The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
The medical-industrial complex (around the world), especially in America, is full of malarky and shenanigans that is beyond what the eye can see. Unfortunately, to make this even worse, there are numerous ways that we suffer from what should be considered unqualified nonsense, even if paying for our amenities seems like a somewhat reasonable idea. Of course, this does not mean that every single process is stacked against us; however, with everything considered, the qualities of this are at least unbeneficial. If this does not sound dastardly enough, then understanding that just about every doctor is full of misinformation and misguided techniques that would make the average person squeal. Although, with this in mind, these are the 10 reasons to not trust a doctor, but take it as you will.
Not all doctors are the problem, and the issues listed here come down to more than just them as individuals. We are all to blame to some degree, but there are mitigating factors in our favor that make the sum of the medical industry more responsible as a whole, unfortunately.
Dr. Dudley
Of course, I am not saying that you cannot trust many of the doctors out there, at least inadvertently. However, these are certainly reasons not to trust at least some of them, at least as a whole. Then again, who’s to say that there are not reasons to avoid trusting all doctors at all costs based on the circumstances and profession itself. Unfortunately, we often have no choice.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
1. The System
To make this easily understandable: No one is imprudently saying that we shouldn’t have doctors or that they should not get paid with compensation. Without question, there is plenty of money that goes around, and most doctors probably get paid appropriately — their bases salaries. Afterall, if anyone deserves a decent wage, then doctors would be at the top of the list; they deserve it. Unfortunately, this is never enough, and a desire for more is the motivation that drives them almost entirely.
Although, to make this even better, they’re not even the worst offenders of this ruthless crime. People are, and they enable the process even more than the doctors themselves. However, there are a lot of people who question the motives of doctors and how they operate some of their petty schemes. “What petty schemes?” you ask. Well, it comes down to referrals, false-guided incentives, and personally set and/or thoughtless quotas, and this is what, unfortunately, makes their world go around.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
2. The Blind Trust
When we finally decide to consider everything, we have to understand that a lot of people continue to trust doctors blindly. In fact, the enabling of this kind of indoctrinating behavior can be as dangerous as cancer itself. Furthermore, if they’re not one of the few people who question doctors, then they do it with their personal doctor (or they can do it with a clinic-based practitioner). However, not everyone can have a personal doctor, and trust can be hard to come by in spite and because of this.
If this isn’t enough, then we also have a system of checks and balances that doesn’t work beyond simply getting us through the system. However, it should be more than this, and having trust is crucially important. Of course, not everyone can afford their own doctor, and trusting doctors can be a problem, especially if you do not understand their history. Then again, understanding their history can be a challenge, as many forgone lawsuits levied against doctors go unseen and unheard of.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
3. The Motivation
At times, when visiting a doctor, it almost feels like you are a certain kind of lab rat awaiting a specific type of testing. In fact, you are their test dummy, and just about anything can go with the “correct” source of encouragement. Of course, not only will they often pursue money over all else, but they can be assumed to not consider everything with a diagnosis. However, it doesn’t matter what kind of specialist they happen to be, because their revenue is the central theme of importance. Also, just because a doctor is a doctor and not a “horse doctor” does not mean that they have the right answers.
Although, to make this even better, we have to consider how they are in charge of your life during the most dire of circumstances. Of course, their desire came with the ambition to became a doctor, and the corruption creates an even more disturbing environment. Afterall, in their irreputable shoes, they will often stay on the right side of the truth that benefits them the most. This also leaves room to believe that many of them are inclined towards malpractice and get paid too much for it. However, in a world full of horrendous billionaires, they are barely responsible for the crises that burden us the most.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
4. The Bias
If we’re to talk about doctors, then we must also talk about the biases involved in the process of becoming a doctor. Afterall, there are plenty of decent practitioners doing a reasonable enough job, and the work is honest enough. We even genuinely believe in this resolve or embrace it with the utmost conviction in spite of its problems. Unfortunately, a few so-called bad apples can ruin the entire bunch, and the “ethics training” could benefit from a lot of revisions. Even then, this is a very specific and divisive understanding of the medical union that mostly speaks to one central problem.
“What is this problem?” you ask. Well, there is a fear and an obvious problem related to personal bigotry and bias in this white-coated workplace. Afterall, when someone is working on you, there are foreboding risks involved. In fact, if someone does not like you for some reasons, their performance could be negatively affected in more ways than one. Of course, this is a normative statement, and not everyone is necessarily disagreeing with this ridiculing statement. There’s also no doubting that it has an effect on everyone, but not every doctor is wholly responsible for something terrible, inadvertently.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
5. The Culture
Although it seems ridiculous to “insult” a doctor, we have to understand that our rights to object to them are necessary — the disagreements are amicable. There are a litany of things to protest against as well, and it is our right to reasonably complain about them. With exception to their ultimate goat, they can get most things right. However, many doctors give us reason to dislike them without much effort having to be put in; the excuses are numerous. Unfortunately, regardless of this, we have to also understand that the job of a doctor can be stressful, especially on the decent doctors.
There are a lot of expectations that can create an almost undue burden on an educated doctor, and the distasteful culture is to blame. However, we also have a right to put them to the task in ways that are not much different than police officers and their brutal crimes of injustice. Furthermore, there are numerous fabrications, incompetent decisions, and exaggerations left and right, and it often leads to forms of misdiagnosis. In fact, there have been doctors, including dentists, who will unknowingly cause a problem just to make more money for themselves or someone else they know later on, too.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
6. The Risk
We obviously have healthcare to thank for helping us pay the medical bill, and a lot is almost always at risk. However, there’s no denying that you have to be well educated, and competence with training is “the name of the game.” Although this sounds good on paper, there also happen to be far too many untrained and overzealous doctors out in the fields. Be it from the lack of respect, or the desire to cut corners, we can find reasons to not trust doctors and/or enjoy their company. Furthermore, while the system is there to help, it is also a moneymaker that relies on revenue to suck us dry.
