Everyone struggles with hard times (or hardship) and feelings of unappreciation. However, it’s never a very good feeling when you sense as though something is not working out and you’re not going anywhere; there’s always an obstructive roadblock. It doesn’t matter if you’re stuck within a one-sided, deadened marriage or a dead-end (makeshift) job, because you’re always going to find that problems arise from those pesky ashes. “Why is this?” you devastatingly ask. Well, it’s probably because you’re scared and/or simply afraid of the repercussions of leaving, and it’s likely to keep you in your place and/or complacent. And guess what, complacency is essentially your compliance to a person, place, or thing that does not properly suit you and your personality … appropriately. So, what can you do about this circumstance? Well, it’s not the point of this article; however, it’s not like I can not help with this “encumbering shituation”! And allow me to introduce to you the 10 remarkable reasons why you’re stuck.
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
1. You’re Unappreciated
Let’s just say that you’ve been stuck in a lousy, decrepit marriage for about twenty years but are looking to get out. (It seems as though everyone gets to this position at some point, right?) You’re also stuck at a crappy, dead-end job that doesn’t properly utilize you, and the workplace also displays very little appreciation for your hard work, skill, and unfettered effort. (Why not simply get out; it’s the only real way!) Of course, you can “simply” leave at any time; however, you simply can not because of your Stockholm syndrome and lack of motivation caused by your unwavering complacency that’s additionally caused by situational depression, anxiety, and comfort zoning. So, what does this all really mean? Well, it means that you’re not feeling up to par! It also means that you don’t see the point if no one in your current situation appreciates you. However, at this point, you might as well just stay where you’ve already understood the consequences … . This never seems like a good idea; although, it’s a very common ‘thing.’
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
2. You’re Comfortable Enough
When someone feels as though they’ve gotten used to a particular ‘situation,’ they may begin to feel more comfortable w/ much greater complacency. (They may also be scared enough or too unmotivated to leave their “place of comfort” for a plethora of unfortunate or dubious reasons.) Of course, this comfort zone is not always the best way for a person to react though, as they may begin to accept things that they shouldn’t in a relationship or workplace environment. And I’m sure that we’ve all heard of the metaphor about the slowly boiling frog, right? “If you slowly raise the temperature in the pot, then the frog will never know that it’s boiling.” It sounds harsh and crude, but it’s the way that reality works for many people. However, the end result is someone who becomes a disappointment to themselves and other people. (You can become depressed, etcetera.) There’s always a chance that people will understand, but it shouldn’t necessarily be expected. Unfortunately, this also depends on a person’s “other behaviors,” too!!!
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
3. You’re Depressed (and Anxious)
People can become depressed or anxious because of a situation, and they can then create other situations where they become more depressed & anxious. (People live their lives through self-fulfilling prophecies every single day.) You see, it’s a cycle, and this cycle can become increasingly more burdensome to deescalate and deal with. Unfortunately, when this happens, there’s very little that you feel like you can do to fix the problem, so you then decide to acquiesce to the circumstance. At this point, you’re stuck — for the most part — in a battle of motivations! “Why not just see if I can make things work!” you’ll likely say. However, it simply becomes a crapshoot that ends with you making excuses for your emotional lethargy and hopelessness. (It appears as though there is no other way out.) Thankfully, if you have some self-awareness, you can boot this problem to the wayside without much issue. It will take some time, effort, and a lot of patience, but there’s nothing stopping you but yourself … for the most part.
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
4. You’re Abused
There’s a somewhat common psychological phenomena called Stockholm syndrome that allows those struggling with abuse to deal with their captors without smite (or spite). (Not every abusive relationship is one-sided or considered a ‘syndrome.’) It also means that they have learned to relate to their interpersonal suspects without personal demise. With time, it makes the victim garner feelings for their “special” abuser, and they may even begin to feel responsible for the negativity of the situation. These feelings of guilt are obviously perpetuated by the abuser, but the abuser may have no clue as to what they’re doing. Regardless of this, you should just look at it as a form of extreme gaslighting; however, this is not relegated to just criminals and kidnappers. Of course, people’s reactions differ, and not everyone will react similarly to the abuse that they’re a victim to. (It’s not always easy to see the abuse, but abuse is not as subtle as others can make it out to be — people often exaggerate and pin anyone as an ABUSIVE POS!)
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
5. You’re Lazy
There are A LOT of people out there who would rather sit down and not do anything at all, right? (Just about every single person is lazy and/or lethargic to some degree.) This often goes beyond your awareness too, as you will make excuses without realizing what the real problem actually is. Of course, with time, you may begin to see yourself faulter as you’ve given up on your habits that once made you excitable and interested. Now, you’re probably struggling with the side effects of mundanity and the aftereffects of daily tedium. (Some people have always been lazy or sedentary; they never learned to do any better than this.) Maybe you gained weight, and maybe you learned to give up before you even started. With this ending, you end up feeding into the cycle by letting loose too much and then doing it all over again because of your moods. “What is this?” you politely ask. Well, it’s you dealing with lethargy, and this can be caused by mood symptoms! They’re not one and the same, but they’re certainly relevant!
