The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
There is plenty to prove through making claims and dispelling them through common sense. Instead of getting lost in words and vague concepts, we can understand the simplicity of reality without complicating it. Although you have a hard time coming to conclusions, it does not mean that everything is subjective. If everything came down to opinion, then we would not even be here sharing our opinions. While it is not like everyone has a hard time coming to these conclusions, people struggle with keeping consistency. If it comes to physics or philosophy, their will be a gap in the acceptance or knowledge that keeps them from staying rational. If it is all subjective, then it proves little except for stupidity. (The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts)
The words we use are here to help describe the reality, but they end up hurting us more than anything. Even if someone understands the basics, the long road to get there from the words is the problem. The same thing can be said for science, as humans have a longing for knowledge, but this only gets carried away. The fact remains the same that there are no tooth fairies, hobgoblins, or gargoyles out there waiting to terrify us. In the end, we are stuck with what we are given in spite of our desires. These are the 10 scientific facts that are fake, even if you do not accept it. What we think barely makes a difference in reality, but it can be the change that happens in it. Furthermore, this list is more about making the whackiest of scientific theories even less real.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
1. Relativity
Everyone and their mothers seems to have heard of this theory, and most of these same people know where it came from. Einstein was the one who proposed this idea, and everyone seemed to have accepted it. Although Einstein was not entirely confident in his own theories, it did not stop others from perverting them. This led to all sorts of people creating a plethora of theories related to time and space. The world of science almost became a religion, if it were not the facts of life stopping them from doing it. Some people even think that there is a thing called time dilation, but this is not a real thing either. If we want to take things seriously, then we can look at atomic clocks, but even they are flawed and misconstrued. The truth remains that these clocks and other things prove dilation as a logically deduced fallacy.
Losing track of time and how we perceive time is different than time changing it’s speed. There is no such thing, even if things seem faster when you wake up; this is a product of the perception of time. The same thing can be applied to the fictional function of what a blackhole is claimed to be. Even if we were stuck in Jell-O, nothing would change time, but this time-changing space does not exist. All time is the same, but other more explainable factors get forgotten, distorted, or reconsidered to make another theory work. Even if we cannot get exact measurements of a unit of time through distance, we can understand that things are simply moving through empty space. These things become affected, but we are too busy stuck in the possibilities of a winding clock.
Atomic clocks are the closest thing we have, and even they are arguing with a stupid theory that contradicts them. While people may argue with me about it while mentioning their favorite scientist, all it takes is a little bit of common sense to know better. Even if this argument is basic, you cannot find anyone capable of a better one, even the scientists. Speaking in mathematics barely proves the point either, as mathematics is only a biproduct of the model-based descriptions, which can be incorrect. While it may have take a genius to figure it out, it takes little work to know this to begin with. There is no location that is going to make you experience the same amount of time faster and independent of some other location. This is all in your head, and there is no fact here that can change that.
While some of this theory may come independent of the confusion it can have from other things, it is still false. Getting lost in silly theories through mathematics as though it proves the point only goes to show the arrogance of scientists. They think they know better, but they do this without understanding what they are learning to begin with. This ultimately leads to the conclusion that there is no good reason to believe any of this. Even if silly movies like Interstellar like to claim to use real scientists, the science is ultimately fake. The movie is fun science-fiction, but it ultimately serves the truth very poorly. Even if it would seem romantic to visit your kin when they are older than you, it cannot be reasonably done through ice.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
2. Quantum Anything
Practical science is different than theoretical science in the same way that engineering is different than physics. We will have someone take what they have learned and apply it to the real world if they are an engineer. If you are a theoretical scientist, you may take what someone has figured out in the real world by applying it to your theories. Unfortunately, too many scientists think that you need to explain more to disprove their fantasies. What they seem to be missing are the facts and evidence that exist regardless of their theories. This is most of what science entails, but the scientists in charge have lost control. Although not everyone believes this, including the scientists, far too many people continue to fall for it. In fact, it’s no different than believing in time dilation because of personal perception changes.
