10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
We can all get lost in the subconsciousness of a silly ego death, and we can all have good advice in the depths of irony. Also, it’s understood that the governments that we have that seem unworthy are a waste, especially when it comes to capitalism. This just takes one piece of going in the wrong direction to make it not work, but we tend to placate too much in that wrong direction. There is even a fanatical opining that we are relegated to when there is too much disagreement. With this in mind, these are the 10 offensive thoughts about volatile subjects and stupid ideas.
In spite of this, life is indeed a challenge, and the complexity makes us both the victim and perpetrator of all crimes. There is too much to consider, and there is failure and convolution in choice that is made everywhere. Unfortunately, the extremes take the seat at front, and the special interests are in charge of our deterministic outcomes. If we want to change this though, then it’s always a good idea to offer a new perspective. The truth is a decent start, but we have to be willing to face it at the dawn of failure. With some risk involved, we can then make the right difference.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
1. Drugs Don’t Necessarily Display Reality
We all like to use expressions, and people even like to use language when describing religion or psychedelic wastelands of stupidity. The world and thought processes within the mind can create confusion, and even communication can become difficult in the process. In fact, these drugs have a cause just like any other drug, but the effect is different in context. The intense smoking and bizarre hallucinations are even a sign of extreme, concentrated, and severe intoxication that should be noted with the utmost certainty. There may be some realizations, but much of it is going through your own preconceived notions of subjective reality and lucid dream states.
There are complex drugs out there, but most of it is simple and explainable to the average layman. Drugs can help you, but why should it be so hard to explain living death to begin with. It already kind of is, but ignorance can hold us back when searching for the truth in the mirror of a psychedelic wasteland. We can understand that something is different, but the psychoactive effects of these drugs are similar in essence. Thankfully, some people may understand this, but many psycho nuts, especially under the influence, may never understand it. To them, it’s a profound experience, and to intelligent people, it’s merely a one-sided and easily digestible epiphany in description.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
2. We Often Argue Psychology
Just like with arguing philosophy with psychology, you, at times, cannot realize that you are doing certain things. Unfortunately, people do this all too often, and the story begins with a misunderstanding of argumentation and rejectable ideals. This creates too much cognitive dissonance, and it disrupts an ability to think properly or cohesively. People can even confuse the two and end up making an argument of psychology. This obviously means that a lot of wishful thinking is involved, and even ideas of spiritualism and enlightenment prop up. This is the problem with most people, as phantasmagoria and creative delusions become the subject of alluring interest.
When we see ourselves fall into this personal trap, we have to be willing to change it. Things like practice comes to mind, but this is not always enough, unfortunately. You see, we all tend to claim one thing and even decide to endear others with convenient excuses. Although, if we want to change this, then we may have to vote against the special interest at heart. Even if it provides something good, this is too much for us to accept and change. “Why is this?” you ask. Well, the insanity of sheeple claims can seem overwhelming, and trying to explain something can be too tedious. The complex answer is always ready, and the perceptions are simple in spite of psychoanalyzing the facts.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
3. Pseudoscience is Fake
Astrology is not saying much other than the obvious, but it is dubiously incorrect and not real or accurate. You can even equate it to time travel and how we are simply displaying the past without an ability to change it. This is simply a pseudoscience; however, it claims far too little to be taken seriously. If it is claiming common truth, but it is also overemphasizing it to the point of ludicrousness. However, this is what we can say, but at the same time, it likes to claim oddly specific things. Unfortunately, it’s not saying much at all, meaning that it has very little afforded power over us in reality.
Keep in mind that this comes down to the human mind and it’s propensity towards confirmation bias — we love to think of and through the empty space (our thoughts). We love to indulge in self-fulfilling prophesizing; this makes us extremely happy and is very obvious. This even creates the idea that the possibilities are not endless, but the number of permutations is extravagantly high. Afterall, the dead cannot defend themselves, and the outcomes could’ve been different to some degree. However, there is only going forward, and the outcomes never seem to be that easy to understand.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
4. Things Work a Certain Way
Ideomotor readings are common, and the Ouija board is a common form of this psychological tendency. Afterall, we can worry about life after death, but there really isn’t much to talk about if this all leads to nothing. When we die slowly, our brains go through a chemical process of confusion, intense fear, and relief before we are gone to the void of nonexistence. However, if we die fast by a gunshot to the brain, our chemicals do not have a chance to do this or at least process anything for long. At this point, we can probably all agree that humans can be at least a little bit gullible.
