Everyone has a time and place for their personal ‘sabbatical’ from the rest of the world. Unfortunately, it is often seen as a sign of weakness (or meekness) — they’re often the weird person! And with everyone being online and around people all of the time, this DESIRE for isolation has become far more ubiquitous. Now, it’s not to say that it wasn’t this way before, but we’re not looking to have it when we don’t “need it.” It’s just too bad that we’re often finding ways to be around others anyway, be it from work or the internet … . Although, it should also be stated that we’re looking for it far more often, and it can become a problem for many people trying to interact with others. (We’ve found a way for it to be dangerous; however, it also depends on the reason.) Some people look for isolation in the wrong ways, and other people wrongly believe! Regardless, this is not over; these are the 10 reasons why isolation is good for us.
Being by yourself, to some degree, will make you happier. However, it can also be a sign of depression, anxiety, etcetera. After all, it gives you a chance to be yourself … mostly. There’s also the aspects of “loneliness” that we can disqualify through our own personal experiences. Unfortunately, the lonelier that you are, the more likely you are going to relate less to other people … . (It’s actually pretty common for a lot of people.) And it’s only a matter of time! So, what can you do, right!? At this point, it’s a matter of how isolated you are and why you’re isolated. Does this matter? Yes, but it does not as well. “Why doesn’t it?” you inquire. Well, it really boils down to the utility of isolation or seclusion in general.
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
1. It’s Relaxing
For the most part, we can understand that a lot of people tend to find silly, stupid reasons to shun or pick on others for having their personal tastes. It’s also not such an alien idea that people always need their alone time as a part of their daily routine. Of course, this ‘habit’ can slowly exacerbate itself to the point of sickness, but why even bother considering that. (You need a break from the daily grind.) This is called downtime, and everyone needs it from time to time. We can only hold onto this workaholic energy for so long before we collapse into a mire of self-pity, nihilism, & exhaustion. At this point, you may also be thinking about having this alone time. Why? Well, it boils down to you desiring some freedom, and that’s entirely fine. You’re just going to have to get used to the fact that you’re going to want it way more often.
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
2. Others
Believe it or not, your isolation is often good for the other people who are typically around you … . And, as bad as it may sound, there’s reason why people tell you to take a break. (You may be the issue; however, this is not a guarantee.) It’s not to say that others do not care about you and your wellbeing, but it does often come down to others thinking it’s healthier for everyone involved. Be it from work or your familial activities, there’s room to give others some breathing room as well. Yes, it sounds like a chore, but it also gives you time to breathe away from those soulless pits of doom that familiarity can create. Thankfully, your perspective can change, and this mutual understanding that “alone time” can and will be beneficial is likely gong to make you and your relationship with others become more positive & enduring.
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
3. Bleeds Creativity
There are probably times where you get lonely, and it obviously depends on the degree of your personal isolation. Strangely enough, people tend to think that they’re isolated in public; it creates in them a profound sense of fear, anxiety, or depression. Although, it should also be “stated” about this — why and if you’re isolated to begin with. (You can be depressed, or you can be very highly motivated.) Some people end up in isolation in spite of what happens to or around them; however, there are other people who tend to become isolated once they’ve experienced it enough. And, in spite of this, some people tend to end up being more “creative” because of it. “Why is this?” you questionably inquire. Well, it comes down to mulling through the garbage. In fact, the more that you isolate, the more that creativity happens.
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
4. Sign of Intelligence
If we’re being at all honest with ourselves, then we should understand that becoming a so-called “hermit” is not all that bad. And, although it depends on the reason, it’s not to say that there are not benefits gained from it, at least overall. (There are obvious downsides as well, but that also mildly depends on the circumstances surrounding your isolation.) After all, the a**hole down the street will not know you any better; they may even like your self-imposed desertion from society. (Other people should not decide for you what you do and/or do not do.) Thankfully, it’s not entirely (too) contemplative to understand that isolation can mean that you’re smarter. Why? Well, reasons aside, your time alone gives you time to think. It also means that you dislike the misleading guile of ‘average’ individuals. It also gives you time to create!
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
5. Freedom
While you’re out and having a good time, there are a plethora of dissuaded individuals who tend to reject society and its decidedly ‘negative’ ethical “standards.” (To say that they are exceedingly abhorrent is quite the understatement, and it takes no modesty to claim and understand this as a factually sound truth.) Unfortunately, the dubious nature of existence tends to create a reality that a lot of people can and will not actually relate to … for the most part. It’s also an idea that people can look at and conflate with their personal set of “problems.” However, to put this “lightly,” we are not free, and we will never be free. It’s just a shame that the illusion is so damn palatable and convincing. But why not give it a try by choosing what we want and how we will get it! After all, it’s easier to set the rules without others around!?