Subjects like engineering do take basic aspects of theoretical science, but most of it comes down to the confined, proven mathematics that came first. An inventor will even learn the tricks of a trade through education and trial and error until he gets it right by mistake. A theorist will propose all sorts of hypotheticals to describe something that they think best describes the reality. Of course, there are some happy mistakes that end with someone perceiving a way that they did something, but this is all you will get. We are all confined by and made up of space, and where are relative to a distance is still relevant. In fact, the more we separate space “relativity” with distance, the more things can make sense.
Quantum physics (mechanics) of any sort involves going smaller than the actual atom (subatomic particles like quarks). They even try to explain things smaller than protons and electrons. It’s not to say that every part is fictitious or spuriously claimed, but most of it is wrong and lacking foundation. The wishful thinking is real, but it’s no more real than the conceptualizations of quantum computing. Movies even like to falsify science for the sake of science-fiction, claiming that a scientist helped them. Trying to break things down even further is only humans taking liberties with the science, being aware of it or not. Anyone breaking things down into smaller units is only going to find reasons to continue to do the same thing; the real world is the small world that make the components of the bigger world.
Making measurements is a little different, as this is breaking reality down by distance. You can continue to do this, but reality does not become bigger as we get smaller, and that space is still that space. We cannot get any smaller, and even if we did, there would be a smallest. This infinite regression is seen as a foregone conclusion, but yet, they attempt to find out more. The same scrutiny given to a nice should not be applied to something too small to see. What we experience in the universe is not too hard to understand, but the descriptions of learning allude us. Afterall, the easiest way to describe our reality becomes the best use of the scientific method; however, we’d rather continue to create and get lost in more useless information.
There is nothing we can do to change the reality we are in and the laws that it works by. This is what science should be working to change, but the surprise waiting for them is already expected. The problem begins when the ignorant end up showing their ignorance. This ends up meaning that the universe is literally full of endless opportunities, even though it does not work this way. It even happens in movies in the same way, where a religious person ends up being the rational one. While we can find different ways to manipulate things as time moves forward, the small details matter little. We can understand how it all works, but getting lost in the circus is the last thing we need. Although there are numerous, better ways to describe the world, some things are flat-out untrue.
While people claim that scientists are simply trying to understand and explain the universe, they are often not doing it right. They are doing it wrong for the wrong reasons, but why should anyone ever question a physicist. Most scientists are simple guys telling you that you are explaining your ignorance. You will say something reasonable, and they will either throw it away or take it as their own. The fake ones in a video game seem to have it figured out, but they were created with windless theories in mind. You can always apply them cluelessly and without merit, but where does this lead but nowhere.
At some point, it will almost seem like they are screwing around, but they are not. Just looking at yourself make pathetic excuses over simple things should give it away; however, reality is too big to fail. If you tell your friends this “nonsense”, there may be some laughter involved. They may even ask you where your degree is, but you really do not need one. The universe is made of only pushes, but we keep pulling in the wrong direction. In the end, the quantum computer program is all you will need for the world to make sense. Just be sure to not take it seriously in the wrong ways.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
3. Astrology
While astrology is still considered a pseudoscience, enough people seem to take it seriously enough for it to warrant a place on this list. There is nothing wrong with looking at the basics of how things actually work and fixing them. This ends when people begin to think that thinks like the zodiac, horoscopes, and astrology are real. Although they may be “real,” they really aren’t and are real stupid. It really just boils down to something being true or not, but the facts happen to contradict this sophomoric philosophy. In fact, the contrived and obtuse nature of existence is only made worse because of it’s metaphorical pixel structure. We are then victims to it just like we are victims to stupid ideas. There’s often little we can do, and something as stupid as astrology is not going to change that.
The same thing can be applied to horoscopes and tarot card readings, as they follow the same illogic as fortune tellers. While it can be practically seen as people having good forethought, it is sold as anything but a gimmick. The mind tricks can be interesting at a magic show, but the specific nature of the con makes it worth scrutinizing. At least most people at this point claim that it is just a matter of making them feel better. If falling for the self-fulfilling prophecy makes you feel better, then go to town with it. Just be sure to understand that people struggle with what real means, too. In the end, people talking about this “science” are purely looking to judge people easier. The problem only becomes worse when they think that they are figuring something out with their wishful thinking.