You see, our brain is still here, but it is not at all functional without the rules of electricity. Some things are more final, but the final product is a working brain turned into a dysfunctional machine. Just because things are working a certain way does not mean that it cannot be better. However, at the same time, they work to some degree, and this is why they still continue to happen. When we are under the influence, it may seem different, but this effect can be replicated in naïve children. There are always explanations though, and we have to be willing to accept them over nuanced trickery.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
5. You’re Smart No Matter What Others Think
We can all be smart; however, we can all make mistakes no matter how intelligent we are. The universe dictates it, and a predetermined universe — the only kind of universe — is set by the rules of cause and effect. Of course, this means that you have to actually be intelligent, but this can be considered arbitrary to many. To change the perception of others is hard, but how we recover from said failure is more important. We all do it, but getting caught up in the compromise is another indication of our truthful ability to confuse ourselves. In fact, it’s what makes us so very special to begin with.
At least to others, this can seem like incompetence, but this does not mean that you’re not intelligent or reasonable. The intelligence can be there, but getting caught off guard can create panic in the form of performance anxiety. The more you fail and recover, the better you will be and display success and tactical intelligence or smartness through experience and practice. Unfortunately, we tend to create contradictions and reinforce beliefs that we already have through our inability to see through our own experience. This is unfortunately where the nonsense can become overwhelming.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
6. Our Thinking is Much the Same
Getting caught up in abstract thoughts is easy, but guiding thinking towards a conclusion is even harder. Even if the thought or delusion seems convoluted and intensely real, it may in fact not be a truth that exists outside of the deluded mind. We can all see things a little bit differently though, but there are things that make us all the same enough. In the end, this is sort of like your brain not being able to think that much differently from others in the most basic of senses. There may be some differences, but this is merely the side effect of the unique situations that we are caught up in.
You see, you have to start from the source, and our brain will not grow a stem to display our differences. We are simply thinkers, and that extra wrinkle can make all of the difference in our profound ability to understand. We can even be concise in explaining an idea that should be obvious to others, seemingly so. The idea probably is, but to us, it seems more elusive, and we can even see it in others more than in ourselves. In fact, no matter how unfathomable a thought may seem, there are always explanations through evidence, even if the proof appears to be lacking at first.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
7. Nothing is Truly Beyond Our Comprehension
Arbitrary notions of success mean little when you understand the world and how it works to undermine our very existence. The things that we think are hard to understand are actually quite simple and categorizable — complex or simple and easy to the eye. In fact, we are all just a bunch of empty space that exists within the whitespace of reality. Everything can be reduced to particles, and all that is left is space and the nothingness of a lack of consciousness and false notions of relativity. There’s nowhere to go anyway, but we often live in denial when facing this objective truth and perception.
People will always at least find a reason to keep going and call this nonsense if it’s even understood to begin with. Our brains like to feel as though things are hard to understand, but the answers are right there. This seems like a silly theory, but it does not follow the logic of intense hallucinations. Just like when taking too many fancy drugs, the answers are right in front of you. You can either choose to comprehend them, or you are probably too stupid to see it for yourself because of it also not being real. Well, it obviously has to be real, and without it being a fact, we must acquiesce.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
8. Life is Always Uncomfortable
We all allow our emotions to get the best of us, but this may be something that’s difficult to comprehend. Life is uncomfortable, and we can only work with parts within our understanding, including ideas of anti-natalism and bigotry. We are living our lives though, and thinking about why thoughts are happening is a misleading question. There is something happening, and we are living the constituent parts, but these are not always being deduced with knowledge through the brain. Just understanding this is enough to keep yourself from sliding into thought-provoking territory.
