While I may have wrote about this a while back near the beginning of my time running my website, it’s time to get real. There are always new things you can do, and some of them have always been there. While it may be hard to motivate yourself to do them, isn’t it better than doing nothing? Isn’t it better than being bored? Boredom can often be confused for depression and vice versa. Either way, there are ways you can identify and alleviate your boredom without even trying. These are the 10 amazing ways to deal with boredom.
As hard as it sounds, boredom can be dealt with in a plethora of interesting ways. Oftentimes, you can alleviate it by simply thinking about something. Before long, you’ll see your boredom slip away like butter on a plate. Even if you’re depressed, you can deal with boredom too. Although, if you’re depressed, it’s best to figure out the source of your depression so you can deal with that, too. Hey, there are even ways to enjoy boredom, but that wouldn’t be real boredom then, right? Exactly!
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
1. Use Your Imagination
Did you know that, just like a child, you can use your imagination? You see, thinking can lend you all sorts of opportunities. You can think of a new plan for your day, or you can daydream and live in your own personal fantasy world. No one is stopping you, and you can use it to give yourself some great ideas. Ideas that can range from how to fall asleep to give yourself good dreams, to how to enjoy that next meal in a better way. Just be sure to not allow your imagination to give you anxiety, because this can come from overthinking.
While it seems like we need something better to do, most people don’t know about it. If you’re bored, you’re often just sitting there thinking of boredom. Regardless, it’s still a fine option to consider, because most people don’t realize how much they can do on their own. It’s also a good time to think of something new and interesting to do, especially if you thought of it yourself. I don’t think there can be a better feeling.
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
2. Watch Something
Watching television or the grass grow sounds painful, but it can offer you a lot of time to contemplate life. Watching paint dry can also be fun if you have to do it. Levity aside, you can certainly get by on watching something that intrigues you. And while this may seem like obvious advice, it is! It’s not to say that others can’t have a hard time finding the point of doing it, but if you’re bored, you’ll naturally figure something out at some point. Yeah, if you’re just sitting around watching things all day, you’ll get bored, and you’ll find something else to do.
There are also plenty of options, including YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, and so on. You have the internet, and you probably have cable of some sort. You can learn a lot, so watch something you like without holding back… even porn. Hey, you can even go out and watch the wind blow as you take a walk down memory lane. The possibilities are endless, you just have to think of some of them.
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
3. Read Something
Yeah, aren’t I a genius? Did you know that you could read when you’re bored? Of course, some people may find that reading is boring, but you’re probably doing it every day. You’re doing it on a regular basis, even if it’s not long and engaging novel. Some people need a push, but it’s not to say that. Reading helps you retain memory. You’re probably not always reading a book, but you can read an article or even read your favorite comic book.
If you like videos, you’re reading, especially if there’s information in the format of text. However, this isn’t about what is or is not reading, but realize that you have an interest, even if you think you don’t. Maybe you should go beyond that and read more and more interesting things. It’s not like it takes a lot of effort, and it can help you think, imagine, and retain brain function as you age.
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
4. Create Something
Creating something can be time-consuming and extremely intriguing. You can create a new recipe, or you can build a LEGO set. Whatever it may be, you can do it, even if it’s something complex and difficult. Maybe you like to draw, and you haven’t realized that you like to paint. Once you’ve thought of this, you’ll be finger painting or using coal for drawing to keep things interesting. It’s fun and in feels good to create, and it can keep you coming back for more and more.
If it’s something that takes time, you’ll want to go back, and you’ll use the momentum to keep things going. There’s nothing better than finishing an arts or science project once you’ve started. It can be addicting, and it requires an investment. Hey, once you get involved in one thing, you’ll be hankering to go back to what you did to begin with. See, it’s about making things bounce from one moment to the next. Thinking outside of the box can always help with this, you just have to be willing to try.
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
5. Exercise
Did you know that exercise can take up some time? You know, it really is all about the journey, and it’s about making the most of it. If you’re sitting there thinking that there is any one moment that will make everything special, you’re wasting your time. As mentioned before, exercise can make the boredom slip away like it was nothing to begin with. This is because exercise is great at making you feel good and accomplished. It can also allow you to see progress, which is fun to keep track of.
The busier you are, the better you are at appreciating the small things in life that can seem like they’re far away. Also, as I’ve mentioned before, exercise is great at releasing endorphins (feel-good chemicals) and getting you fit. To me, you couldn’t ask for much better. You’ll be tired, worn out, and you’ll have fun doing it. You may even be able to go to sleep, and sleep is fun, isn’t it?