The problem is that far too many people struggle with exceptional issues of cognitive dissonance to stop hypnotizers and confirmation bias from overcoming them. There is no doubt that we are all effecting everything, as it is an enclosed system. To say that the new-age science described by and applied to astrology is saying anything is silly and stupid. We are all little humans with our little human thoughts thinking much the same no matter our birth. If we really want to lend credence to everything, then why not do it without the oddly specific answers to vague problems. In reality, all this does is make our relevant issues an order of God and absolute stupidity. Although there’s nothing wrong with sucking on crystals, it’s better off done in the comfort of our own privacy.
To be born in winter can make a difference, but to make it a philosophy of its own based on stricter parameters is even dumber. It really makes no difference at all, and to think otherwise is entirely dumb. We can all find more relevant solutions to our problems; however, people like to think about Mercury being in retrograde or some other fallacious fact. In the end, there are endless ways to break these fallacies apart; however, there are also too many ways to have them make sense. At this point, you are practically saying nothing. This ultimately means that you think that these minor things affect everything. The end result is self-fulfilling prophesizing that almost seems like it’s pointing out the obvious truth. Unfortunately, the results are all to vague and specific.
Most of these things are either not happening or their effects are stretched across the cosmos. There is no mystery in knowing that just about everything effects everything else to some degree. The problem is that no one really believes it, but they sell it as the real deal. If this isn’t the case, then they need to stop being the guys who say that it is real when it simply makes them feel better. Unfortunately, it’s not like the scientists of the world are stopping them from making fictitious claims. In fact, when discussing this horrible pseudoscience, we have to understand how this can affect the judgement of people. They’re often believed but not believed, but this is a problem nonetheless. If you’re stupid enough to fall for life in such a way, you have problems.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
4. Time Travel
While this idea or reality of time travel is not a fact, this it is not the entirety of the point of this list. These science fiction theories are all fake, obviously so, and it is just a matter of too many people believing them to be true or possible. It really does mildly depend on the context; however, even some scientists give too much credence to claims such as time travel. While there is no such thing as time travel, it can certainly add more gravitas to a move script. It serves as an emotional turntable that somehow gives humans hope through the extreme extents of possibility. Although this seems harsh, just about everyone will fall for their follies. To them, it may be true, but just about every time-travelling film they see has a numerous plot holes, internally consistent or not.
Silly theories like time travel have existed in science-fiction for a long time though. There were even ideas floating around before Einstein described the concept of relativity. This exchange existed as it was turned into movies; however, not a single piece of fiction has done it properly because of it’s impossibility. There are no time machines, but it is not because we humans are not smart enough to figure it out yet. No one has visited us, but it is not because they were hidden or went to a different universe. We are still here, and there has yet to be a sign of anything for all of time. To some, this may seem moot if they are thinking of it improperly even more. Unfortunately, no matter the obtuse abstraction, we are always moving “forward” no matter what.
The idea describes that time and space are relative, and this depends when describing it from each point in space. This also leaves scientists like Bohr claiming quantum theory and it’s entanglement with dead cats used as examples. Although you can tie up a story with few plot holes, this does not make the concept any more real. There are real relationships that exist in reality, but people too often suffer from a bad case of being stuck in the subjective. This is not a product of deep thinking, because it is a product of thinking deep without scrutiny; scrutiny is the most important part. When we make endless conundrums through paradoxical phantasmagoria, it means very little. No matter the movie you watch, the facts of existence remain in a consistent container.