Getting caught up in our obsessions is a waste of time, but it’s always something worthy of contradictory consideration. They’re unique and hapless, but then again, it may not be that hard to accept the bad that we subjectively present to ourselves. We do not have to get distracted by the negativity, but we certainly can, depending on mood. The truth is simple, and it’s merely a perception in the brain that can involve some intuition. If we choose to ignore it, then we are doing ourselves a disservice beyond the bounds of reason. When this is known, then logic should become second nature.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
9. Learning is Mostly Understanding the Jargon
When you’re learning something new or are doing so on your own, you may be good at the subject or even gifted. If things go poorly, is does not mean you are stupid; screwing up is sometimes a prerequisite. As we know, failing is a part of the process, and the pristine victory is only sold in books. You may not know the jargon, but you understand how to do it. In the end, it does not mean that we cannot understand religion to not be real; learning holds some value. We all can understand this, and at least giving ourselves the chance to go through the thought process is worthy of consideration.
Every one of us get distracted by stupid things, and we all do the same things over and over again. We are even too stupid to understand things and confuse concepts to the point of simple accepting simple errors in the right direction. It can mean that we do not understand, or it can mean that we are more prone to getting caught up in other perceptions. It may seem strange, but we can get used to it enough by simply learning alone or failing stupendously. Some people may even think about it, but others never consider it or never go through this process. It also means that they don’t experience it properly.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
10. Perception is a Real Process That Confuses You
Those drug-induced entities that you thought you were talking to can be thought up and applied. However, they were just a figment of your imaginations that exist through your reinforced and humiliating acceptance of them. You can create a force feedback loop of self-destructive thinking based on preconceived notions of tearing reality down to its constituent parts. Although the parts are really there, perceiving them with accuracy can be arduous and difficult. They’re even easy to understand, but the mind needs more than an imaginary notion to work off of with impunity. Could the truth be a spiritual realm of confusion? Not really, and this should be a sign of their perspective, unreal qualities.
Knowing the truth involves not getting lost and not displaying your ignorance by learning openly. Articulation is a part of this, and it’s correlation to other things is important to this as well. The more that you understand, the better you can likely explain an experience and vice versa. There is a reality out there, and nothing is insanely unbound to our ability to concentrate some sense out of it. If we struggle with this, then it simply means that we haven’t gotten there yet, and making sense a certain way is only so much in the face of a simple reality. Things like latent memories can bring back thoughts, and just about anyone, even the smartest of us, can fall for this trap. Like with certain drugs, you have to absorb it through the confusion to understand what was taken away.
10 Offensive Thoughts About Volatile Subjects
You can be the smartest person in the world and still count your mistakes with grandiose consequences. The world is not necessarily your oyster, but certain choices can be a sign that things are a certain way. We can get distracted and make even more mistakes, but this does not make someone stupid. Sometimes, the smartest people can make the most mistakes if they are doing something incredibly difficult. Holding back through informal ways to internally display anxiety and performance mistrust. Getting the practical facts is fairly easy, and understanding how to do it is only marginally harder. When we understand this, we might be in the right to say that we’re wrong to begin with. Although, it doesn’t always work this way.
I’m not going over everything, but it’s enough to help overcome your suggestibility and arrogance. The lucid dream states that we happen to be in can be informative. However, they are not really showing you the truth. We can still see all sorts of real things, and this can be stated as a fact of perception. However, using this delusionary and dissociated state as a formative way of deducing truth is dubious at best. People may find this in conflict with their beliefs, but that’s too bad. People love to find conflict, and they may even claim that I am wrong in coming to these conclusions. Unfortunately for them, I am stating the obvious and doing so without concrete negligence. If this is too hard to understand, then the proof is not on me or anyone reasonable anymore.
There is no hyperbole here, but many people may see it this way. It’s not anyone trying to be “edgy” either, as this is an excuse often used by duplicitous people. They simply want to disagree and even have a hard time accepting reality, so they are prone to these tactics. Regardless of this, the more that we accept the truth, the better off we actually are. Although, I can even say that drugs and religion can help, but the downsides are too severe. Every upside is a downside, and they often exaggerate what you already belief to fool you into submission.
The truth is that you cannot trust much of anything, and every side will exaggerate. There is truth on both sides, but to believe in fairytales or extensive governmental control is an aside. The beliefs that you can read online and elsewhere will lead to contradictory answers, too. These answers even seem to feed off of each other, and this is sometimes the case. You can choose to believe whatever you want, but it should all be taken with a grain of salt. In spite of this, never search for the truth in an answer without true merit and real evidence.