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
6. It’s Healing
People tend to self-isolate when they feel as though they’ve been hurt, ‘stabbed’ in the back, or neglected by those around them. It’s also simply a matter of them keeping others away so that they don’t get “abused” again. Of course, you can take self-isolation a little too far, but it also never hurt anyone to have a little alone time that’s away from the grind. (Even if the pain is misperceived, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t felt.) Now, if you’re isolating to the point that you don’t get out of bed or ignore your hygienic responsibilities, then you’re probably taking it “too” far. Thankfully, you can reverse this mentality, at least a little bit, so that you can find reason to heal and preserve your health. Why not, right! In fact, you’re doing yourself a favor! At the same time, you’re likely going to have an easier time dealing with others …!?
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
7. There is Privacy
When push comes to the inevitable shove, you should probably think about keeping yourself safe. It gives you time to contemplate more without the outside influence of other parties or people. Although, this should also be an intentional source of secrecy … . (It’s why you, including your loved ones, are struggling with their privacy.) You can obviously do nothing, or you can choose to do something about it. So, why not, right! During the age of the internet though, it’s a struggle to maintain this privacy. (And this is where the lines of isolation are often blurred.) Your intentions matter; however, what you do about your “isolation” also makes a difference. Now, in spite of this, there’s nothing wrong with wanting that privacy! And, in spite of how you seek this privacy, having some isolation is a fantastic way towards obtaining it … .
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
8. Safety
To whom it may concern, you’re not alone in this “matter”; everyone seeks comfort to some degree. Even though you’re self-isolating, it doesn’t mean that your friends and family do not care. It’s also just a matter of you and your safety, too. Not only this, but you can find some solace in the fact that you’re not creating problems for others and/or yourself! (You can do this for yourself, so why not also do it for others as well, right!?) After all, when you are alone, you’re often safe & sound, meaning that you are also even-keeled. (This will occur so that you can keep others away.) Can this get carried away? Well, of course! It can always become a “problem,” but that’s where moderation comes in. And it’s not like anyone is recommending that you lose your mind! Of course, it’s always reasonable to “change it up” for yourself.
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
9. It Creates Appreciation
Without going into too much gritty detail, we all should understand that becoming a SOLITARY “hermit” isn’t all that bad. You get to refresh, avoid the circular reasoning of others, and keep yourself from physical and emotional harm. And, at least when it comes down to it, you’re probably doing it voluntarily. (Not everyone has the so-called privilege to call it voluntary, be it online or in person.) This works, because it also creates a lot more appreciation for the “outside” world. (This also happens in reverse, and it always helps to have an outside perspective, at least on occasion … !) Now, you can do this, even though it may be your only intention. However, you shouldn’t just do this or that for no good reason. You can do this, because it also means that we can also do other things to refresh your interactive perspective.
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
10. You’re Unique
Living in the dark, lethargic confines of a depressing cavern of loneliness can be overwhelming and COLD. (Not everyone has to so fanatically social; however, there’s no use in being alone and hiding.) However, why be concerned when you’re alone — you’re unique, friend! It’s not like you are stuck in solitary confinement with the cameras watching, right? It’s not like you’re being charged for a crime and sent to those front-row seats to the Truman Show either. (This obviously works because of your uniqueness, too.) This is good, as it also means that you have the ability to express yourself. (It’s also because the vast majority of people cannot stand being alone.) It can be taken too far, but you can also be yourself. Yes, it may be called laziness or lousiness, but who cares! Yeah! You’re able to be unique and cool all by yourself.
The 10 Reasons Why Isolation is Good for Us
As you can obviously see, there are a plethora of reasons why isolation is “good” for you. Even though it appears to be a challenge, there’s more to it. (To make it clear, isolation can be hard, but it works, though.) Furthermore, you’re likely to find something about yourself. (And it may be bad, even if it seems okay to begin with.) We do this because it actually works! Thankfully, we also do it because of it being good for us. After all, the old man would obviously say this, “The longer that you’re alone, the longer that you’re away from the common-fed associations of the wretched masses.” “Why so dour?” you inquire. Well, that’s just the way that it works! This is a list of how it works: it’s cathartic, gracious, and peaceful! Of course, it may be difficult to begin with; however, it works in the end. And there’s never time to give it up!
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