How much more proof do you need beyond me simply feeling a need to convince you. There’s always more to add, but this ultimately makes the point that I know to be true, even if it’s not good enough. For most people, nothing is good enough unless someone they are confident in claims it. Then again, it is on the person making the extemporaneous claim to back it up. Nothing will change, and no matter how you display it, there is a problem no matter what. If you want to get lost in a convoluted movie script for the sake of confusing you, then have fun. However, it does not mean that we cannot simulate time travel in real but exceedingly stupid ways. Unfortunately, the real deal is impossible, and the possibility of multiple time lines can only be acted out in a play of wishful thinking.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
5. Teleportation
There is no such thing as faster than light speed, but even the faster than light name is a misnomer. Force is the real limit we are working within, and force is what confines light to it’s maximum speed. Even if we were to find a way to it, it would likely make no practical difference. Everything moves this slowly because it does not happen instantaneously. It is even impractical to think about the universe as a thing that has a beginning and end, as we will never know with some kind of huge payoff. The year is even 2022, but who is to say that this is entirely arbitrary.
The problem comes down to the human or animal mind always wanting new answers. This is what we are all caught up in anyway, as it takes some knowledge and reflection to fully understand this stuff to begin with. Just because your favorite genius claims it to be true, does not mean that it is. You may not even be understanding what they are saying entirely. The unfortunate truth is that most people have no other option, but this only makes it more irritating. Most of us barely think about this, but too many people still believe that this to-be fact is waiting to happen. Regardless, things have got to move and cannot do anything instantaneously. We are part of a process, and no amount of mental gymnastics can change this. I would also hate to see how the so-called experiments for this would play out.
There is no such thing as teleportation, but the easy setup is that you can go from point A to B in an instant. No action on your part is necessary, as your atoms break down and then reappear as some sort of clone. There are no such things as wormholes or blackholes being interdimensional teleporters to other dimensions either. The technology does not exist and never will exist, even though the concept is simple enough. The science is not complicated, but this is because it is entirely impossible. Unfortunately, people get lost in arbitration and begin to think of possibilities through a lack of knowledge.
To put it simply and scientifically, it is impossible for your body to break apart and rematerialize. There is no other way for it to work, even though you can simply make an image appear on your television. This happens to be the case no matter what, even within a confined space with it’s so-called own rules. If it did not happen in an instant, you would fall apart and defeat the point. No matter how you break down the rules of teleportation, be it faster than light speed or atomized reintegration, you will never be satisfied. In fact, there are no ways ways to teleport from one spot to another, period.
A lot of people think that life is all about survival of the fittest, but it is even worse than that. Of course, scientists know more than the average person, they are falling into their own traps. If anything, they have to lay off of the weed as though everything they experience indicates something extensive about reality. This really only became an issue once the scientific revolution came around. The scientists were unsatisfied with the right answers of the ignorant ones and wanted to add more. At this point, it seems that science is a creativity contest with a million dollars on the line. It really does not take much thinking to understand this, but wishful thinking hinders this.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
6. Extraterrestrials
Almost every person out there believes that aliens exist, and if they do not, they quickly forget when another UFO siting is revealed. The product of the human mind involves wishful thinking, and it only serves as a placeholder for a religion. If we are strictly going off of possibilities, it is very unlikely that any kind of complex or intelligent life exists on other planets. Just because we are stuck on Earth does not mean that there is so much more elsewhere. If anything, we should assume otherwise until something proves to us that it exists. Unfortunately, this is likely never to happen.
Thinking from the bottom to the top is the best way to understand reality, as the small world is the only world. Explaining these things in ways that others can understand is the complicated part, but only if you make it so. Although there are plenty of other planets out there, it doe not mean that there is life because of us. It strictly boils down to humans wanting more and being too humancentric for their own good. If no one has shown signs of life yet, then can we presume their existence to be true.
Although you may have been convinced with Roswell, this was essentially boiled down as a television advertisement. We can all create our own fictions, but the story behind them is anything but fact. The neuron is the only form of life to exist and will ever exist. If there is ever another form of life, it would have to make a neuron again, which is highly unlikely. Even though we are here, it does not mean that this one example proves that many other examples are out there. In spite of this, people still believe; however, a delusion of grandeur means little to the facts. The script of what isn’t true is already set, and no amount of ignorance is going to change that.
