions that impact us in a plethora of ways. In fact, we can intend good and get bad or vice versa. And in spite of everything we do, it will all end one way or another. Unfortunately, many people tend to lack this blatantly obvious perspective.
(Some of the things that we do are shortsighted, but they actually help us in the end, etcetera.) Of course, there are some things that simply haven’t changed that much, but there are also many things that haven’t come back except for now. “What is this?” you ask. Well, we have collected a bevy of unqualified characteristics that have created or were made possible by the current lack of culture. We even decided to mix the culture up so much that we’re trying to turn ourselves into tigers or foxes. Then again, even though we can create a melodious mixture of doubt with many things: history, our nature, and stupidity.
The 10 Horrific Ways That the World is Ending
As you can see, the world ending is no joke, but, at the same time, it’s deterministically inevitable. (There are plenty of ways to personally and objectively see how the world is ending!) However, it doesn’t mean that we cannot or will not change things! Without a doubt, there are absolutely no rules saying that we cannot challenge our options, but will we likely avoid them all anyway. It also doesn’t mean that everything is going to happen; however, whatever has happened was going to happen anyway. Then again, the world doesn’t necessarily have to end for it to feel like it’s ending, and it’s where we’ve comfortably been for a long time. And, in fact, it’s where we’ve been this entire time! Anyway, you can always combine every single one of these things (or not) and understand how it could end, but it doesn’t mean that they have to happen. In fact, depending on things turn out, one thing may not lead to another, and we may even keep ourselves alive for long enough to see how things will actually end.

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