The world is full of obnoxious obstructions; however, some of these obstructions appear to be way worse than others. Although, when it really comes down to it, there are many people, places, and things out there that can and will get in the way. And if it doesn’t end there, then you will likely find yourself blaming any number of different things for your life not going in the right direction. However, it’s not always about who you can give this credit to. Why? Well, it boils down to what you can do about it — this is an important lesson. Thankfully, this doesn’t end: These are the 10 reasons why you’re not getting anywhere!
Being a failure is quite the ‘common’ occurrence; however, it’s how you deal with this failure that makes you more of a winner, at least in the end. For the most part, no one is holding you back but yourself! Not only this, but you are also your own worst enemy … . Yes, it’s a cliche! But the more that you try, the more that you can blame the rest of the world for being the real problem. Unfortunately, this really should not be something that you wish to associate with. And it’s also something that you don’t want to deal with! Although, to be quite honest, being a so-called “winner” is overrated and leads to another place of failure — your personal expectations! (There’s nothing WORSE than that addiction to winning!) We’ve also got to look at how you waste your “precious” time on this crappy earth; however, why bother.
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
1. Sabotage
It’s no secret that you can be sabotaged by “outside sources,” and it can even be someone you know and trust. It doesn’t have to be something big; however, the secret can be something that turns into a very large problem. Unfortunately, not many people are willing to admit this to themselves and others. (We’re likely sabotaging someone else right now.) Although, a lot of this so-called “sabotage” can be very intentional, malicious, and beyond our control. And, in the end, it’s something that can get in the way of our ability to make a difference. Why? Well, it’s simply the way it works; why not fight the problem as well!
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
2. Depression
There is always someone to blame, and it can often come down to blaming yourself. This can ‘manifest’ as a rotten mood, or it can be that someone else is blaming you personally. At this point, you may even question your sanity or if you’ve got some kind of “mood” disorder, e.g., depression, melancholy, etcetera. Of course, this feeling may create some awkward dissonance, and it can even give your enemies something to blame for your problems. And, however personal it may be, there’s always something that can get in the way, and the blame can rightfully or wrongfully come down on you … or other people, too!?
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
3. Fear of Failure
As thinking, feeling creatures, we can often second-guess ourselves into a dark rabbit hole — this is often called a “fear of failure.” This fear of failure that you experience can be caused by all sorts of things, including your personal doubts, worries, and anxieties. (This is often created by negative outcomes and/or personalized interpretations.) To many people, it’s the biggest reason why they’re often stuck in their crappy job or dead-end relationship. And, for far too many people, it becomes an inevitable comfort zone that pities nothing but your willingness to stay within your personal hellhole. Just be aware of the rabbits!
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
4. Anxiety
If there is one thing that can get in the way of you doing anything, then it’s likely to be your anxiety. “Why is this?” you curiously ask. Well, it comes down to how your anxiety can create an irrational fear in just about any situation. (Everyone struggles with anxiety to some varying degree, but some struggle with it a lot more often.) Although, the very worst of it arrives when you feel as though you’ve been an a**hole and something in your life is likely to expose you or catch up to you and your haphazard decisions. It can cause paranoia or be the byproduct of serious mental illness; however, it’s never as simple as JUST that … .
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
5. Self-Sabotage
There’s a difference between someone secretly banning you from the dreaded shadows and you creating problems for yourself. For one, it really doesn’t matter if it is exacerbated by (or related to) anxiety, depression, or a fear of getting back up. After all, it’s very, very easy to self-sabotage yourself, especially if you’re prone to bouts of anger and grief. (Self-sabotage can come in many forms, and it obviously depends on the group of people that you’re associated with.) Now, it can depend on the people you’re around; it also depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Just remember, that you’re always the issue.
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
6. People
Be it your group of “friends” or the desire to impress the wrong group of people, you will find that other people aren’t always there for you. And, at least for the most part, that is and/or should be okay. Unfortunately, we often find that the obstructions placed on ourselves are based on our interactions with others. (These interactions can be significant or seemingly innocuous or brief.) There’s also reason to believe that other people, at least in general, are the cohorts of our own self-destruction. However, you should also understand how your actions can affect others. (It’s really just a simple matter cause & effect.)
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
7. Lack of Skill
The worst part about not “going” anywhere has a lot to do with your ability to process the environment around you. At times, you may be stuck in a situation that involves understanding a certain set of circumstances (i.e., your skills or knowledge). It doesn’t matter though, because you’re often on your own when it comes to your abilities, be them more natural or learned. Of course, it can come down to your intelligence, but your intelligence is just the tip of the iceberg. (There are plenty of intelligent people who tend to fall off of the map.) Although, it often works with a list: your motivations, skills, and will to work … .
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
8. Abuse
To whom it may concern, you’re likely to find someone who happens to be “stuck” in a situation that calls for help from the authorities, i.e., the police or DSS. (We can all struggle with situations like this … .) Unfortunately, we’re not always in a situation where things are made situationally easy for us. This doesn’t mean much to them, though. Yes, we’re always going to find someone, intentionally or obliviously creating issues for other people. Is this a form of self-sabotage? Well, it depends on who you line up your 1s and 0s! This is a good quote: “You’re likely to blame if you’re willing to deal with the abuse.” BULLSH*T!
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
9. Physical Disability
A lot of the problems that persist in your life can come down to self-sabotage; however, it does boil down to much more than that. It can obviously come down to depression, anxiety, and mental disability. However, there are plenty of people who suffer from a more obvious problem … physical disability. Why? Well, some people struggle with problems, and it comes down to a matter of categorization. Unfortunately, you’re not always going to be aware of the problems that do disturb you. And this can obviously include physical and emotional disabilities. To clarify, getting better includes having knowledge!
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
10. A Lack of Ambition
Here’s a list of things that you should really know about AMBITION: it’s bloody, it doesn’t care, and it will not happen for you. For what it’s worth, you should understand that everyone has this “ambition” to some degree. Unfortunately, the world is not fair, which makes the circumstances involving your personal motivations entirely moot. In spite of this negation, we should understand that competition is worth noting, and a lot of people out there are looking to get to the “top.” It’s just too bad that a lot of people cheat and end up getting somewhere without the requisite talent and hard work that should be involved!
The 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Anywhere
As you can obviously tell, there are a plethora of reasons why you are not getting “anywhere.” And it’s simply an unfortunate state of reality that can burden and obstruct just about any and everyone. Although, it should not be understated that certain people have it a lot of worse than others. However, when push comes to the inevitable shove, there’s much to say for a reality that does not respect everyone’s rights equally. Unfortunately, the burden is often placed on the individual to make a difference in their life in spite of their personal hardships. There’s also the fact that your “luck” is running very thin …!
The end of the world begins when a cheater decides to give up their rights to not be cheated on.
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