To look at aliens as a possibility involves a religious mindset at worst and a wishful mindset at best. The natural progression for even the most religious of us is to believe in aliens next. Some people even claim that god created aliens, and every part of the universe is his doing. Even Carl Sagan would question his own beliefs without letting some of his gullible followers get to him. Even if it does not necessarily rule out the possibility, it certainly makes a very strong case for it.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
7. Light Waves
Over time, science has become more ridiculous, and the claim that light is a wave is more of the same. We are not in a universe made of gelatin, but this is what everyone wants to add to the mix. If someone is clever enough, they may even claim that light is a particle and a wave, but this is also untrue. This has not stopped physicists from making the reality more “complex,” because this is why they are hired to begin with. The scientific method is easy, but following it is hard when you are just making things up to begin with. In all, we are all stuck in the nature of the dark until we decide to turn the light on.
Light is simply particles (protons) that sustain themselves a certain way through force in describing the diffuse nature of light, gravity or not. There is no need for quarks or anything else, as even subjectivity cannot make this a real thing in our existence. It is a fairly simple process, but the wave of light theory makes even less sense and seems more unnecessary. The features of light can make it appear as a wave, but nothing about optic light actually displays “wave”; it displays rays or lines diverging. Although this seems like the plate that current science stands on, it really is not. Even if it were, scientists are here to make jobs, but many of them end up being artists wrapped in abstract thinking. Regardless of their methods, the reality they are theorizing does little to change, even if being wrong is bad.
Planets are just trapped force that confined rocks and created their own gravity over time. This ended up created larger rocks by trapping more and more sediment and force (gravity) over time. Space is just space that has no form of stickiness keeping it all together. The biology, chemistry, and physics is really basic when you boil it down. The smaller you go in size, the simpler things become, but the sheer number becomes the unexplainable. To add that light is a wave is like saying that light is trapped and is forced into a space to look a certain way. This occurs in particle form, but that about all you will get. If scientists decided to diverge and converge their thinking better, they would do a better job.
Sometimes, all you have to do is wash away the crap, and the simple answer can make sense. Things happen, and some things are seen as likely to happen the more we know. The issue here is with people and their inability to accept and understand the truly easy answer. If diffraction explains it enough, it is hard to not believe that scientists are full of it. Although, looking at the cause is never something worth looking into too much. While a movie can choose to make their story where a kook is right, the opposite happens in reality. The only problem here is that the kooks always think they are rational, no matter how crazy they are.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
8. Choice
While we can possible make a unicorn through science, the science did not exist this way to begin with. Humans have a tendency to create fantastical things that are not too far out into the imagination. Even then, not every jump we make in our mind is entirely possible. Talking about horses is not the big picture, but people may use it as an example. There is still no such thing as a unicorn, even if you could make one in a lab. Although it is real now, it does not take any real scientific validation away from this argument. In fact, we can lend credence to religion, but who wants to go down the rabbit hole. Even though almost every religious person intersects with science at this point, we need not entertain these impossible (untrue) notions.
The scientific method is what people fail to understand, and it involves testing your theories before claiming them as facts. If this is not enough proof for you, then you are looking for proof in the wrong ways in the wrong places. There is no such thing as a freewill, as the reality we are in is deterministic. However, these is a mistaken freewill we can all perceive if we are ignorant enough to feel it. There are no other alternatives, even if try to think of one. We still have choices, but this explanation is why words are so dry and lack substance. In the end, there is no such thing as choice, but we still make our decisions through considered conclusions. We do not matter, but our ability to feel does. However, the universe changes is irrelevant to us when our problems are so disconnected from atoms.
In reality, there is no real choice, but choice is still the choice we know it to be. It is still a process of thought and conceptual conclusion we make in going about our decisions. There is no true you to make a choice, as you are confined by cause and effect all the same. While we cannot truly make a decision, we can follow through with a choice. Most of us understand that determinism is real, but few of us take it seriously. We have a hard time truly understanding it, but it is the truth, nonetheless. While life may not be as it seems, people end up taking this the entirely wrong way. In fact, it almost makes it seem like we are talking about something else entirely.