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
6. Reevaluate Your Boredom
Sometimes, it’s good to question if you’re really bored. Maybe there’s something you can do about it, including creating new habits around avoiding it. Even if you feel depressed, you can find better ways around it. There’s a time and place, and it’s best to understand that smart people can figure out what to do with their time. If you gather what your expectations are, you may find that it’s better to reset what makes life worth living. If you’re depressed, you find supplements that can help, and this can in turn give you a new interest.
This is a problem for many people nowadays because they have everything at their fingertips. They may not be bored, but they’re asking for boredom to come more easily. With this, simply try to understand what a problem you have is, and focus on it, maybe even spend time being mindful. Meditation and mindfulness can lead you to a lot of conclusions, and it can be therapeutic. This can end up solving your issues with boredom or whatever else it may be that bothers you.
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
7. Find Better Work
This is essentially about creating a routine, and this is because streamlined stability can help. If you have a routine, you’ll find that you’ve planned out your time ahead of time. There’s less room to be bored, and you’ll fill it with things ahead of time. There’s always room to change a few plans here and there, but if you’re guided, you’ll find excitement in your day. That way you can save money or budget your time in a meaningful way. This way, you can take part in improving yourself and find more intrigue as you actually have time for that trip that you planned on. If not, you make a last minute plan from the last completed objective, and you go out.
Your schedule is about not just work, but it’s about finding peace, entertainment, and obligation. The more you create time where freedom is lacking, the more you’ll find a way to spend it properly. Even if it’s just a nap, it’ll do you in good, and you won’t be bored. So, staying busy is a great way to keep yourself from getting bored, it’s just about how you go about it. This is probably because you’re taking your time and money more seriously, and this way, you can find that you have more time and money to do things. Must I go on?
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
8. Quit Pressuring Yourself
The more you find yourself distracted, the more you may find that the small things are less interesting. Finding interest in small things is where the fun in life is at. If you’re constantly at odds with yourself, you’ll find that you’ll have no time for anything that intrigues you. You may even habituate yourself to not knowing what to do if you’re not working or doing daily tasks that require work. As long as you’re thinking, you’re doing work.
While this may be fun, you must learn how to bide your time and be less stressed out. The more you have time for yourself, the better off you’ll be in finding interesting things to do with your time. Just be sure not to get carried away, because the more time there is to fill, the less you may be able to fill it. It’s not like you have to pressure yourself to be perfect all of the time, because this won’t help you. It’ll only end up making you dislike everything, and this is no good at keeping yourself busy and in a positive way.
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
9. Try to Focus
If you’re a person that struggles with focus, then you may find that everything is boring. Yeah, you may have some interests that captivate you occasionally, but they’re not always there. It’s about learning to focus your attention on things so that you can start seeing the point and engaging. You may even feel like you’re depressed or there’s something wrong, but there is not.
All you have to try and do is change up the things that distract you. It’s not that difficult, because all you have to do is collect yourself a little. It may be because you’re depressed or distracted with an ailment or guilt. This is why it’s best to keep yourself focused so that you don’t get too far behind on your self-awareness. As long as you take a step back and realize that anything you do can be fun and interesting, the more you can have that fun.
10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
10. Try New Things
The point of overcoming whatever daily malaise you have is to avoid your boredom. This means that if you’re closing yourself off, you should avoid doing so. Many of us are blocking things out to avoid what makes us feel uncomfortable. However, it’s best to try and open the mind, and while we’re at it, we don’t have to find such discomfort in doing it.
You can still hide behind the veil that makes you comfortable, but that veil may change. You may even begin to realize just how much you were hiding and how it was not really worth it. I’m not saying that you should go out and conquer your fears, but maybe you should.
Final Thoughts: 10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Boredom
Learning to not be bored is a fine but hard skill to learn. It’ll teach you time management and keep you from wasting your time being and feeling miserable and worthless. You’ll find that boredom is really up to you, and it’s extremely easy to alleviate boredom. While I did not mention everything under the sun, you never really can. It’s hard to think of every little thing you can do, but that’s where you come up with it.
There’s no need in getting distracted with what you could of said or what you forgot. This can keep you busy, but you don’t want to be busy with thoughts that are more bad than good. It’s about finding healthy ways to have fun that don’t harm you or others. Lastly, it’s about having fun and finding new ways to cope and think along with fun. Just as long as you do a little bit of thinking and reading, you figure it out.

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