Given the system, no one could get away with not allowing us our right to be healthy; however, it happens from time to time. Of course, plenty of improvements can be applied, and the incentives need to be replaced with something more reasonable. Unfortunately, the motivations are all over the place, and there are even times where a doctor will create a problem to solve a problem. However, there is plenty that we can improve upon, and much of the process that’s supposed to help us can create problems that are often overlooked, including x-rays and the cost of healthcare coverage (and insurance).
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
7. The Lack of Integrity
When you think about it, there’s nothing wrong with having an incentive to get people motivated to get something done. I’ve mentioned the motivations before, and a lack of streamlined integrity is fairly obvious. Additionally, humans are quite lazy, and without the proper means of encouragement, we can find ourselves unwilling to perform properly. Furthermore, we cannot forget the clumsy foundation that our public infrastructure — the thing that corrupts — is founded upon. Even then, doctors can almost be seen as beneficial, but they can also come across as a necessary evil that we simply deal with.
If people are being critical too much or in a certain way, we should also understand the problems that are dealt with in this profession. Not everything is easy, but it’s not excuse to exploit the system. In fact, the few bad apples metaphor works in reverse here, as it’s the exact opposite — there are a lot of them. The situations involved with being a doctor can create a lot of derision and jadedness, which is, unfortunately, par for the course. Not only this, because doctors can get away with just about anything. It also feels like we are inadvertently dealing the side effects of a “buddy-buddy system.”
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
8. The Ethics
If you haven’t already noticed, we’re talking about what many would consider medical doctors or general practitioners. Of course, this article can also be about any doctor, e.g., scientists or philosophers, as well. Truth be told, trust is a major factor no matter what, and if you know better, you would realize this fact even more. Although, with medical doctors, they’re tied with a binding vice, and they’re even required to go through what is often called a course in ethics training. Afterall, since dealing with patients and their clinical issues can be burdensome, a doctor needs to act appropriately.
Unfortunately, doctors and their profession can be unbelievably cold, and this can create a sense of distrust. Furthermore, this trauma training is often overlooked, or it doesn’t do the work its justice enough. In fact, it’s a given and not necessarily bad or misunderstood, but it doesn’t help the perception or the quality of their abilities. Not everything that we cannot trust them for is all that straightforward or their fault, but we give into the system that creates us. Furthermore, there are a plethora of ways to deduce what the problem is and how it significantly affects us all, accordingly.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
9. The Medication
If we’re going to blame someone, then we must understand the full, explicit picture here. The pharmaceutical industry is a major piece of this puzzle, and it’s frustrating and unbelievable to say the least. It’s not only the doctors that we can blame, as big pharma is the problem and has a tendency to disrupt the workplace even more. In fact, there are plenty of people and pharmaceutical systems in place that are responsible; however, we are complacent in spite of this obnoxious complication. Unfortunately, one bad apple has given us the opportunity to understand how a disease can spread.
Before long, we have a bunch of people taking advantage of the system, be it the doctors, investors, or even the pharmaceutical companies. Not only do they go in with motivations, but they can also come out with a stronger veneer towards selfishness. This problem is critical, and not everyone is mentioning it; however, there are a plethora of things to complain about and blame. Unfortunately, the systems that we have set up can be exacerbated further, boiling the frog even slower. It doesn’t even matter where you are, because just about any doctor can be to blame in spite of their national etiquette.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
10. The Stereotypes
Through everything that we do, we enable the systems that stand thoroughly around us. There are plenty of ways to understand how trust is a concern, and it can come from stereotypes — the evil genius archetypes — as well. We either think that we are doing enough, or we are too unconcerned to bother caring enough to change it. Of course, it depends on the kind of doctor that you’re seeing, and each issue can be different. Even then, some doctors are trying to do the right things, but the implicitly of their subconscious manipulation of medical drama and facts can leave a lot to be desired.
The average doctor has a lot of freedom, and they can get away with just about anything through their prestigiousness. Of course, we need doctors, but things can obviously be a lot better than they are currently. Not everything that they do is bad, but we’re also given every reason to not trust them. The ideas of unnecessary medications or botched surgeries based on misallocated resources is also fairly common. Should we complain? Yes, but there are other things to complain about as well. This is also why it’s important to have someone around that you can trust you’re going to an appointment.
The 10 Reasons to Not Trust a Doctor
There are a lot of problems that we can mention about doctors and their unsuitable and so-called “reasonable” practices. However, in spite of this, we at least have some form of healthcare, and it happens to be leagues better than what was possible in the past. At the same time, this, along with many other issues, leaves much to be desired during the modern day — there are things to complain about. Although, when it comes down to it, we’re all responsible for these problems. Also, at this point, it can become an unnecessary critique, and it almost seems repetitive. Of course, there are a lot of problems, but many cannot be summed up properly without perspective. And, depending on the context, just about everything can be explained, including the problem with our doctors and otherwise.
Are many people worth saving? Well, it depends on the person, and it depends on what we’re doing to save them, too. In summary, some people are worth saving, but they have to earn it. (As long as someone is there who can do the job right, then why not do it [reasonably].)
Dr. Death
Knowing about Jack Kevorkian (Dr. Death), do you trust or distrust doctors? Of course, you’re likely to go to one anyway, but how does this affect your trust? If this does make a difference, then why, and how so? In the end, maybe it will make you realize something about yourself and what you truly believe in or if there is any duplicity involved in your irrational thinking processes.
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