The only way we can create new facts is through the fact that some things have not happened yet. Unfortunately, we can all figure out that some things are just not possible, and this is the driving point. The fact that it is all predetermined to happen already undermines the alternative. No matter what you do, we cannot for sure know the future, even we can describe it. Sometimes, looking at the reasons someone believes something is enough to dispel it entirely. No answer is good enough anyway, and it is often for the dumbest of reasons that people disagree.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
9. Transhumanism
Humans have always been thinking of ways to have some singularity. While this has not been proven to be true, we should already have let this idea go. Unfortunately, humans have no other goals ahead of them, except for the fact that cancer exists in the world. Without these problems to solve, the world would have very little to ultimately look forward to. The idea is so far off that, even if it were possible, it would take time to get there. In the end, when looking at facts, we have to understand that things happen a certain way; they should not be tainted by false expectations. However, logical boundaries still exist, and understanding the difference is highly important.
A lot of people are alight with their incremental improvements, but this is really not good enough. We are stuck in a hard place that already gives all of the easy answers away. While it takes the hardship of scientific breakthrough for some, others have had it figured out for ages. The problem in the past is that people could do little about it, but the futility is not necessarily so bad in the modern day. If we want breakthrough, we have to accept the cost of our freedom. Unless we worked hard on an impossible solution, we are stuck. Although, the alternative is that we choose to keep making small and almost unimportant changes to solve preexisting problems.
Even if we did reach an apex, there would ultimately be little to show for it within our natural confines. The point is that people want everything without having any concessions to make. Even something like virtual reality would do little to satisfy you. Unfortunately, it would not work the way you want it without a slew of caveats. The idea of transhumanism is to become cyborgs or having the mind meld with a computer. This would ultimately solve nothing, and science-fiction has it right in that it would only create more problems. Again, it does not take being a validated scientific theory to be on here, but people do believe this.
If we are looking at things realistically, solving problems is the way to go. Doing it poorly or not at all is certainly not the fulfilling answer others were waiting for though. There is no way to put your consciousness into a computer. Unless someone literally rips your brain out and puts into a chassis, you are doomed. You will not be turned into a computer program, as your sentience is a little too simplistic in design. Although the complexity of the brain through it’s reactionary methods is still somewhat complex.
The 10 Fakest Scientific Facts
10. Multiple Universes
It makes sense that some things make no sense, but this does not mean that the right people say it. We are all in this world together, and we have to deal with everyone else. This does not mean that we are not all individuals, and it also means that others will cause us harm. The smart should inform the stupid, but the smart people are too stupid to even try. The end result of evolution involves a game of cat and mouse that never ends until we decide to take the noose and tie it.
Thinking that complexity is inherent is ignorant and needless, as the only complexity comes in numbers. These numbers were there, but we found symbols to notarize their factual relationship. There is no reason to believe in multiple universes, but plenty of people claim it. As much as people want to evade this, we cannot truly think of something beyond the realm of reality. We cannot also believe everything we think to be true, as we can connect our thoughts to mean almost anything. There is only one universe, but we can certainly talk about how we break it down.
Common sense is the only real way to know that something is fake when it does not exist to begin with. Trying to look at all of the reasons or reason something happened is a waste of time, but we apply it practically. It does some good, but even if we understand that we cannot know them all, they are still there. There is going to be an end to humanity, even if it seems too far off to care about now. To waste time thinking of something that will never be proven true is another waste of time. And although we are here, there is always more to seek in terms of the truth.
There are no other dimensions, as the three dimensions are all that exist. There is only the X, Y, and Z axis to make right angles from each other. This is what defines a dimension, even though open space is open space. A bunch of jagged lines and portals does not indicate another dimension, as it still makes sense to us. At this point, a dimension truly has no real meaning beyond little evidence to prove misunderstood thinking. This list can go on and on, but these are the ones that seem most obvious to me. They cover everything that really matters, but people choose to fight it. It ultimately relies on people doing less self-involved psychedelic searching and bush smoking. If you get rid of all of that crap, then everything else will fall into place.
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