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
6. You’re an Asshole
Depending on how you’re stuck in your life, you may find that your attitude/behaviors towards others is the real culprit. Now, are you always to blame? Not really! However, this is what some people may think, and they may not be there to help and fix it. And to explain this, you need to understand how being rude or arrogant around others can stifle your personal welfare, self-esteem, and reputation. (Everyone is unlikeable to some degree, but you may pay more of a price than others for being a bigger asshole.) Of course, you can be an asshole to someone who is an actual A**HOLE; however, you can also learn to be a better person no matter what. Hell, there may even be a time when you realize that you’re to blame for just about everything that’s happened to you. Furthermore, you may also learn to be hard on yourself so much that you begin to think this and become an actual jerkoff. “What’s the solution to this?” you precariously ask. Well, the solution is to not be an asshole in whatever way that you are — self-awareness!!
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
7. You’re Sensitive
When people struggle with feeling stuck, there are often a litany of different reasons (or causes). Of course, you can not be both lazy and depressed, but one can certainly lead to symptoms of another. This, in turn, means that you can actually have both if you’re willing to accept that they can co-exist. Now, maybe you’re just sensitive, and you may simply need time away from the people who are not expertly helping you. If this is the case, then maybe you’ve pushed others away because of your mental instabilities. It’s not like you always need other people around to make you feel “whole” or successful; however, it can make a solid difference if you’re more socially based. After all, it’s mostly a matter of mindset, but we can also be honest and say that others are often relevant to your interpersonal success. (Other people may or may not make a difference depending on your exposure to others.) This may come off as you being “difficult,” but it’s not necessarily a problem to find other people or things to be a nuisance.
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
8. You are Extremely Competent
The niceties of the average person are not always going to make you feel better; however, they can elevate you to feel better in the moment. (Some people function and thrive off of the validation from others, so your mileage [and perspective] may vary to some degree.) And, at least for a minute period of time, you’ll even begin to think that people want to believe in you for whatever reason. If you’re displaying a competence at a subject, then maybe the other person understands! This obviously sounds good, and you’re now the center of attention. Yes, your ego is creatively stroked, and others will likely see the cause and/or creation of your skill and talent. Although, others might also become jealous and choose to ostracize you from their inbred organizations or communities. What does this mean? Well, it means that people will like or dislike you for whatever reason no matter what. And if you’re stuck and believe that others are the source of your inspiration, then you might find that you are going to struggle!
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
9. Overthinking
To whom it may concern, when you overthink, you overanalyze yourself into analysis paralysis! Not only will you be at a disadvantage, but you will begin to believe that it’s your fault! At this point, it likely ‘seems’ as though there’s nothing that (you feel like) you can do about it, and it’s very much your responsibility to “fix it,” right? I mean, who else is to blame for this, and why shouldn’t you take up the mantle when others are not helping you out! This is a good way to put it: You are your own worst enemy even when others are to blame for your predicaments. And, like art, it’s (overthinking) a highly subjective shade of gray that people tend to use to their advantage. (When you have too many choices, a similar situation/phenomena occurs.) However, its problem lies with your use of it though, and why you should do something about it. Aren’t you worth it? And if not, then why not, right? If this is true, then this is more of a mental struggle, and it never seems to end! Unfortunately, it will not if you do not think your way out.
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
10. You’re Creatively Bankrupt (Writer’s Block)
The more that you think something, the less likely that you will feel something new, interesting, or positive when having a certain thought. (Monotony can breed contemptuous feelings; however, there’s always a fresh feeling or perspective to help alleviate these concerns.) For example, you can think of something in the same way but have a new perspective if you avoid it enough. Sometimes, you may even see a fresh perspective if you’re not distracted with daily minutia. (Writers have a phenomena called writer’s block [a mental block] that keeps them from being able to write and think of creative musings or ‘stories.’) We can also understand that your anecdotal experience is often a good argument against certain things, including your rationalizations for loneliness, perceptions, etcetera. And this is good, even though it may not always be to your immediate benefit. Even though it may not seem good, it’s a hard reset. Of course, it seems bad; though, you can create an effect with this: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The 10 Remarkable Reasons Why You’re Stuck
In the end, the most realistic way to look at your situation is to realize your flaws and look for (or seek) a fresh restart. Of course, others will get in the way, but we know that others are likely to become a problem down the line, too. (We shouldn’t always blame ourselves, but we should always find a way to take action in response to our misfortune. This is no alien concept, and it can always be fixed with a moderate amount of self-awareness. After all, you can only do so much, and modesty can take you a long way when it comes to dealing with yourself and other people. Furthermore, the “wise man” once said, “You should do to others as others should do to you.” And it simply means to have reasonable expectations so that they do not get the best of you. To put it lightly, some people are simply unwilling to change, and this can affect both you and them. Despite this, our struggles can be different, and it ultimately starts or turns into a mental struggle in spite of our best efforts. Now, just go and get unstuck!

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