Most people are typically irrational in the day to day lives — it’s everyone’s right, correct? (It’s always best to be as rational as possible, even though most people are irrational.) Mind you, it’s not necessarily their fault; however, their emotions often get in the way. (Just about every single emotion is irrational to some degree … .) Of course, we can also make irrational decisions by simply being a little too ignorant on a subject. And, as you know, being at all ignorant often displays signs of irreverent behavior; it’s arbitrary. However, if we’re going to fix this, then we need to look at the 10 remarkable ways to be rational, mostly.
As mentioned, irrationality is common, but we can still become more rational. (Ignorance is irrationality [and can breed it], but you can still be rational in spite of your lack of knowledge.) Although, to put it “lightly,” ignorance breeds irrationality, but someone can still be acting somewhat properly according to their knowledge. If we’re going to be honest, then we should also say that smart being can be irrational, too. In fact, we’re all irrational, and it’s despite our “intelligence.” (The most intelligent people can also be the dumbest buffoons … .) After all, we’re all struggling with our emotions, but there’s always a fix to it all.
The things the use to thwart evil are exactly what can be used to create another problem when disagreements are vehemently met.
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
1. Have Empathy
As long as your emotions are in line with the truth, then you can be more rational! However, having emotions makes us inherently less rational to begin with. (Emotions give us meaning through their flaws and machinations.) Does this mean that we should simply ignore our emotions? Of course not! After all, they’re the thing that guide us the most anyway, and ignoring them would decidedly destroy the meaning of our existence. Now, despite this, we should always guide our emotions to the right destination; it’s irresponsible not to. And having self-awareness and empathy can help with this! Additionally, some people have less emotion than others, but this doesn’t mean that they do not feel. The same thing can be said for animals or any other kind of valuable, including wealth and friendship. Furthermore, if we simply try to have more empathy, the more that we do not require rationality. In fact, empathy is what partly what rationality is, and it happens through emotional intelligence and experience.
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
2. Care About the Truth
The more that you care about the actual truth, the more that you will likely fall in line with the “so-called” truth/facts. (Being agreeable with the truth is probably the most important aspect of internalizing the truth.) After all, the truth is what we should be using our “rational” brain for to begin with. And even though we’re irrational doesn’t mean that we should excuse every single behavior that we have. (It’s obviously MUCH easier said than done!) What we should do is understand it, explain it, and try to improve upon it. “Why is this so challenging for so many people?” you ask. Well, it’s mostly because the vast majority of people can only carry so much information. Of course, their upbringing and brain capacities also make a substantial difference. It’s not just about your raw brain power though, as you can always find a time and place to care about the truth. Fortunately, it’s not like we can not compartmentalize our philosophies from our necessities. In fact, this little process is rather easy & simple!
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
3. Seek Knowledge
When you seek information, you are likely to learn something, right? And, at least for the most part, this can help you with empathy and rationality. (Some things are both a sign and byproduct of rationality; they’re synonymous with each other.) There’s a lot to learn out there, but not all of this information is correct. You need to understand where to look and what you should be guided by. And not only will you learn more, but you will likely find solace in your newfound knowledge. Thankfully and unfortunately, you can “learn a new perspective” but also understand that it’s wrong. This is where the information superhighway comes into play, and it’s also about knowing where to look. You see, it’s highly relevant where you choose to look when it comes to “information.” Some of the most cited writers and research papers can have incorrect information, so it’s really about having a logical foundation to your critical thinking skills to begin with. However, learning just about anything can make create a “solid foundation.”
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
4. Listen to Others
We are often the arbiter of our own self-destruction; however, the help of a good “mentor” can come in real handy here. And, with this understanding, it’s probably good to add that an outside perspective always makes a difference. (There are plenty of people who need help that never get it, but the difference is usually very informative.) Not everyone has a good role model, and not everyone is going to find someone who will make their life easier to swallow. Some people do have this, but it’s also on us to seek it out if it’s not happening naturally for us. Of course, some of us want to have all the answers to ourselves, and we may even despise other people for how they’ve abused or neglected us. However, on an intellectual level, we can understand that, in spite of our justified (rational) or irrational hatred for the human race, people can have some utility. Even if this asset is simply understanding how the average person is full of sh*t, there’s likely something that you can either directly or indirectly from them, MOSTLY.
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
5. Lose the Misinformation
Unfortunately, our world is full of misinformation, and it’s likely to fool at least some people. (The fact that most people are brainwashed to believe all sorts of things is the biggest issue.) If everything else fails, then you can always find something else to defend: your dignity, pride, and/or ego. Now, if you’re feeling lousy about a situation, then it might be time to reevaluate how you feel and why you feel a certain, specific way. And if something seems incorrect, then it may be responsible to question the functionality of a particular presupposition. (Self-awareness and critical thinking are required; however, you want to keep yourself from becoming insane from the second-guessing, paranoia, etcetera.) With this in mind, you’re likely to question everything about your thoughts and actions; it’s INEVITABLE! Of course, this ‘information’ that you come across is very important to consider; it may be the right answer. And, at least with some proper research and the right mindset, you’ll find the answer that makes the best logical sense.
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
6. Become Responsible
Self-sufficiency is key to long-lasting health and a creative mindset! (The same thing can be said for becoming less brainwashed and misinformation; it’s not difficult to be confident in the truth.) Regardless, not everything or everyone is wrong, and it’s usually a matter of having more of the ‘correct answer,’ right? Of course, you mental health is also very important, and keeping yourself “in the game” will likely give you some experience. Just be wary of the fact that you should always learn to do most things yourself and for yourself. (We can only be selfless for so long, and it’s likely to catch up to us if we’re not choosing the right ways to deal with it.) And if it requires help, then it shouldn’t be a burden to get up and ask for it. In fact, the more that you become responsible, the more that you will have to face the reality of your circumstances. It’s simply a matter of not allowing these situations to make you volatile enough to push them all away in an irrational manner. Thankfully, this is a part of OUR responsibility, too!
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
7. Be Honest With Yourself
Much of this advice is obviously a lot easier said than done, and it even seems like it contradicts itself … a lot. (Life to many would have no purpose without their emotions; this can be understood or simply experienced, i.e., depression or other mental disorders.) And, just like everyone else, you’re likely to react in plenty of selfish or irrational way at some point during your day. (It’s a mindset, but it’s also about having the right answers for the right reasons.) Now, the “best” thing that you can do is at least attempt to abide by the truth or know things enough to vote for, understand, and/or propose the right answers or questions. After all, it’s mostly a matter of perspective when we’re discussing the ‘how’s and when’s’ of society and it’s dubious or nefarious ways and habits. Of course, to many people out there, it would appear to be too much to ask — everyone has high standards for themselves and low standards for the truth and others! It will obviously take some work, but being honest with yourself doesn’t take much time.
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
8. Proactivity
Much can be said for staying in isolation from the fickle world and its fads, memes, and trivial nonsense; however, the “irrefutable” nature of the zeitgeist comes from its marketability and position as the unequivocal status quo. (The world is a certain way, but it doesn’t mean that it can not or should not be changed.) Of course, it shouldn’t be ignored, and it’s not necessarily too thoughtful to not make a decision without some degree of careful contemplation. It’s often a measure of your resolve — to think before you act — when you understand that making a difference requires thought and action. And, thankfully, there’s room to change, but it also means that you should change it, too. This can change the world; however, the world can also change you. Unfortunately, the universe around you is always the one in charge, down to your thoughts and actions. Although it seems rather pessimistic, all it truly means is that you should choose proactivity with the right guidance — it’ll make you more privy to better reaction.
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
9. The Depths of Isolation
To whom it may concern, if you’ve got less chatter going on in your brain (or mind), then you’re more likely to make mistakes. (It’s also about not believing silly lies and misconceptions.) It’s obviously not much about becoming a hermit or going on some sort of sabbatical, but it is about knowing about who you associate with. How often you go out is not out of the question either, as it’s just as important as the people you make your friends or associates. Of course, you don’t have to know everything about “everything,” but it’s nice to have the efficiency to know better. Even if it hurts, there’s much room to believe that limiting your access to the average state of mind is not always what you should be considering or maintaining if you want the best answer. Unfortunately, this all obviously depends on the person and their willingness to let go to begin with. Although, the worst thing that you can do is fall into the pitfalls of isolation too much! “Why is this?” you ask. Well, it’s because you can lose yourself in the … .
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
10. Be Smarter
If you’ve usually gotten the right answers, then knowing what to do is not always that much of a burdensome problem. However, it’s also your motivations that make a difference in why you should have any power or will to begin with. After all, moderation is more than often the key to a lot of people’s problems, including their negative habits, niceties, etcetera. For example, you can choose not to have children, as your life choices will become easier and be without quite as much risk. And, to put this lightly, our choices matter, but your daily stressors are always to be considered when dealing with other people. (It obviously takes “having the intelligence” or insight to help make this [obvious] decision for you.) If you can not deal with it, then you probably shouldn’t have others deal with such hardships (e.g., life, manipulation, and suffering). In turn, you can see this action and then choose to react differently. This can include many things: having kids, buying a house, and leaving a relationship. But it does require SMARTS!
10 Remarkable Ways to Be Rational
As you can see, there are a plethora of ways to be or become rational; however, it requires a lot of effort if you’re not already there. Now, it’s essentially a policy that requires an understanding of logical foundations, and it’s truth can not be contained with simple or redefined ignorance. The facts demand to be understood without stupidity or obstruction, but it doesn’t mean that it’s pleasant or the facts should be respected in any other way but their actual existence. (The facts are typically against you.) We can always be dishonest with our personal lives, but the foundation of truth shouldn’t be horribly disrespected. Unfortunately, the more that we lie to ourselves, the more likely that we’ll run into problems later on, especially if we’re not too careful. And, unfortunately, the problem that most people have is actually seeing outside of their subjective blankets that keep them warm at night. THIS is the problem, and it’s the very thing that stops smart people from being smart and stupid people stuck in their PLACE!!!!
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